10 • Surprises

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"Why did you make me wait in the locker room?" West asked the second I marched in.

I gave him an amused look before peeling off my shirt and shorts, grabbing a towel, and striding towards the showers.

Not wanting to answer his question.

West followed after me like a lost puppy. Still wearing the green shirt and shorts I'd loaned him.

"Seriously, South. I could have come with you to the meeting. Camilla knows me."

If Camilla thought I was sweaty, she would've died seeing my brother. He was drenched, cheeks still pink and splotchy from our ten-mile beach run.

"If Camilla saw you, she'd of thought we went swimming. Not running," I told West. "You need to treat your body better. Drink more water and take your damn vitamins."

"Yeah, I heard you."

When West asked if he could crash on my couch instead of staying at our parent's house, I told him there would be conditions. The first being he got up when I got up. The second that he kept his shit off my floor and wiped up after himself. The third being he matched my workouts.

Running did wonders for a busy mind. It gave you something to focus on—like breathing. And West needed something else to focus on.

He hadn't told me why he suddenly wanted to stay with me after we left the wedding in New York, but I'd had a suspicion it had something to do with Stella.

Which was exactly why I had him hiding in the locker room. I noticed that pearl white Aston Martin his best friend drove in valet parking. West didn't need to see Fredericksen and his girlfriend all cozy.

Well, that and I didn't want to drop in on Camilla with my little brother in tow.

I turned on the tap, letting hot water and billowing steam fill the shower. "Don't make me throw you in the water with your clothes on. You smell worse than a room full of damp sack."

West rolled his eyes. Drama, drama. "And I'm sure you smell like forest pine."

I grabbed my cock. "Wanna sniff?"

West turned away before he peeled off that sweaty rag of a shirt. He'd be keeping that nasty set of clothes. It certainly wasn't going in the laundry hamper with my shit.

West was chuckling when he shut the shower door, and I couldn't help but grin. As much shit as I liked to give West, I was glad we had this time to hang out.

I opened the shower door and stepped into the steamy water, rubbing body wash over my skin.

The only thing on my mind as steam collected on the frosted glass door was Camilla. I couldn't believe she was still looking for reasons to be mad at me. Couldn't she see what I saw?

I tried to shove thoughts of her away, not wanting to walk out of the shower with a huge hard on, but damn.

I really wanted to take her out to dinner, then maybe lick dessert off her perky little nipples.

She was so beautiful, but Camilla walked around like she had no idea just how pretty she was. Inside and out. I wanted to know more about her.

I shouldn't be thinking of her, I told my increasingly stiff cock. Just look at West. He's so broken-hearted he can barely function.

But I wasn't like West.

I was an asshole. I broke girl's hearts. I walked away. If Stella had been dancing with me, we'd have hooked up, and I'd already been on to the next girl.

But, for whatever reason, that wasn't happening right now. Camilla was... nice. And smart. And being with her felt inevitable—like I could see the two of us together.

This girl was wild, and could keep up with me. I could take this chick skydiving. I bet she'd even go rafting with me. Or go on long hikes.

Above all that, I still felt like I knew her. There was something so familiar about Camilla.

I pressed my forehead against the slippery tile. This is stupid, South. What was I thinking?

I didn't believe in soulmates or true love.

What if I'm not like West, because deep down, I'm like dad.

I gritted my teeth before pounding my fist on the wall. All those years of Catholic school. All those lectures about morality, and family over self, and taking the higher road. Living with purpose.

Duty. Family. Honor.

It was all a cover for his infidelity.

Maybe I shouldn't be surprised, but I was.

Then another ugly thought surfaced, one that hurt more than I expected.

What if I had it all, a beautiful wife and kids and all that forever shit, and I went and fucked it up? Got scared. Got cocky. Fell for another set of tits while drunk at a bar?

I'd heard the older SEALs say it time and time again: A bear's gotta eat. If you aren't getting fed in your cave, you gotta scrounge around to survive.

