The Pirate Hunter

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"I love being out on the sea," I lean my back against the side of the boat, kicking my feet up on the seat. "Open sky, open blue, and just spending time with my friends."

"I have a few questions," Koby speaks up from his place in front of me on the floor of the boat. "More for Luffy than you Akari. Sorry."

"No worries," I wave off the boy. "I'm not nearly as interesting as the boy who can stretch like rubber."

"Your freckles are coming out," Luffy turns around from his place on the figurehead area if there was a figurehead for this small boat. "That is interesting. No matter how much you hate them, I like them."

Koby looks back at me, focusing in on my cheeks. "Whoa, you do have freckles."

My cheeks heat up in a second, and my head turns to look down at feet. "Don't you have something to talk to Luffy about, Koby?"

"Oh, yes," Koby shifts around. "You said that you were a rubber-man, right Luffy?"

"That is right," Luffy confidently answers.

"That means you must have eaten the fruit of the gum-gum tree...amazing."

"It was amazing that he ate the whole thing with how disgusting it was," I lift my head up just enough to see Luffy.

"I was hungry," Luffy shrugs. "But yeah, it was the gum-gum fruit that turned me into rubber. It scared Akari so bad the first time I stretched out my cheeks."

"Now I mess with you and your stretching abilities all the time," I giggle.

"Luffy, you are going after the One Piece, so that means that you will have to go to the Grand Line," Koby brings the conversation back on target.

"That's right!" Luffy grins.

"It is the Pirates' Graveyard, though."

"That is why I am putting together a super crew. There's me, and then Akari who can use shurikens and fix weapons."

"Like a blacksmith?" Koby looks back at me with wonder on his face.

"Trained by the best in our village," I sit up straighter, letting the embarrassment of earlier float away.

"What was the name of the guy that was mentioned back with your old crew who is imprisoned at the Navy Base?" Luffy speaks up.

"Roronoa Zoro!" Koby replies, looking back at Luffy.

"If he is a good guy, I want him on my crew," Luffy chuckles.

"Isn't he a pirate hunter?" I furrow my eyebrows as I squint at Luffy. "He's famous."

"Akari is right!" Koby exclaims. "You are just talking crazy now, Luffy. Never, never, never will he join your crew. He's a demonic beast. Not from this world!"

"How do you know he won't join?!" Luffy snaps back.

"Koby just doesn't want you to get your hopes up," I run my fingers through the tangles of my hair. "Right, Koby?"

"Yeah, that's right," Koby takes a deep breath.

"So, a demonic beast?" Luffy is back to his cheery self.

"They call him Roronoa Zoro the Pirate Hunter. He's like a hound out for blood, roaming the seas for men with large bounties on their heads," Koby messes with his glasses. "I heard that he is a demon in human form. There's no way he is human from the tales told to me."

Luffy hums, looking at me for my opinion.

"I'd say what we need is a demon," I giggle.

"Akari!" Koby whines. "He's still a pirate hunter. They don't mix well with pirates!"

"I don't get the last say," I shrug.

"I haven't decided if I will invite him to join or not," Luffy stretches his legs out in front of him. "If he is a good guy, then I might."

"He's in prison because he is not a good guy!" Koby groans.

"Well, we are also not good guys, Koby," I point out. "All three of us are pirates. All of us should be in prison."

"Luffy and you aren't bad guys though," Koby pouts. "And I was forced to be a pirate."

"What if we are keeping you prisoner?"

"You have no reason to," Koby's eyes widen. "Are you messing with me? It's not funny!"

Luffy and I burst into laughter as Koby pouts.

"It's not funny," Koby whines. "You were being too serious, Akari. I questioned our friendship."

"I'm sorry, Koby, but teasing comes with being friends," I wipe a tear from my eye. "Even though we are pirates, I like to think of us as good people."

"You're the best of the best, Akari," Luffy grins. "I still am waiting for you to use your shurikens on someone."

