Homecoming Part 3

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"What did you say?!" Yang shouted at her black armored partner riding on a Mongoose beside her before she clotheslined a Beowulf approaching them from the front. "I didn't catch that!"

"I said we have incoming!" She repeated while pointing backward toward a Covenant Banshee coming up on their small convoy.

Yang glanced back to see the Chief chasing it around the sky with his turret. "Oh crap! Don't worry Blake I got this!" Yang said confidently before slamming on the breaks and spinning her Mongoose around.

"Wait what's your plan!?" Blank tried to ask before Yang revved up her Mongoose causing it to pop a wheelie and speed off back towards their team's Warthog.

On Yang's approach she spotted the Grimm she had clotheslined only moments earlier struggling back onto its feet. "Still got some fight left in you huh? Well then how about this!" She shouted before pulling a shotgun out from behind her back and blasting the Grimm directly in the spine on her way past it. "Boom, Nail it! Now then, it's about time for the main event!" She gloated while returning the shotgun to her back and pulling out her Rocket Launcher. She then took aim at the fast approaching Banshee as it flipped and spun all over the place trying to evade Chiefs turret fire. "Dang it I can't get a read on it!" She said before slamming on the breaks and turning back around as her teams Warthog cot up to her.

Weiss looked over at her rocket welding teammate from the driver seat of the Warthog and called out for her attention. "You know you can take that thing out any time!"

"I am working on it Weiss-cream! Just give me a minute would you!" Yang snapped back while taking aim at the Banshee once again. Once she got the Banshee into the crosshairs the rocket launcher began to peep signifying that its auto lock on feature had kicked in. "Alright target locked! Say good night sunshine!" She then squeezed the trigger jettisoning a rocket powered high explosive shell aim directly at her target.

In the cockpit of the Banshee sensors began to hiss and scream in an unrecognizable language causing the Elite Pilot to pull back on the controls and go into roll dodging out of the way of the rocket but. The rocket was far from through as it spun back around and continued its chase. The Banshees thrusters fired propelling it forward towards a group of incoming Nevermores. The Banshee shot past causing the rocket to slam into the nearest Grimm and exploding on impact, sending burnt feathers and scorched bone fragments flying in every direction. Seeing the special play out in front of her Weiss glanced back over to her yellow armored companion. "Nice shooting Tex, now do you think you could hit the Banshee this time!?"

"Hey at least I hit something! Maybe you could try to be a bit more helpful and give me a better angle on that thing!" Yang snapped back.

"You want my help fine!" Weiss scoffed before turning her head around to glance back at the Chief. "Hey Chief I need you to focus on taking out some of those Nevermores!" Chief cut down a wave of approaching Beowolves before nodding in agreement and turning his attention back towards the skies. Weiss then turned to her red clad leader. "Ruby I need you to take the wheel for a moment!"

"Wait what!?" Ruby asked before Weiss pulled her sword from her side and jammed it into the gas petal and released a burst of liquid nitrogen freezing it in the on position before standing up from her seat and leaping from the Warthog. "Dang it Weiss!" Ruby screamed as she scrambled to grab hold of the wheel before they ran off the road and crashed into a tree.

Weiss now air born fired her thruster boots propelling her forward and landing onto the back of Yang's Mongoose. "Welcome on board princess." Yang said jokingly.

Weiss simply rolled her eyes and stud up on the back of the Mongoose. "Dust Overdrive!" She shouted causing her suit to glow and her. She then fired her thrusters jumping over Yang and onto the ground ahead of her before slamming her sword into the ground and on queue her sword along with her whole suit began spraying liquid nitrogen onto the ground creating an icy ramp. When Yang's Mongoose hit the ramp it was sent flying into the air and Weiss fired her thrusters again to leap up and grab hold of the bottom of the Mongoose to ride up along with it. Once air born they were directly in front of the Banshee. "There is your target! Now take it out!" Weiss shouted.

"Roger!" Yang responded as she took aim with her rocket launcher. Noticing them the Banshee opened fire sending balls of white hot plasma their way. In response Weiss spun the barrel of her sword causing it to glow red and began swinging it rapidly with each swing deflecting a plasma blast until finally Yang's rockets locked and released. The rocket shot out of the barrel and went straight into the front of the Banshee causing it erupt in a fireball and spin out of control. It continued its death spiral until it slammed into the ground below directly in front of their Warthog causing Ruby to spin the wheel frantically to maneuver out of the way. "Ya, we got him!" Yang cheered.

