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Sunday February 13th 1994

Harry held Lunas hand as they hurried through the tunnels of Hogwarts. Sadly, Harry and Luna weren't alone. For Luna's birthday treat, her best friend Genevieve came with them, along with Hermione, Draco, and Ron.

Luna didn't seem to mind, of course. She was happy most of the time, and had even suggested bringing people along. Sucks for Harry but she seemed happy enough. Ron, Draco, and Genevieve on the other hand were miserable; it was early, before even the morning run.

"Where are you taking me, Harry?"

"To see a secret, Luna." He held her hand and ran down a set of stairs.

The group entered a small room with windows on every side. The windows however could not be seen outside of the castle;they showed only the sky yet were set deep below the ground.

Harry opened a door in these glass walls and they continued down another set of stairs, going beneath the castle itself.

"Woah." Hermione breathed, looked up at the moon through the windows, before following behind the group again.

"It's starting to get dark, Harry." Luna commented, gripping his hand tighter.

"Lumos." Harry held his wand in front of them. The tired fourth years followed his lead, trekking down seemingly endless stairs.

"Come on Harry, can't you at least tell us where you're taking us?" Hermione all but begged.

Harry turned to smile at her. "I'm going to show you the oldest secret in all of Hogwarts." He turned his wand, casting light on the bottom of the stairs.

"Oh my." Luna slipped her hand away from Harry's and rushed down the stairs.

"Merlin." Draco looked down behind his friends.

They all looked up at the door. It was big enough to look to Hagrid like a normal door. It looked brand new, and made of dark grained wood. Carved into the door on the left was Lion and a badger; on the right a snake and a raven. On the wall surrounding the door were carvings of four people, each with an outstretched arm holding a wand.


"Watch this." Harry slipped his wand back into its holster. He placed his hands on the doors and pushed. The doors opened easily for him, although they wouldn't so much as budge for most anyone else. He then held out his hand, and led his girlfriend into the room.

"You first, Luna." He sent the girl in. "Happy birthday."

"Oh my." She gasped.

"Hermione." Harry held out his hand to guide his sister into the room. "Welcome to heaven."

Everyone else followed Hermione into the exceptionally large room.

"Welcome to the Founders Library." Harry couldn't help but choke on the words.

He looked on the rolls of parchment lined and piled up against the walls. Piled on the floors and tables. Almost everywhere they could be piled, there were parchments and books.

He smiled across at the fascination on Luna's face. The look of awe on Hermione's. And the clearly forced look of boredom on Ron's.

"It's so beautiful."

"Seventeen people in all of history have stood in this room. Only two were not descendants of the founders. They were Merlin and Lady Foramina. And now, you guys have too."

"Oh. Who?" Luna asked.

Harry could translate Luna very well. "I have two theories'. Salazar Slytherin or Godric Gryffindor." He told her. His other theory was that the snake in his head allowed him to enter this room. If that was not true he must be a descendant of Gryffindor. "Ravenclaws line ended some time ago. I know both Slytherin and Hufflepuff. But I could be Slytherin, I think. My families old enough to be any."

"Gryffindor? That's badass, mate." Ron complemented.

"Maybe." Harry agreed. It had been nearly impossible to find this in the first place. It was a blank spot on the map. This also suggested the likely hood of it being the lizard faced freak inside his head. If his father couldn't get in. But then again, he just might not have found it.

Hermione had opened a scroll and gasped. It was not in English but it had been signed with the Ravenclaw seal.

"Oh here Hermione." Sirius had taught him this particular spell quite surprisingly at that. "Linua Mea." Glowing blue letters translated the written words into perfect modern English.

'Entry seventeen. The plans are set and Godric is adamant about adding tunnels. Tunnels of all things. Ones that the students won't access. He says it's for caretakers but I know better. He wants to play tricks on people. Appearing out of nowhere and giving people a fright. It's almost as bad as Salazar's blood rules. I do hope dear Helga will be able to talk some sense into the men.'

"It's- I can't believe it." Hermione gasped.

"Read to your hearts content. You just can't take anything out. Not even Dumbledore knows of this rooms existents."

