Chapter 12

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Wanted to say I have no idea what they say when they are getting married so imma just leave that out 😅 and who walks down the aisle and with who and when and stuff so I do apologize if it's not right 😅. So imma just write what I think.

Time skip - 1 month

Today was finally the day the 4 teams has been waiting for. Mostly Team Flash. It was finally the wedding day of Iris and Eddie! First they decided on having their wedding in a small place but in the end, they chose a church since the soon-to-be-married couple added more people. Their family members.

Team Supergirl, Arrow and Legends came a day before the wedding for the rehearsal dinner, where they ate, drank a bit and had a good time before the wedding day.

After the rehearsal dinner, Iris, Caitlin, Frost, Kamilla, Allegra, Felicity and Kara stayed over at Eddie and Iris's apartment and Eddie, Barry, Ralph, Cisco, Chester and Oliver stayed at Barry and Caitlin's apartment. William also stayed with the girls since he wanted to be with his step-mother and auntie's. The remaining men and women which were Lila, Diggle, Roy, Thea, Alex, Kelly, J'onn, M'gann, Brainy and Nia stayed at S.T.A.R Labs in the overnight rooms whilst the legends just stayed in the Waverider. Iris and Eddie let J'onn bring M'gann as his plus one.

They woke up 2 or 3 hours early and the girls helped Iris get ready for the wedding, hair and makeup.

Meanwhile, the other women and all the men got ready and went to the Church while there was a women at the entrance getting people to sit either in the bride's side or the groom's. Barry and Wally was with Eddie who was on the verge of having a panic attack as Caitlin and the girls were doing the same with Iris.

But now everyone has been seated. Eddie calmed down and stood at the altar and now it was time for everyone to walk in.

Everyone looked towards the entrance as William was first to walk down as the ring bearer, wearing a shirt tucked into his trousers and a jacket matching his trousers. Next to walk down the aisle was 3 yrs old Jenna West as the flower girl. She had her hair out as medium curly hair and was a wearing cute light pink dress, throwing flowers down the aisle as she walked.

Now it was time for the best man and maid of honour and bridesmaid and groomsmen to come walk down the aisle. 

All of them walked down the aisle, arms linked together with their boyfriend or girlfriend.

In front was Barry and Caitlin, then Frost and Ralph, then Cisco and Kamilla, then then Chester and Allegra and then Felicity and Oliver. When they all reached the end to the aisle, they unlinked arms and the girls walked to the left and the boys walked to the right. The best man stood behind the groom with the groomsmen behind him and the maid of honour stood behind where the bride would be with the bridesmaid behind, all in the order they walked in.

Then all the guests stood up and turned to the entrance. The doors opened once again as Iris in her beautiful pink wedding dress walked slowly down the aisle, with her arm linked with Joe. Eddie's eyes slightly teared up as father and daughter reached the end. Joe kissed Iris on the cheek and gave Eddie a handshake and a nod before he went to sit on the front row beside Cecile and Jenna.

Iris and Eddie stood opposite each other, holding each others hands. A few minutes past with them saying their vows to each other which caused everyone to tear up but now it was nearly time for the engaged couple to be a married couple.

"Do you, Iris Ann West, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest said, standing in front of the couple.

"I do." Iris said, tears in her eyes whilst she tried not letting them roll down her cheeks as it would ruin her makeup. The priest then turned to Eddie.

"And do you, Eddie Thawne, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest said.

"I do." Eddie said.

"Now with the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." The priest said as Eddie quickly pulled Iris towards him and kiss her while everyone stood up and cheered and clapped.

The now married couple pulled apart, leaning their foreheads against each other.

"Best day of my life." Eddie whispered to Iris who blushed as everyone now sat back down.

Suddenly, a women's scream was heard and the church doors swung opened. All the people from the 4 teams abruptly stood up while the other guests stayed seated. Everyone looked to the door to see a group of men which only looked familiar to Barry, Caitlin, Frost and Ralph but couldn't figure out where they were from.

"Awww. Are we late for the wedding?" One of the men said.

"Seriously." Frost whispered, rolling her eyes.

