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Shaurya's Elder brother alter ego Arjun Krishnamurthi has arrived, which is bad news for Shaurya, Chief Makkhan, and especially Anokhi, who's still tied up in a warehouse somewhere.

Arjun finds his old clothes in storage, while Chief Makkhan tries to convince him to make an appearance at the company meeting. Arjun only wants to enjoy his freedom while it lasts, but when Chief Makkhan offers to buy him a boat his face lights up. Unfortunately for Chief Makkhan, that's when Anokhi's kidnapper calls back.

He repeats his demand for the leather jacket, while Anokhi tries to shout through the duct tape over her mouth that she has the damn jacket, not him. Arjun doesn't like that someone is threatening a woman to get to him, and demands to know where the kidnapper is. Chief Makkhan reminds Arjun of his promise to go to the meeting, but apparently not even a boat can convince him to turn his back on a damsel in distress.

The board meeting is about to begin, with no sign of Shaurya. His grandmother, the chairwoman, waits at the head of the table. Yash's father smirks maliciously when he sees that Shaurya has yet to arrive. Meanwhile Anokhi's kidnapper prepares for the arrival of Ronny. He directs his men to attack him for practice, simulating how they will attack Ronny. "Slowly!" he chides them. "Why so fast? Do you have an appointment or something?" The mock brawl comes to an abrupt halt when they realize they have an intruder in their midst.

Arjun Krishnamurthihas arrived, and he's carrying what look like a pair of bombs. Chief Makkhan informs Grandma Seeta that Shaurya may not be able to attend the meeting. She lies to the company executives that her grandson was in a car accident, so his introduction will have to wait.

Since Arjun Krishnamurthi brought bombs to a fist fight, the thugs hesitate to attack him. He tells them how he was famous for making bombs back on Andaman Island, and they should have let him enjoy his freedom instead of provoking him.While most of the thugs are cowering, however, one bad guy creeps up from behind. Anokhi's muffled screams alert Arjun to his danger. He dodges the first blow, but one of the bombs goes flying from his hand.

Bad guys scatter, the boss dives headfirst into a laundry basket, and the timer reaches zero... ding! A cheerful recorded voice informs those gathered in the warehouse that their rice is fully cooked. With the threat of explosion removed, the thugs begin beating the living daylights out of poor Arjun Park.

A tracking device slips out of Arjun's jacket, and we see that Chief Makkhan has been on the trail the whole time. He and Shaurya arranged this beforehand, as a way to keep tabs on Shaurya even after his other personalities took control. The kidnapper guesses that "Ronny" faked a saturi accent and brought dud bombs to buy time for the police to arrive.

Secure in a new location, an underling complains to the boss about having to go to all this trouble for the stupid jacket. Why can't they just pay back the cost of the drugs inside? But it turns out to be the jacket that matters, since it was made by a master leather craftsman in Italy, who is no longer alive to make another one.

HA! Who does that remind us of?

A text arrives on Anokhi's phone-it's a picture of Pawan wearing the elusive leather jacket! The boss screams at Anokhi to identify the guy in the picture, forgetting the duct tape over her mouth. Once the underling takes off the tape, Anokhi tears into the bumbling bad guys for going to all this unnecessary trouble when she could have brought them the jacket ages ago. The thugs put Anokhi on speakerphone, so they can hear what she says.

Pawan is at the family restaurant, partying with some friends who helped him with his latest mystery novel. That seems to spark an idea, and Anokhi says oh-so-casually that since they're talking about his novel, Chapter Three really struck a chord with her. Since Anokhi so rarely compliments him, Pawan is taken aback and wonders what's wrong. There's a long pause, after which Pawan accuses her of trying to get out of repaying the money she borrowed from him.

So close, and yet so far...Once Anokhi finds out that Pawan will be staying with his friends all night, the kidnapper cuts the call short. He takes most of his boys to retrieve the jacket, leaving one man to keep an eye on Anokhi and Arjun Krishnamurti kannath. Anokhi and Arjun are now on their own, tied up in the storage room. She remembers all of their encounters, each time with a different tone, personality, and look in his eyes. Arjun starts convulsing in the way that signals his transformations.

Outside the locked storage room, the thug on guard duty sees the bombs left by Arjun Krishnamurti kannath. He hefts one, chuckling at the failed ruse, and tosses it carelessly on the ground. The timer begins counting down from thirty minutes - and this one probably didn't come from a rice cooker. Shaurya, now back in control of his mind and body, looks up and sees Anokhi. A weary, wonderful smile lights up his face when he realizes she is unharmed.

