Rafe this Rafe that

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So its not just the fact that I'm a teenager that needs to make her own way in life, but it's also the fact that Sarah is making me get a job at the country club... Sadly but surely I have agreed to this idea, getting a job has so many benefits that come with it. It's something to occupy your time, you get paid, your are automatically more responsible, and it looks good on a college resume. So today is my first day. Not OUR first day but MY first day on the job, serving drinks, taking orders, and cleaning tables. It's me and one other girl. Your probably thinking, we'll isn't Sarah getting this job too? Well as a matter fact, no she's not. See, Sarah is too damn stubborn to get a job, she'd rather just have money without having to do any work. And I get that, it would be nice to do that, yes my parents- my mom is rich but it would be nice to receive money and know that I wanted it. Another reason why I agreed to getting this job.

I get ready to go to work and I have a whole uniform they gave me. A white polo shirt with a blue dolphin in the corner and black shorts or a skirt. And then a black apron to tie around my waist. I put my hair in a low bun, nothing special, and then I slip on my vans. I give myself one more good look and a small pep talk in my brain, telling myself not to trip with a drink in my hand, don't stutter, and smile people are looking at you. I grab my car keys as I walk out the front door and shut it behind me. My mom still isn't home yet from her business trip, so Sarah has been sleeping over every night. She asks me to come over to her house but I don't want to see Rafe. It's been four days after that argument behind the movie screen. And quite frankly I don't really want to talk about it. I drive to to the country club where old men and sometimes people my age play golf, they get all dressed up with one glove on, their white or sometimes blue polo shirts, and then their long shorts. It's a very stereotypical place. As I pull into the parking lot I prepare myself for the worst, you know, falling, getting the order wrong, forgetting what they wanted to drink. But I shouldn't be nervous, because not a lot of people walk into the cafe anyway. It's usually just five or six people. You mainly go in there for drinks, and a quick meal. I get out of my car and I slide my phone into my apron pocket. I walk up the white wooden steps of the club house, and through the glass doors. It's empty right now which is not surprising and I walk around the counter to clock into the computer. "Hey Maddy, do you need another walk through or you got it?" "I got it thank you Cassie" I give the girl I'm working with today a smile before I continue clocking in. I hear the bell ring as a customer walks in. Maybe mid forty's? "Hello there can I get a scotch on the rocks" "you sure can." I walk over to the bar and I stop mid way giving Cassie a look saying, I know I'm only 18 but can I serve him a drink?, she nods back with a guilty smile on her face as she walks into the back where the food is made. As the doors swing open and shut I turn to face all the bottles of alcohol... if I were an alcoholic this would be extremely difficult. I can feel my heart pounding out of my chest as I prepare a drink for a stranger. A little intimidating. It's not my fault my parents gave me anxiety. I hand the man his drink and he nods at me. I give him a a smile before I go the back to grab my water bottle. "Hey is it always this slow?" I say to the girl preponderance food to make our job easier. I take a swig of my water listening for her answer. "Yea pretty much..." we both laughing before the door opens at the front and a group of boys came in. And one of them was Rafe. Rafe, kelce, topper, and jasper a new face... They all walked in and the bell rang that was attached to the top of the glass door. My whole body froze, my fingers started to tingle as my body started to unfreeze, I remembered the night before and the rivalry that Rafe had started. They walked around the corner of the entrance and took a seat in a booth by the window. My soul left my body as Rafe rose from his seat and started walking over to the bar. As he looked around his eyes caught mine. I could feel them start to tear up. After what he said to me there's no going back from that. He smirked at me as his lowered down to mine. He was trying to be close to me but the bar was keeping him from doing that. If the counter wasn't there he would be inches from my face. "What can I get you... sir." He chuckled which made his friends look over, how embarrassing is this. They all smiled cause they new what he was doing. "Sir?" He said. "I like that nickname... hey next time we sleep together you should call me that." I don't know how he did it but he managed to get closer to my ear till the point where I could feel his breath against my neck. My heart felt like it's was going to burst out of my chest, I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. "I'll get four iced teas, and four shots of tequila." "Can I see some ID... sir" I gave him a smug look because I new he didn't have one but I was fooled when his friend jasper pulled out his ID handing it too him. I was already making the drinks before he handed me the card. As I filled the glasses to the top I could feel his eyes on me. I could feel all of their eyes on me. Like I was slut in a Barbie doll box waiting to be opened up and played with. I put the "here you go... jackass" he scoffed and looked at me in the eyes as his hand slid one of the iced teas off of the counter. It shattered all over the floor, it made me jump as I whipped my glance over to the ground. "Oops my bad, you should clean that up." I swallowed my pride as I walk to the back to grab a broom, and a dust pan. I could hear him and his buddies laughing as they praised Rafe. And for what? Being a narcissistic, raging asshole! I clenched my jaw as o walked back out to sweep up the mess. I cleaned it up and as I bent down to pick up the tray Rafe whistled. "Cat calling now?! Wow real fucking mature Rafe!" I walked off to the back and took my apron off. I heard the back door open behind me and I didn't even need to look behind me to know who it was. "What the fuck was that." I said not even looking behind me. I walked over to the trash and threw the glass away. "What are you talk about princess" "what happened to us!" I said as I whipped around tears already streaming down my cheeks. "What do you mean what happened to us." I sighed "Im talking about the late night movies when Sarah was asleep. Messing with each other and teasing each other! When you used to make Sarah and me breakfast! How we used to fight over the remote! Or when you would throw me in the pool!" I wrap my arms around my stomachs to avoid the feeling of being sick. "We still tease eachother! I've been teasing you!" He says back. "No Rafe this isn't teasing. This is much more than that. I don't know what's going on with you or us... but it needs to stop." I turn around and stop in my tracks for a second hoping he'll say something or do something to stop me from walking away... but he doesn't do I walk into the break room and tell Cassie that I'm not feeling well and I need to go home. I grab my bag and I walk out of the doors that lead to the back and I walk past Rafe and his friends laughing at each other being stupid. As I walk to my car everything feels like it's moving in slo motion. I can hear my heart beating, and every step I take jolts through my whole body. I look around the golf course and look back at the club house. I put my hand on my chest to check if I'm breathing and before I know it, everything goes black.

