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Harry sat beside Draco with Ron opposite them at breakfast. Hermione was beside Neville. They were distracted with conversation when the owls came in. There were a few muggleborn screams as the owls hunted down their owners.

Hedwig swooped down beside Draco's owl Keres. She perched on the side of the table and dropped a tiny letter. Harry gave her some toast as he read.

"Hey girl can you wait whilst I write a letter to Gran." She hooted and settled to peck at the toast. Harry wrote a quick letter about the sorting. He gave Rons complements on the sandwiches and promised he would write again soon. "Here we go girl, take this to Mrs Figg." Hedwig sored up in the air and headed out of the window towards England.

"Wait, I thought you had a cat." Ron asked looking over at Hedwig as she left the hall.

"I do."

"And an owl?"


Ron looked at Harry then back up before shaking his head. "Why?"

"They were both gifts. Gran gave me Zana and Hagrid brought me Hedwig so I can keep in touch with Gran."


"Yeah, I didn't want an owl very much and Gran wouldn't let me say no to a cat." Harry explained. "I had no choice, technically Hedwig lives at home with Gran."

"Hey our timetables." Hermione reached excitedly for the paper. "We have Herbology first." She grinned and Neville looked down at his own paper with what could be a smile.

Harry's memories easily guided him through the school. This place was more familiar than the back of his hand. Everyone stuck close to him and his amazing sense of direction.

In Herbology Harry made sure to stand between Neville and Ron. He really wanted to be working with Neville in this lesson. They didn't do much in that lesson as they were being given a talk on health and safety. It could be a very dangerous class depending on what type of plants were used.

Harry sat between Draco and Ron in defence against the dark arts and spent the whole class insuring his mind was protected from that parasite. It was a sorry excuse for a class but luckily Harry already knew the material front and back.

Harry chose to sit by Hermione in history of magic and just copied out of his text book the whole lesson whilst Draco and Ron, who were sitting in front of him, were trying to stay awake. The ghost was worse at teaching than Quirrall.

That evening as Harry sat once again with Ron and Draco with Hermione- who was reading- sitting beside Ron. Part of the way through the meal a few owls flew in to the hall. Hedwig wasn't with them. One of the owls was dark grey, it came to Draco and dropped a small red letter on his plate before fleeing.

"He's got a howler." Seamus whispered and in a moment the room was silent. A few people at the Slytherin table were smirking.

"Draconis Lucius Malfoy! You are a disgrace to this family!" The cool voice of Draco's father came out before the paper burst into flames and ruined his meal.

A large amount of the Slytherin table began to snigger as everyone moved slowly back to their meals. Most of the Gryffindor table was looking at Draco with pity. He was now more trustworthy than he was last night. His father had practically disowned him; just for being a Gryffindor.

"Hey." Ron gave Draco a week smile but said nothing more. Draco just nodded knowingly. The rest of the meal was mostly in silence.

That evening Ron challenged Draco to a game of chess in hopes of taking Draco's mind off his father. Draco was so distracted that Ron wiped the floor with him; though there was probably little hope even without the distractions. Harry re-read the first few pages of his transfiguration text book and practiced turning a quill into a match, then the match into a needle and then back again. He didn't have any matches so he improvised. He did the same with his Charms work before heading to bed.

Harry was concerned that Draco wasn't taking his father's words harshly. Harry knew he was a Malfoy but he could at least show some emotion.

"Hey Draco." Harry heard Ron call across the silent dorm room. Draco didn't answer so it was assumed it was asleep.

"I'm awake." Harry answered.

"Do you think he's okay?" Ron asked. "His dad sounded pretty mean."

"Yeah. I don't know Ron. He should be at least a little upset."

"I would be pissed off if I was sent a howler like that."

Harry grinned remembering Mrs Weasleys howler second year. "I'm sure he'll be fine. He seems fine."

"I guess you're right. Well night Harry."

"Night Ron." Harry rubbed Zana's head and settled back to sleep.

Harry woke at six o'clock that next morning with the doom room still in half darkness and Zana nibbling his ear. He had woken up once in the night but easily fell back to sleep so was well rested.

"Oww Zana. Oww!" Harry tried to bat the Kenezle away. "Alright I'm getting up."

The cat swung its tail and moved over to her bowl. The spoilt kitten wanted to be fed. Harry had fallen in love with the small half breed; she was still a kitten and would be huge when fully grown but he loved her very much. He got out of bed to feed the cat and play with her before all his friends woke up.

Draco was more animated at breakfast when Harry got his letter back from Mrs Figg. It was a simple letter; she was happy that he wrote to her but she wanted a more detailed letter soon. She explained that his aunt and uncle were going about life as normal as if Harry hadn't run out on them. With this letter was a note from Hagrid inviting Harry for tea on Friday afternoon.

The first lesson that day was Charms. Professor Flitwick was even more embarrassing than Harry remembered. He made a show of Harry's last name. He mentioned that Lily Evens was the best student he had ever had; piling on the pressure to Harry. Draco and Ron mocked him all the way to Transfiguration. Harry laughed along with them.

Harry was able to turn his match into a needle and back again with ease. He even went a little over-board and changed the colour of the needle every time he did it. Professor McGonagall looked fit to burst when she saw the red and gold striped needle in front of Harry.

He spent the next part of the lesson helping Ron and Draco with theirs. Draco got a basic dull silver needle and Ron created a needle made out of match wood. Hermione also created a Perfect- if basic- needle with no extra help.

Friday was the first lesson with the Slytherins; this was the first time Harry was nervous for a lesson that week. Harry walked in with Ron and Draco, most of the Slytherins were already there.

