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I heard whispers.

It would be like little two-second whispers every couple of minutes. I couldn't hear what they were saying, I couldn't control anything all I knew was that there were voices. Honestly, I didn't know how much time they were apart. It's like every time they would happen I would wake up from sleep but I couldn't open my eyes. After a couple of seconds of hearing the voices, I would go back to sleep.

So when my eyes finally opened, I didn't know exactly what I was looking at. I was dumbfounded when my eyes slowly opened. I saw a bright light on the ceiling, I heard beeping and I felt needles and straps on my skin.

My eyes drifted next to me and then I saw him. The brown eyes wide and bright as he sat up, looking at me. Then I noticed his hand that was brushing my cheek. "Ev," I tried to smile. My throat hurt badly and so did my torso.

My body felt bruised and used. My muscles felt sore and my mind couldn't stop replaying what happened the last time my eyes were open.

We lost each other.

Yet here we are.

"Goddess," Evander mumbled, leaning down to press a lingering kiss on my forehead. The door then burst open, taking our attention.

The doctor, wearing a coat that I would usually be wearing, seemed very happy to see us both awake. He almost seemed shocked, like he didn't expect us to be.

"I must commend you both, you are one strong pair to survive everything that you did. With the fire, bullets, and stabs..." The doctor trailed off, stepping into the room and grabbing the clipboard off the wall.

My brows furrowed at the fire part. I wasn't aware there was a fire. Yet I'm not surprised since Jessie and Evander had burnt marks last time.

"Um...what happened? I thought we," I trailed off, not wanting to say the words. We survived and I was ecstatic but I had a hard time showing it. I was still so confused. The doctor raised his eyebrow," died? I guess you should thank Chansler for getting you to the hospital so quickly. We got the bullets out of your bodies quickly when your heart started beating again even though we almost lost you, Rieka, we saved you," the doctor proudly explained.

Evander gripped my hand tightly. The doctor frowned the more he looked at me. "I'm sorry to say it, Rieka but the baby didn't make it," he softly said.

I felt like my heart dropped.

A ringing in my ear became louder and louder. "Baby? What do you mean?" I asked.

"I figured you didn't know since it was only a day or two developed, Rieka you were pregnant," the doctor fully explained.

His grip on my hand tightened but it felt like I was slipping away. I was on birth control, how did this happen? Why did my child have to die?

An innocent soul.

"She was on birth control," Evander was the first to speak up. The doctor's eyes shifted to Evander. "She is a werewolf and her wolf's body is made to produce pups. Birth control is a fifty to fifty percent chance," he explained again.

I felt a tear slip down my eye, I didn't even realize my eyes were tearing up. The only thing that kept hitting me like a brick over and over was that I was pregnant.

I'm not pregnant anymore.

"How is everyone else?" Evander asked. I wanted to know how he was feeling about all of this but I couldn't find the ability to ask.

"There were only two deaths. The funerals were two days ago. You both have been unconscious for three days. However, there is something I need to tell you,"

"Jessie Evelen is no longer a vampire."

"What?" I blurted out. He sighed, probably wondering how to explain. The doctor was a very calm and collected middle-aged man but he needed to know I wasn't one for patience, especially when saying something like that.

"Jessie didn't survive the wrath of the fire. Instead of getting help, he decided to help you. However, when he was dying, we told him the only way for him to stay alive was to change into a werewolf," he began explaining. I gasped, grabbing onto Evander's hand. "He begged us to let him shift, he said the reason why is because you would be devastated and he couldn't leave his fiance," the doctor continued.

My heart was racing as I comprehended everything the man just told me. Jessie was about to die. Jessie is no longer a vampire.

What the bloody hell?

"I need to see him, I need to see him now!" I shout, panicking. The beeping on the monitor only got louder and louder.

Evander grabbed my hand, slightly calming me down but the doctor went in panic mode and shuffled to something at the side of me. Suddenly, I felt a harsh pinch on my neck before I was pulled into darkness.


The feather brushes on my hand only got stronger and stronger the more I focused on it.

And suddenly, my eyes were opening.

My eyes were already on Evander. He was sitting on the chair next to my bed, holding my hand with his thumb brushing my skin.

His face seemed better, he had a bruised jaw and eye but everything else seemed to heal. "How long was I out?" I straight up asked.

"Two days, how are you feeling?" He answered.

"I'm fine, my stomach hurts a bit but I think you know why..." I trailed off. God, I was pregnant. Sure, the baby wasn't even the size of a pea yet but that isn't something you can get over very easily.

"Jessie wants to see you," Evander changed the topic. My heart clenched at the reminder of Jessie. "How is he?" I choked out, trying to stop my eyes from watering. "He's gonna be alright, his body already rejected his vampire side so," he continued. Was I supposed to feel relieved? "Can I see him?" I asked softly.

I could feel my wounds healed already, my arms felt a bit sore and so did my torso but other than that I felt fine. "Yeah, let's go and after the doctor can do a check-up to make sure you're good."

"Are you?" I asked," good?"

Evander smiled softly and gave me a short nod. "Everything is going to be alright, love," he leaned down and pressed a kiss to my forehead before assisting me off the bed.

I had to walk around and stretch out my body before getting the hang of my body again. I've been lying on a hospital bed for five days.

And I thought I was supposed to be the doctor.

When I entered Jessie's hospital room, he was laughing at something Lexi said with their hands holding on the bed. Their eyes snapped to mine and excitement and shock held them. "You're awake!" Lexi cheered, bolting off the chair and pulling me into a tight hug.

"Yes," I managed to say, hugging her back for a second before we pulled away. I walked closer to his bed until I was next to him. "How are you?" I asked.

"I'm happy, I'm really happy that I'm alive and with my mate," Jessie grinned, staring at Lexi who was now blushing. My eyes widened at that. "She's your mate?" I happily asked. That's perfect. I was worried that their real love would have been disrupted. They both have loved each other deeply before they even know what being in love meant.

"Yes," he proudly stated. I was happy, extremely happy that things were working out. Sure, we weren't supposed to be here, but anything was better than his heart never beating again.

Evander's hand draped across my shoulders and I automatically leaned into his chest. I wanted to be alone with him so we could just hold each other, I wanted to know how he was feeling about all of this but I didn't want to be selfish.

"Relax, Rieka. I know you are still worried but everything is going to work out. While you were asleep the word of vampires working with wolves got around pretty quickly. Yes, the wolves didn't like it but the fact that the vampires helped against the rogues won them over," Jessie assured me, grabbing my hand for comfort.

That made me feel better and I believed him.

"I'm okay, Rie, I promise."



Thank you all so much for seven thousand reads!

I'd just like to say to any of the readers who think everything is moving too fast between them, I disagree and agree with you. If I wanted things to take time then the story would be too long and it would have gotten boring by then.

Anyway, thank you for reading♡

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