I open my eyes and I'm in the hospital ha great. First Rafe being a dick and now I'm in the hospital. And what for?! I don't even know! "Your awake" I hear a voice say and it startles me, making me jump half way out of the bed. "Jesus you scared me!" I took a breather while holding my chest which made me think back to me passing out. "What are you doing here" I question his appearance and he shifted in his seat, like this answer was top secret. "I uh walked out of the club house and saw you on the ground" "ok?" The doctor walked in and Rafe stood up. "No need to stand Sherlock sit down" Rafe gave me the biggest glare known to man but he sat down anyway. The doctor cleared his throat and looked me in the eyes. I could feel rafes glance shoot toward me and I was preparing myself for the worst. Dying, cancer, Tumor, rare disease that no one knows about. "You were just low on fluids, you need to make sure you keep hydrated, to protect that little bun in there. He pointed to my stomach and my face froze. Rafes face froze. My heart stopped and everything around me went silent. "I'm sorry what."

Lol sorry

"You were just low on fluids, you need to make sure you keep hydrating." He closes his notebook and handed Rafe my clothes. A grin appeared on his face when he found out that all of THIS was just from not enough water. How pathetic am I! He stood up and stretched his legs, "how long were we here for?" "About an hour or two" "thanks for staying" I said in quiet voice. I'm still mad at him for our last talk and the fact that he didn't even take it into consideration. I tried to get out of the bed and Rafe ran to my side to grab my arm, I looked at him for a split second with confusion but I quickly stopped cause if he saw that look he would've stopped helping me up. I walked into the bathroom to get changed back into my clothes. Once I got everything on the only thing left were my shoes and inside my shoe I have a small little baggy of white substance. God I could use some of this right now I thought. So I took some. Placed in onto the counter in a line and sniffed it up. I walked out of the bathroom and Rafe was sitting on the bed on his phone waiting for me. "Ok I'm ready" "good let's get out of here" he grabbed my hand and started walking. His grip was tight and I wasn't too sure how I felt about it so I tried to let go but he held his ground, he wasn't letting go. "Hey," I said waiting for him to look at me. "What" he said not even glancing down at me. We were at the car and so I waited till we both got in to tell him something. We sit there in silence as he starts the car, the seat buckle alarm going off repeatedly. "Rafe..." he pauses before he puts the car into reverse. he doesn't say anything but his heart beating fills the silence in the car. "I can't do this, I can't do us." I wave my hand between us and he doesn't say anything. But as I'm staring at the side of his face I see his jaw tighten. "you don't have to, not anymore.... you know actually Haley I've been dying to tell you that, all this drama, and this... I mean your indecisiveness is too much for me." I scoff and roll my eyes as I turn my head straight in front of me. Crossing my arms over my stomach, letting out a sigh as my head tilts down, staring at my feet. "Alright then, um can you just drop me at my house." he nods and starts to reverse the car.

the whole car ride there wasn't one words said and no glances exchanged, which hurt me deeply. And you know what else, the gaslighting! I know for a fact that's not how he feels so the fact that he's trying to turn this on me makes me want to rip the stupid symmetrical face of his smooth tan neck! God he's such a narcissist! he doesn't bother pulling in my drive way, as a matter of fact he stops on the side of the rode a few house down from mine. "you can walk from here can't you." I laugh and grab my things. "yea sure" I open the door and don't bother trying to make sure it doesn't slam behind me. He revs the engine and flips car around and speeds off as I start walking. I try my best to clear his voice and all our memories out of my head as I walk up my drive way. The funny thing about me is that I have this thing, in a way kinda like vampire diaries, but I can turn of my feelings, to the point where I couldn't even give two shits about anything. If he wants me to be a stone cold bitch then that's what I'll be. I knew this was going to happen I would have never even looked at him, or even be in his presence.


Word count: 2484

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