Journey on Rocket Man

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"Whoa! There it is!" Luffy grabs my other hand as he dances us around. "It's cool!"

I giggle, "It looks like a war ship but as a train!"

"First off, it's not a proper one!" Kokoro shouts as the rest of the group filters into the room. "The name's Rocket Man. It can't carry any passengers on it cause it's a runaway sea train."

"Runaway sea train!?" Luffy and Chopper's eyes are sparkling.

"The shark's head was just a joke, though."

"It looks fast and strong!" I exclaim.

"Wow!" Chimney jumps around with Gonbe.

Rocket Man is mostly unpainted other than the shark face on the front, and the first section is cone-shaped with the 'sharks' nose pointing the train forward. There's a grill to protect the front, and the whole thing seems to mostly be made of metal. Overall, if it can run, I think it will be perfect to get us to where we need to be.

Then the door to the engine car opens, revealing the reason for the door being open. Then the man walks out, revealing to us all the Iceburg thought the same as Kokoro.

"Hey!" I pull one hand out of Luffy's hold to wave at the man. "How are you feeling, Mr. Iceburg!?"

"It's Ice-ossan!" Luffy adds.

"Straw Hat, so you were safe, just like the pirate girlies said," Iceburg steps onto the platform with a briefcase in his hand. He's also wearing a white bandana. "Kokoro-san, you brought them here?"

"I see you're still alive, Iceburg," Kokoro says. "What're you doing here?"

"If I'm here, I must've had the same idea you had," he grins. "We can't just leave idiots be."

Kokoro laughs at his statement.

Iceburg takes a seat on some boxes, clearly tired from whatever work he was doing inside Rocket Man. "Use it. I've prepared if for you. It has water and coal, so it's gathering steam now."

"Ossan prepared it for us!" Luffy cheers.

"Celebrate after you survive," Iceburg pulls his bandana off. "The Rocket Man is a failed prototype that was built before the Puffing Tom. No matter how you adjust the steam rate, you just can't slow it down, so you'll easily lose control. I can't guarantee your safety."

"It wouldn't be an adventure if there wasn't a little threat of danger," I chuckle.

"Thanks, Ice-ossan!" Luffy smiles. "Yeah, let's go guys! Get on!" He pulls me with him as he heads for the seatrain's door. "Let's go as soon as Nami gets here!"

We make it up the steps, but right at the top, Luffy collapses to a knee as his whole body is uncontrollably shaking. I crouch down with him, forcing him to lean onto me.

"I've got you Luff, so you don't have to push yourself," I whisper.

"Luffy, are you okay!?" Chopper blurts out. "You've been wobbly for a while now."

"He's lost too much blood," Zoro says.

"And the wave sapped him of energy that should have gone to healing," I add.

"Yeah, I can't maintain my strength right now," Luffy groans. "If only I had some meat."

"Don't worry, I think that is going to be fixed soon," I help Luffy to his feet.

"Sorry I'm late!" Nami's voice explodes as she rushes into the room with Mr. Black and Mr. White lugging a giant sack of what must be meat and sack right behind her.

"Nami!" Luffy fumes. "Hey, what're you doing! Get on, stupid!"

"We'll be waiting in the train car for you, Nami!" I pinch Luffy's side before helping Luffy the last few feet into the train car and then taking a seat.

Zoro and Chopper are right behind us, finding spots to sit down while we wait for Nami to join us. Then we'll be on our way to a high maximum-security prison on a rescue mission.

I shiver, feeling a slight effect of being out in the rain for too long. "Damn, it feels strange to not have rain pounding down on me."

"That storm is no joke," Zoro says. "I can see why they were evacuating people all afternoon."

"No storm is going to stop us," Luffy wraps his arms around me to pull me close. He's surprisingly warm, helping to calm the shivers that want to take over my body.

"I'm excited to be able to ride on a sea train," Chopper happily sighs.

"I'm here!" Nami exclaims as she rushes up the seatrain steps, groaning as she struggles to pull the large sack through the small door.

"Where were you!?" Luffy snaps. "Who's the one that said there wasn't any time!? What's all that stuff!?"

