Chapter 1 - Inner Demons

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The night is calm and quiet. Catherine hears the occasional bird chirping here and there. They released birds in the Terra Nova's farm units to help smooth out the animal's tempers. She looks at the ceiling. A starry night is displayed there complete with a simulated moon. She wanders towards the barns where they keep the pigs. She can hear their hateful grunts from where she is. She walks silently in case someone is awake.

As she gets close to one of the structures, she sees a shape in the night walking in the pigsty's direction. She follows it to find Annie Kimura talking soothingly to them.

"Hey guys, you being good? Don't worry, Annie's here." The shape moved further back in the building following a long row of rectangular holding pens. She stopped and peered down. "Greta, how's the babies doing? Kawaii (Cute). They are getting big!"

The smell was overwhelming and Catherine could feel the feelings coming back strong. She couldn't help it. She was consumed by it. Her jalousy for Jabrina Murakami combined with Annie's striking resemblence with Jabrina helped fuel those murderous feelings she got sometimes. Those feelings were getting more and more uncontrollable and came more frequently. She approached the unsuspecting girl quietly. She'd learn to be real quiet when she moved. As she got close, the figure stood up slowly and turned around. Annie's lovely face was horribly splattered with blood coming from her gaping eye sockets. Annie smiled. Catherine felt her blood run suddenly cold. Like the warm liquid in her veins had suddenly turned to liquid nitrogen.

"You took my heart Catherine. Did you eat it?" Annie asked smiling, her teeth red and bloody.

Catherine took a shuddering breath. "I did."

"And my eyes, why did you push them inside my head?"

"I learned that it was one of the most painful deaths I could inflict. I hated you... no, not you. Jabrina. Oh I don't know." Catherine stuttered in a little voice, numb with fear and confusion.

"Thank you for telling me, I needed to know. Well, since you ate my heart. You know what it means don't you?" Annie asked. That creepy smile still unwavering.

", I don't."

"It means that you are mine Catherine. Body and soul. I can do whatever I want with you."

"You can?"

"Oh yes." Annie came closer and encircled Catherine's neck with hands that turned into crimson serrated claws. "You're coming with me."


"TO HELL WHERE YOU BELONG!" Annie screamed, her face turning into the screaming crimson face of a demon.

Catherine woke up screaming and fell to the ground disoriented. Panicked and under the influence of the feelings again, she grabbed the chair bolted next to her bed and ripped it off the ground. She threw it at the wall without damage. Still screaming like a banshee, she grabbed her bed and twisted its frame into a good imitation of a pretzel. The bed also had been bolted to the ground but the retaining fasteners didn't stand a chance against such serum fueled fury.

The alarms sounded and the far wall became transparent. A peacekeeper was standing there yelling. "Stop that you idiot or you'll sleep in this mess tonight! We're not cleaning this shit up you hear?"

It was useless, Catherine was beyond reason. She'd been scared by something far more scary than a fully armored Peacekeeper. She'd been scared by a demon called Remorse. She ran to the transparent wall and bodily hit it at full force, not holding back. The Peacekeeper took a step back startled by the sheer ferocity of the attack. This particular Peacekeeper's name was Charles Barca. 'Sleepy' as Jabrina Murakami had nicknamed him.

"I'm getting the rack!" He yelled at the human tornado inside the holding cell. No response.

"And I'm..." he stopped, out of ideas, "not getting in there by my lonesome." He muttered under his breath. The girl scared him. She was crazy and looked as strong as Jab was.

He needed help.

He selected a comm connection and initialized it. After a moment, a calm, authoritative voice said. "Yes?"

"I've got a situation here ma'am."

"Miss Nightmare?"

"Yeah, it's really bad this time. Bring Yeshua."

"I'll be there in five, don't open the door." The voice said.

"I wasn't planning to do so ma'am." Sleepy said.