Nora and Easton and West all looked like ma. Maybe they were more like her. Capable of love and being good to someone. But I looked like dad—and maybe that meant I had inherited his nature.

Is that why I gravitated towards this lifestyle?

That thought was enough to kill a boner. Trust issues and stewing on family tragedies.

Thanks, dad.

I washed my hair before shutting off the water and toweling dry. West was waiting for me by wood-paneled lockers.

"You took your time in there," West said. All cheeky, like he was holding back a grin. He'd already dressed in white chinos and a black leather belt. "Please tell me you weren't..."

A smile curved up my lips. Damn, he was just making this too easy. "You really wanna finish that sentence, bro?"

"No, probably not."

We both let out a laugh, and I realized that West and I laughed the same way. I shrugged on a white polo, eyeing West as he pulled on a black one.

It's funny how you can live with someone your whole life and still learn new things about them.

"You wanna grab breakfast at the club?" West asked while packing up his gym bag.

"No. I don't wanna eat here." I didn't meet his eye. "I mean, we're only in town for a few more weeks. Let's get some good food away from these people."

We shuffled out of the locker room, shoulder to shoulder when we nearly ran right into two people I definitely didn't want to talk to.

"Southron. Westmore." My father's voice was cold and clipped.

West froze. Even I had to hide my surprise.

"What's the matter? Have my sons forgotten how to address their father properly?"

We both mumbled, "Good morning, sir." Years of practice flowing out of my mouth even though the courtesy meant little to me now.

"Good morning, boys." I felt more naked now than I had in the locker room. My dad has this way of looking at you. Like he could see every sin hiding beneath your skin. Too bad I could see his now. "Now, can one of you explain why you're not answering your phones?"

West shifted uncomfortably beside me. I got this, bro. I'm not gonna leave you alone this time.

"We were in the shower."

"I've been calling you for the last two hours. Lianna was kind enough to point me in your direction."

Lianna McGilary finger-waved from behind my dad. Ugh. I had to swallow around the knot in my throat. I totally forgot she worked here.

"Hi, South," Lianna said in a flirty voice.

"Anyways," dad continued. "I came here to let you know that your commander is allowing me to award you the Purple Heart you earned on deployment."

West sucked in a breath. "Purple Heart?"

Lianna looked like she understood what that meant. I could almost hear her panties dripping. "You got hurt? Are you okay? I mean, I'm sure you are. You're South. And well, you look good."

Oh, for fucks sake.

My father shot an angry look my way. "Thank Lianna for her kindness, son. She's incredibly polite, and if I'm not mistaken, you two know each other well."

Lianna was beaming.

"Thanks, Lianna," I gritted out. Trying to smile before turning my attention back to my father.

When our eyes met, I thought he looked... proud. His hazel eyes, the same color, and shape as mine, were smiling back at me.

"Your mother is planning a surprise party for you, so see to it you act surprised. And thankful."

Then my dad took a step forward and set his hand on my shoulder. I didn't know what to do with this man so close. Hit him, or hug him. It was so rare he showed affection.

"We're all very proud of you, son. You did well out there, and showed just how much of a Tenney man you are."

His gaze slid to West, and adoration turned cold. "See that you make it to your brother's party on time, Westmore. You are still a Tenney."

And just like that, my father turned on his heel and strode through the crowded club. West and I watched him leave, unspeaking.

Lianna took our silence as an invitation to start talking.

"A surprise party for your award. Wow," she cooed. Stepping into my personal space. "Well, let me know if you need some arm candy."

I almost laughed, but somehow managed to swallow it. "I'm good. It's a family thing. But thanks." I elbowed West in the ribs. "Come on, let's go get something to eat."

We started marching down the hallway, leaving Lianna alone, when she called out my name. "South! I'm having a party Saturday. You and West should come."

I gave her the same finger wave she'd given me, then kept walking.


This chapter took me some time to think through! I hope you liked it! South seriously cracks me up.


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