Chapter 48: Reunited

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"Wells!" I spun around quickly at the sound of my name being called and noticed the football flying towards my head. Instinctively, my arms stretched out and I caught the ball as it plummeted into my chest, letting out a gasp as it knocked the wind out of me.

Football in hand, I looked up to see who threw it. My eyes immediately met Grayson's, who was smiling at me with a wicked grin.

I whipped the ball into the ground and took a step towards him. "What the fu -" James quickly moved in front of me before I could get another word out, his eyes pleading with me.

"After we win the championship, man. After." I took a deep breath and stalked away, cursing under my breath. I ignored the sound of Grayson's laughter coming from the field behind me.

Ever since that day in the gym, Grayson's' disgusting comment about Becca has been stuck in my head. Having to practice with the guy and not bash his face in was driving me crazy. If it wasn't for James and the stupid promise I made him, I'd be sporting a bruised, and possibly broken, wrist right now.

Maybe listening to James advice was for the best. This way, my hands are fully functioning and I can play my best tonight. The team needs me and even though I didn't even like this damn game, I wasn't about to let my team down. So I would ignore Grayson and the Bears would win the championship in a few weeks. Then, I would show him what happens when you mess with the girl I love.

Sitting on the bench, I took off my helmet then pulled out my water bottle and took a swig, drinking half its contents while the other half trailed down my chin.

I buried my head in my hands, trying to let the anger pushing its way up inside me pass, when I heard the sound of cleats digging into the ground.

"What's the deal with you two?" I looked up as Jeff took a seat beside me, taking off his helmet and placing it on his lap.

"Nothing," I mumbled, taking another sip of water just to have something to do.

"That wasn't nothing, dude. What the hell happened?" He watched me for a minute before his eyes widened in understanding and he ran his hand through his hair. "Shit, man. I'm sorry. I was there in the cafeteria when he made that comment about Becca ... I completely forgot to tell you."

Great, both Becca and my best friend forgot to mention Grayson's comment about her in bed. Rolling my eyes, I chose to ignore it.

I reached out and patted my best friend's shoulder. "No worries. Soon as the championship is done, he'll get what's coming to him."

Jeff's gaze traveled onto the field, watching our teammates running back and forth and practicing the drills that Coach was yelling. The game was starting in an hour, we were getting in some final practice time before the stands started to fill with students.

"You fix everything with your girl?"

"Tonight," I replied, grinning like a maniac.

Jeff took one glance at me and chuckled, shaking his head back and forth. "Swear to God, Brett, you two have the most difficult relationship I've ever seen. For two people in love, you sure know how to make shit complicated."

Hell, he didn't have to tell me twice. But I didn't want to think about the crap Becca and I had gone through these past few weeks. I just wanted my girl back in my arms. Simple.

"She's coming tonight," I told him, hearing the happiness in my own voice.

"She told you that?"

"No," I ignored the stern look Jeff shot me, "but I know she'll be here, man. I know it."

"And what if she's not?" I reached out and smacked his helmet, sending it rolling into the grass in front of us. "What the hell!" He yelled, bending down to pick it up.

"She'll be here," I stressed, giving him a look that warned him not to mess with me right now.

Jeff threw his hands up in surrender, eyeing me like I lost my mind. "Fine, she'll be here. Jesus." He muttered something inaudible under his breath, I managed to catch the word lunatic.

We sat in silence for a moment before Jeff spoke again. "What Grayson said about Becca..." He trailed off, fidgeting sheepishly with the helmet in his lap.

My head snapped up and I looked at him, raising my eyebrows. "What about it?" He better not be asking what I think he's asking.

"Is it true?" He shrugged, averting his gaze from mine.

"Are you asking me if my girl is good in bed?" My voice began to rise, our teammates on the field glancing towards us.

"Why not? We used to talk about this shit when it was other girls," was all he said, staring ahead into the field but watching me from the corner of his eye. 

"Becca isn't just some girl, asshole."

She was much, much more than that. How the hell was I supposed to tell him that? Jeff wouldn't understand. He and I had always been complete opposites when it came to girls. I wanted a relationship, love, something steady and comfortable. All he wanted was one night stands.

There was a time when I wanted that too - fun. But I grew up and realized there was more to a relationship than just sex. Hell, Becca showed me that a relationship can be fucking remarkable without sex. Not that I didn't think about making love to her everyday, because I did. But she showed me there was more to it than just a physical connection.

Coach blew his whistle, signalling for Jeff, myself and the rest of our stray teammates to join the huddle to discuss game plans. Thankful I didn't have to explain to Jeff that Becca and I hadn't slept together yet, I jogged onto the field with Jeff in tow.

The entire team listened intently in huddle to every single word Coach said - how we could improve, plays we needed to tighten and passes we had to perfect. It wasn't time to fuck around, we needed to make sure we won the game tonight.

Two hours later, the game was in full swing when the referee blew the whistle, announcing halftime. I was panting, my lungs burning and legs aching. My eyes scanned the crowd quickly before I jogged off the field, hoping to find Becca's somewhere. For the hundredth time tonight, they came up empty.

She'll be here, I told myself over and over. She will. Maybe she's running late. But deep in my heart, I knew she would show up eventually. I didn't care, just as long as she fucking came.

My eyes zoned back into reality and Coach standing in the centre of our huddle, yelling enthusiastically as the vein in his forehead popped out more prominently with every word. I couldn't even focus on what he was saying, every few seconds my eyes lingered to the crowd in search of those big blue eyes.

We were winning the game by a huge lead. At this rate, the entire team knew we were going to take home the win. But a win wasn't enough for Coach, he wanted more - not just a win, but one with a big enough lead to brag that we were the best in the state.

After our game plan for the rest of the second half was finalized, we put our hands in and screamed "Go Bears!" in sync. Jogging onto the field, my eyes scanned around the cheerleaders and their waving pompoms into the crowd, searching for Becca.

Jeff ran up beside me and slapped me on the back, smiling widely as if to say we got this, Wells. I crouched down and returned his smile, ignoring the player on the opposing team in front of me who was growling like a hungry animal.

My eyes scanned the crowd one last time.

Please, Becca. Please.

And then, I found her. She was sitting at the end of the top bleacher alone, looking down at something in her lap. Even from this far away, my heart was beating a mile a minute as if she were in front of me. Her hair was blowing around her face as I noticed that she was wearing my jersey. I grinned like an idiot.

Look up, I begged. Then, by some miracle, she did. And I swear to God that time stood still when she smiled at me.

Her entire face lit up as our eyes met. When she waved at me shyly, I almost dropped to the ground. Fuck football, screw this entire game. I wanted her and only her. I wanted to run off the field this very second and up those bleachers until she was in my arms once again. I wanted to kiss her and tell her that I love her, that I never stopped. Not even for one second.

Her eyes held mine as the referee walked onto the field, preparing to blow the whistle to start the second half. I had to get my head in the game.

I held Becca's eyes for one more moment then winked at her. I saw her begin to laugh before shifting my head back to the game and sizing up the player in front of me.

Win this, Wells, I told myself. Win this for her.

And you already know damn well that I did.


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Woo! The moment finally came, next chapter you'll get your love fest, sheesh! Any thoughts on this chapter and this little reunion from afar? (hint the chapter title, lol) Hope you loved it! Next chapter will be a long one. 'Till then ... xo

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