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As Harry stood at the entrance to the maze, he looked forward, then turned to the stands. His family and friends noticed and waved to him. He waved back.

Luna, Ginny, Genevieve, Fray, Dudley and the twins all had flower crowns on their heads. There were no daises. There were roses and tulips and water lilies. Dudley didn't look impressed but the twins loved theirs.

Cedric, having the most points, would be going in first. Then, one point behind, would be Harry, then Fleur, who was one point behind him.

Harry stood ready. He knew where to go. He needed to get to the cup before anyone else. If he didn't…

A second whistle blast came and Harry shot the maze turning left. He cast a lumos and carried on moving. A few moments later a third whistle brought Fleur into the maze.

It wouldn't take long for Fleur to follow him.

Harry continued to run though the darkness. His Lumos lighting his way. Before he got to the end of one of the paths, he found a lumos lighting his back.

Harry turned to see Fleur.

"Oh 'Arry, eet is just you. This place gives me the Creepers."

"Creeps." Harry agreed. "Come on, Fleur." He wouldn't leave her behind.

Hopefully she would want to go off on her own. However, she was a Veela. They always found themselves working in groups. She worked better with Family and she already saw Harry as a little brother. Her Soul mate saw him as such; even if she didn't realise it.

"Fleur, could you keep the lumos on us?"


Harry noxed his light and sent out a point me charm. "This way." Harry moved along in front of her. She kept watch everywhere else.

Harry didn't notice Cedric's presence until he was hanging upside down from Fleurs wand. His robes were smoking and his hair was wild. That last one might have something to do with hanging in the air.

"Woah, mercy, uncle! I mean you no harm." Cedric begged of them.

"Oh K'edric." Fleur let him down.

"Oof," Cedric dropped to the ground without ceremony, making complaining sounds about his ankle.


"Its fine." He stood up and straightened into a more Cedric like position. "You two working together, then?"

"It wasn't the plan, but yeah, I guess." Harry answered. "Come on, we need to hurry. This place is a living hell."

"We haven't seen anything yet-" Fleur began.

"What did you see?" Cedric asked Harry.

Harry looked at the young man. "Come on." He began following his wand again. The two older students followed him.

"Harry, what if we all reach the end together?"

"I don't want to win. I just want this over." Harry told them. They could see the tension in his face and voice. The two other champions nodded and moved on; following the younger boy further into the maze.

As they travelled forward they reached the Bogart. Harry remembered this part. The bogart, once again a hairy creature, ran off on all fours. It cantered away sensing danger; someone with fears not to be touched.

"What the hell?"

"Bogarts don't like me. I'm a nervous mess. My own imagination is worse than anything they could make up."

The younger boy just shrugged and continued.

"God." Harry moved as fast as he could. Fleur and Cedric following him. Suddenly they reached what a two-way fork. Left and right. In both directions stood a blast ended skrewt.

Hagrid really needed to control his love for the weird.


Harry had never heard any of the students swear like muggles. Especially not perfect pureblood Hufflepuffs like Cedric. But truthfully Harry couldn't think of a better statement.

"Aguamenti." Harry cast water to the one side of the one creature sending in to slide backwards. "Cedric hold a shield there."

Fleur helped harry knock out the remaining one by casting at its underside. "Round, round." Fleur shouted helping the two boys fast. Cedric kept the kept his shied up until they were round the corner. There they came face to face with a Very Bewitched Victor Crum.

He began casting unforgivables at anything that moved.

"Victor! What are you doing!" Cedric pulled Fleur, who was the closest, out of the way.

Harry remembered the last time. He didn't do that now. He knew what Victor was going through.

"EXPUNGO!" Harry cast the spell as hard as he could. Sending as much power as he could. In that second, his memories hit him. Many people were turned into bewitched servants like Viktor. A spell to breach the side of the mind.

Harry shook his head and pushed the memory back as far away as he could. "Viktor listen to me! Wake up…"

"Herminny?" His eyes began to turn a smoky grey before slowly changing back to brown. During this, his legs began to shake, and he dropped to his knees.

"Viktor?" Harry leaned down to face him.