Nami is able to get the sack through the door, tossing the entire thing into the middle of the train car as the top bursts to spill the contents. "Meat and sake."

"Sorry I complained!" Luffy rushes over to the meat, setting me down by his side so he has full range of motion to dig in.

"Finally," Zoro grins, eyes sparkling as he starts chugging a bottle.

I snatch up some dumplings, taking my time to eat them.

"Straw Hat!" a voice that I've heard before but can't place slices through the air.

Nami and I rush over to a window to see who has followed us down here. "The Franky Family!"

"Those guys," Luffy grumbles with a mouthful of meat.

"At a time like this!" Zoro grunts.

"Please!" the leader of this group shouts. If I remember correctly, he was the one that was trying to stop us fighting them by wanting to talk everything out. His black hair is spiked up, his goggles are broken to reveal his right eye, and he's missing a front tooth. He's heavily bandaged, wearing strange suspenders, stockings, and boots up to his knees. "Take us with you! We heard from the guys at Galley-La that bro's going to Enies Lobby! He's being escorted by the government! We want to go after them, but, we can't get past Aqua Laguna!"

"You'd be going against the World Government, though," Kokoro points out.

"We don't care who it is!"

"We're getting our bro back!" others in the group shout.

"We'd throw our lives away for our bro!" a lady with her hair in styled in a square and a long-pointed nose, shouts.

"Please!" the other lady of the group, her hair styled in the same square and the same nose, shouts.

Nami rushes out of the train car, "You're got to be joking! Do you realize what you've done to us!?"

"We're begging you!" the Franky Family shout, some of them breaking into sobs. "We're swallowing our pride to as you! We want to save our bro."

I look over at Luffy who has stopped eating to walk over to the steps to face the Franky Family. "It wouldn't hurt to have more manpower."

Luffy barely nods. "Get on! Hurry!"

"Straw Hat!" the Franky Family cry out.

"Luffy!" Nami scolds.

Luffy laughs, "It's cool."

"Thank you!" the lead man drops to his knees, bowing until his forehead touches the ground. "We'll remember this!" He lifts his head up, "We don't have to get on! We'll just follow you guys out using our King Bull. We just need to get it attached to the back of the train! Thank you! Later!"

The Franky Family lets out a cheer before they rush off.

Kokoro laughs, "Then, let's go."

Nami returns to the train car, but Luffy rushes off to the front.

"Luffy! What are you doing!?" I scream, rushing forward to where Kokoro is ready to pilot this train. There's a small window to see out, and I can barely see Luffy standing next to the smokestack.

"It's not a figurehead, but it will do," Luffy responds. "Want to join me?"

Kokoro laughs, holding her beer bottle out to me, "I can lend you some liquid courage if you'd like."

"No thank you, either of you!" I shake my head as a smile spreads on my lips.

"Hot, hot," Chopper mumbles, having joined us in the engine car and transformed into Heavy Point to shovel coal into stove.

"You pirates better not get thrown off!" Iceburg orders.

"Now leaving Water 7," Kokoro announces over the train intercom system. "Destination: Enies Lobby. Runaway Sea Train, Rocket Man!"

"Good, let's go!" Luffy exclaims.

In the next second, we are flying through the tunnel out into the night and the raging Aqua Laguna.

"We're gonna get everything back!"

I let out a whoop as I grab onto the wall to keep me on my feet.

"Rocket Man is leaving the canal!" Kokoro announces. "Ready yourselves everyone!"

Rocket Man shoots out of the tunnel, soaring through the air.

"Wow!" Luffy exclaims.

"Granny, that wasn't much of a warning!" I laugh.

"We're flying!" Nami and Chopper exclaims from behind us.

Rocket Man doesn't fly for much longer before crashing into the waves and continuing to steam ahead.

The call of a Yagara Bull calls out behind us, and I stick my head out the window to see behind us.

"What the hell's that!?" Luffy shouts. "Something's flying towards us!"

"Straw Hat-san!" the man leading the Franky Family calls out, somewhere on the structure that is a little Franky House being pulled by two giant Yagara Bulls. "The Franky Family has a total of fifty members. Thanks for everything you're done!"

