Chapter Fourteen

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When Sadie opened the door and Millie "I so sorry I said that" Millie said running up to me to give me a hug "it's ok but why would you tell him?" I questioned her "that's a secret" she said looking down "seriously, what ever I don't need to know" I said getting annoyed "I think you do" a voice said, it was Finn "we'll leave you two alone" Sadie and Millie said while walking out of the room. We sat down on the bed "why did you run away crying" he asked while staring at me "it doesn't matter but why do you care" I said back "y/n I care about you, I want you to be happy" when he said that I start to blush "you care about me, we haven't talked in years I'm surprised you still know me" I said getting annoyed "of course I'd remember you, I used to like you" I'm shocked "you liked me" I said shocked "yea but I was to scared to tell you, do you feel the same way?" He asked "the reason why I ran off was because Millie told everyone that I liked you" I said looking at him "so that was true, I thought she was joking" "no" we started at each other then Finn smashed he lips against mine but we stop because the door slammed opened by Millie and Sadie "sorry I thought you guys stopped talking" Millie said "are you guys dating" Sadie asked "y/n will you make the happiest man ever and be my girlfriend" "of course" I said as we hugged "our baby is growing up" Millie said pretending to wipe a tire a away, we all just started laughing.

~time skipped to lunch~

For most of the day we've been just sitting around the house reading our scripts for tomorrow when we start filming "hey y/n, Millie you want to go to the mall" Sadie asked "sure" me and Millie , me and Sadie are just waiting for then someone picks me up form behind and spun me around "put me down" I screamed and I look and it was just Finn "I hate you, I hate you" I said "I know you love me" he said back leaning in for a kiss, we kissed but then got interrupted by Sadie making barfing noises "ok ok well stop" I said as I was laughing "so where you going?" Finn asked "oh we're going to the mall" Sadie said "cool can I come" he asked "um no sorry this is kind of a girl thing" I said teasing him "ok girls let's go" Millie yells running down the stairs "finally" Sadie and I said annoyed is unison then we just started laughing "see you later Finn" I said walking out the door "bye" he yells back.

Sorry if this chapter is kind of boring I didn't really know what to write
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