Paper Rings

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Like the song cos idk wat to write about

Past: Little Rafe and y/n
"Rafe! Y/n is here!" His mum shouts to him up the tree. He quickly appears at the edge of the treehouse, he sees me and smiles. He rushes down to reach the ground once again.
"Y/n! You came!"
"Of course I came! I was bored at home and wanted to play with you!" Little me shouts.
"Let's go!" Rafe grabs my hand and pulls me towards the steps.
"Honey! Just be careful, you know how clumsy y/n can be. I'll call you both for some food in an hour or so."
"Bye mum!" Rafe shouts continuing to drag me up the steps.
"Ta da!" He shouts jumping up and down and waving his arms about to show me the inside.
"Wow!" I say in awe. "It's huge."
"It's cool isn't it?" He says smiling.
"You can see the ocean!" I squeal looking out the little window.
Me living on the other side of the island I never saw the sea much and never really went to it as I was always at school or with a babysitter while my mum worked. Whereas Rafe, lived in the rich side of the island with his mum and dad and never had a babysitter. Luckily, his mum loved me like her own and loved having me at their house.
From the treehouse, I could hear screams and cries of young children from inside the house.
"My sisters." Rafe sighs.
"Aww baby Wheezie! How is she?" I ask excitedly.
"Fine. She's a baby. She gets a lot of attention and so does Sarah."
"Can I go see the Baby."
"Ok. Let's go." He grabs my hand again and we walk to the house. I smile as soon as I see baby Wheezie sat up on the floor surrounded by toys. Her curly brown hair spiking up on the top of her head. It looked crazy.
"Wheezie!" I squeal, going over to her and sitting on the floor.
"She's just eaten so just be careful in case she's sick." Rafe's mum points out.
Rafe stands at the end of the living room watching me pay attention to his baby sister.
"Aww Rafey is jealous." Little Sarah laughs. "He wants attention from y/n."
"Shut up Sarah. Just because she's not giving you attention!" He shouts back at her.
"I don't want her attention!" She shouts.
"Rafe! Sarah! Stop the shouting! Or you will be going to your room. And you know if you do y/n will have to go home."
Sarah shrugs and goes back to playing with her doll mansion. Rafe sighs and folds his arms.
"Let's go play on the swings Rafe!" I say getting up off the floor. "Bye Wheezie!" I say kissing her on the forehead. "Bye Sarah." I grab Rafes hand and we walk back outside.

"Do you really care I don't give you attention when your sisters are there?" I question him.
"Are you sure?" I smile.
"I'm sure. I don't care."
"Yes you do! You want my attention all to yourself!" I squeal, laughing.
"No I don't! Don't be silly!" He lets go of my hand and folds his arms again.
"Don't be angry at me. I don't like when your angry. Just remember your my favourite." This makes him smile.

We play outside for a while until we are called inside for me to go home.
"Please don't go!" Rafe cries. "Stay here!"
"Mum, do I have to go home?" I cry.
"Sorry y/n, we have to go home. You have school tomorrow." My mum grabs my hand and walks me out the door.
"Wait!" Rafe shouts.
He wraps his arms around me and hugs me like he always does. I hug him back and smile at him. His green/blue eyes sparkling down at me.
"Bye Rafe." I say before walking back to my mum towards the car.

Moving Day:
"Mum I don't want to move. Please!" I cry.
"You know we have to. I got a new job it will be better for us." She sighs.
"But I'll miss Rafe!" I sit on the floor and cover my eyes, crying a river.

"Aw y/n. We can visit every summer holidays. You know that."