Weiss gave Yang a thumbs up before leaping from the Mongoose propelling herself back down towards the ground firing nitrogen along the way to create a ramp for Yang to ride back down on. Weiss then stepped out of the way as Yang landed and reached out a hand to grab onto the Warthog just as it pasted to pull herself back into the drivers seat. "Thanks for keeping the seat warm for me Ruby." Weiss said jokingly as she grabbed onto the wheel.

"Never... do... that... again!" Ruby said in a huff.

"You guys are as reckless as ever!" Blake said as she slowed her speed to allow her team to catch up to her.

"Hey we took it out, that's all that matters!" Yang responded.

"True I guess but, what about our main objective!? Don't we have some farms to protect!?" Blake added.

"Guys don't worry we are almost there! As a matter of fact we should be able to see them soon!" Ruby responded before they came up on a four way road crossing. And the sounds of battle began to draw closer and closer as a several civilian vehicles along with a small handful of Warthogs some by with set of Banshee's hot on their tail. One of the Banshee's swoops down and launches a green plasma bomb directly at one of the Warthogs. The Warthogs gun leaps from the vehicle just in time to avoid the impact and explosion that followed. And the Banshee continued after the other vehicles.

The team came to a complete stop as Blake jumped off her Mongoose and ran to the downed soldier's aid. "Are you alright!?" She asked as she began checking his vitals. Suddenly the soldier began to groan and pull himself up into a sitting position. "Hey take it easy, are you alright? What is the situation?" She said calmly.

"I'm fine but where's Jimmy and Sera!?" He shouted causing Blake and the gang to glance over at the flaming wreckage of their Warthog. The expression of the soldier went from shock, to horror, and then to rage as he swore under his breath before pulling the helmet off of his head revealing a set of dog like ears and pelting it at a near by tree. "This is the sergeant's fault! We were told to start getting everyone out an hour ago and what does he do?! He just says 'don't worry we are safe here, besides it's mostly faunus in this area anyway' racist prick!"

Blake reached over and placed a hand on the man's shoulder to comfort him. "I understand how you feel but. We have to remain calm. There are still people out there who need protection. Now is this area cleared?"

The soldier shook his head. "We didn't have enough room for everyone. So a lot of people are still back there and only one squad elected to stay behind to wait for back up. I heard they sent team CFVY but they got held up by the enemy. If they don't get reinforcements soon they won't hold out for long. Not with how many of them there are." The soldier stated.

"Well it's a good thing we are here then!" Yang stated while slamming her fists together.

Blake nodded to her yellow armored companions and turned back to the soldier. "That's right, we are team RWBY and we are here to offer our support."

"Well don't let me hold you up then, get going!" The soldier barked causing Weiss to nod and drive off ahead of them.

Yang also revved up her Mongoose and waited for her partner. "You coming Blake?" She inquired.

Blake waved her partner off. "I can't just leave you here." She said to the soldier.

The soldier chuckled slightly. "Well I am not heading back there and besides..." His voiced turned somber as he turned towards the burning Warthog. "I can't just leave them like that."

Blake nodded and turned to walk back to her Mongoose but by past it and sat on the back of Yang's instead. Causing Yang glance back at her and tilt her head to show her confusion. "I will leave you my Mongoose. You should get out of here and regroup with the rest of your squad as soon as you can!"

"Roger that! And good hunting ladies!" The soldier shot back while giving a salute which Blake and Yang returned.

"You too!" Blake said as she tapped Yang on the shoulder and told her to get a move on. Yang nodded and the pair sped off into the distance. While the soldier watched them go.