"Wow!" I let my mouth hang open.

"Such huge Yagara Bulls!" Luffy shouts.

"They're King Bulls!" Kokoro explains. "Top-quality Bulls that can roam in the most violent of waves."

"Fire the link cannons!" the Franky Family man shouts.

Two cannons go off, and two hooks sink into Rocket Man's caboose.

"We're depending on you guys now!"

Zoro sticks his head out of a window, probably having just avoided being sliced by the hook. "Don't be so cocky!"

I chuckle, pulling my head back into the engine car. "What now, Granny?"

"Let's see," Kokoro leans out the window on her side, "so the rail's gotten washed away by the waves, but that's no problem. I've been monitoring the Sea Train since it was built, so don't underestimate me! Ah, over there! Missy, get on the speaker and give this message!"

I nod, stepping up to the speaker system and push the button to relay her message. "Urgent message from the control room! We will be latching onto the rail soon, and that means our speed will increase considerably, says Granny Kokoro! Please brace yourselves so you'll receive only minor injuries! Wait, Granny, that last part can't be right!" I release the speaker, looking over at the old woman as my eyes widen.

"Here we go!" She completely ignores me, starting to drift the train to the right.

"A little more!" the sweet voice of Chimney sends my heart to my toes. "Granma, a little more to the right!"

I struggle to see out the small window that looks forward, but I do spot the girl and her rabbit briefly.

"Chimney! Gonbe! You two followed us!" Kokoro explodes.

Chimney giggles, "Yeah, we did!"

"You get in here right now or you'll get blown away!" she scolds, struggling to reach the two.

I look back at Chopper, neither of us quite sure how to help. We glance over at Kokoro a few times, but then she pulls Chimney and Gonbe in the next second.

"Hey, it's the pirate wife!" Chimney cheers, rushing over to me.

I chuckle, patting her head. "My name's Akari, and I'm just his girlfriend. You saw him out there, yeah?"

"That's what gave me the idea to join you all," she widely smiles.

"Of course," I sigh. "Granny Kokoro, I'll watch over these two, so don't worry."

Before Kokoro can say anything, Rocket Man finally hits the rails with a clank, and we shoot forward with a burst of speed that sends us in the train flying back. I can't even imagine what it is like for Luffy outside.

"Well, no reason for us to stay in here," Kokoro hops off her seat. "We'll just keep following the tracks, and there's a long way to go."

"Luffy!" I struggle over to the window. "Get your ass in here right now!"

Luffy's hands grab the window frame in the next second, and then he's throwing himself into the engine car. "Whoa, that was fast," he chuckles. "Akari, I would have held you tight if you wanted to join me. Not the best seat though."

"I'm sure you would have," I softly smile down at him. "We're going to head back to the passenger car to figure out our next move."

He jumps to his feet, quickly grabbing my hand. "I wonder if there's any meat left."

Kokoro and Chopper lead the way out of the engine car. I use my free hand to grab Chimney's hand as she holds Gonbe in her other arm. Then our strange little group of four follows the other two.

In the single 'passenger' car, there is only one bench for people to sit. Nami is already on one end with her head in her hand. I lead Chimney and Gonbe to sit on the back of the bench, and then take my seat in front of them. Luffy is then crouching instead of sitting like a normal person next to me.

There's also a group of people sitting on the floor and facing us. Near the wall with the two hooks through it are the two square-haired girls, and the man that has been speaking for the Franky Family. Then Chopper is lying on the floor in his normal form, followed by Zoro, Paulie, Lulu, and a new Galley-La shipwright, ending with Kokoro leaning against the door.

The Franky Girls are heavily breathing from the struggle to get inside.

"That was amazing acceleration!" The Franky Guy exclaims.

"Ow," Nami groans.

Chimney giggles.

"When did you sneak on here, Paulie?" I playfully swing my legs.

"When you weren't looking, Socks," Paulie roughly answers.

Kokoro laughs, "It's not acceleration! It's gone out of control!"

"My back," Lulu groans.

