Chapters Four, Five and Six

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Chapter four

Henry woke up the next day feeling rested and content, he immediately thought about yesterday and Jenna. She was really something else honest, funny and sarcastic in a funny way and all topped off with smart and a shit load of beauty. She was absolutely perfect and the best thing about her? she treated and accepted him as Henry .. not the movie star and that was rare. He knew he wanted her in his life any other way for very selfish reasons.

Later that day and 25 minutes away Jenna was cleaning her house and unpacking the last boxes of her belongings. She was wearing a black simple loose sweatpants just hanging from her hips and a black tank top. She effortlessly was sexy but never realized it. She could make simple looking sweatpants look sexy. She was almost finished, she just needed to set up her office and then she was done. That was the first thing she got started on but for some reason, her computer would not start...

When I checked the time, she couldn't decide what to eat. About to fix some coffee for herself, her doorbell rang. Frowning and not expecting anyone she walked towards the door and recognised the solid figure outside her door. Opening the door wide open she was welcomed by a beautiful smile and his furry best friend.

Henry watched her smile and walk inside, her ass was something out of this world. throwing his head back he took a deep breath.. control yourself Cavill. as he stepped in with Kal watching him with a tilted head. I know buddy, I know. He noticed all the boxes were gone and saw personal details everywhere and pictures. Wow you made some big progress. Did you get to do all of your boxes or do you need help? - not really, I got them all, i just need to set up the computer in my office but somehow i can't get it to work. - What do you mean? - I bought a new setup purely for work but I can't get it to work. Do you know anyone who can help? - I do as he took off his jacket, where is your office? - Can you help? - I think I can, I built my own computer. - you did not? - no i'm serious- Well- follow me then making henry follow her and she felt his eyes on her. Here is it, everything is brand new except for the drive but somehow it won't start. Let me have a look and see what's wrong. - I'll grab you coffee, Jenna said as she walked out of the room and grabbed his coffee.

Henry? yeah she heard from underneath her desk. kneeling down next to her desk she handed him his coffee. Do you have a light I could use? - yes of course she grabbed the desk light and handed it to him. - better? - Way better - I'll be in the kitchen if you need me. Thank you again. - not a problem Jenn.

some 30 minutes later. BOOM.. FUCK! Kal you ass, that hurt. Henry, is everything okay? Jenna asked as she kneeled down and waited for Henry to get out. What happened? - Kal jumped on me and something heavy fell on my head- Jenna looked around and saw the paperweight on the floor. grabbing it she put it back on the desk and when she turned it was inches away from henry's face. Hi - Hi, omg you bleeding! She quickly got up and helped Henry up. Here, sit! as she pointed to her desk as she stormed out of the room and came back with a first aid kit. Can I? as she stood in front of him - Can you what? - Can you sit or open your legs so I can look at you. - ow of course he sat down on the edge of her desk and opened his legs making her stand between his legs. It was the kitchen scene all over again. He watched her face as there was a clear look of concern for me. It was endearing and lovely. she studied her face as he saw her cleaning his wound.

Jenna stepped in between his legs and put his chin up checking the little wound above his eye. taking some rubbing alcohol and a cotton pad she carefully cleaned the wound. this can bite a little, as soon as she put the alcohol on she noticed then henry was biting his jaw. closing the distance between them she grabbed his face on both sides and gently blew on his wound making the biting disappear. Clearly focused on taking care of his wound she never felt that Henry put his hands on her waist and that he was studying her every move and face.

Having her standing here against him, taking care of him made him feel good. Every second his feelings were changing for her. I can't believe I hurt Superman in my house, Jenna said, pulling him back into reality. It's okay it was Kal. Yeah but if it wasn't for me it would not have happened. - don't worry Jenn. It's really fine.- no it's not henry as she finished with a bandaid on his head. - Hey, look at me. I'm fine he smiled as he forced her to look at her by pulling her against him while holding her waist. - Are you sure? - Yes, I can handle a small cut Jenna and again it was Kal but I do have some good news he smirked - Oh what might that be she looked at him- he turned and pressed a key and the computer screen lid up - the same as Jenna's face Ow my god it works she yelled. Ow my god thank you! as she put her arms around his neck and hugged him, really hugged him. Thank you, my family pictures are on there. he grabbed her tighter, your welcome Jenn -

Okay, so tell me what were you doing here anyway? - I have a meeting later on and wanted to ask if you could watch Kal? - of course i would like that, i even set up an area for him. - are you sure? - yes, i'm sure, wait is that why you brought coffee? - I did, is that weird or mean? - laughing it off, no it's the perfect way to ask me for something, coffee, food and smiles. What time will you be back? - maybe around seven - Wanna eat here? I can cook? she smiled at him. - that would be amazing - when do you have to go? - Actually I need to go now. I'm running a little bit late. - Well go then and text me so i'll know that you arrived safely and vice versa. I will as he bent down and kissed her cheek. catching them both off guard. looking at him seeing a blush creep up upon him. Smooth Cavil now go!

