//Sl3nd3rman b*tch//

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(Since this chapter was a lot to edit in one sitting, I'm not sure about quality, ehehehe... tell me if there's any mistakes or anytning suckish, lol

ngl I had fun writing this chap- although idk how good the...uh... cusses are so yall are goina have to tell me, LOL

Anywayzzz,,, enjoy~~~)

---- Third Person POV -----

"But you're more important to me than revenge." Cislo was smiling as he relieved the immense pressure caused by Vincent, "I'll follow you wherever you go, boss."

"Yeah." Barbara nodded, smiling weakly as she relied on Cislo to stand properly.

"AwAahhH..." Zazie hummed, seeming to agree, fiddling with the paper bag on his head. Vincent gnashed his teeth angrily but stayed quiet.

"So first is the matter of the Lambda spasms..." Ray hummed, his attention temporarily directed away from me as he kneeled onto the ground beside Norman. "We heard about it from Don and Gilda. Mainly because Y/N refused to mention anything..."

I whistled absent-mindedly as the ravenhead continued, Norman staring at him in shock at his knowledge of the situation. "It happened to children experimented on in Lambda 7214. A certain test drug was found to be the origin, it causes lethal side effects and spasms. But... what about Adam."

"...Huh?" Norman murmured in confusion.

"Adam doesn't get the spasms!" Emma explained. "Even though Adam must have underwent the the same experiments as everyone else, Paula says that he hasn't had any of the symptoms at all in these two years since he left Lambda."

"No, wait-" Cislo tittered nervously. "That's just... because his spasms haven't started yet... And there are differences in the spasms between us... It could just be that it hasn't happened yet... for him..."

"But you said not even once?" Vincent swallowed, covering his mouth with his hands in shock while he thought. "He hasn't shown any symptoms at all... since leaving Lambda?!"

Norman stared wide-eyed, hope filling his blue orbs. "If that really is true... And Adam is the only one to undergo those those experiments without suffering any side-effects... Adam is the breakthrough to saving everyone from Lambda!"

"But we still can't take it easy." Ray sighed, turning back to Norman and his Lambda b*tches. "The Royal Army is searching for the hideout."

"The Royal army is...?" Cislo repeated, sweat rolling down his face as he hoped he'd somehow heard wrong.

"Yeah." Ray hummed. "They were heading straight for there from here. They're most likely the troops they diverted away."

"...Why......" Norman murmured, covering his face in thought, worry, and even more shock while Ray continued explaining. 'Jesus, if they don't slow it down he may really split like an old man and die of a heart attack. He will be missed.'

"Oliver, Zack, Nigel, Gillian, Yuugo ,and Lucas should be dealing with it. They went back to the hideout without making contact, but... If the giant army finds them, there will be nothing we can do. You should leave the village and go back to the hideout." Ray was still explaining, a serious expression on his face.

"Of course," Emma added, "We still have to deal with the chaos outside the castle though."

"Hah..." Vincent sighed with a clenched-teeth smile, an amused and prideful look on his face that infuriated me. "And how will you do that? The people in the royal capital have most likely been poisoned at this point. The royalty, Giran clan, and regent houses were all killed by it. We're using that same poison out there. They wont stand a chance."

"It's okay!" Emma reassured, spinning to Vincent with the same encouraging look as always. "Right now, Don and Gilda are working with Mujika and Sonju to reduce the amount of damage to the capital as much as possible."

"That's what they've been tasked with." Ray added before his eyes narrowed. 'Why is she so quiet...? This doesn't sit well...'

"Don and Gilda-?!" Norman exclaimed.

"Then that really means they've found the cursed blood?!" Cislo yelled in shock, as if only now beginning to realize that the Gracefield kids were bad b*tches. 'Sucks to be you, sir. We were bad b*tches all along. Surprise, *sshole.' 

Emma spread her arm, addressing her friends. "Let's split into two groups. Ray, Y/N, and I will deal with the situation in the royal capital. Norman, you guys go back and protect the hideout."

Norman stood silent for a moment, his eyes sliding to the left as he glanced at his subordinates behind him. "Got it!" he accepted, a determined light befalling his eyes once again, Cislo and Vincent staring at him for a moment in shock while Zazie fiddled with his hands, awaiting his next orders, similarly to the ravenhead who was fidgeting anxiously, as if realizing something was amiss, his eyebrows furrowed worriedly.

"Can you get up, Barbara?" Cislo asked the-hot- long-haired girl slung over his shoulder, accepting the plan readily, overcoming his momentary shock at his boss' easy agreement. 

