41 - Office secret

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Five months later...

Zach's arm held Lilli steady as the subway train braked into State Street Station. They exited together and ascended up to the street level. The trees were a bouquet of orange, yellow, and red. The brisk air slapped her cheeks as Zach stepped away from her.

"Say hi to Carmen."

"I'm not stopping."

Zach shrugged and walked off towards Starbucks. Lilli was too nervous to eat. She had an important meeting later. For the first time, she was meeting with Kendall at Roche-Sumner as an agent; to meet with her former boss was a huge deal.

Lilli entered the office suite and greeted Claudia, the new receptionist. Lilli had secured an advance for Shania, so she could focus full time on writing. Olivia hired Claudia, who was close to retirement age.

"Good morning, Lilli. There are cookies in the kitchen." Lilli smiled. Claudia liked to bake.

Outside her office sat a desk. Until they moved into the new suite, Zach's assistant sat in reception. As a new agent, Lilli did most of her own work, which an assistant would do. Once they moved, Lilli would have her own assistant, but she would miss sharing space with Zach.

"Good morning, Lilli."

"Hi Jack."

Yup, Zach's assistant was named Jack. There were times she had trouble greeting him without smiling. Lilli overheard a rumor she had a crush on Jack. It amazed her their small office still didn't know about her and Zach. It was ironic, as she remembered the rumors about Zach and Ann.

Truthfully, she and Zach were professional at work. Only Leo knew the truth, because they often visited him at his house.

Zach appeared, carrying his Starbucks cup. Lilli listened as he greeted Jack. He had never bought his new assistant a latte.

"Good morning, Lilli."

"Hi, Zach," she responded, as he smiled at her.

She had moved into Zach's condo two months before. Rhys and Terry lived together, and Ainsley found a basement studio on Beacon Hill. Lilli went over to hang out after work at least once a week. Zach had his workout to keep him from missing her. Occasionally, she walked on a treadmill while he ran on another next to her. It wasn't like walking on the beach, but she liked both views.

She had some submissions to look through with her eye on the time. Fifteen minutes before she had to leave, Zach called her into his office.

She stepped in. "Should I shut the door?"

He shook his head. "I'd just mess up your lipstick."

She used to tremor and spill in his office. She no longer got tongue tied, but she still blurted unfiltered thoughts. Zach liked it best in the bedroom.

"Are you ready?" She nodded. "Remember, you are the legend. You lasted the longest."

"Should I imagine her in her underwear?"

Zach laughed. "Good thing you skipped breakfast. Just remember, Kenneth Sumner knows your name."

She may have been an assistant, but she earned her position. She deserved to demand what was best for her client.

"Go get her, killer." Quietly, he said, "We can celebrate at lunch..." He looked at the sofa. "Like Jillian and..."

"Not happening! Austin is right there." She pointed to the wall.

Zach tried to pout, but he just laughed.

She returned to her office. As she slipped into a blazer, she hoped she looked professional. Lilli had always dressed for the position she aspired toward, so other than adding a few blazers for client meetings, she dressed in her same skirts and blouses. Zach loved her skirts.

When she checked in as a visitor in the lobby of the Roche-Sumner building, JJ walked up to her.

"Lilli, this is a surprise."

He kissed her cheek. She had just seen him on Saturday night.

"I have a meeting with Kendall."

He escorted her to the elevator. "I was heading up myself."

When the elevator doors opened, Kendall was waiting for her. JJ held the door as she stepped out.

"Lilli, it was wonderful seeing you again."

Kendall's eyes narrowed. Lilli would bet money JJ's show was not a coincidence, but she would let the Sumners do the betting.

"Lillian, I see your move to Dwyer Mitchell has been good for you."

"Hard work finally paid off. Hello Ashley."

She greeted Kendall's assistant on the way into her office. Sitting across from her former boss in the uncomfortable chair brought back memories.

"I see you know James Sumner. Let me guess, you and he?"

"Kendall, it was embarrassing for you when you accused me and Matthew Clark. I have never slept with anyone at Roche-Sumner Publishing or its clients. I earned my position through hard work."

Although I am sleeping with my boss's nephew.

When she didn't reply, Lilli smiled sweetly. "I believe you invited me to discuss Nancy Gibbons's next book."

Her first hadn't been published yet, but her second was already written. They were working on edits.

"I did."

"Are you sure she's got another one in her? I remember a certain romance."

Lilli sat up. "You and I both know you killed Matthew's book by not letting promotions do their job. I still know a lot of people in this building." More since she had been dating Zach.

"Make sure the second manuscript is ready. The deadline is looming. I hear central Massachusetts is beautiful in autumn."

Lilli smiled. "Just like Maine." If Kendall thought she was punishing Lilli by making her spend time with the housewife, she was wrong. If an in-person visit was warranted, Lilli would look forward to it. She enjoyed Nancy's company. Zach might worry about Lilli choking.