Driving away from Jenna's house he felt excited, he just kissed her! on the cheek but he didn't mean to do it on purpose it came naturally and she didn't react weird or strange. This put him in a very good mood. And as soon he was done he was on his way back to Kal and Jenna


I am on my way, wel be there in about 40 minutes H


Perfect timing, dinner will be ready around that time. the door is open X

Some few hours later Jenna was cutting some lemons for the food and was listening to some music. Kal was relaxing near the fireplace and she set up her coffee table for eating dinner. She made some fresh bread and some spanish dip along with good olive oil. The paëlla was almost done. Henry already texted he was on his way and was about to get to her place.

Henry arrived at Jenna's house and parked his car. fixing his breath with some peppermint spray and he sprayed some perfume. He got out of his car and walked in. He was welcomed by a delicious smell and music. He took his shoes off and placed his coat on the coat rack. Walking into the kitchen he saw Jenna dancing to some Latin music while putting some lemons on a big round pan. She made fucking paëlla, Kal noticed him first as he rand towards Henry with a small and soft bark. 

This made Jenna look up seeing Henry there in his brown pants and casual sweater showing off his body. He looked handsome. Hi, she smiled. - Hi he sighed - Tired? - what? - the sigh you did, are you tired? - uhh yeah - unaware she just took his breath away with this welcome and her smile. - So how was it? - tiring and the same. Most of the promotional interviews are all the same. same people with the same question over and over as he leaned on her kitchen island looking at her. You made Paëlla?- Yes, my grandmother's recipe, why? shit don't you like paëlla, ow shit i should have asked. - no,, no i actually love paëlla especially good ones. - don't scare me like that, she laughed. Would you like a beer or wine with it? - what are you having? I'm gonna get some beer - then me too. Need help carrying that? no, everything is set up. Come on, let's eat. as she grabbed the pan and carried it to her coffee table and couch. - this is cozy. - Yeah this is the way we always ate it and abuela's on the floor surrounded by people. makes it taste even better somehow. They settled in on the floor and Jenna plated the food. Are you comfortable? - I am. How was Kal? perfect as ever, we went for a walk and he already ate and he roamed this backyard like an idiot during the day. He is just a big kid, she chuckled.

Holy shit... Henry said as he closed his eyes,, this is fucking heaven. This is so good, please teach me how to make it, he said. - I will if you teach me that pizza sauce Jenna said as she bit on her lower lip. He grinned as he chewed the food. deal as he held out his hand. - oh, the official way she giggled. God he loved that sound. Jenna was distracted when her phone rang, she answered it without any hesitation and excused herself. Hi mom , Hi dad. Hi kid.. It's good to see you. Why is it so dark? Did you lose power or something? that made Henry laugh as he got a death stare from her. no the power is fine i was just having dinner. Dinner? with who? - With a friend - How wonderful to hear sweety, you made a friend?. - yeah mom, what's her name? - no it is a guy, now here dad came full into the picture. A guy? What's his name? - Dad please don't, nope i wanna meet the friends of my daughter. - It's complicated, I can't .

Henry watched Jenna try to protect his identity, it was sweet and endearing. Dad I can't ... It's okay, Jenna let them see me Henry said. - No, that's not fair, they can wait. Jenna, it's fine. as they looked at each other. Are you sure Cavil, it always made him smile when she said that. Yeah Scott I'm sure. I would want the same for my daughter.

Well said youngman! her dad said, making Jenna roll her eyes at him. Okay, come here as she scooted down towards Henry and sat against his side. He put his arm on the soda and Jenna fit in his side like a glove. as she put the phone on the coffee table and sat back against Henry.

Mom, Dad, this is Henry, Henry this is father David and my mom Vera. It's a pleasure to meet you, Henry said. Her mom was smirking like an idiot and Jenna knew exactly what that meant. but her father was staring.. Hey kid, remember when I told you 'Remember no English assholes, no boys allowed, not even superman.. ' - yes I do, Dad - Care to tell me why the man of steel is sitting next to you with his arm around you? - That made Henry laugh - He is not having his arm around me, he is just making spaces seem small and tight she giggled. But Dad no worries, he has been a perfect gentleman and hasn't tried anything. His mom raised him well and she smiled at her parents.

Son? yes sir. She is not something you play with. - DAD, mom stop him!- I know that sir, i've just met her and getting to know her better each time but she has a rare soul, is honest and is extremely kind. as he looked her father dead in the eye. Jenna watched him inches from his face, this was all the first time hearing this. Sir, I'm not planning anything with her. We met after she took care of my dog and we became friends. She has treated me and accepted me as Henry, her neighbor and friend, not as the famous dude or superman. I find that rare in this world and people do not see that side of me. But your daughter sir, saw right through that and loves calling me out on my Bullshit. - yeah she kinda does that to people. People feel comfortable with her because she accepts them for who they are without blinking an eye. - In the short time I've met her we instantly became friends. Even my dog trusted her instantly. He doesn't do that. Jenna frowned at that as she looked at her mom and dad.

How is your job Jenna? - Work is good. I love the kids and my job but sometimes it is hard because I want to intervene immediately instead of waiting for the procedures. Especially when there is a form of abuse. but i'm trying. within two weeks they will deliver the stuff for the kids for the house so I can't wait.

