17 • Seek and Destroy

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I awoke to the smell of coffee filtering into the small bedroom. I rolled onto my side to check the time.


Wow. I almost couldn't remember what it was like to wake up this rested.

South eased open the bedroom door, and my mouth fell open. He looked like a damn snack.

Completely naked. No clothes at all.

The sight of all those tattoos and muscles made my cheeks flush with heat.

He flashed me a lopsided grin before pushing a cup of coffee and a bottle of water in my hand.

"I don't usually make coffee, so I hope it's drinkable."

I glanced down at the color and immediately knew there wasn't enough cream, but whatever. I was too distracted by his body to care what was inside the cup. He eased down onto the edge of the bed, shifting my feet into his lap.

"How'd you sleep?" I asked, while South absentmindedly ran his hand along my calf.

"Great. Which is crazy."

I gave him a quizzical look.

"Most nights, I don't sleep. And when I do, it's not for very long." He paused, taking a sip of water, then added, "It's like my body won't let me relax. I've been stuck on seek and destroy mode for the last nine months. I mean, I know all the calming techniques, I do the breathing or whatever, but my body doesn't give a shit. It's like my brain thinks..." his voice trailed off and my eyes fell to that chunky scar on his abdomen.

He was stuck on survival mode. Fight or flight. It reminded me so much of my list of fears.

Everything in life boiling down to learning how to live moment to moment.

I sat up, wanting to set my hand on his shoulder, but stopped. South didn't seem like the kind of guy who wanted to be coddled.

Then he looked at me, and I swore something inside my chest cracked open. Whether it was all the regrets hidden inside my heart spilling out, or the feeling that I wanted to wake up next him each morning just like this, I wasn't sure.

"Camilla, last night was the first night I was able to just... fall asleep."

I couldn't have looked away from South if I tried. "I know what you mean. I haven't slept well in ages, but last night... I did."

The silence that followed our confessions was only interrupted by the rocking of the boat and the creaking of the anchor chain.

Pieces of sleep-tousled hair had fallen in his pretty hazel eyes, and for the first time, I thought he looked truly vulnerable.

"What does that mean?" South asked. "Why is this so easy?"

I shrugged and shook my head. Unsure what to say.

What did it mean?

That we were just two broken people who found comfort in each other? Or, was it an indication of something else altogether?

"I don't know, South. But," I set my coffee down on the bedside table and scooted a little closer, "I'm glad we have time to figure it out."

South twisted his hand into my hair, and he pulled me into a kiss so good I didn't care that I tasted like coffee. The boat rocked again as I climbed onto his lap, legs wrapping around his back, and deepened our kiss.

With each moment, with each movement of our lips, the crack in my chest widened.

Maybe we could be broken together. Maybe we could sail away and never look back on our old lives and just be happy out on the water, watching the stars and riding the waves. Just kissing each other and sleeping through the night.

But, life didn't work like that. As much as I wanted to kiss South Tenney until the sun went down, I had a job and people who relied on me. And once his leave was up, South did, too.

I leaned my forehead against his and drew in a long, steadying breath. His fingers painted lines down my back. The tattoos on our ribs kissing as we held each other close.

"You're a fucking angel, Camilla. I swear. A real life angel."

We sat like that for a long time. Quiet. Listening to each other breathe and letting the boat sway. Every once in a while South would kiss my shoulder or run his fingers through my hair, until we finally said goodbye to the ocean, and returned to the harbor.

True to his word, South had me home in time to shower and change for work. My parents had thankfully left for work, so I dodged that uncomfortable conversation.

South waited in the living room, and when I came out dressed in a breezy linen dress, I found him wrestling on the ground with my yellow lab.

I wished I could introduce him to Lydie. She would've instinctively known what to say or what I should do. 

But I couldn't.

South insisted on driving me to the Yacht Club so he could stop by this bakery in Middletown to grab another muffin for Sandra.

"I owe her for scheduling those meetings with you," he'd explained. "No one else would've let me do that in workout clothes."

"You're not wrong," I said, giving him a nudge in the ribs with my elbow. He wrapped his arm around shoulders as we strolled inside the Yacht Club, laughing over something stupid when my gaze fell on Lianna.


She was standing at Sandra's desk, fussing over a bouquet of flowers, looking just as fashionable and effortless as ever.

I didn't know if I was supposed to feel embarrassed, but I was. And, there was some other emotion bubbling under the surface, too. Guilt. For all her talk of getting humped in the bathroom, Lianna seemed genuinely interested in South.

Which made me feel even worse.

There was a momentary flash of hurt in her eyes as she cut a glance between us. "Whenever you get a second, pop by my office, Camilla."

"I'll come find you after my nine o'clock appointment."

Lianna shoved a piece of hair behind her ear, then walked off.

I wanted to melt into the floor. I covered my face with my hands, groaning, but South only held me closer.

"So, you know—"

"Oh, I know," I said quickly.

South set the muffin on Sandra's desk, arm still around my shoulders, and we walked to my office together.

Once the door was closed, I fell into my chair. South leaned against the edge of my desk with his arms crossed. "It was literally nothing. Like, I was drunk and she was hitting on me. I mean, it just happened."

I turned to face him, prickles of heat sitting in my cheeks. "It might be nothing to you, but it was something to her. She has a thing for you."

"I sure as hell don't have a thing for her. You know that, right?" I nodded, but it didn't seem to help his frustration. "It was just a hookup. I mean, girls like her know exactly what they're getting from guys like me."

I took a deep breath, then said, "You need to talk to her. Tell her that you're sorry for leading her on or whatever."

"But I didn't lead her on." My brows shot up, and South softened. "This is probably making me sound like an ass."

"You think?"

He pushed off the desk and started pacing back and forth. "I mean, it's the whole SEAL culture. It's what we do. Not just girls, it's everything."

I bit my lip, thinking back to our conversation on the boat. "Seek and destroy, right?"

I must have I struck a nerve I wasn't even trying to hit when he turned around and stared back at me. Lips slightly parted. One hand gliding down his chest to the place where that scar was.

"Listen, South." I stood up and set my hand on his cheek. I could feel his pulse racing under my palm. "I get that you used to be that guy."

"I swear it's not like that with you—"

"You told me it was different between us, and I believe you. But this is my boss. And she's also one of my only friends up here."

His hands went around my waist, pulling my body to his. "Okay, fine. I'll tell her that I'm sorry for hurting her feelings or whatever."

A slow smile spread across my face. "Or whatever?"

He let out one of his low chuckles. "Exactly."

Well, it was a start.

A soft knock sounded on my door before Sandra peered around the corner. South and I broke apart and I gave her an awkward wave.

"Don't mind me," she said with a cheeky grin. "But your nine o'clock appointment just arrived. That Mr. Dougherty."

"Thanks, Sandra. I'll be right out."

As soon as Sandra closed the door, South's arms were around me, leading me towards the edge of my desk. His hips and mine locked.

"Dinner tonight. At my house. I'll pick you up at seven."

I wrapped my fingers around his collar and pulled him in for a kiss. "You're kinda bossy, you know that?"

"I do now," South replied, leaning in and biting down on the side of my neck. A needy little whimper tore from between my lips. "See you tonight."

South backed out of my office, closing the door behind him. I had to take a few minutes to find a steady breath. This man was... unreal

Once I was sure I could form coherent sentences, I went out to the lobby and greeted Mr. Dougherty.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter! ❤️ I can't wait to write the scene at the Tenney house with Ji Woo and West. It's going to be so much fun!

But first, who is this Mr. Dougherty?


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