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 I do not remember writing nor editing a single word of this chapter.

And I've decided to keep it that way.


There was a terrifying shudder from the branches overhead followed by a sickening roar as the massive wild demon dropped from the tree above us. So no, it didn't fall from the sky, but it may as well have. 

"Holy shit I just got deja vu from that one time I stole Yuugo's last cookie!" I exclaimed as the demon screamed at me again, reminding me of the mildly-traumatic memory while I unsheathed my knife. The demon scrambled for purchase on it's branch and lunged towards me, to which I jumped off the branch I was on and landed on it's face, plunging my blade into it's skin and dragging it across the center eye as I fell.

"More are coming!" I yelled, catching sight of Benny and Aurelia already packing up their things, Cozbi running to their side. To my wonder and horror, more demons began dropping from the sky- like other people's expectations of me over time.

I recalled the different colonies of wild demons- some were ground dwellers, bottom feeders- like myself, and others lived high up into the trees, and would drop down onto their prey once they had them in their sights, the last sound that prey hears being a screech similar to what I heard of Sonju after eating the last piece of Mujika's pie. 

Beer uncles like their snacks. 'nuff said.

"Y/N, this way!" Cozbi yelled and I ran towards her, ducking underneath a flurry of claws and teeth. Our 4 small figures darted through the trees, Cozbi occasionally slicing off limbs of demons with her sword like they was butter. I found myself glad I wasn't facing the other end of her sword.

"It's strange." Cozbi panted while we scrambled up another tree. "Usually they aren't so desperate to catch us."

"It's probably because my dummy thicc ass just looks so yummy, they can't help but chase after me."

"Are you on something??"

"Besides sheer willpower to stay alive and see 04/20/2069? Not that I know of." Somehow, despite our predicament, the others all had enough time to shoot me a glance- each of which varied between concern and admiration.

"Regardless, we need to shake them off our tail before we end up down the hatch." Benny called out. "Ideas?"

"Do any of you have a map of the area?" I asked, met only with hesitant glances. Of course. They don't want me to know where I am so I can't find my way back to the castle if I end up escaping. "Oh, for the love of- Do any of you know where the nearest lazy-ass wild demon territory is?"

"The nearest stationary wild-demon colony is due West!" Aurelia yelled. I noticed a spark in her and Cozbi's eyes as they caught on to my plan. 

"Let's get going!"

"Go what?? What are you guys talking about?!" Benny scrambled after us as we ran to go wreak more havoc. "Why are we running towards more danger?! WHY AM I THE ONLY SANE ONE HERE RIGHT NOW?!!!"


We sat panting in a small circle, safe from the immediate danger of being eaten alive- for now. "Nice idea, Y/N." Aurelia grinned. 

I nodded, leaning back and resting my head on the ground. "I was just taking a page out of someone else's book."

Aurelia and Cozbi shared a glance. "I see..."

"So?" I pushed myself back into a seating position. "How many more days of this hell until where we get to where we're going."

"About 4 days." Aurelia murmured while opening a pack. I caught a likely stale bun as Aurelia tossed some rations around the circle. 

"You guys sure know how to treat a hostage. I mean, stale bread? What a delicacy." I muttered while tearing a chunk of bread off, carefully loosening the flap of my mask and slipping the food under without exposing any of my humanness. The other three began eating their bread while I longed for Mujika's home cooking for the umpteenth time since the beginning of this journey.

Cozbi pushed herself to her feet. "Alright, we'll start moving again at dawn. Benny will take watch now. Y/N, you should get some real rest."

"Real rest? Who's that. I laugh in the face of sleep. Ha, ha, ha."

"...How are you still functioning?"



4 days of weary travel later, and I could tell we were approaching our destination. There was a tense air hanging around us, and we soon paused mid forest trek. Cozbi looked to me hesitantly. 

"Hey, Y/N... Just warning you, the people here are kind-of... royal-hostile..."

I raised my eyebrows. "Pleasant. I'm hostile to ignorant-assholes, by the way." 

"You wouldn't like our leader, that's for sure." Cozbi muttered.

Benny cleared their throat, elbowing Cozbi in the side "And uh, we were kind of supposed to... kidnap you... instead of having you come along willingly, so..." Benny shifted their weight between their feet. 