The doorbell then rang and my mum went to answer it.
"Rafe she's in there." My mum says before content her conversation quietly so I couldn't hear what she was saying.
"Hey y/n." Rafe says quietly.
"Hi. I don't want to move. I'll miss you. Your my best friend." I cry. He comes and takes a seat on the floor next to me putting his little arm around me in a comforting way.
"Don't cry. I'll miss you too but we can see each other every summer and we can FaceTime on our mums phones everyday. I won't ever forget you."
We sit for a while quietly talking before our mums walk in the room.
"Rafe give y/n the present you wanted to give her."
"Oh yeah!" He jumps up and takes the little bag out of his mums hands and walks back over to me.
"It's something fro you to remember me by." He says handing me the bag. I smile and open it up, taking out the tissue paper and reaching into the bag. A little box was hiding at the bottom, I pull it out and open it up. A cute, heart shaped locker lay on the cushioned pillow inside the box. I take the necklace out and stare at it in awe.
"It's beautiful, thank you." I say at a loss of words.
"Open it up!" Rafe says excitedly.
"Calm down Rafe, let her open it in her own time." His mum laughs. He smiles and sits down and watches me open it up. I open it and see a photo of both of us inside.
"Aww it's us!"
"Now you can't forget me!" We both laugh and I hug him.
"I actually got you something as well!" I jump up and take it from the table next to the sofa.
I pass him the bag and he takes it and opens it slowly. He opens it up and takes the box out of the bag excitedly and very quickly. Opening up the box, he takes out the ring that was laying inside.
"Read what it says!"
"Y/n + Rafe = Best Friends Forever." He says reading off the ring.
"Now we won't ever forget each other." I say getting tears in my eyes.
"Ok Rafe, we have to go. I'm sorry." His mum says sadly. "Say goodbye. We have planned to meet up in the Summer." We stand up and as soon as we look at each other we both burst into to tears.
"We will leave you both to say goodbye." My mum says nearly crying, walking out of the room. We stand alone in the room crying.
"I'll miss you Rafe."
"I'll miss you too Y/n. But before I leave and I don't see you for ages. I want to give you something else." He hands me something wrapped in tissue paper.
I take it from him and unwrap the paper. Inside it was a red, heart shaped paper ring.
"I made Sarah make it for me to give to you. I had to take her jobs for a week but it's worth it for you."
"Aw Rafe I love it thank you!" I squeal putting it on and hugging him once again.
"So if we never see each other again, just know that your my favourite person in the world. And if we meet again just know I've missed you. This is the ring I want to be able to give you when we grow up."

"Mum I'll be fine. Its only a new school."
"Yes but you should have been here when high school first started to meet people in time. It's my fault we moved."
"But it was for your job and you did that much more for me that we were able to move back." I smile.
"Are you sure your ok?" She worries.
"Yes mum stop worrying." I laugh.
"Ok have a good day!" She shouts as I walk out the door.

I walk towards my car and throw my bag onto the passenger seat. I wave out the car window at my mum standing at the front door. I put the window down and wave and blow a kiss to my mum before driving off. On the way to school, I put all the car windows down and turn on my music. Vibing all the way there.

I arrive at school and I turn the music down so I can concentrate on finding a parking spot.
I finally find one and I climb out of the car grabbing my bag as I do so. I lock my car behind me and make my way to the school doors. People stop and stare at me as I walk past them. I walk to the front desk to grab my schedule, locker number and combination before I can change it. Thanking them I take it from them and walk down the corridor to find my locker.

With quite a few questions and stopping people for directions I find my new locker. Struggling to open it, I turn to banging the metal locker with my hand to try and make it budge.
"Need help love?" A voice asks from behind me.
I turn to look at the voice standing behind me.
"Yes I do actually, thanks." I say as the guy bangs effortlessly on the locker, as it opens up easily.
"How did it work effortlessly for you?" I ask surprised.
"I've been here a while, unlike you. Your new aren't you?"
"Yeah, I lived here before I moved away. But I'm back and it's my first day in high school in Outer Banks. Do they have the whole Pogues and Kooks thing?" I ask.
"They do. Kinda useless to be honest, nobody pays attention to it."
"Well I'm guessing your a Kook, from the way your dressed and stood."
"And what's that supposed to mean." He smirks.