"Oh that's okay. We're right in time." A male voice behind the men was heard. The men separated, creating a path in the middle to the front of them for their boss. Caitlin's eyes widened as she and the others 3 recognised him from the day Caitlin was kidnapped.

"Hey Caity. Miss me?" Her kidnapper winked at her.

"Wally. Jesse. Get the guests out of here." Oliver commanded the 2 speedsters who nodded in response. The guests were too scared to notice themselves being sped out by Wally or Jesse. The 2 came back after taking all the guests out except the 4 teams.

"What are you doing here?" Iris asked.

"Well I found out there was a wedding I wasn't invited to. So thought I should come down anyways. But I will get my revenge on you, Frosty." He said as Team Flash was confused on why he wanted revenge.

"And who are you?" Oliver said.

"You can call me. Andy." Andy said.

"Andy? Weird name for a "villain". Cisco, Chester and Ralph laughed. Frost, Allegra and Kamilla glared at them which caused them to stop immediately.

"Well I didn't know villains were supposed to have a specific name. Anyways, I've gone through one Ice Queen. How bout we go through another? But then again it was fun to mess with Caity." Andy added, looking at Caitlin as his eyes glowed red but then so did Caitlin's. 

"No. No. No. It's hurts. Stop." Caitlin screamed, kneeling on her knees while grabbing onto her head. Barry, Carla and Frost was instantly by her side whilst Frost was ignoring Caitlin's pain she felt.

"It's okay, Caity. It's okay." Frost said, trying to calm Caitlin down.

"Stop this. Right. Now." Sara commanded, taking her sticks out while taking a few steps forward. The meta and his men just laughed.

"Well isn't this entertainment." Andy cackled with laughter.

"STOP THE NIGHTMARE NOW." Frost shouted, as she ice blasted the meta with full strength. He was thrown on the balcony railing above and then thrown back down. His men helped him back up. He wiped the little blood from his lip.

"She's not having a nightmare. She experiencing pain. All in her mind." He said, pointing to his head.

"He's right, Frost. He's hurting so bad. I can feel it." Jenna said, tearing up, feeling the pain Caitlin felt. Cecile picked her as She nodded to Frost meaning Jenna was right.

"We don't care. Just stop it." Kara said to Andy, eyes glowing orange. The meta rolled his eyes then stopped the major headache happening to Caitlin who fell into Frost's arms, head leaning on her shoulder as they stood up.

Then Andy clicked his fingers and his men ran forward towards the heroes. They suddenly stopped as glass was thrown on the ground from the skylight above and a man in a suit like Oliver's but dark blue came down. He wasted no time in taking out the men including Andy. All the men was past out around him. He faced the entrance so the teams couldn't see his face even though he wore a hood that covered his entire face. All you could see was s few strands of white from the top.

"Who the hell are you?" Barry said, curiously as the man still hasn't made eye contact with the others meaning the man had no idea at this moment who was right in front of him.

"Come find out." He said in an icy voice like Frost's.

Barry nodded towards Wally and Jesse then the 3 of them sped towards the mysterious man but he clapped his hands together in front of him. A blast radius of ice spun out from around him which knocked out Barry, Wally and Jesse out cold. (just like Frost did to the blood people of Ramsey in 6x08). Iris, Caitlin and Harry ran to the speedsters, Caitlin ignoring her headache right now.

"Another ice meta. Cool." Cisco and Chester whispered.

Frost's eyes glowed white as she walked towards the man while taking of her necklaces and earrings, throwing them aside, making it easier to fight. She gave him a punch straight in the jaw and one in the stomach. As he was hunched over, Frost was about to pull his hood back, he grabbed her hand, turned her around and pulled her against his chest. The others walked forward to help her but he created some icicle on the floor which didn't allow them to pass. Not one moment did he look up to see the others though including Frost, even though he was fighting her.