Four minutes later, a tall Peacekeeper with a red armor came in Sleepy's office. She was accompanied by a stocky man of medium height dressed in a all black inner lining. His intelligent eyes fixed themselves on Sleepy. "Is she still at it?"

"Oh yes. No sign of calming down. I don't think you should go in there this time. I've never seen her that bad." Sleepy said to the Peacekeepers chaplain.

"Now I know I really need a vacation. Let's go and see." The tall Peacekeeper said. She looked at Sleepy. "And bring the rack."

They could hear Catherine's screams from where they were. They opened the last iris before they reached Cat's holding cell. It was designed to hold in augmented prisoners. That's why they had put Jabrina Murakami in it. Now, they could hear the sound of the walls resonating from impacts. Catherine was hitting the walls with her bloodied fists. She was still screaming incoherent gibberish when they came in.

"Cat, it's me. Yeshua. Remember me?" Yeshua said soothingly.

Cat stopped thrashing her room and stood panting from the exertion. She watched him move towards the entrance iris to her room. She didn't move. She just followed his movements, never leaving him out of her sight. Like a wary caged animal seeing a man enter its cage.

"Cat? I'm going inside your room. Be a good girl. Sit on the floor like we always do when we have our little talks." Yeshua said as he moved slowly inside Cat's room.

She didn't sit down as he asked. She didn't move at all. A low growl could be heard from her. Althea moved slowly towards the entrance iris saying. "Oh shit, shit, shit." Repeatedly. She looked at Sleepy and said, "close the iris after I'm in." Sleepy nodded.

Cat screamed and rushed Yeshua who backed to the edge of the wall in surprise. Althea, quick as lightning closed the gap between herself and Cat. She bodily blocked Cat from reaching Yeshua. Cat reached and grabbed Althea by the neck and lifted her, armor and all, off the ground. "Out now!" Althea commanded. Yeshua didn't wait to be asked twice. The iris closed after him. Yeshua looked at Sleepy and asked him. "What are you doing?"


"Are you mad!? Shouldn't we help the Colonel?"

"Just watch and learn." Sleepy said proudly.

Cat, still growling, started slowly to crush Althea's windpipe. Seeing the room was finally empty, Althea grabbed Cat's head and pushed her thumbs inside Cat's eyes. Cat let go of her throat in surprise. Althea backed away from her, trying to get her breath back. Cat ran and rammed her into the wall with her shoulder. Althea hit the top of Cat's head with her elbow until Cat backed down shaking her head groggy. They went at it full tilt, fighting in close quarters like two animals. Althea with her armor's artificial muscles added to her own, compensated for Cat's superior strength. But the armor made this kind of close fighting awkward for her. The new armors weren't as bulky as the old ones but it still hindered her in her movements. Not wanting to hurt the crazed girl she activated her gravity displacers and set them to the lowest power level. She aimed at Cat's stomach and fired. Catherine went flying to the far wall, crashed into it and fell inert to the ground.

"And stay down." Althea said in a hoarse voice. She motioned for Sleepy to come inside. "Bring the rack."

The 'rack' was a duranium frame where augmented prisoners were strapped on to control their strength. They put Cat's limp body in it and closed the huge reinforced holding clamps on her wrists, calves and hips.

"Call Murakami and tell her we need to talk." Colonel Thonarr said to Sleepy. She looked at Yeshua. "You okay?"

"I think I peed myself a little, other than that, I'm fine."


"We can't keep her in a damned rack for the rest of her life. What are we to do with her?" Yeshua asked his commanding officer.

"That's why I asked for Murakami. We're going to need help from her mother."

"Her... wasn't she killed?"

"It's a long story and I'm not patient enough to tell it." Said Althea, wiping her sweating face as her helmet retracted. "God, that kid would be deadly if she kept her cool. She was so strong. I barely kept up with my suit's artificial muscles." She refocused her attention on Sleepy. "Got her yet?"

"Yeah, Jab says she'll be here in ten minutes."

"Tell her she got three."

"Yes ma'am."

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