So how is everyone there? they are good Tara finally had her twins, julia got engaged like you said. Everyone misses you. As a silence fell Henry noticed a change in Jenna's behavior. Jenna? yeah Dad. We need to tell you something. What is it Dad? David and Vera looked at each other. Ryan.. he .. - What about Ryan? - He passed sweetheart... Henry looked at Jenna's parents and then at Jenna who had silent tears falling over her face. Henry frowned. I'm so sorry sweety I know you two were close. Jenna pulled up her legs and silently cried. We ordered flowers in your name. Thank you. I knew this would happen while I was gone, that is why he made me say goodbye to him.

Henry didn't really know what to do but he started to run his hand over Jenna's head. Excuse me but who is Ryan? he asked. He saw Jenna turn her face towards him but every time she would try to say something her voice broke. Ryan. One of her closest friends from childhood he was her best friend. He was the one who egged her on to go to the U.K. her mom answered - Aw I see, I should thank him then. You can go, I got her. As soon as her parents hung up the phone he looked at the crying girl next to him. Jenna, are you alright? Jenn.. right he said as he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into his lap. After some time he felt her arms going around his neck as she calmed down. Are you okay, love? - That's new - what is? - you called me love as she sat back and looked at Henry with puffy eyes.

By god, she even was beautiful after she cried. taking a breath he rubbed his thumb and wiped her face. Are you okay? - I will be, he was important to me. Ryan was sick, we said our goodbyes before I left. But still it hurts - of course it does. He was your friend, he said as he rubbed her back. How did I end up here? - well you moved from Mystic to here and. - no she laughed, how did I end up in your lap? as their eyes locked. oh I... you did not respond to me.. and were just crying so i picked you up and held you. she started to talk about Ryan and felt the weight lifted off of her chest and they talked all night until he went home

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Chapter five

The next day Jenna was sitting in her office as a crisis call came in. a mother and her two young children were homeless, the mother finally had the courage to leave. Jenna was waiting at the safe house with two officers waiting for the mother and her two children to arrive, a 2 and 4 year old. The oldest being a boy and the smallest a little girl. She bought everything the mother might need and stocked the fridge. Who is gonna drive them we can't and James isn't here Jamie said. Wait, I know someone as she grabbed her bag and took out a card.

Tommy speaking! - Hi Tommy, this is Jenna - the American lass? - Yes I am, I wonder if i could ask a favor - Sure lass, tell me - I have a mother and two children on my way and they need a safe and secret drive to their safehouse. Can you help? - Enough said I will, where am I going? - ill text you the address and thank you Tommy - not a problem i'll make sure there safe.

Some minutes later Tommy arrived and was greeted by Jenna. Hi gorgeous as he hugged her. So where are they? - On their way, this one is really bad. He almost hurt the kids so please act like nothing happened. He nodded as finally a car pulled up and the door opened revealing a redhead with black and blue eyes and beautiful kids.

Tommy and Jenna exchanged a look and by the look on Tommy's face she knew they would be safe. Hi, my name is Jenna and this is Tommy, we are here to help. After taking her statements and recording it she gathered the evidence and photographed everything. You are safe here and well protected. Would you like a security guard? call this number if you need anything and please stay inside. Think of your kids

Back at the office Jenna studied the case that just came in, it was clear as day. She locked all of the evidence and filed everything. grabbing her private phone she had some messages regarding Ryan but one stood out.


Goodmorning Jenna, I just wanted to say I feel very lucky to have met you. You, my girl, are becoming one of my closest friends. I spent the last few days more time with you than I did with friends. I wanted to thank you for your friendship and for last night, i could eat it again and I am very sorry about your friend. but please know that you can always call me. X H


Great, now I'm ugly crying. But if it helps, I feel the same, comfortable, at home and safe. That's how I feel when I'm around you. and same goes for calling me. xxx


I do mean it. So how is work?


I just finished court and we are heading back towards one of the shelter houses. I wanna see how they live. How is your day?


productive, read most of the first drafts they send me for movies or series. and hopefully made some good choices. Kal misses you


You can never make a wrong choice if you do something you want. you are a great actor, it tells a lot about the roles actors choose. you are not a popular pick actor, you do it because you love it and it shows. I miss you boys too


Populair pick actor? I guess you are right. Sometimes it's hard to make choices because I don't know if it will catch on with the public and I wanna use my production company.


Yes, populair pick actors, as in choosing stuff that might be populair. Otherwise I have a shitload of kids here with no filter. send the scripts over and let them decide. ;)


Why does that actually sound like a good idea? ( henry typed as he was laughing at Jenna remark)


Just don't traumatize the kids please! or me for that matter


I thought you liked my movies?


I said i watched them, i never said I liked them Cavill


Ouch, which movie did you hate


Hate is a big word but I'm just talking about one movie. I did not get it at all


glad to hear i did not traumatize you, yet! Which movie do you mean?


I think it was the man from uncle? with some blond dude and a girl and you were a spy. I really didn't understand it.


i get that


I didn't mind you epic suit look though


Oh my lord, are you flirting with

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