"I was going to, back at Lady Alvida, but you pushed me out of the way," I shake my head. "Trying to prove how tough you are?"

"I don't need to prove anything to you, and I didn't want you in harm's way. I'll let you hurt some assholes next time. How does that sound?"

"Do you really fight, Akari?" Koby looks at me.

"I have never fought a real person, but now that I am a pirate, I have to fight," I firmly nod. "I'm ready for it. Luffy doesn't think I can do it, though. I was never allowed to train with him back home."

"I'm too rough, and I didn't want to hurt you."

I tenderly smile, "That is too sweet for you, Luffy."

"I bet you are a better fighter than me, Akari," Koby sighs. "How am I going to make it in the Navy if I am afraid of everything?"

"You just have to work hard," I pat Koby on the top of his head. "Nothing in life comes easy."

"Have you had a hard life, Akari?"

"I have had an interesting life, that is for sure," I take a deep breath, looking up to the vast blue sky. "But the true adventure is beginning right now, so everything before this means nothing. It is like I am starting over, which is perfectly fine with me. I want to make a name for myself."

"With the future King of the Pirates, I think that you have a good chance at that," Koby nods a few times.

"So, when are we going to make it to the next island?" Luffy breaks the serious moment.

"Midday tomorrow, don't worry," Koby responds.

"It's a good thing we have you for now, Koby," I giggle. "Luffy and I have no sense of direction, and I can't read the sea for shit."


"Ah, it feels so nice to be on land again," I reach my hands to the sky to stretch out my back as I steady myself on the dock.

"We've finally made it to Naval Base Town," Luffy hops out of the boat. "Remember this Akari."

"I will," I adjust my backpack, having placed my shuriken bag inside for the time being.

"It feels great to be in a Navy town," Koby takes a deep breath.

"Koby, you are amazing, you know that?" Luffy slaps the boy on the back.

"Why?" Koby awkwardly chuckles, tying our boat to a post.

"You got us to our destination. The one we were set out to get to."

"Of course! That's like a minimum requirement for those who sail the seas."

"We aren't normal, remember that, Koby," I giggle, grabbing onto Luffy's arm.

"You two can't randomly float around out on the sea, or you'll never become true pirates," Koby shakes his head. "You need to find a navigator for your crew as soon as possible."

"We'll get to it," Luffy waves Koby off. "Let's get something to eat," he looks down at me with a large grin on his face.

"That is a perfect plan," I shuffle around for a few seconds.

"I'll find us something," Koby chuckles, leading the way into town. "What do you two like to eat?"

"Anything," Luffy and I say as one.

"Oh, well, that makes it easy," Koby nods a few times. "I'm sure there are plenty of good places to eat in this town."

"Where are we?" I ask.

"Um, I think I saw a sign that said this place was called Shells Town, but that is all I really know."

"Hm, well, I guess it really doesn't matter. Our possible new crewmate is here, and so are the Marines. We'll just have to deal with it as it comes."

"I just want meat," Luffy groans. "Come on, find us some place so we can get food."

"I'm trying," Koby says. "None of us have ever been here, so I don't really know where to look."

It takes us walking around the streets of this little town for a few minutes before we find a bar that looks nice and has an empty table for us to sit at. The three of us instantly ask for whatever food that is ready or can be prepared quick. Our grumbling stomachs proving just how hungry we are, and the fast pace at which we stuff our mouths also helps.

"That was amazing," I sigh, leaning back in my seat. "I didn't realize how hungry I was."

"I did," Luffy giggles, patting his stomach.

"You're hungry all the time, though," I give the boy a shove. "I hope we can find a cook as soon as possible."

"So, what do we do now?" Koby speaks up.

"Well, Koby, I guess this is where we go our separate ways," Luffy lets out a breath. "I hope you join the Navy and become a great sailor."

"Yes, train hard so we can fight one day," I smirk.

"Th-thank you, Akari! Luffy! I hope you both become great pirates. Even if that means we will be enemies."