Kendall said, "While you're here, should we agree to extend her contract beyond the initial two books?"

Lilli bit her inside lip to keep from smiling. This was a classic Kendall move. Lilli knew Nancy's value would increase with the success of her books.

"Let's let the dust settle after her first release. I'll work with Nancy to deliver on time."

Kendall nodded. "The cover is ready."

Lilli smiled. Kendall always saved the simple stuff for last. Lilli was pleased with the cover, but it wasn't her first time seeing it. Rhys had designed it.

"I love it! Nancy will too."

Kendall reached out her hand. "Thanks for coming in."

"My pleasure." It felt good to meet with her on a new level.

Kendall didn't get up to walk her out. Lilli stopped at Ashley's desk. "This is for you."

She handed the young assistant her card. She looked up at Lilli with a confused expression.

Lilli whispered. "Send me your resume."

Lilli walked away, smiling. Just like Ann, she wanted to save Kendall's assistant. She had learned a lot from every boss. Kendall's experience was priceless.

When she entered her office, Zach appeared. "How was it?"

"Fine. Great. She can't pull her tricks on me." She chuckled, feeling like she had slayed the dragon. "Oh, I saw JJ, but you know that."


She smiled. "Thank you, but unnecessary. She accused me of sleeping with him." Zach made a fist. "Relax, it's her way of intimidation. I might have a lead on my assistant."

Leo breezed in. "Lunch, you two?"

Lilli waved her hand. "Too much to do. You two go." She gave Leo a long look. "You look tired."

"The nanny quit."

"Again? How many have you gone through?"

"I lost count. I feel like my life is a movie. Maybe I need Mary Poppins. Riley would be happy with you."

She put her hands up. "I love my job."

He looked from her to Zach. "I bet you do. Zach, are you up for lunch?"

Zach glanced at Lilli, as if asking permission. "I already suggested you two go."

"Okay. I can tell when I'm not wanted. Do you want me to bring you something?"

"Nah, I'm good."

She may be an agent, but she enjoyed working through lunch. She had soups and crackers stored in her credenza. Sometimes she brought leftovers for both of them if they had any. Later Zach wouldn't be hungry, so she wouldn't cook.

Lilli's phone rang. "Were you serious about the job?"

"Very serious. We're a small office. Think about your career goals, I'll help you even if you want to stay with publishing. I know people, but you deserve a boss who expects professionalism but will never yell at you?" Lilli might yell at Zach occasionally.

As soon as Lilli hung up, she heard a commotion in reception. She grabbed a microwavable soup and stepped out.

Chelsea and Justin were gathered around Jack's desk. Claudia had no interest in being involved in the fray.

"What's going on, guys?"

They still thought of her as one of them. Chelsea said, "Olivia and Zach."

"What about them?"

"They're getting engaged."

"Chelsea, I remember when you thought he was proposing to Ann."

"I know she broke his heart by moving away."

Lilli shook her head. "And Olivia works in the same office as Ann."

Chelsea stamped her foot. "Lilli, you don't know everything. You couldn't even sign my favorite author. You probably scared her away. She hasn't written anything new in months."

"I spoke to her. She's happy being an architect.

"Now you're so certain Zach isn't with Olivia."

Jack said, "She calls a lot."

"She's planning our new office." Lilli should let them think what they wanted.

"Well, if it's not Olivia, it's someone special. The jeweler called to say the ring is ready to be picked up."

Lilli snapped. "You're all going to be fired for gossiping. Jack, if you like your job, I suggest you keep any call made to any agent in this office confidential. I thought you two knew better."

She walked away, shaking. Jeweler. Ring. She didn't want a secret from Zach, but if she told him, he might just fire the three of them.

Lilli heated her soup, but hardly touched it. When Zach returned, she jumped ten feet at the sound of his voice. She felt caged in. She texted Ainsley to make plans, but she had a date. Ainsley had started swiping right on her dating app.

At five, she started packing up. It was okay if Zach wanted to work later. They often left at different times. She really wouldn't be running if she ran to Zach's condo. Zach appeared and raised his eyebrows at her. Damn, still panty dampening.

"In a hurry?"

"I'm tired."

"Okay, give me a sec to pack up."

The office was empty. No one ever stayed, so they could leave for home together. Zach didn't say anything about her being quiet. Once at home, he changed and went to workout. She flipped through, looking for something to watch on Hulu.

Her favorite part of his workout was afterwards when he came out of the shower. He appeared in his boxers and a tee. "Did you eat?"

She shook her head. As he grabbed a box of Captain Crunch, he picked up her Honey Bunches of Oats. He held it towards her. She nodded. She might as well eat cereal, too.

Once they sat down together, he said, "Lill, tell me what's wrong. You know you will eventually. Is it because I went to lunch?"

One more chapter to go. Please vote🌟

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