"It's beautiful."

"Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure." The two Ravenclaws remained her.

"I agree." Harry pulled out a scroll from Salazar Slytherins book case and began to read. "I could never make it through all of these in my life time; there must be so many secrets down here."

"Harry, can we come down the weekend?" Hermione asked.

"No, it seems like we can only find the tunnel on the full moon. One of Slytherin's bids to keep 'half-breads' out." Harry shook his head. "I wanted to bring you down earlier- we always seem to be too busy."

"Yeah we do." Hermione sighed. "Is that why we had to come so early- the full moon?"

"Exactly. You can only get here when the moon's up." Harry sighed. The first time he had ever found this room was near the middle of the war. He was searching for where Dumbledore hid the mirror of Erised. He felt wasting away in front of it wasn't such a bad idea at that point.

Draco looked thoughtful as he pulled a Scroll with the Slytherin crest. "You know my father would literally kill to read some of these." Draco gently ran his fingers over the green ribbon that sealed it. It was as if he was scared the paper would jump up and bight him. Not a wizarding impossibility.

"Great, isn't it? In my old life, I spent so much time hiding in here. When it all came crashing down." Harry hung his head. "Even then, I barely got through all of this shelf."

They spent the morning reading; even Ron found something of interest. Despite the looming of the tournament, Harry was blissfully happy.

He was enjoying life. There wasn't really enough time left for things like joy. There was a war looming but Harry wasn't going to let that ruin his life. He needed joy, everyone needed it. It was going to save a thousand lives. The simple joys of today were going to save a thousand, million lives.

That's why he allowed himself to love Luna. He had never gotten a chance to really know her in his past life. She was amazing. Sometimes he wondered if he should be considered too old for her, but really he was only fourteen. He wasn't an adult; it was just memories. And they only came through in snippets. He missed a lot. He was a teenager and so was Luna. It may be a strange situation, but Harry adored Luna Lovegood.

"Harry." Luna turned to him from her own reading parchment. "You never did tell us what was in the egg."

"Mermaids." He turned to look at Luna. "I'm going to have to swim under the black lake. Simple."

"The black lake?" Came Genevieve's horrified reply. Neither of the Quinn daughters could swim at all.

"There are mermaids in the black lake?" Hermione and Luna were both fascinated.

"Indeed." Harry nodded.

"God, these tasks are weird." Draco shook his head. "What in the world do you do with mermaids?"

"There's a treasure down in the lake that I need to fetch."

"Will they attack you?"

"No, it'll be fine. You don't need to worry."

"Have you told Viktor?" Hermione asked.

"They all know. This one is the easiest of all the tasks." Harry told them.

Hermione laid out a scroll on the round table that sat in the middle of the room. "Linua Mea."

'The black lake; By Merlin Ambrosius.'

"You are amazing." Draco shook his head ironically.

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with being prepared."

"He doesn't mention the giant squid." Harry noticed.

"Maybe it was only a small squid at that point?" Ron suggested.

"That's a good point, Ron." Hermione nodded as she agreed with him.

"I found a parchment on MerPeople." Luna lay out a Ravenclaw scroll.

"Guys I know what I'm doing."

"Harry you need to avoid the Grindylows." Hermione told him.

"Lupin taught us how to defend against them." Draco defended.

"The Repelling Jinx." Harry reminded them.

"Yeah, you need to break their fingers." Hermione added.

Harry stood on the platform; a handful of Gillyweed in his fist. Luna hadn't been seen since last night. Luna; not Ron. She was under the murky water.

Harry pulled off his robes and shoes. He also pulled off his jumper and his shirt. Viktor was in his underwear and Fleur was in her under dress. Cedric was the most modest in the group.

Ron and Draco were standing together; they waved to him. A silent wish of luck. Harry gave them a thumbs up as he stuffed the Gillyweed into his mouth and began to chew. It tasted as horrible as it did before.

He was the last to go down; waiting for his lungs to feel painful. Then he dived under the water, gills sprouting from his neck.

The water began to warm around his body. He didn't stay but powered ahead with his newly acquired fins. He looked around and reached out his hand to Fleur.

