21| Fighting dirty

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For the first time in history, I'm nervous about my party. It's not that I think anything bad is going to happen, but I haven't forgotten that I'm about to have a house filled with Justin's friends and Max's. One wrong look, move or comment, and this could get ugly. 

The girls and I spend most of the evening getting ready. My parents left a while ago, which means we have free reign to drink as much as we want and sing at the top of our voices.

"I can't believe you're inviting wannabe thugs into your house," Marnie says. "I hope you've hidden anything expensive." 

I don't take my eyes off the mirror I'm looking at. "Everything in this house is expensive, Marnie." I choose a lipstick from the thousands in my makeup box–a vibrant red–and smear it over my lips. I'm transformed before my eyes into a sultry vixen. 

At nine, the first of the guests start to arrive. I've got a couple of Justin's meathead friends on the doors as bouncers, ensuring only those with tickets get in. I'd set up an account earlier this week for those wanting to come, and while I haven't checked it in a while, the last time I looked, it had nearly reached two thousand dollars. 

Justin throws an arm around me as people fill up the rooms. "This is going to be your best party yet," he says, kissing my neck. His breath already stinks of alcohol, but I hardly even look at him. I'm too busy scanning the room for Max. "Should you be drinking when you're about to fight?"

"I'm not drunk," he says, kissing me again, "but even if I were, I could still beat that kid's ass."

I feel jittery at the thought of Max being in my house. Not because of what Marnie said, but because I'll feel exposed. He's going to see the custom-made art flown in from Paris and the diamond candelabra in the kitchen. He's going to see what pointless things our money gets spent on, and I know what he's going to be thinking.

For the next hour, I try to keep one on the door while dancing with Justin. We'd agreed the first fight wouldn't be until ten-thirty, so they should be here any minute now. My heart won't stop racing in my chest. 

"You look sexy tonight," Justin says in my ear. "Like, really sexy. Red lips look good on you." 

I try not to grimace. It's getting harder and harder to ignore his advances, and sooner or later, he's going to realize that things aren't the same between us–that I'm just pretending. I pray Dad's business deal will be done by then. 

At some point, Justin disappears into the backyard with some of his friends. I hover near the front door, relieved when Maddie and Hayden show up. They both give their tickets to Jose, who has swapped shifts with Peter and walk over. 

"Hey," I say, pulling Maddie into a hug. "I was starting to worry you guys wouldn't show." 

Maddie pulls back a little, ignoring my comment to take in the house. I don't exactly blame her–this house is impressive, at first, but it soon wears off.

She frowns a little. "I've been to this house before," she says, still looking around. "For a party once last year." She turns to Hayden now, gently shoving his shoulder. "This is the house you had sex in!"

I scrunch up my nose in horror. "You guys had sex in my house?"

"Oh, not with me," Maddie says, looking at Hayden. "With someone else." Hayden raises his head to give her a pained look, and she smiles and kisses his cheek. 

I look between the two of them, horrified. "I could have gone my whole life without knowing that. Where's Max?"

Just as I say it, the door opens, and he and his brother walk in. My heart does this mini jump in my chest, and I smile. Max looks good tonight. Really good. He's wearing faded gray sweatpants and a plain black tee that accentuates his muscles. They give their tickets to Jose before walking up to me. Kino smiles, and I pull him into a hug.

"You came," I say, and when I pull back, Max is watching us.

"Nearly didn't make it," Kino says, narrowing his eyes at Max.

The rest of us look at them. I sense some animosity between the pair, but we don't have time. Justin and his friends are already out back, preparing for the fight. 

"Well, luckily you did," I say, turning to Hayden. "You're up first, fighting Justin's friend, Tylo." 

Hayden nods, and Maddie gives his arm a squeeze before standing on her tiptoes to whisper something in his ear. He breaks into a grin and, after whispering something back, I lead them out to the backyard. I couldn't manage to get a boxing ring, but I've cordoned off the section of the yard where the fight will take place using plastic fencing.

"Uh," Hayden says, looking around. "Not what I expected." 

I smile a little and look at my work. It's dark outside, but fairy lights hang from the trees above the boxing area, offering some light. Aiding them are several spotlights that sit around the fencing, glowing in different colors. Tiana's playlist thumps from the speakers, and inside the gazebo, which sits to the left, is a long buffet table where guests can sit and eat.

Max turns to look at me as though I'm insane. "You are just–" he stops like he doesn't know what I am. 

"I second that," Maddie says. 

"I third that," Hayden adds. 

I look at Kino, expecting him to chime in, but he grins and says, "I like it." 

Smiling, I squeeze his arm and say, "At least someone appreciates my effort." 

Max's eyes fall to where my hand rests on Kino's arm. "Come on," he says, nodding to Hayden. "Let's get this over with." 

Hayden moves toward the boxing area and picks up the gloves I've laid out. A shirtless Tylo has already taken his position, and now everyone has gathered to watch. Hayden peels off his t-shirt and joins him, revealing smooth, tanned skin and an impressive six-pack. 

As an honorary referee, I get out my whistle and go through some of the basic rules, like keeping above the neck and stopping when the other person taps out. Since I don't exactly have an ambulance on call, I don't want this getting out of hand.

When both men look ready, I blow the whistle. The pair of them spring into action, but before Tylo so much as lifts his hand, Hayden hits him in the jaw. Tylo drops, and everyone falls silent while we wait for him to get back up, but he raises his hand in defeat.

People start shouting above the music. Hayden ignores them and heads straight for Maddie, passing Max his gloves before taking Maddie's hand. He glances at Max, who gives him a nod and says, "C'mon, we're going. "

"Take Kino with you," Max says. 

My face falls. They've clearly decided to make their fights as short as possible, which doesn't really bother me, but I thought they might still stick around.

The others say goodbye, and my annoyance is quickly forgotten when Max peels off his t-shirt. My eyes immediately fall to his chest, which is hard and solid, carved into muscles like a work of art.

"You going to wish me luck?" he asks.

I meet his gaze and smile a little, unable to stop myself. "Do you need it?"

"Never," he says, moving past me. He stops right next to me, lowering his mouth near my ear in a grin. "But tell me, anyway."

I tense at the closeness. In the distance, Justin watches us. "Good luck."

Max crosses the yard to the ring, just as Justin steps in. The crowd goes wild again, cheering for Justin and cussing out Max, but he doesn't seem to care. He just gets into position, gloved hands high, and waits.

I'm about to blow the whistle, but Justin swings a second too early, straight into Max's stomach. Max, unprepared for Justin's rule-breaking, hunches over.

In one quick move, Justin punches Max again, this time in his face. He'd still been hunched over, struggling to breathe, so the hit knocks him over.

I push to the front, but no amount of shouting or whistle-blowing is making Justin stop. He's kicking Max now, who is crouched on the floor with his hand slightly raised to block the attack. I throw down the whistle and step into the area, trying to pull Justin off.

Justin glares at me, then shoves me so hard I go flying into the fence. It breaks beneath my weight, with some of the pieces cutting into my arm.

Something dangerous crosses Max's face. He's been trying to stick to the rules so far, but the next time Justin advances, Max sends a fist straight into Justin's groin, causing Justin to drop.

Max gets to his feet while Justin writhes in pain. He wipes the blood away from his face, and for a brief moment, it looks as though he is debating whether or not to beat the shit out of Justin. But then he looks at me, at the way I'm clutching my arm, and heads straight for me.


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed! Who's excited for the next chapter?! 💕

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