"Yeah." The brown-haired huffed, jaw clenching as a spiteful smile came onto her face. "Don't underestimate our fighting spirit." She spoke in amusement. "I ain't dying that easily."

"Cislo, go get on the horses." Norman ordered, quickly reentering his state of a boss, reassured by the presence of his close friends.

"Roger!" Cislo exclaimed in response, nodding his head in a determined fashion. 

"Just bear with it a little longer, Barbara." Norman's voice still had considerable audio but his tone was soft and caring.

"Hehe..." Barbara giggled weakly. "I'll be okay."

"Can I leave   our escape route to you, Vincent?" He asked the still-pissed football head.

"...Roger." He tched despite obviously disapproving of the plan, choosing to follow his long-time boss' ideals, for now, at least.

"But..." Barbara wheezed in pain. "How did the Royal Army find us?"

Ray's eyebrows raised in sudden realization to what was wrong, completely detached from the conversation, as he spun to look around the room. "Where's Y/N-"

Norman, however, was still in the midst of answering Barbara's question. "That would most likely be-"

All of a sudden a shadowed figure loomed above him, headless and horrifying. It's head suddenly snapped forward, it's face with countless eyes opening it's jaws to swallow Norman in a single gulp.




(The end.

Just kidding, that was like 980 words. I'm not that mean.

...or am I?) 

(No, I'm not.

This is supposed to be the end of the chap, but I ended up adding the next chapter to this one, so it counts as two chapters, hush.)


-----//Y/N'S POV//

I inhaled deeply, peering into the scope of my gun, and firing off a single shot as the bone-chilling figure leered over Norman. The bullet hit the queen right in the head, blowing it off. 

But it wasn't over yet. "MOVE!!" I shouted, wanting everyone to get away from the queen who was still alive, as her core was in the stomach. But all we needed to do was last long enough for Sonju to arrive. I had already pressed the trigger in my pocket... he'd be here soon... and soon after that, the queen would perish.

Everyone still grouped around Norman looked at me in shock. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING! STEP AWAY FROM THE DAMNED QUEEN NOW! CISLO, HELP BARBARA DODGE-" They then reacted to my words, barely managing to dodge the tendrils of demon-mass that came shooting out of the fugly queen and began devouring everything nearby.

"Y/N!!" Ray shouted as he caught sight of me, both relief and worry, and shock filling his face. "She's eating them..." He murmured, his attention distracted from me once again as the queen absorbed countless demons, growing in size and horrifyingness. "Stay back-!!" He warned the others. "This thing- it's devouring everything it can get it's hands on!!" He then turned to me as realization dawned on his face. "Y/N!! You knew about this, didn't you!"

I laughed loudly. "AHAHAHAH, MAYBE."

Norman turned to me dumbstruck. "YOU KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN AND YOU DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING??"

"SURPRISE, MOTHAFACKER!!" I flipped him off as I ran towards their group, passing by the queen.

"Impossible!" Vincent exclaimed in shock, likely talking about both the queen and I. "It's consuming the corpses contaminated by the toxin and absorbing them completely unfazed...!" A tendril shot out toward Emma, narrowly missing her.

"And it's body keeps on growing!" Emma exclaimed in shock.

"It's all messed up..." Ray murmured, clenching his teeth, "What now?? We can't just leave this thing...!"

Emma looked between her worried friends frantically. "I- I'm sure Y/N has an idea!"

I snorted. "AHAHHA WHAT IN THE WORLD GAVE YOU THAT IMPRESSION?!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"I can't tell if she's joking or not!!" Norman asked/yelled hysterically, turning to Ray.

"Knowing her, probably both." He grumbled. 

"But- the core was destroyed..." Norman's eyes were wide as his attention was directed back to the queen. "I confirmed it beyond doubt, with my own eyes!"

"AS IF THE SECOND-LAST FINAL BOSS DOESN'T HAVE TWO CORES, B*TCH*SS!" I cussed under the extreme pressure of the quaking queen who was scary as sh*t. 

"AND YOU COULDN'T OF TOLD US THIS EITHER?!!" Norman screamed, several veins on his neck and face popping out. Jesus, it appears I hit a nerve. Or several. 

"WELL, SURPRISE B*TCH AGAIN-!!" I yelled, sliding under another demon tendril as it nearly sheered my face off.

