11. Night ride

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Kiara's POV:

The look on Dean's face is priceless. To be honest I was afraid about what he might think of me, doing illegal stuff. Right now I can see lust written all over his face, his eyes have darkend and the bulge pressed against my ass are both proof of the lust shining in his eyes.

And yet there is more, something I can't quite deciphere.

"Hey is that your Lamborghini?", Nora asks Dean while bashing her lashes at him. This girl is unbelievable, even with Dean's arms wrapped around me she starts touching his biceps. She has absolutely no boundaries, this little piece of shit.

To my satisfaction Dean flinches back from her touch, which doesn't stop her from moving even closer.

"Will you be in the race? I'd be on your side", she tries keeping it up, licking her bottom lip which only disgusts me.

"Back off bitch, go and find Brad or who ever is willing to fuck you", I snap at her.

"You don't know if this good-looking guy isn't willing to fuck me. I mean it wouldn't be the first time someone rather switches from your lame useless ass to mine, right?", clenching my jaws and fists tight, it takes all my composure not to smash this bitch's face against the hot engine of my car.

"Lame, useless ass?", Dean takes me by surprise by speaking up and then laughing out loud. "You obviously don't know anything about Kiara, because she's anything but what you just said", he defends me. That's the first time in my life anyone has ever defended me.

"Oh believe me I know Kiara too well, we are best friends for firteen years now. She can't satisfy you the way I can."

"Oh so you are the cheating bitch I guess, you shouldn't title yourself as best friend", he firmly spits at her, making me feel really good. Even if I don't need him to fight my battles. "Sorry to break it to you, but you are way out of Kiara's league. So pack it up."

Huffing she storms off and I can't help but chuckle. And all the other guys around us start laughing out loud. Even if we are enemies on the street, we are like a huge family and none of them like what Nora and Brad did to me.

"Forget that bitch, she doesn't even belong here and she holds nothing on you Sweetheart", Marcus says while walking over to us. "You deserve better than them."

Dean behind me starts to tense up and his grip on me tightens. Especially as soon as Marcus starts checking me out in a very obvious way, like he always does with a smirk on his face. Marcus is very good looking, probably one of the best-looking drivers amongst our lot, next to Brad, but all I've ever felt for him is friendship. And I know when I'm in deep shit, he'd always be there for me just as Sean.

"Ready for a fast ride?", he smirks at me.

"Oh you know I'm always ready", I know I am pushing my luck with Dean right now, but this is all part of the game here. If he wants to be here, he needs to deal with it. I'm usually the only female driver amongst us and I use that against all the guys here. Distraction comes first, for new ones underestimating me and then there's the race.

"You only get to have a fast ride with me, you hear me?", Dean whispers into my ear while slightly pushing himself harder against my back.

"We've got a clear slot in fifteen minutes", a loud voice calls out, interrupting us. "So start getting ready."

"You staying to watch me?", I look up at Dean. "Although you should probably leave, if you get caught here, it would be terrible."

"Don't worry about me Honey, I'm not leaving and sure as hell, do I want to watch you. Are you good?"

Throwing my head back I laugh out loud and even Marcus who caught on to the question laughs and shakes his head.

"And I thought you said you know this girl", Marcus mumbles with amusement loud enough for both Dean and I to hear it.

"How much is in the pot today?", I turn to ask Alex, who is in charge.

"It's a good one Rockstar, there's seven and a half grand for the actual winner in it today, plus of course money for the bids. I think the biggest one we've had this year." From behind me I can hear Dean gasp.

"Any cars?"

"Only one, but you wouldn't want it, believe me?"

"Cars?", Dean asks confused.

"If you want to take place in the race and don't have the money to start off with, you can place your car. Lucky for me, that's how I got hold of my Mustang."

"You mean someone placed his Mustang in for this?"

"Yea well it was a special race and the start price was a lot higher, I myself had to place my Subaru in. Luckily I was the one to win."

"Can I come with you?", Dean nearly pleads.

"Sorry Dean, but this one is too important to lose. And every bit of extra weight, can make me lose that tiny bit of extra time. Besides a big race like today always has a higher risk of being caught. So if you hear any sirens or anything, get your ass the hell out of here, you hear me?"

"Fine", his voice doesn't sound pleased, but a lot better than I had expected. When I start unstrapping my shoes Dean asks me what I'm doing.

