Chapter Seventeen: Ruari

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All the pack warriors, save for Bran, left with Ciaran. The reports stated the enemies have more wolves advancing towards the compound. All the able bodied males of the pack are scattered and on patrol around the pack house where most of the women and children are now hiding. And me? I'm still standing on the spot where Ciaran left me. Where he carelessly pushed me like a hapless burden that he doesn't know what to do with or what to make of.

"Alpha, could you please step away from the windows." Bran said from behind me.

"Don't call me that," I said my hackles rising. He really shouldn't...

"But you are..."

"I'm not your alpha!" I snapped turning to face him. "I'm not even a member of your pack! Your alpha is Ciaran and no one else. He's out there fighting to protect Moonscape because that's what alphas do, protect their pack. And I... I'm no one."

"You're the alpha's mate." He said a stubborn line etched on his face.

"Is that all I am, the alpha's mate? You're protecting me because Ciaran ordered you to?" I taunted. "You know my story Bran. You probably heard how the others treated me during my time here. I was considered lower than the dirt in your shoes. Are you sure you're alright protecting someone like that?"

It's not his fault. I know it's not. But Bran is suffering the brunt of my temper because the one I want to have this conversation with is too deaf to listen.

Bran is two years younger than me. He was tested and made warrior when he turned eighteen, no more than a year ago. He came to Moonscape after he lost his parents on a raid that wiped out his previous pack. He was ten years old. His mother was originally from Moonscape but switched packs after she mated with his father. He's an only child.

How do I know all that? I asked him and he told me. Bran told me about himself along with the others whom I talked with on my first week back in Moonscape.

They're no longer faceless people to me. No longer just bad memories. The more I stay with the pack the more I see these people for who they are. They're Bran, Leanne and little Cale, every man and woman who needs a home, security and protection.

They're part of the pack, my pack if Ciaran was willing to share them with me. But damn him for choosing ego and pride over me yet again. He  made his decision, didn't he? I gave him a chance and he threw it back on my face. He basically told me to be grateful for whatever scraps he gives me.

To be denied the opportunity to care for others, to not be allowed to help when you're able and to be cut off from everyone without first having the chance to connect with them hurts, too damn much. And this rejection pains me more than I thought it would.

For the first time since I stepped back on Moonscape pack lands I regret being here. I should have left when they were still nothing but shadows of the past to me.

Ciaran's doing fine on his own. He doesn't need me here. He never did and he never will. Once this shit is over I'm leaving. And this time, I vow never to come back.

"Don't push yourself too hard Bran. We both know where I stand on this pack." I murmured turning to resume my vigil by the window.

Bran surprised me by boldly stepping forward. He stood close enough to look imposing and intimidating but not enough to be disrespectful.

"You are Ruari Lyall mate of Alpha Ciaran Blackburn. You are to stand as future alpha of Moonscape pack beside your mate, the spirits demand it." He said evenly, seriously. "I protect you not only for Alpha Ciaran's sake but because I believe the pack needs you. You can help save us alpha. You're finally home, safe, and we want to keep it that way. Is it wrong for us to do so? You are important to all of us here. Whoever told you otherwise is a fool and needs to be taught a lesson."

I didn't notice that our conversation has gathered quite a crowd. Bran's passionate declaration about my importance to the pack garnered nods of approval and second notions that made me feel humbled and a bit ashamed for thinking I could abandon these people.

I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. Bran said the same things Ciaran has been trying to tell me all this time. Only it took the whole pack to convince me to see and understand it. I guess Ciaran is not the only one who's been deaf to reason and blind to what's happening around him.

"Never doubt yourself again Alpha," Bran bowed low and the others followed. "Like our pledge to Alpha Ciaran, we swear our allegiance to you."

I straightened and eyed the people bowed before me. Can I really? Do I really belong here, with these people? Am I really allowed to take them as mine?

"Thank you," I whispered, a bit overwhelmed by my sudden realization and what happened.

The tension within the pack house seemed to have abated after that. People walked up to me to talk and pay their respects so to speak. I was coaxing Cale, Leanne's younger brother, to sit on my lap when a piercing howl from the patrol outside filled the night air. Leanne looked up at me with undisguised fear in her eyes and hugged Cale close to her chest.

"Go to the basement," I said pulling her to her feet and walking with her part of the way. "Take the other children with you. Do not come out until I come and I get you. Do you hear me?"

She nodded frantically and called for the other kids to come. I gave the same instructions to the elder members and females who are unable to fight. I stationed the others around the house and asked them to bar all the doors and windows. Once the preparations inside were dealt with I rushed out of the pack house with Bran on my heels.

"Alpha Ciaran told me to knock you unconscious in case you decide to fight," Bran suddenly said.

The chorus of howls from the remaining patrol was more distinct now. From the sound the enemies could be two miles away, maybe less, and getting closer. The wind picked up speed and even from where we stood I could already smell the scent of blood and death. It made my stomach churn. They're picking them off one by one. Pack members are dying under my watch!

"Do you trust me Bran?" I asked, my mismatched eyes boring through his grey ones. Right now I require nothing short of blind obedience. If he can't give me that then it's best we part ways now.

"Yes. If I didn't trust you, you'd be unconscious by now." He flashed me a boyish smirk and I couldn't help grinning back. We nodded, acknowledging our newly formed fealty, and took off towards the sound of the fight.

"How many?" I asked as  we weaved through the trees.

"Last count was a dozen, maybe more. No one can give a definite count." Bran answered doing his best to keep up and give me as much information as he could. "They snuck in from the east border once our forces were engaged on the west. No one saw them coming that's how they got so far in."