"Hm, let me think. Maybe the fact your wearing a designer shirt and shoes and your standing like your about to enter a meeting." I laugh.
"Well your correct. And you must be a Kook too? Am I right?"
"You are indeed. Used to be. Pogue before I moved away, even though the rule was just becoming a thing."
"Wow so it's been that long. That was wat? Like 5-6 years ago?"
"No it's been longer. I was about 5 when I left? Maybe, if I'm doing the maths correct. And I'm now 16 so I'll let you work that out." I smile.
"What's your name, I never caught on to it."
"Y/n, y/n y/l/n." I smile. His face drops and all thoughts leave his mind.
"Hey, you ok?" I ask worried.
"I'm fine. It's just, y/n? It's you!"
"That's my name? Yeah?" I ask confused.
"Y/n, your back. Finally! My last year of high school and it's with you. Do you not remember?"
"I don't recognise you? I'm sorry."
He moves his shirt and grabs something from around his neck. He takes off the chain and hands it to me.
"My chain. Look at what's on it." He smiles.
I take it from him and look at it closer. The ring on the end of it speaks to me.
'Y/n + Rafe = Best Friends Forever'
"Rafe! Oh my god! No way!" I squeal. I wrap my arms around him and hug him tight. "I can't believe you kept it, and still wear it."
"Of course I still wear it. Do you still wear yours?"
"Of course I do!" I pull the necklace from around my neck out from under my shirt to show him.
"I still have the locket and the paper ring attached to the locket. It's a little squashed but it's survived." I laugh.

"I can't believe you kept it, and that your in Outer Banks again. How have you been?" He asks.
"Rafe you sound like your meeting me for the first time. We know each other better than to ask how I am." I laugh.
"What class you got? I'll walk you there." He laughs.
I close my locker and walk with Rafe to my next class.

"I'll see you after school. Wait for me outside the doors." He says smiling before walking into the classroom opposite mine. I walk inside my classroom, quickly greeted by the teacher.

School was finally over. It had been an exhausting day and my bag was now full with folders and sheets of paper for each of my classes. I made my way to the doors of the school and stood leaning shading the wall waiting for Rafe. The whole school must have walked past me by the time he walked out the doors.
"Sorry! My teacher gave me half an hour detention for tonight."
"Jesus Rafe. Getting detention in your last year of high school?" I laugh.
"I know it's kind of stupid. But I really hate that teacher."
"Did you bring your car?" I ask.
"No I got a ride with Topper this morning. But I think he already left with Sarah. Dickhead." He sighs.
"Good job I brought mine then isn't it." I smile.
We walk to my car and I drive slowly back towards Figure Eight.
"Are we going to mine or yours?" I ask.
"Whatever. I don't mind. Topper will be with Sarah at mine though."
"Guess it's yours then. I want to see your sisters."
"More than me?" He says placing his hand on his chest acting hurt.
"Your an idiot. You know that right?" I laugh.

We arrive at the Cameron's house and I quickly rush out of the car.
"Wait for me! The door will be locked, and I have the key." Rafe says rushing after me. He grabs my wrist pulling me back to try and stop me from running into the door. I finally stop and allow him to unlock the door.
"Sarah will be upstairs. She's with her boyfriend though."
"Doesn't bother me." I smile walking upstairs. "It's the same room right?"
"No we swapped rooms. She's got the bigger one now." He sighs walking up the stairs after me.
I walk to the room and point to the door. Rafe nods and I knock on it. Sarah quickly rushes to the door and pulls it open. She stands there for a second taking it all in.
"Hey Sarah. Did you miss me?" I smile.
"Your back? Since when?"

"Since yesterday. It was my first day at school today and I found Rafe in the corridors by the lockers. Long story which I'll tell you later." Topper walks over to the doorway and stands behind Sarah.
"And you must be Topper. Rafe told me about you, his little sisters boyfriend. Nice work Sarah." I laugh.
"And your y/n? I've heard a lot about you as well. From both Sarah and Rafe. Rafe tried hiding his ring around his neck from me, but I saw it and asked Sarah and she told me everything. Are you sure your just best friends?" He says.
"Yes just best friends." Rafe says quickly.