"These shoes are just for the show, to distract the guys. You don't honestly think, I'll be driving with them, right?", he chuckles and shakes his head while I step into my Chucks.

Before the race starts, I get into my car and thank my small team who helped me get the car prepared and here today. Dean steps into the passenger seat and I give him a confused look.

"Don't worry I'll be out, before the race starts I just wanted to see you properly in this and see the car from the inside. Is that for NOS? You've got NOS in your car?", he questions showing at some buttons and a screen.

"I see you understand a little bit of cars yourself", I chuckle.

"Take care Honey, I want you safe back, you hear me?", he tells me and plants a soft kiss on my lips before having to leave the car.

My engine is already running for a while, to keep the engine warm, my heartbeat rising as soon as I head my car into the right position for the start. Knowing Dean is watching me makes my heartbeat increase even more than usual. It was different with Brad, we would never drive the same race against each other because he hated to lose against me. So we split it up, either I was supporting him or he was supporting me. But that felt different, Dean is only here because of me and no one else and it gives me a feeling of satisfaction.

As soon as my foot clutches down on to the gas pedal, the adrenaline kicks in, flushing through my veins and whole body, giving me this incredible feeling. My heart races and during these seconds of speeding up, I feel free and peaceful.

The feeling of switching the gears is nearly as good as sex, well at least the old sex I knew. Within next to no time, I'm far ahead of all the others. As a racing driver, you need to be able to control your car at any point, know exactly how it reacts and know the exact timing for everything.

When to switch gears and very important how to use your NOS and when to kick it in. This is where most of them go wrong. They see me ahead of them and kick in their NOS, the first time. I let them take over and kick mine in shortly later, causing them to kick in their second and last round. That's their big mistake.

I level up easy after a few moments, keeping only inches behind that's when they get sure of themselves. And shortly before we reach the end, that's when I kick in my second load leaving them far behind me while I race into the finish.

As always, one or two of them have wrecked their car, because they don't know how to handle it. I laugh when Kevin slowly strolls in, with his engine steaming like mad. "Hey Kev, still don't know how far to blast your engine? I thought you wanted to wreck me tonight?", I call over while getting out of my car, causing him to growl.

The crowd is cheering and Dean comes rushing over to me, his arms wrap around me tight and he kisses me fierce right in front of the crowd, causing them to cheer even louder. Never thought Dean would show so much affection in front of a crowd of people.

"Congratulations Honey, you're damn hot you know that?", he whispers against my lips before the others start crowding me, causing Dean to step back for a moment.

I get my money and divide my share up with my team, leaving me three and a half grand for myself. As soon as we hear sirens, everyone starts rushing to the cars and I signalize Dean to get the hell out of here. Before I head into my Subaru with Sean.

By the look on Dean's face he's not too happy about it, I'll have to explain this later to him, there's no time for it now. Sean brought my Subaru here today and we need to get the fuck out of here, and Dean sure shouldn't be caught with me here. With his black Lambo I know he'll get fast out of this anyway.

I watch him drive off, before actually clutching my foot down on the pedal myself, while Sean was already yelling at me to get away from here.

Half an hour later, I drop Sean off at his home, before heading to the garage for my Subaru myself. It's only a couple of streets away from home and to be honest I'm glad to have a small walk in the fresh evening air, to clear my head.

Dean now knows quite a bit more about me. This weekend definitely has changed a lot. How will things be at work for us now? We were clear about it, keeping it a secret for a while until we both know this is what we really want.

Did Dean get home safe? I decide to give him a quick call.

"Hey Kar, are you alright?", his hushed voice echos through the phone.

"Yep, just walking my last bit home. Is everything ok with you?"

"Walking? Alone?"

"Yes, it's just a couple of streets from my garage to my home. No big deal."

"No big deal? It's dark outside, and you are wearing nearly nothing. Where the hell are you Kar? Is that guy still with you?"

"You mean Sean, no I dropped him off at home."

"Did he touch you?", Dean's voice booms angrily through the phone.

"Dean no need to worry about Sean", before I can finish my sentence he cuts me off.

"No need to worry? Kiara, all those guys tonight were eye fucking you. That Sean", he says his name as if it was venom, " even fucking kissed you. Damn I know we don't even know what this is between us, but sure as hell I'm not having other guys kiss you."

"Dean", I try to interrupt him.