"That scared the hell out of me!" the new Galley-La man shouts. He's an extremely buff man with his brown hair tied into a ponytail and a bandage covering his eye. His beard has gone grey, and he has the symbol for shipwright tattoo on his chest near his shoulder. There's a giant gun strapped to his back with the cartridge belt going across his chest. He's wearing crimson elbow-pads, grey pants, and brown work boots.

"That wasn't a first-class seat at all," Luffy frowns, letting his tongue hang out. "I almost got blown away!"

"Wait a minute," Zoro speaks up. "There are some suspicious looking people in here."

"Oh, who?" Lulu and the new guy calmly ask.

"You!" Paulie screams at the men.

"You, too!" Zoro screams at Paulie.

"The enemy that kidnapped your friends also tried to assassinate Iceburg-san! Since I couldn't stop you guys, I might as well join you. This has nothing to do with Galley-La though. It's personal!"

The big man laughs, "Paulie, we wanted to see who Iceburg-san's enemies are, so we followed you onto the train! We hid together in the coal car!"

"It's just as I'd thought, so that's what's going on," Lulu pushes the hair sticking up on his head down, and it pops back up on his wrist. "We're joining you too!"

"Moreover, those enemies are the same as the people who kidnapped our bro!" Franky Guy says.

"That's right!" Franky Girl with a pearl necklace exclaims. "And we know exactly who they are too!"

"Galley-La! If anything happens to bro, you're going to pay!" Franky Girl wearing sunglasses exclaims.

"Shut up!" Paulie snaps. "The one who's suffering the most is Iceburg-san!"

"Can someone please tell me the names of the new people here!?" I blurt out.

In a burst of introductions, I learn that the Franky Guy is Zambai, and the two girls are Kiwi (pearl necklace) and Mozu (sunglasses). Then the new Galley-La man is Tilestone, and he really only has one volume: loud.

"Paulie!" Tilestone speaks up. "Explain something to us first!"

"You know who the real criminals are, so tell us yourself, we're not stupid," Lulu says. "We've pretty much figured it all out. We won't be surprised."

Luffy slowly tears into a piece of meat to listen into the conversation. I only know he started eating again when he plopped some dumplings into my lap.

"Well, you probably figured it out since they all suddenly disappeared, but I'll fully explain it, those guys with the masks were actually Lucci, Kaku, Kalifa, and Blueno from the bar. Those four people were actually spies for the World Government! They tried to kill Iceburg-san!"

The declaration hangs in the for the two men, and then faces explode in shock.

"You didn't know!? That didn't even cross your minds!? Who did you think they were!?"

"Michael and Hoyer from the Old Town?" Tilestone asks.

"Yeah! Yeah!" Lulu agrees.

"Who the hell are they!?" Paulie snaps.

"So!" Luffy places his feet on the ground and stands up. "Franky Family, and Galley-La shipwrights, even though we had some problems with each other in town, our enemies are the same now! In the upcoming fights, the strongest guy, is that pigeon bastard! I will definitely kick his ass!"

"I'm looking forward to that," I grin.

"That's right, the reason for this fight is to take back what those four people took from us," Zoro says. "It won't end until we get them."

"Granma! Granma!" Chimney calls out, and I glace back to see her pointing out the window. "It's the Aqua Laguna."

Kokoro stands up, walking over to look out a window.

"By the way, Granny Kokoro, shouldn't you be in the control room?" Nami asks as the old woman walks by.

She laughs, "I've told you before! Rocket Man is a runaway train. My job was to get the train on the rails. The breaks are useless, so it's impossible to control it now! All this train does is charge forward at full speed. It's impossible to stop it!"

"What!? Luffy! The train is going to run right into a tidal wave! Luffy are you listening to me!?"

"Nami, take a deep breath," I stand up, grabbing her hand. "We were warned this was a runaway train, but it was the only option."

"I didn't realize that the breaks were useless," she groans.

"We're all heading in the same direction," Luffy steps up to Paulie and Zambai, holding out his arm. "There's no point in fighting separately. Do you hear me? From now on, we're allies!"

Paulie grabs onto Luffy's wrist, Luffy grabs onto Zambai's wrist, and Zambai grabs

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