As they walked past to their seats Blaise Zabine stuck his leg out and tripped Draco over. Harry and Ron caught an arm stopping him from falling on his face.

"Careful Malfoy, don't want to embarrass yourself any more that you already have."

"What- what are you talking about Zabine?"

"You're a Blood Traitor now Draco, no wonder your father disowned you. I don't blame him. I wouldn't want to have that sort of embarrassment in my family."

"I haven't been disowned Zabine. And you can't talk- what number step-father are you on now, fifty." Draco mocked the boy.

"Don't bother Draco- it's not worth it." Harry tugged at his arm.

Zabine glared at Harry. "I wasn't talking to you, Potter."

Harry rolled his eyes. "It's Evans-Potter if you don't mind." He spoke sweetly; but annoyed.

"Oh yes, that Mudblood mother of yours- I bet your no bett-" Harry was about to throw himself on the boy when Snape strode in through the door.

"Mr Zabine! I will not tolerate that sort of language in my classroom. You'll get detention next time I hear that word." The professor gave the whole class a warning glare. "Now wands away."

Harry pulled Draco to sit by him in this class; Draco was the top of this class last time. Draco nodded thankfully to his friend.

"People doubt that potion making is even a magic. They don't appreciate it the delicate art form it is. A correctly brewed potion can be more powerful than that foolish wand waving you'll find in other classes." Snape looked judgingly across the room. "Now we will start with a basic potion, if you follow the instructions exactly there should be no problems."

Harry pulled his utensil set and ingredient box from his bag and laid them on the work bench. The professor noticed this and his eyes widened.

"Well Mr Evans, you seem very prepared for this class."

"Thank you, sir. I try to be prepared for all my classes."

"Well let's see if it benefits you." Snape stood a little straighter and asked. "Do you know what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood."

"Infusion of wormwood?" Harry thought hard. "They're ingredients in sleeping potions sir."

Snape continued quickly. "Where would you look if I told you to find me a Bezoar?"

"In a goat's stomach, sir."

"And what does a Bezoar do, Potter?"

"Evans-Potter. It cures most poisons Professor Snape."

"What is the difference between monkshood and wolfs bane?"

"As far as I was aware they were both other names for aconite so I don't know sir."

"What is the main ingredient used in potions that cure petrification?"

"That would be the mature mandrake sir."

Then for one of the first Harry could remember Snape smiled at him. "Well done Mr Evans. You answered every question correctly. Gryffindor- Ten points." He then dropped his smile. "Wormwood and Asphodel make the draft of the living dead, an extremely powerful sleeping potion. Bezoars are from the bottom of a goats' stomach and are used in every anti-poison in the known world. Aconite is the muggle word for Monkshood and mandrakes are used in very many invigorating potions not least of which is a cure for petrification. Now anyone who doesn't know this better write it down and take a leaf out of Mr Evans book." He walked back to his desk and made the chalk write down the potion they were going to be making. "Now begin the potion."

Harry and Draco worked well together; Draco was indeed skilled in this class. Even without Snape's obvious bias. Harry and Draco's potion came out perfect and Hermione was working with Neville so insured no accidents occurred.

The lesson passed without a hitch and so Harry took both Draco and Ron to see Hagrid with him. Draco was less than pleased to see the little groundkeepers hut but he held his tongue. Harry elected not to invite Hermione; they were not very close yet. Harry couldn't for the life of him remember how they actually became friends in the first place; they just got into trouble together and she slowly became a part of their group.

"'arry. 'ello come in." Hagrid ushered the three boys into the room. Harry could smell the smoked meat and burnt cakes. "Make yerselves at home."

"Hello Hagrid." Harry walked in first. "These are my friends, Ron Weasley and Draco Malfoy."

"Hi." Ron smiled at the half-giant as the three were sat down.

"Weasley ay, I spend half my life chasing your brothers away from the forest." He lay down some of the cakes and the tea. "So how have your classes been?"

Harry described all the classes in detail; he enjoyed Hagrid's rant about Finch and Mrs Norris. Harry couldn't stand either the man or the cat.

Eventually they all relaxed and Draco described his howler and his run in with Blaise; there was no emotion in his statements Harry hoped that would come in time.

"No offence but I've never liked your father. Don't trust the man."

"Not a lot of people do sir." Draco nodded, he was avoiding the cakes saying that he wasn't a fan of sweet things. Harry and Ron knew this was a straight out lie as every tooth in Draco's mouth was a sweet tooth.

"So 'arry 'ave you heard from that- ah what was her name. The cat lady."

"Mrs Figg. I call her Gran. We've wrote once, but I'll be sending her another letter on Sunday." Harry explained. "She thanks you for the owl, by the way. It's nice to still be able to talk to her."

"Oh its was no problem." Hagrid smiled, a little embarrassed. "So Ron, your brother Charlie. How's he doing now? I always liked him, great with animals."

"He's in Romania, studying Dragons, I haven't seen him in quite a while. Bill visits much more."

"I'm jealous, I would love to see dragons." Hagrid looked out of the window. "They are amazing creatures. I wouldn't mind one as a pet."

Harry and Draco exchanged a look. "Sir is that really the best idea?" Draco asked looking worried.

"They're quite volatile creatures Hagrid."

"They're just misunderstood they are."

"Hagrid, please don't get a dragon. It's illegal and just plain wrong to keep a creature that large, wild and well, that magnificent locked up. Or kept in a house or some-"

"Okay Harry I get it. I didn't really mean it." Harry knew Hagrid was lying.

"I know. I could just picture it Hagrid. It wouldn't be fair for the dragon."

"Your right of course."

Harry just had to hope that would be enough to save Norbert.

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