"Hey, I just remembered why we're here in the first place," Luffy raises his hand for a few seconds. "That guy who is said to be imprisoned here, what was his name?"

"Roronoa Zoro," I answer.

The second the name of the pirate hunter leaves my mouth, all of the people eating around us flip out of their seats, sending plates and glasses all over the floor. Everyone is then standing as far away from the three of us like we have some sickness.

"Maybe you shouldn't say that name out loud around here," Koby whispers. "It seems like they might be a bit scared of him."

"Hm, well, that's understandable," I bob my head.

"Um, I think I saw a poster that said Captain Morgan is at this base."

Just like when I said Zoro, the people flip out at the mention of the captain. How can it be possible that these people fear both sides?

"I think we should head out," I place some money on the table that should hopefully pay for our meals.

"That sounds like a good idea," Koby hurriedly stands up.

In the next moment, the three of us have exited the restaurant, and are back to wandering the streets. No real place for us to go.

Luffy breaks our silence with laughter. "What an amazing restaurant. I want to go back there."

"Everyone is so jumpy," Koby shakes his head. "I'm getting a bad feeling about this. Why would they be afraid of the Marines?"

"Is a pirate hunter really that bad?" I place my hands on top of my head. "Are pirates not the ones on the bottom?"

"Well, he's more than just a pirate hunter. He's like a demon, so I can understand why they get scared when Roronoa Zoro is mentioned. I don't understand why Captain Morgan's name gets to them."

"Who knows?" Luffy says through his chuckles. "Maybe they just got carried away. It was funny."

"Why would they do that?" I grip my backpack straps. "This is serious."

"Yeah, thanks Akari," Koby swallows. "I'm trying to think seriously here."

"There must be something going on here that we don't understand," I look up at the clear blue sky. "Why don't we head to the base? That way we can probably find this swordsman that everyone is so scared of."

"Lean the way, Koby!" Luffy slaps the boy on the back.

"Oh," Koby stumbles. "Okay, well, I can see it from here. Shouldn't be too long of a walk."

"Then we should try to get to know each other better," I put a little skip in my step.

"Why?" Koby stutters. "We'll just be ending up enemies shortly."

"To the law we will be enemies, but in my heart, we are all friends."

"That's right, Koby," Luffy grins. "One day we may have to fight, but that doesn't mean we can't be friends."

"Okay, well, what should we talk about?" Koby asks.

"Why do you want to be a Marine so badly?" I ask.

"Oh, um, I just want to uphold justice, and after being forced to be a part of Alvida's crew, I know that becoming a Marine is the best way to accomplish that. Why do you two want to be pirates so bad?"

"That's easy," Luffy responds. "The famous pirate, Red-Haired Shanks stayed in our village for a while, and he was so cool. He had an awesome scar on his face, and he's the reason I am a rubber boy, and he saved my life."

"Shanks is a gentleman, but also knows when it is time to fight," I add in. "He was kind to Makino, the barkeep, and I could never do anything to make him mad. No matter how hard I tried. It was like he saw us as his own kids," I feel my cheeks heat up as I say the thought that has been swimming around my head for years.

"A pirate for a father, I could never imagine that," Koby shakes his head. "He doesn't sound like that bad of a guy."

"Shanks was the best," Luffy states. "And one day I am going to meet him out on the sea, and I can say to him that I am the King of the Pirates."

"I'd like to thank him," I take a deep breath. "Tell him he was a better father figure for my life than my actual father ever was."

"Your father hated that you spent time at the bar with all those pirates," Luffy chuckles. "Look at us now."

I happily sigh, "Yeah, look at us now."

"So, Red-Hair is the reason you two are out here," Koby nods. "At least you weren't forced to be a pirate."

"You are the one in charge of your destiny, Koby," I pat the boy's shoulder. "We'll get you into the Marines."

The three of us step up to the gate surrounding the base. It is a massive fort that looks impenetrable from where we are standing, but if I know Luffy (and I know him more than anyone else), he is going to get in there one way or another.

