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• stub·born [ˈstəbərn] - having or showing dogged determination not to change one's attitude or position on something •

Jimin was hiding away in the residents' lounge and was beginning to get his things together. He took off his scrubs and threw on his regular clothes. His black hoodie settled at his thighs and the arms dropped way past his hands, creating sweater paws for him to smack people with if he needed to.

He grabbed his bag and went towards the door, hoping to sneak out before Jeongguk or Taehyung could find him.

However, his hopes were crushed when as soon as he walked out the door he was faced with a smirking Jeongguk. He immediately goes back into the lounge, shutting and locking the door.

"You can't hide forever, Jiminie," Jeongguk calls out from the other side of the door. Jimin turns his back towards the door, sliding down it until his butt met the ground. He just sat there waiting for Jeongguk to leave.

Once he assumed the coast was clear, as he had heard no sounds for quite some time, he opened the door slowly. He made it the first few steps before Jeongguk popped up next to him, scaring the living daylights out of him.

"Come on, Jiminie. It wasn't that big of a deal." Jimin furrows his eyebrows and looks at Jeongguk before walking forward, attempting to leave him behind.

"Stop following me. I was friends with Taehyung and now everything will be awkward." Jimin crosses his arms and keeps his steady pace, heading for the hospital doors.

Jeongguk speeds up, trying to stay next to him no matter how fast he goes. "Listen, he'll get over it. I just want to be around you and give you attention. What's so bad about that?"

"The fact that you're my patient and we're in my workplace! We can't have this kind of relationship. I'm your doctor," Jimin huffs out.

"Is it because you don't know anything about me besides my medical information? Is that it? I can tell you all about me if you want. When I was 8 I ran over my brother with my bike and he had a broken arm. When I was 10 I got a dog and named her Lucy, she was a golden retriever. When I was 13 both of my parents—"

Jimin places his hand over Jeongguk's mouth, stopping him from spewing any more information. He stopped and looked at Jeongguk.

"Listen, of course I want to learn more about you. But not right here. If you want anything to happen between us we need to take it slow. I-I just need to take things slow." Jimin looks down towards the ground, playing with his fingers nervously. A confused look passes through Jeongguk's eyes but he nods without hesitation and puts his hand gently on Jimin's shoulder.

"Okay. I understand. We'll get to know each other more, and we'll take our time with it. I don't want to mess this up, kitty." Jimin flushes pink and playfully slaps Jeongguk with his sweater paw.

Jimin continues walking forward towards the hospital doors, excited to go home. He looks at Jeongguk who was still trailing beside him.

"Why are you still following me?"

"There's only one way to the parking lot," Jeongguk replies cheekily. Jimin nods.

They reach the doors together and walk outside, the cool breeze hitting Jimin's slightly heated cheeks. Jimin begins walking towards the sidewalk.

Jeongguk calls out, "Hey! Where's your car?" Jimin turns around to look at him.

"I'm walking. I live a few blocks down." He starts to walk again but is stopped by Jeongguk's echoing voice.

"No way. I'm not letting you walk home. Come on, I'll give you a ride." Jeongguk walks over to Jimin, grabbing his arm and tugging lightly at it to get Jimin to follow him.

Jimin's eyes become as wide as dinner plates when he sees the motorcycle standing in the parking spot.

"First of all, who got you a new bike? It's not safe to be riding one, you almost died before! And second, there's no way I'm getting on that." Jimin pulls away from Jeongguk's grasp, heading for the sidewalk again.

"I had a second one. Don't tell Hoseok! He'll get mad at me. And come back!" Jeongguk whines.

"I'm mad at you. How can you feel safe riding one again? And no. I'm walking home!" Jimin saunters down the sidewalk, ignoring the starting of an engine and the sound of the motorcycle slowly following beside him.

"Jiminie!!" When Jeongguk gets no reaction he continues to pester Jimin, "Here kitty kitty. Come over here." Jeongguk makes whistle noises and little clicks of his tongue like he was calling an actual cat. Jimin rolls his eyes and continues forward, not sparing Jeongguk a single glance.

Jimin stops when he hears a sharp gasp. He looks over to see Jeongguk laboriously heaving with his hand placed on his chest, grabbing at his shirt.

Jeongguk coughs out, "J-Jimin." Jimin's eyes widen and he runs over to Jeongguk, trying to check what was happening.

He feels a grip around his wrist and a low chuckle emitting from the previously struggling Jeongguk.

"Gotcha." Jimin clenches his jaw as he watches Jeongguk's familiar smirk cover his face, no signs of pain present.

"Asshole. Let me go!" He tries to pull away but Jeongguk's grip only tightens.

"Come on, Jimin. Let me drive you home. It's not that bad." Jimin huffs, ignoring Jeongguk. He turns his head away in avoidance, waiting to be let go.

"Jiminnnnnn," Jeongguk whines out, dragging it out until Jimin finally mutters a quiet 'fine' and turns back towards Jeongguk. A huge smile paints itself onto Jeongguk's face, his teeth slightly sticking out. Jimin rolls his eyes as Jeongguk places a black helmet onto his head, clipping it into place.

"But what about you?" Jimin looks worriedly at Jeongguk, seeing his unprotected head.

"I'll be fine, it's a short drive anyways, right?" Jimin nods hesitantly. "See? No biggie." Jeongguk pulls on Jimin's wrist, motioning for him to hop on the back of the motorcyle.

Jimin nervously plays with his fingers before getting on, snaking his arms around Jeongguk's waist, already initiating his death grip.

Jeongguk laughs quietly and starts moving the bike, Jimin's grip getting even tighter as he buries his face into Jeongguk's back.

"Slow down! You're going so fast!" Jimin's knuckles were white and his eyes were clenched shut.

"Jimin. We're going 20 miles per hour." Jimin buries his face deeper into Jeongguk's back, squeezing tightly.

"It's too fast! Slow down," Jimin whimpers, muffled by the fact that his face was completely pressed into Jeongguk's back.

"You better hold on. I'm not letting this take all night." Jeongguk speeds up, going the speed limit of 45.

Jimin's entire body tenses as he holds on for dear life. Throughout the ride various whimpers escaped his lips and his eyes never opened.

After the ride ended, the motor no longer making sounds, Jimin cautiously opened his eyes. His grip loosened as he looked around. Confusion showed itself upon his face.

"This isn't my apartment building."

"I know. It's mine."

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