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Upon arriving in Darrelburg, Agate immediately noticed something odd. It was far more developed than people told him when he heard about it in the months before. His mind spun. It looked impressive. The shops for were impressive and the streets were busy, as cars were driving by.
Agate's mind was blown. The JD didn't even have bikes or well maintained roads.
The shops there almost never sold enough imported goods to be more than a niche pleasure trip when you could find something good to barter with.
Here, there were so many shops selling all sorts of food, clothes and so many people were able to afford it. They just used the money they earned at work to get these things. Dozens could be seen through shop windows to be shopping. It was insane.
This was the world Edward claimed he lived in.
No wonder Edward had been so passionate, proud and sure of himself.
"Agate, get ya head outta the clouds! We gotta find the police and drop her off with them," the duchess said as she pulled out a map of the city.
"They're four blocks down, and two blocks left."
Agate nodded and they made their way to the police station.

When they arrived, they noticed everyone freaking out. Only then did they see the sky was suddenly red with clouds, and lightning wracked the sky as thunder followed suit. The police came and took the unconscious Piano Tile into the station. Eileen teleported them to the lab.

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