6: What They Don't Tell You

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That night...

When the cops arrived at the bonfire, chaos ensued as everyone scattered left and right. Brady watched as Max managed to run off the side road and into the residential area just as the cop blocked off the exit. Even Julia had escaped through the other entrance.

Brady and Alison stared at each other for a second. The cop cars were making their way through both entrances now, the only option was deeper into the woods on their right. They both looked at the cops starting to get out of the cars and then bolted.

The only problem was that it was pitch black out and they were both still slightly buzzed. Brady tripped over Alison's foot and then a few minutes later, she almost ran into him when he stopped in front of her.

"Where are we going?" she asked in between breaths as she struggled to keep up with him.

"There is no 'we' here," he said back.

Alison rolled her eyes. "We're running together, genius."

"I don't care, in fact-"

Brady did not get to finish that sentence though because Alison tackled him to the ground just as a light flashed behind them. They hid behind the tree as the cop continued searching.

"We're so screwed," he whispered. "I'm gonna get in so much trouble my parents won't let me play at basketball camp."

"Shut up," she hissed.

The cop finally turned back and once the coast was clear, they stood up and cleared the dirt and leaves off of their clothes. Brady began walking deeper into the woods.

"Where are you going?" she asked.

"Anywhere but here," he answered. "I'm not getting busted and losing out on basketball camp."

"So you are just going to keep walking deeper into the creepy woods?" Alison questioned. "We don't even know where the woods end."

"Do you have a better idea?" he asked back harshly.

"Well the cops turned around," Alison pointed out. "We can just go back and then wait for them to leave the park. Then we can take your car and just drive home."

Brady was mad at how much better that plan was. He had never liked how much smarter Alison was than him. He silently agreed with a curt nod and they walked back towards the park.

He snuck a glance at Alison as they walked. Her anger from earlier was gone, now she just looked disheveled...and tired.

Brady and Alison were not that close. Sure, they had known each other there for a couple of years now but Brady's best friend was Max and Alison's best friend had always been Julia. They only hung out because they were dating the other's best friend. They were friends, but at the same time they both knew that if one of the couples broke up, their friendship would not last. Still, he felt bad about the words they had all exchanged earlier.

"I'm sorry about your dad, and Hailey bringing it up," he said quietly. "That's not an easy thing to deal with."

At first her fingers curled into first but then she uncurled them and her expression softened.

"I'm sorry too," Alison said finally. "I shouldn't have lashed out at you guys."

It was quiet between them for a while until they arrived at the parking lot. Brady quickly found his perfect white Porsche all the way on the other side of the lot. Alison looked around and noticed Max's bike and Julia's car still in the parking lot as well.

"Oh no," Brady groaned. "I don't have the key."

"What?" she asked harshly. "Where is it?"

"I must have dropped it somewhere," he said with his head in his hands.

"What are we going to do?" Alison asked him.

He sighed. "I don't know, do you have your phone?"

"Yeah, I-"

Alison froze. Her phone wasn't in her back pocket anymore.

"Crap, I must have dropped it when we were running too," she groaned. "Do you have yours?"

He shook his head. "That's why I asked you."

"Should we go look for them?" Alison questioned, looking wearily at the dark woods.

Brady sighed. "I have a spare set at home," he said dejectedly. "I guess I can come back with the keys tomorrow."

Alison frowned. "What about my phone?"

Brady shrugged. "I'm really tired, Ali. Can't you just buy a new one?"

They both knew Alison's parents were quite well off.

"Yeah, I suppose," Alison said, putting her hands in her empty pockets.

They both looked miserable as they accepted that they would have to walk home.

"I live like a two hour walk away from here," Brady complained.

"I'm only half an hour," Alison said. "You can spend the night at my place."

"Thanks," he mumbled, still upset as they started to leave the park.

Alison knew he was really only upset because he was leaving his beloved Porsche behind.

They got to the main road and were walking for what felt like hours, although they knew that wasn't true. They just had no way to gauge how much time had actually passed, it didn't help that they were not sober either.

They had just gotten to an intersection when a car pulled up next to them. A girl was sitting in the front seat next to a man who was driving.

"Hey, you two were just at that bonfire, right?" the girl asked.

Brady and Alison looked at each other to see if either of them recognized the girl.

"My name is Celia, I'm in your guys' math class," she said, as if hoping it would ring a bell.

Neither Brady nor Alison recognized her though. They both stared at her blankly.

Perhaps if they were sober, Alison would have realized that she and Brady were in different math classes and there was no way this girl was telling the truth.

"Do you guys need a ride?" Celia asked.

Alison quickly glanced at Brady before replying. "It's alright. I think we're only ten minutes from my house if we walk."

"Are you sure?" the man asked. "I saw cops patrolling around looking for the kids at the party. That's why I came to get Celia."

Brady was not going to risk getting caught. He pleaded with Alison with his eyes who gave in.

"Well if you're willing," Alison said. "I live on Peterson Road."

The man nodded. "Perfect, we're headed in that direction."

Alison and Brady looked at each other, they were tired, still slightly intoxicated, and desperate. They stared at one another for just a moment longer and then climbed into the back seat.

All was well, until the man missed the turn for Peterson Road.

Alison sat up straight in her seat on red alert.

"Um, sir, I think the turn was back there," she said nervously.

He ignored her and Brady shot her a nervous look. They both tried the doors but the child lock must have been on, the doors weren't opening.

Instinctively, Alison reached for her phone but then she remembered she had lost it. The man motioned something to the girl. They both put bandanas over their nose and mouths.

"I'm really sorry," Celia said before spraying them with something.

Everything went black after that.


Alison woke up in a pitch black room. That was the first thing she noticed, that she couldn't see anything. There was absolutely no light coming from anywhere. The second was that there was something around her wrists. A band of sorts. It felt like metal and when she tried to move, she realized it chained her to the wall.

Now she was really scared.

"Ali?" a voice called out from across from her.

"Brady?" she said back.

"Yeah, it's me," he called back.

"Are you chained to the wall too?"

"I think so," he replied with a shaky breath.

"What the hell happened?" she muttered.

"I just remember getting in that car," his voice trailed off.

"He drugged us," she whispered.

Alison shivered and she realized that her jacket was gone. She definitely wasn't in the clothes that she had been wearing in the bonfire.

"What about that girl?" Brady asked. "Celia was her name, right? Is she around?"

They listened quietly for any noise.

"I don't think she's in here," Alison said finally.

"That creep and his kid just kidnapped us," Brady said more to himself.

Alison didn't know what to say. She was still in shock. What could she even do at this point? Cry? Scream?

Suddenly light poured into the room. Alison realized they were in a basement as the light was coming from the top of the stairs where the man from the car was standing.

Alison was never religious before today, but at the moment she began to pray.

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