Shit! This is the worse scenario.

I have no more than handful of wolves who could hold up on a fight and most of them are now stationed near the house. If Ciaran and the warriors walked in on a trap meant to be a diversion then they will not be here anytime soon to help. They'd have to fight their way back.  It's up to Bran, the others and I to keep the house and everyone inside safe.

We burst out of the forest to the training grounds where the main fight is now staged. They're too close to the house for comfort. I quickly surveyed the area and to my count there's no more than a dozen enemies on the attack. But most of the Moonscape's wolves trying to keep them at bay are now either exhausted or severely wounded.

"Order them to take wounded and fall back." I shouted surging forward. Between Bran and I, I think we'd manage the remaining enemies. We just have to hold the fort until Ciaran and the others get back.

I removed my shirt and kicked off my shoes before I phased. I growled loudly as I joined the fracas and when the enemies spotted me, three wolves instantly engaged to fight me.

I knocked one out of the way, scratching its eye, and jumped on the other sinking my teeth deep into its hind leg, breaking the bones before hurling it far from me. One lunged itself on my back. I yelped at the sudden pain as it's nails latched deep under my skin. It proceeded to bite and sink its teeth on my back close to the spine, trying to incapacitate me. I ran to a nearby tree, twisted and rammed it off me. It took three tries to completely throw it off. I spun and bit it on the shoulder making sure to draw a considerable amount of blood before letting it go.

I scanned the grounds, the taste of blood thick and laced in my mouth.

Half a dozen more...  

I spied Bran on the other side of the clearing tearing a wolf's throat out. I howled to keep the enemy's attention away from him. Four came surged forward and circled around me, leaving Bran and the others to deal with the other two.

Ruari! Rothe shouted frantically, clawing desperately inside me. Let me fight!

I smirked, which on my current form turned into nothing but a wolfish sneer. I took a step back and allowed Rothe to take over my body.

Knock yourself out. I breathed out tiredly. We have to protect the house. Do what you need to.

Rothe didn't move an inch once he was on the surface. He eyed the enemies in front of us closely, gauging their strengths but I could easily feel his confidence about the outcome. The beat of the fight is now drumming loudly in his veins. He stood still, waiting for them to make the first move and they did not disappoint.

One lunged in the air but before it could reach us Rothe knocked it away with a powerful swipe. He turned to the wolf aiming for our foreleg, biting hard on its jugular before lightly puling and shaking his head, successfully snapping the other wolf's neck.

He growled threateningly at the other two. When they didn't back down or submit, Rothe launched himself so fast I barely registered what happened. He killed them both in a blur of spilt blood and torn flesh. They didn't even have time to make a sound.

His eyes focused on the last of the four wolves left alive. The one he knocked away at the beginning of the fight. He stalked him slowly, closing in with deadly grace and a feral snarl. He bared his bloody teeth as we moved closer causing the other wolf to whimper and scramble back, as far as it's broken foreleg could manage.

Leave him Rothe. I said waiting for what he would do, if he'd listen or ignore what I just said. We need to take him back alive for questioning.

Do you think he'd think twice about killing us if we're in his position? Rothe surprisingly snarled at me. Do you think he'd show mercy to the children, to Leanne and Cale? If he managed to reach the pack house do you think he'd think about keeping one of us alive for questioning?

I have no doubt in my mind, given half the chance, the wolf in front of us and his dead cohorts would have killed everyone at the pack house without a second thought. But we need the information he could provide. As far as I know, this pathetic low life would be the first prisoner we'd take back alive and fit for interrogation. He could be key to finding who our real enemy is.

I need information Rothe and he could give it to me. I answered. If doesn't give me what I want I promise... I give you leave to kill him. That seemed to have brought him back to his senses. He stiffened and slowly pulled back, allowing me to resurface.

Ruari, I...

It's all right, I said. I knew.

He was stunned by my confession but didn't answer back to ask for details.

I know the wolves we felled tonight weren't our first kills. I was barely conscious when it happened but I had enough presence of mind to understand that Rothe killed the wolves aiming for us at the last attack on the border.

I phased back to my human form and a grey wolf came forward to offer me the pair of jeans tied to his foreleg.

"Thanks," I said pulling it on before turning to the wolf whimpering on the ground not far from me.

"Shift back!" I ordered.

Instead of following the command it tried to lunge for me. I could have easily grabbed it but Bran moved forward to protect me. He pinned the wolf on the ground baring his teeth close to its face.

"Let him go Bran," I said.

Bran growled deep to warn the wolf before pushing himself off it and standing close behind me.

"Shift back or I swear I'd kill you with my bare hands." I threatened.

The wolf forced himself up before shifting back to his human form.

"You are coming back with us." I told the black haired man now standing in front of me. "I am going to ask you questions and you are going to tell me everything I want to know."

"And if I don't?" He panted cradling his broken arm close to his battered body. "What made you think I'm going to cooperate when you're going to kill me anyway!"

Son of a bitch! Does he really want to do it the hard way?

I cocked my head to one side and stepped closer to him. I heard Bran growl but before he could move to shield me I kicked the man on the side of his leg, breaking the skin and his shinbone on an odd angle. He cried in pain and collapsed screaming on the ground. I kneeled beside his leg and unceremoniously pushed the bone back on its place to help it heal causing him to howl yet again.

"If you don't give me what I want I could make your last moments very painful." I whispered by his ear before straightening to my full height and looking down at his shaking form. "Now get up and start walking!"

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