Refusing Endless Varse

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"So, the time is up for my prophecy, and now we are six." Yet another laugh leaves his lips that makes me want to rush at him to slap the stupid grin off his face. "I'm glad you survived. I will now depart for Endless Varse. And I'll take you all with me! There, I will create a god-land. Those who live there will be the chosen few."

"He's actually serious about all this," I mumble. "I can't believe this."

"The survival game only lasted but a few hours, yet they couldn't last. Followers like that would weaken my country if they came!"

"What if we refuse?" Robin asks.

"Robin!" Nami screams.

"Yeah, what if we refuse," I grin.

"Akari!" she whines.

"Refuse?" Eneru questions. Why would you? I've decided. If you stay, you'll simply fall to the ground with the country."

"It's true your powers could make that happen, but if you destroy this county, won't you be destroying the things you want?" Robin asks.

"Like the Golden Bell, you mean?" He laughs, "Don't worry, I already have an idea of where it is. When I think back to your actions, I see there's only one possible place."

"What!?" I blurt out.

"The Golden Bell," Baldy grumbles.

"We are probably thinking of the same place." Eneru looks at Robin. "You look surprised. Did you think you could trick me with that maneuver? Don't underestimate me!" He points at Robin with a sparking finger.

"ROBIN!" Nami screams, but there's nothing she can do.

"I despise conniving women." He sends a lightning bolt straight at her, taking her out in the blink of an eye.

Everyone is frozen in place as Robin's hat flies away and she starts to fall to the ground. Everyone except Zoro, that is. He rushes over with the speed of a demon, grabbing her with his arm before she hits the ground. A mere second before she would have.

"Badass," I whisper.

Zoro looks back at Eneru with a scowl on his face and hatred burning in his eyes. "She's a woman," he growls.

"I know," Eneru calmly says. "I saw."

He rushes as the man playing god, but Eneru uses his golden staff to block the swordman's strike.

"Hm, you have skill," he grins.

"Are you out of your mind!?" Zoro bellows. He slices at the man's legs, but Eneru just jumps out of the way.

Baldy aims his bazooka right at our enemy. "Burn Bazooka!"

Eneru chuckles, not even afraid of what is coming towards him. "Kari Krash!" A blinding light from him makes us all block our eyes or look away, and a loud crash like thunder that shocks the air around us until his laugh rings out again.

"It can't be, he stopped the bazooka flame!" Baldy snaps.

My shurikens are still between my fingers, knowing that if I throw them, he'll just dodge or ruin them. There's nothing I can do but stand back and watch. If I fight, it might as well be signing my life away.

"You still don't understand the energy you possess is nothing compared to mine!" Eneru declares.

"A simple Devil Fruit made him like this," I shake my head.

"Well," he looks down at us. "As I told you, we'll be shipping out to Endless Varse together. There's no need to behave murderously."

"Who said we'd go with you!?" Zoro glares at him. "And who cares about your 'World of Dreams'!" He once again rushes at the man.

"Don't do it Zoro! He's too strong!" Nami screams.

"Maybe if I go for his drums," I juggle my shurikens.

"I'll have to teach your body a lesson about the Kami's rules," Eneru states, but he doesn't electrocute Zoro as the swordman slices through him multiple times. "However much you struggle, you won't be able to fight me. In the face of overwhelming power, one can feel utter desperation." His body comes back together as Zoro stops slashing through him. "Having all of your hopes shattered in not unlike death." It is at that moment that he finally decides to send a bolt of electricity coursing through Zoro's body.

For a moment, Zoro remains on his feet, but then he collapses to his knees.

"Zoro!" I scream, finally deciding that it is my turn to jump into this damn fight even if it kills me.

"Akari!" Nami screams, grabbing my wrist before I can send my shurikens flying at Eneru. "What do you think you're doing?" she hisses.

"I'm going to kick ass, what does it look like I'm doing?" I shockingly look back at her. "Let me go so I can actually do something."