The soldier then made his way back towards his twisted Warthog and reached under it. He gripped onto something and pulled out a set of dog tags. As he inspected the slightly warped tags he lowered his head in defeat. He stud there silently for nearly a minute before the sound of angry growls filled his ears. He spun around to see a wounded Beowulf hobbling towards him. "Crap!" He shouted before reaching for his gun only to realize he had left it on the ground where he landed and the Grimm was now between him and his weapon. He then drew his combat Knife and readied himself for the Grimm to attack. "It's just the one and it's injured. Calm down and remember your training." He told himself right before the Beowulf leaped at him. Before the soldier could even react to the Beowulf's attack it cot two bullets in the head and its lifeless body slammed into him knocking him to the ground. "What the heck just happened!?" He shouted before glancing over to see a female soldier limping towards him with her gun drawn. "Sera!?"

"Hey Cody, you green?" The girl asked.

The soldier pushed the Grimm off his body and rushed to his feet. "Ya I'm fine but what about you!? I thought you were..." He began before glancing back over to the wreckage.

"I got lucky, I was thrown from the hog when the plasma bomb hit. A tree over there and I got to know each other a bit too well though." She said while motioning towards the tree line behind her. She then refocused on the wreckage and shook her head. "Now let's get Jimmy out of there."

"Yes ma'am!" Cody shouted as he and his comrade went to work lifting the vehicle.


Meanwhile Ruby, Weiss, and the Chief had just drove the Warthog down the road that the small convoy had just came from and through an opening in the tree line. Once through they came upon a chaotic scene. A wide open area of burning fields and crumbling buildings was laid out before them. Covenant Banshees circled over head and many Covenant ground forces could be seen scattered across the expanse. Weiss shook her head as her grip on the wheel tightened. "This is horrible! Are we too late?!" She shouted.

Ruby and the Chief both took a moment to take in their surroundings. Hostiles were everywhere and cover was scarce. Most of the fields were ether on fire or already completely destroyed and most the buildings were in no better shape but there was one structure that stud out to them. A large curved structure made of a smooth reflective metal and it towered over the landscape. Several Covenant Banshees could be seen circling around it and the sound of rifle fire could be heard from its direction. Chief's helmet then began to hum as Cortana's voice came over its speakers. "That building, it seems to be Forerunner. I detect multiple heat signatures that I believe to be human in side. There are also many more heat signatures in the surrounding area which seem to be hostiles." She chimed in.

"Roger that Cortana." Chief responded before pointing towards the Forerunner structure in the distance. "That must be where your people are hold up." Weiss and Ruby nodded in an agreement. "It was smart thinking, the Covenant wouldn't risk destroying any Forerunner artifacts. So they have forced them into a bottleneck."

"Well then should we pay them a little visit then?" Ruby asks while drawing her weapon from its holster and pulling back the bolt to eject a spent casing and load in a fresh one.

Then the group heard the sound of an engine coming up behind them causing them to turn and spot Yang speeding towards them. Yang then waved to get their attention. "You guys getting ready to fight!? Not without us you aren't!" She shouted as she sped up next to them on her Mongoose.

Weiss and the Chief nodded while Ruby returned wave. "Hey Yang what took you so long!?" Ruby shouted before glancing over to see Blake riding behind her sister. Noticing Ruby's stare Blake gave her an awkward wave. "Blake, what happened to your Mongoose?" Ruby inquired.

"Somebody needed it more then I did, so I left it." Blake responded in a matter of fact tone. "Now then are we doing this or what?" She asked while drawing her own weapon.

"Umm I don't think we will have much of an option guys." Weiss stated before pointing forward towards a large group of approaching Covenant. "I think they spotted us!" The groups gaze sprang forward to see a large ball of plasma get launched up into the air before it arched down towards their location.

"They have Wraiths, everyone take evasive maneuvers!" Ruby shouted causing Weiss and Yang to slam on the gas and speed away into the clearing and through a touched field as wave of plasma blasts vaporized the ground around where they had just been. And several more mortar blasts shot up into the air along with a pact of Banshees before flying towards them. "Keep going guys!" She shouted while they continued to evade a bath in plasma but. They were soon stock by plasma shots from every side as Elites, Grunts, and Jackals swarmed in from every direction. "Chief cover fire!" Ruby shouted while Chief was already revving up the turret and taking aim. Chief pulled the triggers unleashing a storm of hot metal that ripped through three Grunts and blowing away the shield of the Elite leading them before said Elite took a dust pact rifle round to the chest. Ruby focused her gaze forward to see a pair of Hunters blocking their path. "Weiss, their too tough we need to go around them!" She commanded.