"Well then..." Ray sighed in exasperation, his eyes narrowing and his expression darkening as he stared back to the queen. "I suppose that answers my question..." He grumbled, rolling his eyes to heaven.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY ANYTHING?!" Norman barked, completely done with my bullcrap as everyone in the room began asserting the situation.

"IT'S SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN-!!" I wailed, for lack of a better explanation.

Norman sighed loudly as a demon tendril flew past him, Zazie slicing it from a mass of demon that shot towards him. "SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN?! THAT'S YOUR EXPLANATION?!"

"Get used to it-!!" Ray yelled angrily, turning to us. "And both of you, focus on the situation at hand!!" 

"OH SHUT UP, YOU WANNABE CYCLOPS." Alas, I stopped arguing with my albino brother and turned my attention back to our current predicament. "Vincent!" I yelled as I passed by the tall man, looking over my shoulder at him.. "Take Barbara back to headquarters! Help will be here soon for us in the form of a se- UHH totally-not-attractive demon man...!" Vincent's teeth clenched as I ordered him around, clearly not appreciating the whole ordeal and my existence. "Hurry up you football head!!" I growled, shaking my fist in the air. "We'll be fine!! Norman, too! So get over yourself and get your *ss back to headquarters!"

Vincent looked about to object until Norman added, "It's dangerous here-!! Go! I'm counting on you!" Vincent's jaw clenched before he turned away, running with Barbara and a few others.

"Got it-!!"

The giant demon mass began groaning, various disturbing noises leaving from it. "Y/N!!" Ray shouted, turning to me. "What now?!" While he was distracted the demon queen shot out a tendril in his direction, and he spun to it in seemingly slow motion. 'He's not going to be able to avoid it-!!' 

"Idiot-!!" I yelled, smashing into the ravenette and shoving him into the ground, the tendril shooting just above us. "Stop asking me questions and start paying attention to the massive f*cking embodiment of satan trying to kill us-!!"

I rolled off of him, standing up off the ground quickly. "Oi!" The dumb*ss in question shouted as he stood up. "Stop saving my life! And if anyone, you were the one not paying attention!!" 

I turned to him, irking. "HAHH?! What the hell you mean?!" I narrowly dodged another tendril as Ray huffed in exasperation. 

"If you keep on one-upping me I wont be able to pay you back for Goldy pond, let alone making the promise!!" He unreasonably explained. 

"EX-SQUEEZE ME??!"I yelled as Emma and I ended up back-to-back while Ray, Cislo, and I dodged the tendrils while Zazie protected his boss, slicing through the demon parts like butter. 'Dayummm maybe I should've touched up on my sword-skills after all. Or maybe Zazie shoulda been a demon slayer character instead...' I shook my head, trying to refocus at the giant f*cking mass of death. 'Maybe Ray had a point. The second one, though. Besides that, he's still just a b*tchass.' 

As I ended up back-to-back with Emma while dodging the queen's likely indiscriminatory attacks as her ever-growing mass attempted to absorb more corpses, two tendrils shot by in front of both the ginger and I, the surface of each warping and distorting as something just beneath them struggled to resurface. "Emma, Norman, Ray..." A warbled but familiar voice spoke, the ever-smiling face of Krone popping out of the tendril in front of Emma. "It's been a while."

My eyes widened as two familiar faces warped into the tendril in front of me. Ichika and Shinra's faces popped out and my eyes widened at the sight of the children I'd practically forgotten, one dying years ago, and the other one who I'd left behind at plant 2. "Y/N..." Ichika's gurgled, her bodiless face contorting in pain. "I miss you... it hurts..."

The face of Shinra spoke next, the words he said sending a chill to my bone. "Y/N...why... why did you leave us behind! Our siblings- they died-!! Why couldn't you save them too!!"

"Ah..." I murmured. 'Did I perhaps... cause him to be shipped out prematurely by leaving? How many others-'

"Norman... Ray... Lord Gillian... My queen... Y/N... your majesty-" Hundreds of voices called out as I stared at the calling faces of the children I'd left behind in plant 2... the one's I'd left behind. 'No, Y/N. Focus on the situation at hand. Get out of this alive, then you can worry about moping over the deaths you caused.' 

"No..." Emma murmured in a trance, her sanity temporarily looking seconds away from cracking. "This can't be happening..."

The mass of demons suddenly began splitting and groaning, a single figure emerging from the mass along with steam, which spreayed out and covered the room, tall and pointed shoulder pads laid on the figure's shoulders as it stalked forward in quite a statement gown, it's face completely blank.

"It doesn't have a face...?!" Norman exclaimed quietly, his eyes wide.

