Room Full of Darkness

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The four walls surrounding me were beginning to close in. I was all alone in the darkness, sat on an uncomfortable oak chair. I'd already told the front desk that I was here to report a crime; immediately I'd been made to feel like the suspect. I was the victim. Surely I was, none of this is my fault; it can't be.

Someone in my position would need a boost of positivity, but all that circled me was a depressing shade of blue. Each wall was plain, dull; it was lacking any form of colour. I began to pick at my finger nails, afraid of what was to come. I already knew this was going to be a long process, and it was yet to begin. 

The door swung open behind me, swirls of sickness begun to rise up my throat.

"Hello Grace, my names Kate. I specialise in domestic violence cases, I am here to support you." She whispered, placing a plastic cup of water on the table.

My mouth suddenly turned dry, aching for the clear liquid. I grabbed the cup, gulping it down in a matter of seconds. I was already regretting agreeing to this, letting Liam bring me here was a big mistake. 

"Grace, I understand this is a tough situation for you. Take your time, I will wait until you are ready." She continued, smiling at me reassuringly.

I forced a smile back, already holding back the tears that were beginning to blur my eyesight. 

"I-I-I don't even know where to start." I stuttered, a single tear begun to slide down my cheek.

Kate smiled again, pressing record on the tape recorder on the table,  "Tell me where you met this boy, where did it all begin?"

I sighed, pinching the skin harshly on my thighs. The pain was thrilling, easing the emotional pain that was beginning to shred my insides. The start was the easy part, falling for Luke was a memory I remembered so sweetly. Life back then was bliss, and I missed those days; I missed that side of Luke.

"I met him at school through some friends, he was really sweet to me at the beginning. You know, dates, presents, flowers - he always made sure I was happy, that I knew I deserved the best." My lips tugged up into a smile, memories of our relationship flourishing clear in my mind.

"He bought me flowers for my birthday once, a huge bunch of beautiful red roses. I thought he was amazing, I mean as a girl you always dream about a boy buying you flowers and treating you like a princess. Luke done exactly that, he treated me like I was the only girl in the world." My smile quickly disappeared, memories of the aftermath of that birthday resurfacing.

 "What happened after he gave you the flowers?" Kate asked, beginning to write on the notepad in front of her.

"My friend's Hunter and Liam, they came round my house to give me my birthday presents. We all got along back then, but Luke got angry because they'd come despite nobody inviting them. My mum told them to come in for my birthday dinner, and after they left later on, Luke lost it." I recalled, my heart aching from the reminders of the ruins of my sixteenth birthday. 

Kate pursed her lips, the ringlets of her curly blonde hair falling across her face, "When you say lost it, what do you mean?" 

I sighed, letting out a deep breathe before I replied, "He told me that I was a slut, that I was flirting with Hunter and making myself look like a whore. I told him I was sorry, that I never intended to flirt with him because I loved him, and only him. But..."

My body froze, I tried to swallow the lump forming in my throat but it was no use. It was preventing me from talking, telling my story. All I wanted was this to be over, for everything to not be happening anymore. Luke to be finally locked away, so he could no longer hurt me.

"It's important you tell me all the details, because then we can paint a picture of what has been going on here. You are very brave for coming forward." Kate's soft voice filled the room, filling me with comfort.

I inhaled and exhaled once again, allowing the oxygen to digest through my body. I had to do this, I had to for me and every other woman out there.

"He hit me. He pushed me onto my bed, and he punched my calves and thighs over and over again until I was crying. I begged him to stop, but he wouldn't. He told me he was teaching me a lesson, that I deserved it because I was a slut." I finished, feeling relieved it was all out in the open.

Kate placed her hand on mine, each crease on her face anchored with worry. "I am so sorry you had to go through that Grace. You need to understand that none of it was your fault, we are here to help you and to get you through to the other side." 

"What happens now?" I breathed, hoping this was the end.

"We need more information, we will need to speak to any witnesses. Has anyone ever been around when he has physically hurt you? Because that could strengthen your case in court." Kate spoke, writing more information down on her pad.

"Court?" My eyes widened, "This case will go to court?" 

"In most cases, yes. It's very unlikely that an abuser will ever plead guilty, they like to believe that they are not in the wrong." Kate informed me, placing pamphlets on the table about domestic violence cases.

"Erm, one friend who I do not speak to anymore witnessed him squeezing my hand once to the point it sprained. I know it's probably not any use-"

"Any information is key in this case. The more evidence we can build up against him, the more likely that the judge will charge him for what he has done to you." Kate interuptted, once again filling me with courage that I was doing the right thing.

"Correct me if I am wrong, but did he cause the bruise that is on your face?" She continued, staring at the purple circle that covered my right eye.

"Yes, he done it yesterday. I was on the way to meet my friend Leo, and he had been waiting outside my house for me to leave. He punched me because I refused to speak to him." I began to cry, wondering where the hell my life had gone wrong.

I used to be a care free teenager, full of life and dreams. Now that side of me was all gone, I was petrified of what could lay around the corner waiting for me.

"Has he ever sexually abused you?" Kate whispered, "I am sorry to ask, but we need to get all the information we can." 

My eyes trailed down to my lap, losing my virginity to Luke was something I had not regretted. It was a decision we made in the heat of the moment, it was never planned to happen but it did. I was young, and hopelessly in love; it all seemed right. The first time was one of many, but I'd be lying if I said I always wanted it when we had done it.

I gulped, "We had sex a lot, we were in a relationship so it's normal." 

"Having sex in a relationship is normal, if you give consent to do so. If at any point you did not want to continue, or you did not want it to happen in the first place then it is rape." Kate's eyebrows creased together, her words sunk deep into my mind. 

"There were times I did not want too, but I had too because that was my way of making it up to him when I had done wrong. I loved him, and I wanted to make things right.. I had too." I choked, remembering the times Luke's lips had brushed mine and all I had felt was pure disgust.

Sometimes I loved being close to him, but others; I despised it. His skin connecting with mine, the two of us becoming one; it made me feel physically sick. He never understood, he never saw the pain in my eyes. Despite me hating it, he always continued. I had to deal with it, because it was my way of making things right between us when I had done wrong. 

"Can you tell me the name of the person who done this to you, Grace?" Kate whispered, holding my hand in hers. 

I knew the moment I told her, everything would inevitably change. Life as I knew it, would be over. My parents would never approve of me coming here, going to the police and making a statement against Luke. I dreaded to think what Luke's parents reaction would be to their prodigy son being arrested for assault. 

The one thing that scared me the most was Luke; once he knew I had reported him, it was game over. He'd stop at nothing to hurt me, he'd be gagging to make me pay for ruining his perfect life. Luke had plans, big plans to create a brilliant future for himself; a criminal record would put at end to all his dreams.

But why should I care? He ruined my life, so it's about damn time I ruined his.

"Luke. His name is Luke Taylor." I spat, his name escaping between my dry lips with pure hatred.


 - How do you feel about Grace going to the police and reporting Luke?
 - Do you think Luke will be punished for the crimes he has committed?

If you are going through anything similar to Grace, please speak to someone. Reporting the person who is hurting you to the police is a step only you know if you are happy to take, not everybody feels happy reporting the abuser to the police. Getting them out of your life is the first step, and you can get away from them by seeking help from a close friend, family member, teacher or work colleague. Just speak to someone you can trust. Do you not go through this alone, you can escape.

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