By now, Barry, Wally and Jesse had woken up and stood up, vibrating off the cold of the ice they were hit. They stood with the others and saw Frost and mysterious man in the middle of the church

Frost grabbed him by the arm and threw him to the ground but instead of falling flat on the ground, he landed perfectly in his feet. Quickly, Frost kicked him in the back of the knee which caused him to grunt in pain and sit on his knees. She then kicked him in the gut and then punched him in to face. While he was hunched over again, coughing Frost took this opportunity to remove his hood. She took it off then gasped, quickly stumbled back into Caitlin and Carla, all 3 of them shocked at what they saw. The man had white hair, blue lips and white eyes which now was dark blue as he wasn't using his powers. He looked right back the heroes but mostly Caitlin, Frost and Carla, shocked at who was right in front.

"Wow." Felicity said, being the first to be able say something from shock.

The man melted the icicles away but then Wally sped up to him and put meta cuffs in him. The ice meta look down at the cuff then up at Wally who looked quite smug.

"You do realize these are not gonna work." He said, eyes glowing white and hands became misty with the cuffs as Wally eyes widened. He then powered down.

"How?" Wally said.

"Relax. I'm not gonna hurt anyone." He said.

"Yeah. That's kinda hard to believe considering what happened less than 5 minutes ago." Iris said.

"Wait. Stop. You look exactly like..." Carla started saying.

"Charlie." Carla, Caitlin and Frost said together.
"Frost." The others said. The other then look towards Carla, Caitlin, and Frost, confused.

"Caitlin. Who's Charlie." Barry said, putting a hand on her shoulder. Caitlin turned to look up at Barry with tears in her eyes as Ralph walked over to Frost who looked up at him.

"My twin brother." Caitlin said.

"I did not know you had a twin. Apart from Frost." Cisco said.

"That's because he's been dead since me and Caity were little. Since high school." Frost answered. Caitlin walked a little forward up to the man who was still on his knees and looking down.

"Why do you look my brother and my sister?" Caitlin demanded him, him still not making eye contact with anyone especially the Snows.

"If you want answers, let go to S.T.A.R Labs. Cops will come through in less than 5 minutes." He answered while everyone was shocked.

"Oh don't be shocked. I know S.T.A.R Labs in your "secret lair. Which isn't really secret at all." He said. Then they heard the sirens of the police.

"I'll handled them. You see if you can get anything out of him." Joe said. He hugged his daughter and son-in-law and then hugged Caitlin and Frost.

"You'll figure this out." Joe whispered to them.

He then walked out and talked to the cops while Cisco opened a breach to S.T.A.R Labs. Frost took the ice meta by the arm and pushed him through the breach with everyone following behind.

"Nice to finally see this in person." The man said, stopping to look around.

"Keep walking." Frost ordered, pushing him towards the pipeline, with everyone following behind except Cisco who went to the cortex.

"Whoa sis. Careful. Just got my ass kicked." The man said.

"Yeah. By me. I know. You're welcome. And I am not your sister." Frost remarked.

"You'll be surprise when you find out." He answered, giving a little hint. Frost pushed him in front of a cell.

"Whoa. I am not going into that prison since I've just got out of one. You want answer." He said, turning back around to face the others.

"Fine." Frost smiled as a breach opened behind everyone and then another opened underneath the ice meta opened and he fell through. Barry then zoomed out the pipeline and to the cortex while everyone jumped through the breach behind them.

It lead to the cortex where Barry just finished tying the meta up with rope with him, sitting on a chair, wearing Caitlin's cuffs, with all the setting on.

Cisco has updated Caitlin and Frost's cuffs so they could on and off certain settings. If you press one of the buttons then Caitlin and Frost can't hear each others thoughts or read each others mind. Press another button, they can't feel each others pain and another button cancels out their powers.

"Is this really necessary?" The meta said.

"Yeah." Everyone said. The meta tried using his powers but found out he couldn't. He looked at the others in shock.

"Why can't I use my powers?" He said, still trying to use his powers.

"Well you see those cuffs are... Never mind." Cisco started saying but stopped once he caught the 'shut up' look on Caitlin and Frost faces.

"Will explain later." Cisco said, sheepishly.

"They're cuffs that stops me and Caity's powers. So it'll stop yours too. Since your somehow like us. Now..." Frost said, walking up to the meta.

"Who are you? And why do you look like me and Charlie Snow?"  Frost asked intimidatingly, putting an icy mist hand near him and her eyes glowing white.

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