"Why go around when we can go over!" Weiss responded before jumping out of her seat and onto the hood of course causing Ruby to jump over and grab hold of the wheel again. Weiss then activated her overdrive and froze the ground under their wheels to create a ramp sending them over the Hunters. And as they landed Chief unloaded a into one of their faces causing it to fall over and before it could get up a Wraith mortar blast landed on top of it blowing it apart and sending the second Hunter flying through the wall of a nearby house causing the whole thing to collapse on top of it.

Watching all this play out Yang began to crack up until a plasma blast whizzed past her helmet. Causing her to glanced back to see a set of Ghosts chasing behind them. She then heard the familiar hiss of Plasma grenades causing her gaze to shoot for to see a Grunt holding a pair of lit plasma grenades blocking their path ahead. "Blake, want to see if that Ghost knows how to catch!?" She asked causing Blake to chuckle before flinging her weapon forward and activating its thrusters causing it to impale itself into the Grunts chest. She then pulled back on the strap connecting herself to the weapon slinging it and the Grunt over their heads before slamming it down on top of the chasing Ghost. The plasma grenades detonated and taking out the Ghost and sending Blake's flying back to its rightful owner. "That's my Kitty Cat!" Yang gloated before glancing up at group of fast approaching Banshees. Within moments the Banshees were bearing down on them raining blasts of hot plasma energy on top of them.

"We have to take out their air support." Chief stated while unloading nearly a whole strip of turret rounds into the nearest Banshee causing its shields to flicker as a solid stream of metal slugs slipped through and turned the cockpit into Swiss cheese. The Banshee then burst into flame and plummeted out of the sky. "That's one down."

"Good shooting!" Yang shouted.

Then Blake chimed in. "We will draw their attention!" She then pulled the rocket launcher from Yang's back and pointed it towards the nearest enemy. The rocket began to beep as it locked in the target but then she was shaken as Yang sped up to ram into a Grunt and dodge out of the way of a Wraith shot. "Hey, do you think you could you keep it steady?!" Blake complained.
"Hey you want to drive!" Yang shot back causing Blake to roll her eyes and refocus on the task at hand. Within a few seconds she was back on target and it locked in and Blake instantly squeezed the trigger. The rocket shot out of the barrel and zoomed across the skies towards its intended target. The Banshee fired its thrusters to increase its speed and swooped upward out of the rockets path then spun back around down towards Blake and Yang with the rocket still on its tail. Noticing this Chief took aim and unloaded another strip into the wing of the Banshee blowing off its right thruster and sending it into a spin giving the rocket ample time to find its mark and turn it into a fireworks display.

The Covenant was far from finished though as another Banshee targeted the Warthog and fired off a blast of green plasma. "Crap, hold on everyone!" Ruby shouted before transforming her weapon into scythe mode and slamming the blade into the ground allowing them pivot the Warthog around it and pull off a 180 degree turn. The blast slammed into the ground behind them as they zoomed underneath the Banshees. Half of the Banshees broke off to continue chasing the Warthog while the rest remained focused on Blake and Yang.

Blake locked onto another Banshee and fired the rocket only this time landing a direct hit and blowing another Banshee out of the sky. She then turned back towards her partner. "Do you have anymore rockets I'm out!?"

Yang shook her head. "Sorry that's all I had left." She then glanced back towards the two Banshees still following them and added. "I think we are going to need a new tactic!"

"I think your right!" Blake said as she tossed the emptied rocket aside and began scanning the area for an answer and it came to her in the form of a large near by tree standing in between the fields. "Yang, I need you to get us to that tree!" She shouted while pointing out their objective. Yang shot Blake the thumbs up and sped off towards the tree. While on the way Blake drew Gamble Shroud and began unloading rounds into the nearest Banshee causing its shields to flicker but to little effect other then to egg them on. "That's right come get us!" She shouted.

Yang then glanced over towards the main Covenant force to see a Wraith mortar blast heading right for the tree. "Blake we have incoming!" She warned.

"Keep going!" She shouted causing Yang to give the Mongoose all the gas she could give it until they had made it under the tree. And once they

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