"The queen was resurrected-?!"

"GOD DAMMIT, Y/N!!" Both Norman and Ray exclaimed in unison, the ravenhead finally cracking.

"SORRY, NOT SORRY." I stuck my tongue out momentarily before a bone-chilling voice echoed throughout the room, immediately changing the atmosphere once again, despite the lack of volume in her voice.

"How wonderful~~" She exclaimed in joy as she left her...cocoon of horrors... "You're all here... standing right in front of me. The very best premium products from Gracefield's plant 3... and the one and only best product from Gracefield's plant 2. This is fantastic. All of you are aliv-"

"OI, YOU SLENDERMAN-LOOKIN-ASS B*TCH!!" I yelled, levelling my gun at her... face? Pale slate of featureless skin? 

"What?" The queen exclaimed, clearly thrown off guard by my insults, especially since she didn't even understand what it meant.

"You heard me-!!" I yelled again, everyone else falling dead silent. "Out-of-date-fashion-shoulder-pads-wearing-musty-crusty-multi-eyed-b*tch!!!"


"AND I'M A 11-YEAR-OLD ALBINO GIRL WHO ONCE TRIED TO EAT POISON BERRIES!" I retorted loudly. "F*CKED UP MY HANDS PLAYING TAG LIKE A MONKEY WITH A F*CKING TERRIFYING DEMON! GOT STABBED BY SAID DEMON, AND TRIPPED OVER MY OWN FEET MID-SENTENCE MORE TIMES THEN I CAN EVEN COUNT-!!" I yelled while everyone stared at me completely awestruck- unlikely for the positive reasons. Ray looked about to drop his gun, laugh, cry, and burst a blood vessel all at once, and I had no idea which. "AND I'D DO IT ALL AGAIN, BAP-BAP-BAP!!"

"You- You-!!" The queen screamed from a mouth literallyonherforehead, at a complete loss for words.

"But, you know, you are quite pretty." I flattered without a hint of sarcasm, despite the words I was speaking wanting to make me throw up my breakfast. "And honestly! The way you managed to eat all of these demons and avoid the deadly poison-! You must be very powerful!!" I buttered her up, calling on the power of the girls and the gays. I'm going to need all their strength for this one.

"...what?!" The queen murmured, shocked by my sudden change in attitude, still-processing my words. 

"And dayummm girl!! That is one hell of an hourglass figure! You gotta tell me your skin-care routine and your diet!" 'Although it's mainly humans- We can make an exception, though, right? I mean cannibalism was always a vibe I f*cked with...' My brain lagged for a moment while I processed my words. 'JESUS CHRIST, Y/N!!' I yelled at myself internally, realizing that maybe I really am a-lot-not-right-in-the-head. 'PULL YOURSELF AND YOUR WEIRD-*SS BRAIN TOGETHER-!!' I walked towards the queen nonchalantly, as if talking to a friend. "And your eyelashes!!" I fawned over her more, before the queen could even have time to react, standing near the massive figure, trying my best to show no signs of fear.

"You..." She finally got over her initial shock and leaned forward, although her tone was still wavering from the shock. "I'm going to eat all of you-!!"

I sighed sadly, as if that wasn't a terrifying threat but more like a minor inconvenience. "That's mighty unfortunate. After all, I still have another year before my brain finishes developing completely. It would be quite a shame to eat a full-scorer before their date."

The queen hesitated for a moment once again, before speaking darkly. "It would be a waste to leave you alive. After all, if we were to leave any of you alive any longer, you'd no doubt revolt once again."

I frowned, as if her statement was not the complete truth, turning behind me to my still-dumbstruck companions. "We wouldn't do something like that, now would we?" I smiled darkly. "Revolt? After all, now that we've seen the true power of the queen... there's no hope for us." I held up the trigger in a signal, hoping at least Ray would understand what I was thinking. 'Stall her, that's all.' I saw a flash of recognition in his eyes as he nodded slightly, before he spoke.

"Of course not." The ravenhead sighed in disappointment, taking a seat on the floor littered with corpses in defeat. "Plus, your majesty, if we spend our last moments experiencing extreme trauma, it's going to cause our brain to decrease in taste in extreme amounts, actually. For about every .003 seconds or so, it will loose about 1% of the taste factor." The queen looked mightily suspicious, and rightfully so, as the boy was just inventing statistics on the spot, but Ray continued, his words seeming incredibly believable. "It's true, you know." He blatantly lied, blowing the bangs out of

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