"No, I will not. You're going to get yourself killed if you fight him, and I am not going to let that happen. You've been through a lot since we made it to this island, and I am going to make sure that you don't damage your body any further."

"Then you better keep holding my wrist, because you don't understand how much I want to kick this guy's ass."

She softly grins, "Don't worry, I won't."

"For humans, death is their ultimate fear," Eneru speaks up, dragging my attention back to him. His foot is now planted on Zoro's face to keep him down. "That is why people bow their heads to the ground and beg for the Kami's mercy. It can't be helped. Creatures are made to bow down in the face of terror. That's instinct."

"I'll never beg for mercy from men like you," I snap.

The bazooka clatters to the ground before the Shandia warrior jumps on Eneru. His legs wrapped around the Kami's torso as his hand is placed firmly on his chest.

"What are you doing?" Eneru uninterestingly asks. "Did you come to kill me?"

The warrior looks on without saying a word.

"What?" Eneru tries to get away by turning his body into lightning, but it seems something is nullifying his power. "What is it?"

"Do you know what a sea prism is, Eneru?"

Sea Prism: A stone that sucks the power of those with Devil Fruit powers. We've seen the effect that is has on Luffy. How the boy will turn weak in a matter of seconds. Even a man that calls himself a god cannot escape the hatred the sea has for those who have eaten a Devil Fruit.

"It's true, I can't summon my powers!" Eneru stumbles back, giving Zoro a chance to break away and get ready to fight.

"Die!" the warrior screams.

"Stop it. It's a reject dial, isn't it? It will kill you too. What is your objection? Don't you want Endless Varse too?"

"Shut up! I am happy to die if I can take you with me!!"



The dial releases a burst of energy that destroys Eneru's chest in an instant. Blood spurts out of his mouth, his legs fly out from under him, and then he's lying on the ground with the warrior standing triumphantly above him with his bandaged arm that hold the reject dial smoking.

"Hold shit," I breath out, taking in the scene that I wouldn't have believe just a few minutes ago.

"Did he really defeat him?" Nami's hand releases my wrist as she stumbles towards the two that were taken out. "Robin! Weird knight!"

"Mister Warrior!" I call out. "Are you going to be okay?"

He looks over at me, breathing heavily and clearly in immense pain.

"No, that's cool, just focus on not dying," I nod, looking away and then walking over to Zoro. "What about you? You don't look much better."

Zoro looks down at me, "I wasn't sliced open this time, so once I can sleep, I'll be fine."

I shake my head, letting out small giggle, "If you say so. I forget that you can take more injuries than the normal person."

A loud snap of lightning brings us back to the man I honestly thought was dead. Instead, it seems like his Devil Fruit powers are attempting to restart his heart. Even the blast from the Sea Prism Stone could only keep him down for so long, which does not look good for us.

"He's massaging his heart," Nami cries, slapping both hands over hi mouth as her eyes widen in horror.

In the next second, Eneru is back on his feet with that confident shit-eating grin on his face. "People do not fear the Kami..." He wipes the blood from his chin with his thumb. "Fear is the Kami."

"Fear is a bitch." My jaw clenches as I stare at Eneru.

"Warrior Wyper, I warned you, I told you to stop."

Wyper's bandaged arm has begun to tremble. He sways for a moment, and then he's falling to his knees. His forehead resting against the stone ground as blood streams from his face.

I take a deep breath, looking away from the poor man that has truly given all he has to fight against the one that has traumatized his people for too long.

"See? I told you," Eneru grins.

Wyper is gasping for air, trying to push away the pain that must be coursing through his body.

"What a shame, Warrior Wyper."

"My name," he chokes out, pushing his body up with what little strength he has left.


"Don't use my name in vain!" His arms give out, and his head is resting on the ground once more. "Eight-hundred years ago, the proud Shandian warriors...fought to protect this city. We are their descendants...Our homeland was overtaken out of the blue one day...We vowed to avenge the great warrior Kalgara. For four-hundred years our ancestors have yearned for this place! And now I've finally reach it!!" His words give him the burst of energy that he needs to rise to his feet once more. No matter how injured he is, Wyper is a warrior to the very end. "You're the only thing that stands in my way!"