I sighed in exasperation. "Oh, do what you will."

 I watched boredly while Aurelia loosely bound my hands in front of me with a coil of rope. "Kink-" Aurelia elbowed me roughly in the gut.

"It's just for show, you should be able to slip out easily if you wanted." She calmly reminded me, to which I nodded while doubled over in pain.

"Right in the diaphragm..."


We finished our final march towards the demon tribe. "They've come back!" I heard a young voice yell. I squinted, my eyes adjusting to the sunlight as we emerged from the shadowed forest into a small clearing filled with tents.

I noted that the tents were gathered around a single large one and wooden watchtowers stood on the 4 corners of the gathering. Upon a closer look, you'd notice that most of the tents were set up permanently. You'd also notice the small group of young children playing in the grass, and the onlookers who watched them with concern.

The rest of the demons, who turned to stare at us as we passed, were mostly teenagers to young adults. They all had weary faces. I had a feeling that Cozbi's "experience" was a normal part of the lives of demons here.

Upon an even closer look, you'd notice demons lying in tents, random limbs sticking out of their body, hair growing in patches. Many were still coherent and intelligent, but they all showed the painful signs of degeneration.

We arrived in the middle of the tent-gathering, where a small raised platform stood. Cozbi walked me up the platform while the other two demons waited in the small crowd that quickly gathered around us. I raised my eyebrows at the uncomfortable feeling of being up on that platform- like I was being set up for something I wasn't fully prepared for.

"Dirty royal!" One of the onlookers suddenly called out, his words echoed by a few other demons.

"Give us the humans you're keeping from us!"

The calls gradually became louder, more and more demons joining in.

I gazed across the group of demons. Some looked angry, some looked scared. They all looked desperate. "Only two minutes in and you already look like you want me dead-" I cut myself off, knowing that became a thing after my alleged transport to the human world. I cleared my throat before stating simply; "There are no humans in the castle." It was the truth. There are no humans in the castle.

...Right now.

"You lie!" Another angry demon called. These people might need therapy more than I do. "The greed of the royals always prevails!"

I stepped forward. "Actually, that was the truth. Surprising, coming from me, I know. And yes, I am greedy, but I don't really like the taste of humans anyways. The meat is too stringy for my taste."

"...That was a joke." I sighed. "I understand you're desperate. You and your family are dying. But there are no humans available for eating in this world."

"So you're telling us to lay down and die?! Hell no!"

"Please, princess! My baby, my little one only has a little time left. I need to save them!"

I watched as the demons began to plead or yell at me, starting to feel overwhelmed. I could save them all- and probably pretty easily. But... could I risk it?

"Now, now, everyone. I'm sure you're overwhelming Y/N up here." I was overcome with an overwhelming charisma as a demon stepped up onto the platform. It was long and slender, dark navy hair cropped at the chin. "What if she's telling the truth, and there really is nothing she can do? I suppose we'll have to find another way..."

As the demon spoke the onlookers quieted down, looking sullen and ashamed. It was then that I was certain that this demon was the acclaimed leader I'd heard so much about.
Cozbi was right. I didn't like them. "I couldn't imagine if the future leader of our lands were to lie to a poor innocent group of demons fearing for their lives..."

I rolled my eyes. "Those very same demons called me a 'dirty royal' a few moments ago. Listen here, hon, I aint nobody's princess. I'm just freeloading in the castle for a bit while a psychotic asshole manages to genetically modify pigs to be able to fly and another asshole gets over his bitchass and reads my- Okay, went off a bit for a second there. My bad. My point is, I have no real obligation to help you people." I slipped the loose rope off of my hands. "But regardless of that; I do pity you, I really do."

I stepped forward once again, reaching up to my mask. 

"And that is why, out of the pure kindness and goodness of my heart, obviously, I'm about to introduce an alternative solution."


Ha. Hahahaha.

For the record, I, like Y/N, am running out of spite. But also a crap ton of sugar, caffeine and adhd hyperfocus.


Beer uncle = Sonju & Yuugo

Wine uncle = Lucas

Wine aunt = Isabella

Change my mind. If you change "aunt" in "Isabella" to "In-law", ur funny. But pls. Chill.

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