"It looks so much bigger up close," Luffy gawks.

"I wonder how many people are in there," I run my hand through my hair.

"Go on then, Koby," Luffy motions to the base.

"But I haven't mentally prepared myself yet, and the townspeople were scared when the captain's name was mentioned," Koby bounces on his toes.

Luffy seems to ignore the boy as he climbs the wall right in front of us.

"Luffy!" I stare wide-eyed at him. "What do you think you're doing?"

"If I get up here, I can see a lot more of the base."

"You have dealt with this for how long, Akari?" Koby asks.

"All my life," I chuckle as Luffy lands back on the ground.

"I don't think you will find him by just peeking over the wall. He's probably locked up deep within the complex."

"You think so?" Luffy grins as he sprints away. "Well, someone is over there, so I am going to look. Maybe it's Zoro."

"What?" Koby and I exclaim, rushing to catch up with Luffy.

When we catch up with Luffy, he's already scaled the wall.

"Can you get up there?" Koby looks at me.

"I should be asking you that," I smirk, rushing up to be next to Luffy. My hands grip the top as I brace my body with my feet.

Koby appears next to me, his eyes barely looking over the top of the wall.

"There he is," Luffy gushes.

I focus on the young man tied to the cross by his arms and waist. He has a black bandana on his head, an off-white shirt, a green haramaki that is probably used to holding his swords that are missing, black pants, and green boots. His skin is lightly tanned, and three sword-like earrings hand from his left ear. Even in the strange position he's in because of being tied up, I am sure he is taller than Luffy, and definitely has more muscle if he is a bounty hunter.

"Ah!" Koby screams as he falls off the wall.

Luffy and I look down at the boy.

"What's wrong?" Luffy questions.

"He can't get you, Koby," I giggle.

"A black band-bandanna, and a hara-haramaki sash!" Koby stumbles over his words. "It's really him! That's Roronoa Zoro! He's so menacing!"

"He doesn't look that scary," I turn back to look at the guy. "He looks uncomfortable, sure."

"So that is the pirate hunter, hm?" Luffy turns back to look out at him. "I could just go down there, untie his ropes, set him free."

"That would be suicide!" Koby is hysterical. "If you let him go, he'll kill us then destroy the town!"

"Hey, you!" The deeper voice of the one called Zoro shocks me.

Koby has climbed back up the wall.

"Come over here, and untie me," Zoro looks up at us, blood dripping down his face. "I've been stuck here for nine days, and I can't take it anymore," he grins.

"Whoa, he's smiling," I nudge Luffy.

"He's talk-talking to us!" Koby whines.

"I'll make it more than worth your while if you do," Zoro continues. "I will capture someone with a big bounty on their head and give it all to you. You can trust that. I'm a man of my word."

"I believe him," I look at Luffy. "He has no reason to lie, so I actually do trust him."

"What!?" Koby exclaims. "Akari, you can't be serious. Luffy, don't do it. As soon as you untie him, he'll kills us and get away. I know it."

"Calm down, Koby," I roll my eyes. "He won't kill us. No way."

"He couldn't," Luffy says. "I wouldn't let him."

"What?!" Zoro blurts out.

The sound of wood hitting the stone wall fills my ears, and I look over in Koby's direction to see a ladder has appeared. In the next moment a little girl with jet black hair and big brown eyes is next to us.

"Who are you?" I ask, titling my head to the side.

"Shush," she orders, and then she leaps over the wall with ease.

"Wait!" Koby calls after her. "Don't do that! He's dangerous!"

"I don't think she really cares, Koby," I chuckle.

"Luffy, Akari, you have to do something. She'll be killed!"

"Why don't you do it if you care so much?" Luffy glances over at Koby.

"Get lost!" Zoro's voice fills the air. "Do you want to get killed!?"

"I made these for you," the little girl holds out two rice balls with a giant smile on her

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