He lies that he sometimes passes out if he gets angry or drinks too much, and Anokhi doesn't bother to voice her suspicions. She calmly assures him that she's fine, and that the thugs went to collect the leather jacket. Shaurya wonders why Anokhi seems so unconcerned about the bruisers about to beat up her brother, but Anokhi says everything will be fine.

Shaurya stops pestering her when he remembers that Anokhi is supposedly a psychiatric patient. With surprising ease, Shaurya frees himself from his ropes and goes to untie Anokhi. He explains that he's found himself in some tight spots over the years, so he's had to learn things like this.

Anokhi repeats Ronny's words from the night at the club, confirming that Shaurya indeed doesn't remember what he said."What is your name?" she asks. Instead of answering, Shaurya responds with a question of his own: Does Anokhi want to escape? The sole remaining guard hears Anokhi scream and rushes into the storage room.

Distracted by Anokhi feigning unconsciousness on the floor, the guard notices Shaurya too late and is easily subdued. When Shaurya goes to search for the exit, however, the guard takes Anokhi hostage and holds a knife to her throat.
"She's a megalomaniac!" Shaurya warns the guard, prompting a hilarious Who, me?! from Anokhi. "Don't get her worked up!" Anokhi is more worried about Shaurya, and tells him to stay calm and breathe. That's when the bomb on the floor announces that the countdown has begun-there's only a minute left.

Shaurya says that he didn't disable the safety mode last time, asking whether the guard wants to wager his life on the chance that he's lying. The guard shoves Anokhi away and runs for the exit, while Shaurya rushes Anokhi into the hallway mere seconds before the bomb explodes.

Looks like Arjun Krishnamurthi knew what he was doing after all!

The kidnapper arrives at the restaurant with his thugs and demands to know where Pawan is. The assembled men don't even bother to respond, ignoring the show of force.

Then Pawan appears with the jacket and spills the hidden drugs all over the floor. His guests identify themselves as police officers - because who else would be better able to consult on a murder mystery, right? - and put the thugs in cuffs. All traces of his buffoon personality gone, Pawan demands to know where they are keeping his sister.

Still injured from his previous beating, Shaurya nevertheless manages to carry Anokhi away from the source of the explosion. As fire rages all around them, Anokhi nears the edge of consciousness. Looking around, Shaurya spies a motorcycle a short distance away.

He ties Anokhi securely to the back seat and tears away, while the warehouse goes up in flames behind him. Fading in and out of consciousness in a hospital bed, Anokhi sees Shaurya standing over her. He apologizes sincerely for putting her in danger, and for not being able to tell her why she was in danger. "I hope you never again have the misfortune of meeting me." Pawan finds his sister recovering in the hospital. Anokhi is glad he understood her coded message after all - the chapter she mentioned featured a kidnapping and drugs hidden inside clothing, which was enough for Pawan to figure out the rest.

Brother and sister break out an adorable secret handshake to celebrate their victory. Meanwhile Shaurya, bloodied and exhausted, asks Chief Makkhan to take him to the company meeting. In the boardroom, Yash's father muses that Shaurya must be gravely injured to miss such an important introduction, and urges the chairwoman not to keep people waiting any longer.

Just then the doors fly open and Shaurya enters, looking pretty darn snazzy in his suit. Shaurya addresses the assembled executives, apologizing for his tardiness. He says that his accident was an uncontrollable variable, much like his own promotion or the unpredictable vagaries of the future.
"But I will face the ever-changing world with something unchangeable inside of me," he promises. "With determination, spirit, effort... and identity."

Yash, watching Shaurya like a hawk, sees blood dripping from Shaurya's sleeve. After the meeting, Grandma Seeta brings Shaurya to her office to chew him out for being late in front of so many people who wish to see him fail. She says that if he knows what his father did for him, how he sacrificed himself so Shaurya could be part of the Sabherwal Group family, he shouldn't be so careless. "Until my son can sit in that chair," Grandma screams, "you must do everything you can to protect this company."

Damn... Grandma Seeta is scary.

In a medical facility somewhere, Shaurya's mother stops outside of a door with Shaan on the nameplate. She thanks her hired tracker for finding her husband, then goes inside to sit beside his bed. Anokhi calls her mother to reassure her. Her parents have whipped up enough food to feed an army, and want to send it with Pawan so Anokhi can regain her strength. Anokhi's father asks for the leather jacket Pawan took from him. He wants to lose weight so he can wear it, since he still thinks it was a gift from Anokhi.

Pawan snaps at his father to move on, then has to react quickly to keep from getting hit by the ladle his mother throws at him for being rude.

I love this family.

Shaurya consults with Chief Makkhan while stitching up his own wound. Apparently his experiences over the years have given him a basic knowledge of field-dressing injuries, along with his rope-escaping abilities and high tolerance for pain.

