Chapter 72

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We had ordered our burgers and fries and were just waiting for them to arrive when I started texting with everyone after getting permission from Kate to do so. Becca seemed busy with her phone, probably texting Bentley or Ryan, so she didn't try to look over my shoulder and potentially ruin my surprise.

The first to respond was Mason.


|Landon Hills > Mason – 4:19pm|

Sent: I was thinking it'd be good for Becca if we all crashed over at Kate's tonight. (Kate already gave me the okay to invite everyone.)

Received: I've been staying over at Kate's since her parents went out of town ;)

Sent: Of course you have...

Received: Haha. I'll be there. Any dinner plans or should I pick up a few pizzas?

Sent: Pizzas would be easiest. Grab soda too – Kate has like nothing good here.

Received: Don't I know it!


I normally don't dote on romance and things like that but those two are truly lucky to have each other. I chuckle to myself at their relationship and Becca shoots me an odd look. I shrug her off and go back to my phone to see that Ryan was next to reply – makes sense since Mason and he have the same practice schedules for football.


|Landon Hills > Ryan – 4:24pm|

Sent: I was thinking it'd be good for Becca if we all crashed over at Kate's tonight. (Kate already gave me the okay to invite everyone.)

Received: Yeah for sure. I was already thinking I might have done that anyways but I think everyone there might cheer her up a little bit.

Sent: She's in a bit of a better mood now than she was all day, but she's really worried about spending the night without you... specifically.

Received: She told you that?

Sent: Yeah. She told me about some of her nightmares too. She's worried about having one and you won't be around to calm her down or wake her up 'before it's too late.'

Received: What do you mean 'before it's too late'?

Sent: You should talk to her about her dreams Ryan. I promised her I wouldn't tell anyone and that includes you.

Received: Okay. I'll talk to her. Did you feed her? lol

Sent: Yeah, we grabbed some burgers but Mason's bringing over pizza too.

Received: Sounds good. I'll let her know too but I'll be over right after I pack some of her things up.


I didn't necessarily want to text Bentley myself, but thanks to Becca, her number was programmed into my phone and I knew it wouldn't be a complete surprise unless she came tonight too.


|Landon Hills > Bentley – 4:32pm|

Sent: I was thinking it'd be good for Becca if we all crashed over at Kate's tonight. (Kate already gave me the okay to invite everyone.)

Received: Okay. I think so too... she seemed pretty down in the dumps about everything today. How is she doing now?


Although I didn't really understand how the two girls had gotten so close in such a short amount of time, it was nice to see that she truly cared. The girl had begun avoiding me like the plague but she stuck around for Becca.


|Landon Hills > Bentley – 4:37pm|

Sent: She's in a little bit of a better mood but I know she's worrying about tonight. I though having everyone over would help though.

Received: I agree. I work until 8 but I'll head over right after!

Received: Ah, are you planning dinner or should I pick something up for myself on the way there?

Sent: We're having pizza so you can reheat some.

Received: Okay :) save me some pepperoni please!

That was odd behavior from Bentley... a smiley face... towards me... what the hell? I didn't respond but of course I would set aside a few slices for her – I know how the three of us guys can seriously put some pizza away and we wouldn't stop until it was gone.

"What are you doing?" Becca asked suddenly.

"Nothing. You ready to go?" She nodded and grabbed all the wrappers from the table to dispose of them.

"I've never seen you so concentrated on your phone before. It's weird."

"How is that weird? A lot of people are almost always on their phones. Alex is on his phone all the time!" I couldn't let this surprise slip but I was a horrific liar.

"That's because Alex is texting a girl." She stopped dead in the parking lot and spun around to look at me. "Are you texting a girl!?" I wasn't sure how to respond. I wouldn't really be lying if I said yes because I was just texting Bentley and she is a girl... That would start a whole slew of things though. "Landon! Don't lie! Were you texting Bentley?"

Ugh, here we go. "Yes. I was texting Bentley." Becca's whole face lit up in excitement – maybe I should have tried lying better. "It wasn't anything exciting Becca. Please just drop it," I said trying to calm her down.

"Okay. Just say that I'm always right."

"You're almost never right."

"So, when are you two going on a date?" Sneaky little...

"Fine!" I mounted my bike and waited for her to climb on behind me. "Becca Hanson, you are always right. Now can we get going?" She wrapped her arms around me in response and I took off.