"Viktor are you okay?"

The young man shook his head and focused his eyes on Harry. "Vere am I? 'as the task started?"

"What happened to him?" Cedric asked.

"Bewitched. Luckily, it wasn't the imperious. I wouldn't have been able to get him back." Harry reached for the young man, lifting his arm over his shoulders. "Come on, the cup isn't far."

"Here." Cedric moved to hold the other side of Viktor. "Can you move, Vik?"

"I'm fine, but don't call me that." There was some pain. He wouldn't have been bothered if there wasn't.


"Harry what are we going to do?"

Harry stopped at Fleurs words. He couldn't put them through what was coming. But this competition was important to them. It wasn't more important that their lives.

"The cup is a portkey." Harry explained to the other three. "It'll take any of us to a graveyard. In that grave yard we will find Voldemort. If I go, he will come back. If any of the rest of you go; you will die."

"You're going, aren't you?" Cedric knew Harry pretty well.

"I know how to get out. He can't kill me. Not yet."

"We're coming with you."

"No. You can't."

"I can't let you go on your own, Harry. I don't care what you've seen. You are a child." Cedric was adamant, with Loyalty to spare.

"I've seen that you die." Harry told him.

"Zen do things differently. We can figure something out." Viktor stood up and moved away from the two boys. "Herminny talked about this. 'ow scared she is of this man. I believe you, Harry."

"Did you see all of us die Harry?" Fleur looked right into Harrys eyes.

"Just Cedric. Remember, your soul mate is out there." Harry told her. "You'll risk leaving him."

Fleur smiled. "I haven't met him yet."

"I introduced you, then." Harry insisted.

"Keep trying boy. We are not leaving you." Viktor told him, the other two champions nodding at his words.

"Come on, Seer Boy." Cedric gave him a push. "Let's go and find this cup."

Harry looked up at the three before moving grudging. "You guys better not tell anyone about my…"

"Don't worry. You're visions are safe with us. Well, except the one about my future husband. I've told everyone about that one." Fleur pulled his wrist faster and they turned corners. Cedric was using the pointing charm now.

They arrived face to face with a sphinx.

"You may not pass together." The sphinx told them.

"Why?" Fleur asked her.

"You may not."

"What is the reason?"

"These are the rules."

"As set by who?"

"They are ancient."

"Then who set them?"

"It was centuries ago. Only one can pass a Sphinx."

"Who made this rule?"

"Fleur, don't antagonise her." Harry begged.

"Trust me." She turned back to the Sphinx. "Who made the rule?"

She looked right at Fleur and spoke in a clear voice. "I don't know." The sphinx pawed the floor.

"Then how did you know the rule is valid?"

Enunciating every syllable, the Sphinx said. "I don't."

"Then you cannot impose it on us."

The sphinx snarled. "You are wise for a human." She tapped her claw on the ground. "Go Passed."

"Thank you." Fleur looked to the males. They also thanked the Sphinx as they walked passed. Fleur pulled the boys away before the Sphinx changed her mind.

"How did you do that?" Viktor asked.

"They like logic. My father took my family to Greece and we went to a museum. They talked about the Sphinx. I remembered it."

"Well done."

This wasn't how it was supposed to go. He was supposed to be saving Cedric. Stopping the dark lord from returning. Yet her he was leading three teenagers to their deaths.

They ran down the last stretch towards the cup. There were no obstacles this time; Not one.

"So Harry, what's the plan."

"I don't know. It's too dangerous."

"What was the plan before?" Cedric asked.

Harry sighed and pulled his invisibility cloak from under his clothes. He had wrapped it around his waist; not wearing it.

"I was going to wear this. Stay hidden until I could get back." He sighed looking at the faces. "He'll come back. You'll be killed."

"I am no coward." Viktor insisted. "And you need us. This evil wizard is very old; he must be very powerful. Back up is good."

"I won't let you get hurt Harry. We've made our own choice."

Harry set his jaw and took a breath. "Grab the cup on Three. One, Two." Harry had planned on darting forward and defending them.

They all had longer arms than he did...

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