She looked confused inside her bubble but held onto his hand as they swam through the murky water. Cedric and Viktor (Currently half shark) noticed this and began following the fish boy and the Veela. They swam downwards together to be ambushed by the Grindylows. Seven of them.

Harry held out his wand to spell them away. He shot one a bolt of scolding water at one, causing it to screak and swim off, developing huge red boils.

Viktor swam and cursed the next few with one spell. The Gindylows split and regrouped for side attacks.

Fleur send a hex towards Harrys right side, shooting the water demons towards the sandy bed.

Cedric gave the girl a thumbs up, and the four of them swam down amidst the confusion.

Down and down the water became darker. Harry was the only one with completely clear vision.

Myrtle appeared a little while in. Scaring Fleur and worrying Cedric. Harry gave her a wave and mimed that Luna was down there.

Myrtle looked furious. She moved the same as usual but beckoned everyone to follow her. When the group was noticed the Merpeople got angry.

They began to chase Myrtle who was mocking them with a dance in the water. Harry never knew why they hated Myrtle so much.

Harry mimed for the rest to follow him. He looked at Luna. She looked as dazed as usual; peaceful. Harry leaned down and used his quilling knife to cut Luna out. Fleur held onto her as Harry cut Cho, Hermione, and Gabriella out as he went along.

Harry traded Luna for Gabriella, then everyone swam up to the surface. Myrtle met them once more as they reached the last place the Gridylows were seen.

She gave them all a thumbs up and a smile. She then came closer to Harry to place her hand through Luna's hair.

"Twenty Minutes Harry." She told them and began to 'swim' towards the castle.

They all moved up towards the surface. Harry was still part fish when he breached the water. Everyone cheered as they all arrived.

Harry held Luna above the water as he tried to keep breathing. She moved to lean her head under water, and give him a little wave.

Harry passed her to Draco and Ron as he waited in the water, until the effects of the Gillyweed wore off. When it did, Harry was pulled out of the water by Draco and Ron.

"Are you okay, Harry?"

Harry coughed up a little water, but gave the thumbs up.

"Harry." Luna looked up at him with a smile. Harry reached forward and pulled some sort of plant out of her hair. "Thanks…. You know."

"Of course, Luna."

Harry stood beside the other champions as the scores were given.

"Well everyone there is some strange news. We in fact are unable to determine who reached the hostages first as there was an issue with the merfolk. Someone had enlisted the help of a ghost to scare away the merpeople." He spoke as if he was ashamed. The ghost was a Hogwarts ghost and one of his champions appeared to have cheated. "If someone doesn't come forward to tell us who did this this whole task will be invalided."

"Mr Professor Dumbledore sir."

"Yes Miss Declour."

"The ghost came on her own sir. She told us to stay away as she 'ad a grievance with one of the mermaids." Fleur lied; she was surprisingly good at it.

"Is that so?"

All the champions nodded; there was no help in the tournament.

"She was quite terrifying sir." Viktor spoke up.

"I see." Dumbledore smiled and turned to the other judges for a quick discussion.

In the end Fleur and Cedric were granted the full fifty points for effectiveness. Harry lost two points for needing to stay in the water- naturally that was Karkaroff's doing. Viktor lost four points for the failed- but effective- transfiguration.

It was then that Harry realised something. Rita Skeeta, in her Beetle Animagus form, was hanging out in Hermione's hair.

Harry walked close to Hermione and informed her of the bug. Which he then grabbed. He considered throwing her into the lake but he worried she wouldn't be able to breathe. He had no idea if beetles could breathe underwater. Would she just turn into a human?

He just held the squirming beetle tightly in his hand.

"Ewww, Sparks just throw it away. Don't hold onto it." Hermione just tapped his hand but it was enough to send the beetle flying into the lake.

"Oh dear." Harry looked down, getting a questioning look from Hermione; He responded by shaking his head slightly.

Quickly, the beetle held itself on the surface and began to swim away. Harry secretly hoped she would get eaten by a fish.

AN- I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Tell me if you did. ~T.I.A

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