Landon and I had spent the time watching television and playing stupid I-Spy in Kate's living room. Ryan had just texted me so I knew it was around seven o'clock.


|Becca Hanson > Ryan – 6:54pm|

Received: Hey beautiful. I'm going to stop at home to shower and pack some stuff for you. Can you send me a list of what you'll need so I don't forget anything?

Sent: Well I won't be here for long right?

Received: Becs I'm not sure when the alarm system will be done. I hope you aren't there for long but we've been through this...

Sent: I know.

Sent: I guess pull out that ugly Hawaiian shirt from the shopping bags in my room. I'll need some leggings too.

Received: Is that all? I still have the bag that Landon packed when we were at the twins' in my truck so I can bring that too.

Sent: Oh, probably my hairbrush and mascara.

Received: Alright. I'll bet here in a bit babe. Love you!

Sent: I love you too :)


I couldn't help but smile and feel warm inside whenever he said that. Landon noticed my slight excitement about seeing Ryan and shot me something between a smirk and a grin.

"Hope you guys aren't destroying my house!" Kate's voice bounced through the room from down the hall where I'm assuming the garage connects. She skidded to a halt in the living room and smiled wide. "I really need to shower but I'll go quick. Have you guys been doing literally nothing since you got here?"

"Pretty much," Landon replied as Kate ran up the stairs and out of view.

I started to panic when Landon got up from next to me because I didn't want to be alone. I reached out and grabbed his arm quite forcefully to pull myself up and stand next to him. My eyes must have looked panicked when he turned around since he seemed quite shocked at my sudden movements but calmed his face entirely.

"Please don't leave." My voice was squeaky and weak – I hated that I couldn't just be brave for once.

"Becca, I'm not leaving okay? I just have to unlock the front door."

"What? Why?" I was confused. His bashful smile didn't clear anything up.

"I, um, I invited everyone to come over for the night... Kate said it was okay since Mason would likely be here anyways. I texted Ryan and Bentley too and they're spending the night as well." He seemed nervous about telling me the sweet surprise he'd planned all by himself.

"You're staying too right?" He breathed a sigh of relief and nodded just before I could tackle him in a big hug. "This is one of the sweetest things anyone's ever done for me Landon. Thank you." Then it dawned on me: "Wait, so you were texting Bentley about this?"

"Yeah..." Luckily, Landon got off the hook because Mason was strolling through the front door holding three liters of soda and five pizzas along with his school bag and a duffle.

"Little help would be nice," he muttered while struggling to shut the door. I rushed forward to grab the pizzas and Landon took the sodas. Mason just dropped his backpack to the floor and grinned slyly. "Thanks. Kate upstairs?"

Landon rolled his eyes. "In the shower."

"Nice." Mason was bolting up the stairs with his duffle bag, likely ecstatic to surprise his girlfriend in the shower.

"Want some pizza?" Landon asked and started heading towards the kitchen.

"We just ate two hours ago!"

"So?" I stayed silent and thought about it for a while. Was I really going to turn down free pizza like this?

"Yeah, I'll have a slice of sausage," I finally admit.

"There ya go!" If he kept trying to rub his eating habits off on me I'd be a whale within the month. Regardless, he passed me my pizza and set four slices of pepperoni to the side, on top of the microwave so nobody would take it. After he caught me watching, he shrugged and went back to the box to grab some for himself. I would have said something but my favorite person in the world voiced his arrival from the front door and me sprinting in that direction with a dorky grin across my face.

"OH HUNNY, I'M HOOOMEEEE!!!" He dropped his bags and braced himself for when my body would slam into his. I wrapped my legs around his waist and nestled my face into his neck like I hadn't seen him in years when it's only been a few hours. "Hey baby. Missed me that much huh?" I nodded while he kissed the side of my head and chuckled. We walked (well Ryan walked while I hung on) into the kitchen and he sat me on the countertop.

"Landon invited everyone over!" I beamed and smiled towards Landon.

"I told you he was a big softie, didn't I?" Ryan looked at me so lovingly and took his place between my legs to lean on the counter there. "And it looks like Mason brought pizza?? Where is he?"

"In the shower with Kate," Landon explained and Ryan laughed.

"Well, I can't blame him for that one! Is Bentley coming?"

"I think so..." I wasn't sure why she wasn't here yet actually.

Landon spoke up but avoided eye contact. "She works until eight but she's coming over after." Ryan's head snapped to look at me surprised but I just smiled. I knew something would spark between the two of them and if it didn't happen yet, it would soon.

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