"No listen Kiara, it was hard for me other guys could see you like that. Fucking hard even, I felt like punching every single one of them, who stared at your tits or ass. But that Sean, clearly crossed a boarder when he kissed you."

"Now shut the fuck up and listen Dean", I yell. "Sean is gay, there is absolutely nothing to worry about, ok? Besides he only kissed me on my cheeks like we have done since we were kids. Sean is like a brother to me."

"Oh", is all Dean replies quietly.

"Yea oh. So you are jealous?", I smirk while saying that and it was formed as a question but meant as a statement. Damn I like the fact, that someone like Dean is kinda jealous with someone like me.

I mean he is and has everything, he's so damn smoking hot and I...... well I can't hold up to it. Nora was probably even right tonight.

"Me jealous?", he huffs. "Sure as hell I'm not. I was only concerned about you." Yea right, that's exactly how it sounded I roll my eyes and am glad he can't see it.

"Now tell me where you are, I'll pick you up", he demands.

"No need Dean, I can already see my house down the road. By the time you're here I'm already safe and sound in my bed."

"The next time, I'll make sure you don't walk it. It's too dangerous, you hear me? If we need to leave in separate cars, I'll pick you up at your garage and take you back safe."

"The next time? Dean you do know, these things are illegal? You shouldn't be anywhere near those races."

"You shouldn't either. And just in case you don't know I have a knack for cars myself and damn I have a knack for the female driver in that race, she is smashing hot."

"Uh did I miss out on another female racer tonight? I better rip off that bitch's head", I chuckle and Dean joins in.

"Well the one I'm talking about is unique, I just spent an amazing weekend with her. And damn I need to make sure all those guys around her, stop gawking at what belongs to me."

"So I belong to you, yea? I always thought I only belong to myself, no one owns me Dean."

"As long as we are kind of dating, your ass belongs to me Kar and I'm not willing to share, is that clear?"

"So we are dating?", my heart flutters at those words.

"Well we didn't declare it as such, but yea I'd say we are", my heart feels like it's about to jump out of my chest with his words. "You're not just some good fuck to me Kar, and you should know that", his voice sounds serious all of a sudden but soft at the same time. Through the phone I can hear how he is ruffling his hair. "No idea where this is going, but I want to find out. Because all I can think about at the moment is you and this weekend has made it clear to me, I don't want to stay away from you Honey."

"But we are still keeping this to ourselves, right? I mean at least at work."

"Yes Kar, as promised."

Standing in front of my home, I hear those noises I hate so much and know I need to slowly hang up, before Dean catches on to the temper growing within me.

"I need to hang up Dean, I'll see you tomorrow, ok?"

My voice must have sounded a bit off, as Dean asks, "Are you ok, Honey?"

"Yes sure, I'm only a little exhausted", I lie. For a moment it's silent and I'm not sure if Dean believed a word I said, but then he replies.

"Well you didn't get much sleep last night, did ya?" and a soft deep chuckle sounds through the phone.

"Nope not exactly, I had better things to do."

"Hmmm better things, yea? Tell me about it?", his voice is going husky.

"Ahhh how about you use your own memory", I tease, although the sounds from inside are ruining it for me. "Dean, I really need to head in and pee and take a shower." Which isn't a lie only a good excuse. Even if I'd rather stay out here, than entering the house. My personal hell.

"Ok, Honey see you tomorrow. Oh and what do I do with your things, I still have in the boot? Shall I bring them to work tomorrow?"

"Sure, we could perhaps place it in my boot as soon as we finish work", this way no one catches on Dean still had my clothes.

"Ok, good night, Honey."

"Good night Dean." Hanging up I sigh, knowing I'm back into reality instead of the wonderful weekend I had.

Walking up the path to this run-down house, I pray again to get inside without being noticed. Damn I'm so sick and fed up of living here.

The door creeks while opening and I hope so badly the hated noise twisting my guts is loud enough to pass through without being noticed.

A/N: Ok, I hope you don't feel to bored about this chapter with the race, as I know it's not everyones taste. Personally I'm such a car freak and I probably could have just written ten chapters and more about cars lmao.

This chapter was also a little shorter, but I wanted it to end at this point. ;)

But I think it's also a little important to see, how Dean deals with this new situation. And I hope you liked their phone call. Dean not jealous? Hahaha!!! Well we'll see about that one later.

Hope you enjoyed it! Have an amazing day Jackie xoxoxo

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