Eneru has a frown on his face as he looks at Wyper. Then he lifts his golden staff up, twirling it in one hand before whacking Wyper back with enough force to break the dial connected to one of the warrior's shoes.

"Stop it," I snap.

"What you did back there hurt, Wyper. You dare use the Sea Prism on me. Using the reject dial just once would have killed a normal person, so I'm impressed you're still standing after doing it twice. But you poked the wrong opponent. Three hundred million volt..." One of his drums transforms into lightning bolt that looks like a bird. "Hino Bird Zap!!"

The bird has only one place to go, and that is straight for Wyper who is barely standing. It hits him right in the chest and explodes around him with more heat and electricity than any attack Eneru has sent before. Wyper's mouth opens in a scream that never makes a sound.

"So, the Sea Prism is in here!" Zoro sprints to pick up the piece of Wyper's shoe that broke apart.

"Zoro!" I scream at the swordsman as I watch Wyper fall.

"You too, Blue Sea Swordsman?" Eneru looks uninterested.

"If I don't, you'll kill me anyway!" Zoro exclaims.

"Lightning Beast Kiten!" His drums change into a wolf heading right for Zoro.

In the same way as the bird from moments ago, the wolf grabs hold of Zoro to ensure that all the electricity explodes through Zoro's body to do the most damage.

"Zoro!" Nami screams.

I feel tears welling up in my eyes as I watch the swords clatter from Zoro's hands and blood waterfall out of his mouth. "No, no, no," I stagger back.

"No way," Nami mumbles as takes a seat on the ground. "Not Zoro too."

Zoro lies unconscious on the ground, along with Robin and Gan Fall. The only one that is moving is Wyper.

Eneru firmly places his foot down, turning to face Nami and me.

Nami lets out a tiny whimper as I straighten up to stare right back. My eyes don't stay on him long though, as Wyper makes it to his feet not far behind Eneru. Wyper has smoke wafting and blood covering his body. The damage done internally should make it impossible to stand, but he has a reason to keep fighting back if he can.

"Why do you stand?" Eneru asks, slowly turning to face the warrior. "You're going to die might as well go easily. Why persist? What reason do you have to suffer like this?"

Wyper doesn't say a word. It is hard to tell if he can't speak because of the pain he's in, or if he refuses to answer the questions.

"Four-hundred years, is that what you said? That's how long you've been fighting to reclaim your homeland, yet you're the only warrior who's ever made it to this point. And shortly, you'll be falling back down to the Blue Sea. Along with this land. You're just an eyesore now. Why do you stand?"

"For my ancestors!"

I grin, starting to like this guy a lot more than when we first met him.

"I was hoping for a better answer, but you're probably barely conscious anymore." Eneru pulls his arm back, charging up a ball of lightning.

Every part of me that hurts wants him to stay down, but all the other parts of me are cheering him on.

"El Thor!" A giant column of lightning strikes down on the spot where Wyper is holding his ground.

"Gah!" Nami blurts out, cover her face with her arm as all kinds of debris is kicked up.

I hold my hand in front of my eyes, not wanting to loss track of Eneru. The debris that hits me doesn't even hurt enough for me to care at this point.

When the dust settles a few moments later, there is a giant hole where the giant lightning bolt hit. The exact same thing that happened back in town when we were being led out.

"Zoro, Robin!" Nami frantically looks between their bodies as they've been blown near us.

"Please, Luffy, where are you?" I cry, looking up at the sky.

"Well, well, you're the only two left," Eneru speaks up as he begins to walk towards us.

Nami's eyes go white with fear as she turns around to face the man that has taken out all our friends. Her breathing picks up as he stares us down.

"Whoopie," I deadpan, swirling my fingers around. "I'm thrilled."