"No need to lie big brother." Sarah laughs. "I remember how you two used to act together. Hey,
Y/n do you still have that paper ring I made for Rafe to give you?" She smirks.
"Yeah, I do actually." I pull the necklace from around my neck out from under my shirt and show Sarah. The locket and the paper ring still attached to the necklace chain.
"Aw cute!" She squeals. "I need to go get Wheezie!" She rushes past me and goes in the opposite direction from her bedroom down the hallway. Then comes back dragging Wheezie to her bedroom.
"Wheezie! Look who it is! It's y/n!"
"Oh yeah I forgot you were a baby. The girl Rafe always had over at our house to play when we were little, the one I told you was his girlfriend? Remember?"
"Oh yeah I do! She used to give me snacks all the time."
I smile and laugh at the girls reactions.
"Uh I'm still here by the way?" Rafe butts in. "She did come here for me."
"You told me Sarah was here and I could choose where I wanted to go so I chose your house to see your sisters."
"Your girl likes your sisters more than you man. That's rough." Topper laughs.
"Not my girl" "Not his girl." We both say at the same time.

We spend a little while with Sarah and Topper talking  before leaving them alone and going to Rafe's room. I take a seat on the edge of his bed while he climbs on near his pillows.
"Why do you have such a big bed?"
"More space to move around I guess?"
"I've missed being in your house. It's so pretty. It's so weird seeing how much your room has changed, it used to be all dinosaurs and photos of us two and now it's kind of boring." I laugh.
"Hey! It's not boring I just wanted it simple. And I still have the photos of us two actually, they are on my desk." He moves to the edge of the bed and sits next to me.
"Aw how sweet." I laugh. "It's cute how you still have photos of us."
"I've missed you. I needed something to remember you by. I thought you weren't coming back, everyone had to deal with me crying for months."
"My mum had to deal with the same. How's your mum by the way?"
His face drops and he stops smiling entirely.
"Wait I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you upset. Oh Rafe, what happened."
"She left us. My dad now has a new wife, Rose. She's lovely but I just miss mum being here."
"Aw, I didn't even know." I say getting upset. "I'm sorry Rafe."
"Don't apologise you didn't know, you haven't been here."
"I wish I would've been here for you. I wish I hadn't have left but in a way I'm glad I did so we could change a little without each other for a while."
"You have changed a lot. Your prettier now." He smiles.
"Was I not pretty before?" I say.
"Yes, you were. I mean I- I didn't mean that."
"Rafe calm down, I was joking." I laugh. "We were also younger then and I've grown up of course I've changed. I'm not a little girl anymore."
"Do you remember when I would ask you to be my girlfriend when we were little? And you always said 'no ask me in 1 year and I'd wait and ask you the following year and as we grew up you changed it to ask me when we are 16 and now your 16."
"Yes I remember that. Rafe what are you trying say?"
"I wanted to know if you would be my official girlfriend now your back y/n. If your leaving again tell me now and I'll ask you when we are older."
"I'm not leaving again. I'm staying here forever, and of course I'll be your official girlfriend."

"Took a while." Sarah says standing in the doorway.
"Sarah! Get out!" Rafe shouts.
"Sorry I heard you sounding like you were reciting a poem and I had to see what you were saying." She laughs. Topper pushes past her gently and laughs.
"Your just best friends? Well that went down the drain quick didn't it." Him and Sarah stand laughing in the doorway. I sit at the edge of the bed with Rafe in silence, both of us now feeling very awkward.
"Mum would be very proud Rafe. She used to gossip with me about you two dating when you were older." Sarah smiles making us both smile.

And another chapter written
I've been writing this for a few days but never knew how to finish it so here we r with the finished product
So glad to have some inspiration for this story again! Can't wait any longer for the new season wanna see my baby on the screen again even if he does have a love interest instead of therapy 🫢
Word count: 3430 <3

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