Still under the impression that Anokhi has a mental illness, Shaurya asks Chief Makkhan to pay for her treatment and look out for her until she is discharged. A little while later, Anokhi enters her hospital room to find balloons, gifts, and a note wishing her well.

She flashes back to the storage room, when Shaurya was so considerate of her. "Could it be... Gentleman?" she muses. I love that she's started giving nicknames to his personalities. Pawan arrives to share the food from their parents, along with some contraband beer. They discuss the mysterious stranger who rescued her, and his multiple personalities.

Anokhi thinks that he might cultivate these personalities as defense mechanisms against a cruel world, just like how Pawan is both himself and Omega-3, the mystery writer swathed in mystery.
"But what if it isn't a defense mechanism, but a trap?" she asks, growing pensive. How difficult it would be, she thinks, if he couldn't control the personalities within his mind. How terrifying, and how lonely... Pawan asks if she likes this man, but Anokhi closes that line of questioning by saying that they aren't likely to meet again anyway.

Shaurya sleeps poorly that night, troubled by dreams of his childhood trauma. His younger self pleads for forgiveness, huddling back against the wall of a dark basement. A shadowy figure advances upon him, which is when Shaurya bolts awake, gasping.

The next day, Yash directs an employee to search all the hospitals in Chandigarh for a record of Shaurya checking in. He wants to follow up on Shaurya's car accident story, no doubt to gain leverage for his dastardly schemes. Shaurya takes a tour through the ID Entertainment division, where they make sets for use in dramas and films.

Shagun sees him and calls out a greeting, but Shaurya pretends not to hear. That won't fly for Shagun, however, who gets Shaurya alone for a nice lunch. She reminds him of what he said to her - that she should ignore him if he acts unlike himself, calls her late at night, or otherwise crosses a line. "Try it," she tells him. "Cross that line that can't be crossed. I'm curious to see whether I'll beat you up... or cross over with you." Shaurya replies that she can't handle someone like him, and leaves after promising to forget what she just said.

Somehow, though, I don't think challenging this girl is going to scare her away...

At the hospital, Chief Makkhan talks with Dr.Singh about how the multiple personalities are getting more dangerous. Chief Makkhan hopes that they can find someone to be Shaurya's secret physician, so he can receive treatment without betraying his weakness to his family.

Anokhi enters, and Chief Makkhan finally finds out that she is a doctor, not a patient. You can practically see the lightbulb turn on over his head. He leaves the two of them alone. Anokhi asks Dr.Singh if she can return to work, denying any lingering symptoms after the trauma of her kidnapping. She turns back a moment later, though, and asks about the patient in America with dissociative identity disorder that she remembers Dr.Singh talking about once.

Hmm... sounds familiar.

Multiple misunderstandings are cleared up at once, as Chief Makkhan reports to Shaurya about Anokhi being a doctor and Anokhi learns that her savior and Dr.Singh's D.I.D. patient are one and the same. Shaurya leaves immediately to meet with Anokhi face-to-face.

At the hospital, Dr.Singh relates how he met Shaurya in America and came to believe his story. Seven years of treatment allowed the doctor to get to know all of Shaurya's personalities, but it wasn't enough for him to help Shaurya recover the traumatic childhood memories that he has suppressed. Anokhi understands that Shaurya must have compartmentalized his psyche as a defensive measure, which has indeed become a trap.

She and Dr.Singh both feel for Shaurya, trapped in a never-ending war against himself, and unable to tell the very people he should be able to rely on for help and support. While wandering aimlessly through the hospital, thinking about Shaurya's predicament, Anokhi runs into our favorite club-rat Kanchan. She chases Kanchan outside the hospital, just as a car pulls up in front. Anokhi saves Kanchan by tackling her out of the way.

Shaurya hastily exits the car to check on them, and recognizes Kanchan from Club Paradise. "It's that doctor..." he says, just as orderlies rush out to frog-march Kanchan back inside. She reminds him of what she said before, of the feeling of having many selves locked inside of you. "I think we'll be good friends!" kanchan yells as she is dragged into the hospital. "Let's meet again, Club Paradise's Prince! Let's meet again!" Shaurya muses that Anokhi really is a doctor.

He asks if she saw the moment when he changed, and when she replies that she did, he wonders why she isn't scared of him."Because I still don't know who you are," Anokhi replies. "Excuse me, but... who are you? By any chance, do you have a bomb?" Shaurya shakes his head. "Then do you have a leather jacket?" Anokhi asks.

Smiling now, Shaurya shakes his head once more. "Then... what is your name?" Shaurya meets her gaze steadily. "I-with this face and this look in my eyes-am Shaurya."

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