He looks over at me, "You're quite the firecracker. I've never run into a girl quite like you."

"There's no other girl out there quite like me," I sneer.

"Um," Nami huffs. "I...uh...please...take us with you!"

"Us!?" I disbelievingly look down at her.

"We'll go with you!" She smiles, raising her hand. "To the world of dreams! Okay?"

"No, not okay!" I look back at Eneru. "Why would I go with him!"

He narrows his eyes at Nami, trying to judge if the girl is lying to him.

She grabs my hand, giving it a hard squeeze as she nervously grimaces. "Oh, stop you're jokes, Akari. I know you want to go too."

He lets out a laugh, "Fine, come then. That's how it should be. Hearts that can't be swayed by fear can sometimes be inconvenient."

"Yes, I agree." Nami pulls herself to her feet and keeps her hand gripping mine.

"This is not happening," I try to pull my hand out of hers, but she just grips it tighter. "You are not going to drag me with you! I am not going with him!"

He chuckles, "I can't have only one pretty lady joining me, and you're too unique to let go."

I growl, ready to tell him off, but Nami interrupts me.

"She's just in a lot of pain from earlier, so don't worry about what she's saying now. She just needs some rest and will be on board."

I glare at her and clench my jaw. "I'm mad at you right now, so we're not talking."

"No matter, just follow me," he motions for us.

"Come help me with the waver," Nami tugs me over to where her transportation device is. "I don't want to leave it behind after we finally got it fixed."

"Not talking," I state.

"Yes, yes, I heard you the first time."

We make it back to her waver, and she lets go of my hand to let me grab the handle on the other side of her. Then we start pushing the device as we follow Eneru.

"Are you sure about that?" Eneru glances back at us.

"What?" Nami asks.

"You're taking that with you?"

"No..." she carefully says. "I can leave it, if it's not okay to bring! Uh..."

"You won't need it where we're going, but do as you wish," he shrugs.

"Oh, thank you! This is my favorite, and I-"

"Just stop talking," I sidelong glance at her. "And when did you ditch your shirt?" My eyes finally focusing on the fact that her top is only part of a bikini.

"Ah, did you just notice that?" she teases, wiggling her shoulders. "When I had to jump into the cloud river to keep this little girl from running off. It was better than having a drenched shirt. How are you not hot with that jacket on? You've been rushing all over the place."

I shrug, "I hadn't even noticed. This is more comfortable for me."

"You're just so cute in anything you wear. You have nothing to be worried about if you show off your body a little bit."

"Luffy loves me in whatever I wear," I shrug.

We enter a tunnel moments later. There's beams and fabric to make the tunnel clean and elegant to walk through, which means whatever is at the end Eneru must be quite proud of. Not that I will care about whatever he's brought us to see.

Except that I am for a split second as my eyes widen at the enormous golden boat—no, arc—before us. Then my face falls back to uninterested.

"What!?" Nami blurts out. "This!?"

"Your reaction doesn't surprise me," Eneru smirks for a moment. His golden staff resting on his shoulder as his other hand is placed on his hip. "This is the only one of its kind in the world, and only I can steer it. It runs on lightning. I have an excess of power, but I must save that. I needed a conduit source for mechanical energy." He widely grins, moving his hands around. "Which is where the gold hidden on this island came in handy. The people of this country are lucky—right before they die, they will get to witness a rare sight. A flying ship!" He bursts into laughter.

"Of course, because why wouldn't this giant thing fly?" I sigh.

The ship has a giant face not as the figurehead, but on the wall facing the front. There are plenty of propellers and oars that must be used when this thing gets in the air. The word 'Kami' is written in giant symbols across the main wall. It is a lot, but it fits with the perception that he's trying to give off.

"The Arc Maxim! In this ship, we can travel to Endless Varse!" His laughter fills the large room we're in.

"I could have fought him and been out there with everyone else, but no, I have to stand here and listen to him drone on and on," I release the waver, watching Eneru

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