Chap 37 - Never Piss Off A Pregnant Woman

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Aerowyn's pov

I watched him introduce Bianca as his mate. Lupus Tenebris was in shock. None of them wanted to believe it. They were mad. Anyone could see it in their faces. But refused to say a thing because Artorius is already mad.

Once their announcement was over, I walked forward and out of the crowd. I walked onto the stage and stepped towards the podium.

"I also have an announcement to make." I gave the new couple a tight fake smile.

Then turned to face towards the pack. They were looking at me eagerly. Wanting to know what I have to say. I smiled at them warmly but couldn't help the hint of sadness that showed. I bit my lips.

This is it. This is where we go, on our separate ways.

"Good evening members of Lupus Tenebris!" I greeted them. A chaos of 'good evening luna' s echoed.

Artorius growled.

"she isn't you luna! Bianca is!" he shouted. I ignored him.

"you see, your Alpha decided to reunite with Bianca once again. So, we came to a decision. We will be separating the packs once again." I said and everyone gasped.

"since he refused to believe I'm his mate, I won't just sit down in his pack and watch him rule our pack along side with Bianca. And not me. So that's what we decide. So once again there will be Lupus Auream and Dark Shadow. There won't be any Lupus Tenebris." cries of pack members echoed making my heart clench.

"however, not all Lupus Auream has to join. Only the ones who wants to. I know some of you found your mates, and got new friends here. You can stay if you want to. No hard feelings. Because I understand. I don't want to leave either. I have made awesome friends here too. Like Vilad. Ren. Althea. And Kass who is now in another pack with her mate. And my old pack, White Ray is still here. Which means my family is still here." I continued.

"I will miss you all. But it's fine. Because we might not meet again. But you all will always be in my heart." I said.

"tomorrow, the ones who wants to be a part of Lupus Auream once again, meet me at the borders at 8 sharp. Bring everything you need or want. You can enjoy rest of the day with your friends and family. Thank you." I finished my speech and walked down the stairs without even taking a glance at Artorius.

A few pack members of Lupus Tenebris came and talked to me.

"luna. You are pregnant. You are carrying the future alpha. How can we do this?"

"I know. But if your alpha is doing this this way, then there is nothing we can do about it. I'm sorry." I replied.

"it's alright. But we will miss you. Bianca can never be the luna we want. Only you can." one of the trackers said. I gave them a tight smile.

"no matter what, you will always be our luna. You are the best. And no one can beat you to it. We might be forced to call that fake bitch a luna, but you will always be the one in our heart. Our loyalty lies with you." they bowed to me. I saw all the others of the whole pack bow.

Tears of both sadness and joy escaped my eyes.

"you all will always be remembered." I said. A female scout came. She gave me a large photo that it had to be folded. . "take this with you. It will be a good reminder of us. I cut and pasted your brother Duncan in it before printing it." my eyes watered once again.

It was a picture of our pack. Lupus Tenebris and White Ray. It was taken the day we combined our pack.

At the front was me and Artorius. In the middle was little Kail. Behind us stood, Alessia, Esmeralda, Althea, Jacky, Valerie, Kassia Yasmine, Ervin, Wilson, Darren, Rayce, Jaxon, Warren, Carlos, Viladmir and a cut and pasted pic of Duncan. Behind us stood Lupus Tenebris. Everyone together. And behind them stood White Ray. Everyone was smiling. Not smiling. Laughing. Artorius was looking at me with a sly grin while my face was red. Kail was holding both of our hands. What a beautiful picture.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." I gave her a hug.

"we hope our future Alpha grows up to be a perfect young man or a perfect strong queen like you." a male warrior said. I smiled at him mumbling a thank you.

I saw Dahlia come out of the crowd.

"take me with you. You have to take me. You need me in this journey." she said. I looked towards Artorius who is talking to Wilson.

Then I turned around towards Dahlia.

"I will take you, Dahlia. But what about Warren? He will need you." I tried to reason.

"Warren will be fine with his mate. You know you need me Aerowyn. You know it. Please take me with you." she gave me a look. I sighed and agreed.

She is right. I will need her a lot throughout my journey.

"excuse me. Can I get your attention once again?" Artorius voice boomed.

We all turned around.

"White Ray will be leaving with Alpha Aerowyn's pack. Her brother Alpha Beau wants to be with her so we agreed to that." he said. I looked at Wilson who is already looking at me. I smiled.

At least I still have my family with me.

I went to my brother's little cabin. Yeah. That's where they took my bags and all.

When I entered the whole group is there. I sat down on the couch.

"do you have dark chocolate ice-cream and strawberries?" I asked Duncan. He nodded and brought them to me. I started eating.

What? I'm not going to go back to Artorius and beg him to take me. No way in the hell I'm doing that! I'm the Regina Malicious. Pregnant or not. I will always be Regina Malicious and I'm not one to beg someone like that.

"Winnie. Take us with you!" Vildamir said. I looked at him in shock.

"Art might be my best friend. But I won't accept what he did with a golden spoon. No! I refuse!" he gritted out.

"take me and Althea too." Warren stood up.

"I won't. Artorius might have chosen her, and you guys might be mad. But he is always your best friend. I might hate him right now. But the love won't fade. I want him to have his friends with him. Besides if you leave others will want to too. And who will hold the pack with Artorius? Just because of something he did, the solution isn't letting the pack suffer right?" I said looking at them.

"we will keep our connection. We will face time everyday. But you won't come with me. At least stay for the pack."

"fine. Only for the pack." Vildamir agreed. I nodded.

We spent the rest of the day with each other. Once in a while a pack member will come and say there goodbyes to me. Some of them begged me to take them.

But I refused. I refused nicely. I told them to stay. If I take one, all the others will want to too. It won't be fair.


We stood in the clearing. There were all our cars and trucks parked. When I Artorius offered cars from his pack, I refused. I don't want his help.

But I promised myself, I won't go without doing something. I smirked lightly. No one pisses of a pregnant woman.

When everyone was finally there. I turned towards Artorius.

"it's time to leave. I hope you don't regret your decision." I gritted out.

"I won't." Artorius said and pecked Bianca's lips making a pain bolt in me. I growled.

When he turned towards me with a smirk, he clearly didn't expect my fist to connect with his face.

I heard gasps echo.

But that's not the end.

I locked my feet with his and tugged it before he even has enough time to react because of the punch. He fell to the ground on his back with a groan. I walked towards him and put my feet on his chest pushing him down when he tried to get up.

"you should have known better than to pass of a pregnant woman, Alpha Artorius Knight. I hope you rot in hell. Oh. It's actually burn in hell. You might be my mate, but don't forget I'm the Regina Malicious. I don't play games like you do." I put some pressure on his chest making him choke.

Then I stepped away and threw one of my evil sadistic smirks at him.

Then I turned around and walked towards my bugatti chiron where Kail is already in. I opened the door and looked at Artorius.

"have a nice life, Knight." with that I entered the car.

I saw all the others enter their cars and trucks. Then I started my car.

But not before reaching him through the mate bond.

'goodbye! You just lost a mate and your first pup.'


1616 words.

Soooooo.... What do you think? Is this chap ok? ๐Ÿค”

What do you think of Artorius? ๐Ÿค”

Bianca ๐Ÿ‘ฟ? ๐Ÿค”

Aerowyn? ๐Ÿค”

Do you think whatever happened to Artorius has something to do with Bianca? What about the vampire king? ๐Ÿค”

What do you think will happen now? They are going on their own separate ways. ๐Ÿค”

What do you think will happen to the baby? ๐Ÿค”

Love ๐Ÿ˜

Shai ๐Ÿฅ€

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