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You took in a deep breath.

The air at the old apartments of CyberLife tasted different than the one in the city, cleaner and more crisp. The smell of blooming flowers and green trees was in the air.

The row buildings you were standing in front of was very similar to a typical American neighbourhood. Every one level house looked the same, with a small porch at the front and a spacious garden in the back.

Large windows allowed a look inside the house.

It didn't look terrible, just very dusty and deserted as if the people who had once lived at this place had left in a hurry.

A child's toy was laying on the floor. It was stained with some blue.

Blue blood, probably, the liquid that kept androids running.

But it was strange that it could be found in the house.

You brushed it off as a coincidence, grabbed your phone and called the android.

An automatic message popped up, informing you that the android was on its way.

"Good.", you sighed in relief and walked around the house to examine the garden.

Surprised, you stopped as your eyes fell onto a puddle of more blue blood, still visible on the grass. Your eyes wandered around.

It wasn't obvious at first, but the fence also had some light, blue splatters at the bottom. A handprint shimmered through the new paint of the corner of the house.

"Weird...", you mumbled and scratched the surface.

The paint was dry, definitely older than a few years and already started cracking in some spaces.

All of a sudden, steps sounded.

Your head snapped around.

"Good day.", the service android nodded his head in a greeting. "I brought the access code to the house and your luggage. Mister Kamski gave authority to clean and fix the place. It won't take long."

He stepped aside to let you have a good look at a bunch of construction and cleaning androids.

"Hello.", you greeted them with a polite smile.

The service android send the access key.

"You can change the password to your fingerprint if you'd like.", he said. "Please let us in first so we can get to work."

"Yes, of course.", you walked up to the door, an old model from a few years ago and opened it.

A gush of thick, used air hit your face as it swung open. A cloud of dust started dancing through the air.

Coughing, you took a step back, face pressed into the crack of your arm.

The androids ignored it and walked straight in to get to work. Their steps left footprints on the floor, so obvious and visible that it seemed like sand covered the floor.

After a moment, you dared to walk inside too.

It was a nice house, living room right at the front and an open kitchen in the back. There was a room to the left, probably the main bathroom and two more rooms to the right, including another bathroom.

It must have been a nice, cozy place before getting deserted.

As you walked into the kitchen, you noticed more of the blue stains. But they were all so washed out and old that you barely noticed.

It still felt odd.

All of a sudden you wondered what the history of the place was.

Kamski hadn't said anything about the old places, not why nobody used them anymore nor why the company had given up on them.

With a questioning gaze, you turned around to search for someone to answer you some questions.

The service android disappeared in the back of the house. He seemed to know where to go.

"Excuse me?", you followed him into one of the rooms, the main bedroom, where he placed your belongings on the floor, neatly organised in a row. "I have a few questions."

He looked up and gifted you one of those typical android smiles, friendly but not real.

"I will try to assist you as good as possible.", he said. "We will clean up the place. The company provides the basics, a new bed, wardrobe, furniture. Please feel free to decorate the place to your desire."

Understanding, you nodded.

"I was wondering. You androids are able to see thirium, no?", your eyes fell onto the bedsheets.

They were splattered as well. And messy.

Someone had left in a hurry.

Someone had fled this bed.

The android showed confusion.

"I'm not sure if I understand.", he said with a polite smile.

"I just... I'm sorry, are there any infos you could give me on the place?"

"The houses were used by the company as quarters for the employees who first moved to Detroit to work with CyberLife. To provide a save living environment. Mister Kamski build them to add to the city's diversity. Green and eco friendly, but also suitable for families. A few years ago the company expanded and the employees were moved to the new apartment complex. It can host more people and takes up less space."

You nodded.

"Yes, thanks, but... do you know who lived here before, by any chance?"

He tilted his head.

"I'm not sure what you are asking me."

"There is thirium everywhere.", you noted. "You can see it, don't you?"

The smile on his face froze and the gaze of his went right through you.

The blue LED ring on his temple flickered in a yellow light and for the hint of a second it appeared to be red.

You had heard about this kind of thing happening with androids.

Apparently to was an error in their program. CyberLife was already working on the issue.

Your prototype was supposed to be immune to that sort of issue.

The service android focused his eyes on you again.

"My apologies.", he said in his emotionless android kind of way. "We will take care of the mess."

You let out a sigh.

"I assume you're not allowed to talk about it.", you tried one last time.

His LED turned yellow again. For the split of a second emotions flashed up inside his eyes.

"The previous owner was a single father.", he said in a silent voice as if he felt watched. "He was a programmer. Like you."

You frowned.

"What happened to him?"

"I don't know. Nobody knows. After he disappeared, they started to build the new apartments.", his light turned blue again. "I'll be off. Feel free to call me when in need of assistance."

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