p s y c h o - 27

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He left...

He said that he needed time to think, but he said that the relationship isn't ending.

It confused me.

Why was I in danger? And what truth?

I wanted to dig my way into this 'truth', so I decided to visit mum today, the nurses said it was a clear zone for me.

I took the bus to the hospital and immediately walked to my mothers room.

Like always I could heard her heart rate on the machine, I spread the curtains away and the sight of my mother didn't horrify me, but made me smile.

Even though, she had gotten skinny, and her wrinkles were Cleary visible, I smiled, because I wanted her to know she was still beautiful, that she could kick cancer in the ass. 

"Thea..." her voice lifted up as she saw me, I went down to hug her, only realising how thin she was. "Mum..I've got some questions to ask, but let's catch up first" I smiled, and sat down.

Seconds turned into minutes, and minutes turned into hours, and I wish hours turned into days, but the nurse said I had fifteen more minutes left until she had to go into treatment again.

"So what did you need to tell me?" She asked, holding my hand, I caressed the top of her hand and leaned in so she could hear me.

"So Marcl and Nate got into a fight, and they said something about the truth, and some guy name Malcom..." I said looking up at the ceiling, speaking as if it wasn't that important, but my mothers shoulders lifted up quickly.

"Malcom?" She asked, I nodded, and bit my lip.

"Sweetheart, I don't know if this would help you, but your fathers name is Malcom" she said, my eyebrows lifted up into confusion.

"Are you sure? Because everyone calls him Jesse?" I asked,  my mother laughed.

"Silly, that's because Jesse is his middle name, and he hated the name Malcom, he only uses Malcom for business reasons" my mother giggled, before letting out a horrible cough.

"Jesse Malcom Herwok..." I whispered, and rubbed my chin. "Stop by the clinic and ask for other files and reports of people named Malcom, we keep a record of everyone" she said, before the nurse came in and gave us a soft smile.

"Come on, June, time for your Chemo" she said, I kissed my mothers forehead, before leaving her room.

As soon as I left the hospital, my mood changed, my mother radiated such happy energy, and now that I'm not with her, I'm so sad and depressed now. I still had time before, I had to get ready for work, so I waited for the bus.


I arrived at work, and something felt really strange, I felt someone watching me, I let the feeling go, and went on with stacking the books.

I was surprised that we didn't have anyone come in today, it was just me, and my co worker, I had finished stacking all the books, when the bells jingled, I went to the front desk, and saw Lenny with a baby seat.

Inside I saw little Manny, eyes wide, and mouth open in awe.

"Hey Lenny!, haven't seen you in awhile", Lenny looked at me and smiled, "Hey, heard about the little commotion that happened, actually Nate said he was going to stop by at yours tonight" he said, and placed Manny on the counter.

He was snuggled into the cushions of the seat, "where's Melanie?" I asked, and looked around, Lenny's face went from happy to sad, "Uhmm, Melanie has been quite moody lately.." Lenny scratched his neck, and chuckled, I giggled as well.

"Oh I see, well what are you doing here?" I asked, and Lenny got something out of his bag, it was a children's book. He placed it on the counter, and slid it closer to me.

"I burrowed this a few days ago, but you weren't working" he said, as he played with Manny. I scanned the book, and placed it in the 'returned' box. I smiled, "Thanks" was all I said before Manny and Lenny took off. I sighed as I laid my cheeks on my hand.

"What a boring shift..." I whined.

A little giggle was heard from behind me. It was Cathy.

"Well aren't you a busy one today" she sarcastically said, and I giggled, "I don't know.. but everything seems weird" I said, and looked at her. Cathy smiled, and smacked her lips.

"Yea, it is strange, but then again, it is winter, and it's cold, no one would want to come to the library" she giggled. "Why don't we call it a day, you go home early, I'll lock everything up" Cathy said, and walked to the back.

I used this time to get my coat and yelled bye to Cathy.

Digging my hands into my pockets, I walked home, the streets were empty, I was really getting confused now.

I finally got home, and I made myself a hot chocolate, I wrapped myself in the blankets, and turned on the TV. Watching my favourite show, I laughed at the jokes and references they made. Before I knew it, it was dark, and the night grew colder. I remember Lenny telling me, that Nate was going to come by, but he never did.

A message from Nate <3

My phone vibrated, and the notification popped up, I quickly opened it and Nate texted me.

Nate <3: Thea, I'm sorry, I really shouldn't have said anything I said, but I couldn't stop by because I felt so horrible, I promise I'll stop by soon.

His words seemed genuine, but I didn't really buy it. I sighed and left him on seen,he would probably understand.

I called Gibson's number to check something, the call immediately went into voice mail, "Hey, I'm going to stop by in a few weeks to see someone's file, of a guy named Malcom" I said, and pressed the end button.


You should check someone else's file *cough cough*

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