Chapter 39

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I slam my locker shut after pulling out my economic textbook. Everything is absolutely perfect, everyone was happy to see me again except for some few minority bastards.

My phone started buzzing.

"Hey Fred?" I answered.

"Uh.. How are you doing? Are you enjoying school? So you wanna come home?" He spoke awkwardly.

"Yeah everything totally fine, don't worry about me, am O.K!" I rolled my eyes.

"Are you sure?" I bet he was raising his brows.

"Yeah, totally, everything is great and people are friendly as usual, please Fred stop being such a mom!" I laughed.

"Fine I was just trying to look after my younger brother but I was just stab deep in the heart. Ouch!"

I chuckled, "sorry, sorry, thanks for caring so bloody much, no offense."

"Why can't you express yourself without sarcasm?"

"Just maybe cause am a fourteen years old teenage boy, not a forty years old mature father."

I heard him laugh from the other line. "Yeah, whatever but I really want you to help me for something really important today."

"Yeah sure, since I'm starting practice tomorrow."

"Okay see ya soon, bye."

"Bye." I hung up while wondering what Fred really need my help about.

I turn around just to be met with the sad depressed face of Brian. He had bloodshot eyes with bags under them and his skin was pale a little like me when I was in the most difficult period of my life.

I tried walking past him, but God his voice totally melted my heart. "Chris please don't go." He said in a shaky voice like some beat up dog.

I took a breath bright as I turn around. "What do you want?" I said carelessly.

"I-i need your help." He still spoke in his shaky voice.

"I can't help you, why don't you go to Cameron or Jesse your best friends?"

He shudder at the mention of their names.

"Everything is over between us."

"Oh really?" I said sarcastically.

"Only if you knew."

"Knew what?" My ears peek up from curiosity.

"Well after everything that happened between us, I kept hanging out with them, and it felt good at first but then the started doing dangerous stuffs like stealing and taking drugs then, I started taking drugs and alcohol, and later some other drug dealer came for them then the left me to deal with something I don't even know about, I got serious beaten up and tortured then I was release to the cops, my parents were furious and they still are, dad said I was a shame to the family and I don't deserve to be call his son after doing what he did then mum almost had a heart attack and everything is going bad, the worst part of it was that Cameron and Jesse said I wasn't their friend anymore and the equally beat me up," tears roll down his cheeks, "I made the wrong choice! Chris! I shouldn't have done that to you! But I was too blind with popularity that now am nothing all the kids in school thinks that I'm a loser Gabriel don't stop spreading the news and torturing me! Am really sorry Christopher, I need you right now, I don't have anybody else, my two other siblings are not in town, and my parents are cross with me, I don't know what to do am lost!" He cried. I resist the urge to give him a big hug.

"You made your choice, you had the chance to change all this but you blew it up, you choose them over me, excuse my arrogance but unfortunately I can't help you." I said coldly.

"Please, why you so harsh with me?"

I chuckled, "are you asking me that?! Seriously Brian?! You left me when I needed you the most! You abandoned me! For them! do you know how much it hurt! I needed you Brian! I needed my best bud! I needed my brother! But you turn your back on me Brian! Do you know how many countless night I cried just cause I loose you! Just cause you didn't love me enough to stick by me! I even went to cell once cause you weren't there for me!" I pant, I felt like someone just opened my healing wound, it hurts so much!

He stare at me with regret and hurt in his dull hazel eyes.

I furrowed my brows and stomp away.


We pulled in a jewelry store and Fred pulled over.

"Oh you wanna get some jewelry for Stephanie?"

"Not just a jewelry, but a ring, and I want you to choose it!" He said with a grin.

I smiled, "oh I know where is going."

"Yeah you guess right!"

We got out into the store, we saw most of the rings the lady presented to us but none was perfect enough, then I saw this diamond ring not too big just perfect, I knew it will go with the skin of Stephanie, and she'll love it.

"Here Fred! This one is okay." I grinned when his eyes lifted up, we pick that and pick another for Fred.

"This are just perfect thanks to you." He said but I was too distracted to listen, rather I was thinking about Brian and what he said, now I can feel the pit of guilty eating me up.

"Chris are you alright?" Fred put his hand around my shoulder.

"Uh..." I sigh, "Fred?"


"What if someone hurt you really bad and you have an occasion to payback but then the person is pleading what will you do?"

"Well as a person with heart I won't take my revenge but I'll forgive, cause my heart won't bare the guilty if something happens to the person cause of my selfish and egocentric attitude."


"So Fred when is your marriage?" I asked.

"Next month, talking of marriage do you wanna be my witness?"

"Wow sure!"

He chuckled at the expression on my face.

"Why are you chuckling?"

"Cause you look like some kid who is standing before Santa."

"Oh, maybe you're a sort of Santa." I smiled. "Can you drive me to Brian's?"

"Yeah sure, but why I thought you guys were no longer friends." He frowned.

"Yeah but he needs me, deep in my heart I still love him! After all we were friends since first grade."



Minutes later we pulled in Brian's drive way and went inside the house.

Mrs Thomas was quick to welcome us, she was more than glad to see me, she almost crushed me in a hug.

"Is so good to see you Christopher," Mr Thomas said, "at least you bring some positive behavior to Brian."

"Lately Brian has cross the limits, just like he was replace by an imp, my little baby boy will never behave like he did." Mrs Thomas spoke with the hint of pure sadness in her voice.

"Why did you stop coming?" He asked.

"Uh... Brian and I had a misunderstanding about some private stuff," I said not willing to go into details.

"Hmm, but I hope you'll put some sense in him." He said.

"I'll try, is he home?"

"Yes, where do you want him to be? hanging out with those guys?" His mum said.

"He will be leaving this house for military academy!" His father said sternly, practically scaring the crap out of me.

I gasp, "military academy? But why?"

"Doing drugs and stealing are enough reason to send him behind bars!"

I really am feeling bad, Brian won't leave like that, would he?
I looked at Fred for help, he half nodded. I excuse myself and left for Brian.

Once I approach his room I could hear his quite sobs filling the hall. I felt a huge pang on my chest and my heart tingle.

I slowly crack the door opened, there he was curled in a ball crying his eyes out in the dark room.

I switch on the light.

"Chris?" He finally looked up and said in a croaky voice.

I crash in his arms, hold him close, he held me tight for dare life.

"I don't wanna leave! I'm so sorry!" He kept repeating over and over again.

"Is a-alright, I forgive you." I Patted his back.

"Please Chris help me." He pleaded.

"I will pinky swear." I chuckled.

Fred was able to change Mr Thomas view on military academy, and he decided go give Brian a second chance which I appreciated. But you never know what's next with Brian, I just hope he doesn't screw up again.

Hey every! Here is your chapter like I promised! Go ahead enjoy it and comment what you think.

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