Chapter 57

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Valentine hurls Mars backwards – thrusting a heavy fist at his face. And then the two are a blur of movement.

The box. I need to get the box.

Heart in my throat, I spin on my heel. Thrusting forwards I grab Amena by the arm, and drag her through the glass door into the open plan office. She doesn't pull away – clearly just as keen as I am to put distance between us and the God of War. We sprint across the desolate space – me almost tripping over the length of my red dress as I dodge the messy desks and black classical columns. My hand still curled around her arm, we stagger into the indoor courtyard.

I stop – blood turning to ice. A new statue of the Founder has been erected in metal by the pond; the features clear in the moonlight cast through the skylight above.

I suck in deep breaths of the stale, floral scented air, pushing away a rise of panic that this replica of her has provoked. I thought my anger and Psyche's anger, would be enough to quell any fear of this monster.

But she tormented the both of us. She put Psyche through hell. She nearly killed me. And now I have to face her again.

I feel Amena's eyes on me.

I spin around to face her. My anger at her betrayal helps harden the soft swell of fear that has started to grow in the pit of my stomach.

I can do this.

"You're going to take me to Venus," I snarl at her. "Now."

For a moment the musty air of the courtyard is completely still. She says nothing. Her gaze doesn't move from mine, the corners of her lips turned downwards. We're both breathing fast, her chest moving quickly beneath her white Matchmaking Service jacket.

Then her forehead crumples.

"Of course I am," she says.

"I'm not your prisoner," I snap.

She rolls her eyes.

"Cal really is useless . . ." she says – almost to herself. Her big brown eyes meet mine. "If it makes you feel any better. . . "

She passes me the box and I frown, confused, as she turns away from me and walks past the pond; taking off her headset to throw into the still water. She shakes out her dark hair and moves to one of the ivy covered arches.

"Come on. Valentine's not going to be able to keep Mars busy for long. You need to deliver the box to Venus so we can stop this." She gives me a scathing look as I stare blankly at her. "What? You seriously think I'm on Venus's side?!"

"Well seeing as you tortured Cal, yeah . . . "

"I'm a double agent, Lila. The cupids and Venus trust me. I had to make it look realistic. How do you think I knew you were coming? Why do you think I sent so many of the cupids into the reception area – leaving the way to Venus clear? Cal messaged me. I was going to take the box and give it to you once we took you into her office as prisoner. Only the resurrection of an ancient god made things a bit more tricky. . . "

I look at her warily for a moment. I think back to the subtle nod Cal gave me when he realized I was going to make a run for Amena and the box. Was that his way of telling me I'd be safe with her?

"Cal didn't say anything. . . " I say.

"Does Cal often say a lot?"

She exhales, pulling a silver and pink Capax out of her quiver. She pricks her finger with it, then rubs her slender hands together watching the ash dance to the cobbled stones.

"I'm on your side," she says. "It's the truth."

"You're a trained cupid. You can resist the truth arrow," I say.

The corner of her lip quirks up and she shrugs. "I know. It was a token gesture. You'll just have to trust me. Either way we need to get the box to Venus." Her eyes dart to the archway behind me as a clattering sound resounds around the courtyard. She frowns. "We don't have much time."

I sigh, deciding she's my best option right now. Gripping the box to my chest, I follow her. We enter one of the elaborately decorated corridors, our quickened footsteps thudding against the checkered tiles.

"I'm sorry about Crystal," says Amena suddenly – her voice heavy. "I had a lot of respect for her."

Something tightens inside me and I nod – looking abruptly away. "Yeah. Me too."

"Is Cal doing okay?"

I exhale. "No. Not really."

We fall into silence, navigating to one of the elevators. My stomach starts to churn as we step inside and Amena pushes the button to the top floor. Venus's floor. The doors start to slide shut.

And hand slips inside the crack and they start to open again.

Amena slips an arrow out of her quiver, and I step back – protecting the box.

A disheveled panting Cupid is revealed – one palm resting against the wall, head facing the floor. He looks up slowly to meet my eyes, and grins.

"Good. You've got the box," he says – his dark blonde hair sticking up in messy tufts. "Let's go destroy some gods, shall we?"

I breathe out slowly, relief flooding my system. His gaze darts to the side as Cal and Charlie hurry beside him.

"Ah. You made it," says Cupid. "Finally."

"You got here like a second ago," Charlie pants. "You ran past us in the office."

She has a swollen lip, and the sleeve of her dress is torn, but she looks otherwise unharmed. I smile at them both, but then I see Cal and any relief or joy at seeing them is drained from my system.

There is cold rage brimming from his silver eyes, and a drop of blood dribbling from the side of his mouth. He's breathing heavily – his chest moving up and down hard like he's containing a storm within his slender body.

It's clear why.

He's seen Valentine is here.

The three of them enter the elevator and I push the close button. The doors are closing again when a booted foot stops them. We all stiffen – grabbing weapons - until Mino is revealed on the other side of the door. His shirt sleeves are ripped and revealing some of the labyrinth inked onto his dark skin beneath.

"Room for one more?" he says.

He strolls inside. Instantly Cal grabs him by the throat and slams him into the side of the elevator.

"What is Valentine doing here?" he hisses. "You were supposed to be torturing him."

"And I did, old friend," says Mino – his voice even as the doors begin to close. "But when it became inevitable that your father would return, and when I found in his mind's labyrinth that he had brought the Finis back from the Underworld with him- it seemed that he could be of some use to us. I saw that would do anything to stop the box from being destroyed before Lila got it to Venus"

"He's the reason that Crystal is dead!" Ice laces Cal's tone as the elevator starts to climb.

A darkness spreads across Mino's face. His jaw hardens and his lips tense. "I have not forgotten, old friend."

The two stare at each other for a long tense moment. Then Cal takes a step back – rubbing his face with both hands. Cupid watches him, leant against the side of the elevator, concern flickering in his ocean eyes.

"Valentine still thinks I'm going to use the favor to become a goddess. He thinks I'll become fully Psyche, doesn't he?" I say – gaze on Mino.

Mino nods. "Yes. Will you?"

All eyes move to me just as the elevator pings open on Venus's floor.

I reach out and snap an arrow from the air with my free hand – almost dropping the box in the other - just before it hits Cupid in the side. He looks out onto Venus's reception area, startled, as Amena shoots an Ardor over my shoulder. It sends a guy with an afro hurtling back into one of the neon armchairs.

"Venus's new PA," she explains over his screams. "Come on."

She steps past us and we follow her across the desolate waiting area as Mino grabs the PA and drags him into the elevator. She stops at the white reception desk and we gather around her.

"How many more agents can we expect," I ask.

"There'll be a at least ten stationed outside her office. I can get you inside, though." She glances at me. "But just you. If you're happy to go with the prisoner plan again?"

"Not to channel my inner Cal too much –" starts Cupid "- but I don't like this. We all go together, or none at all."

"If we all approach that office we'll either have to fight the cupids outside – putting Venus on guard," says Amena. "Or you'll all have to be taken prisoner and her ten guards will come in with us making it harder to deliver the box. I can get Lila past so it's just me, her, and Venus in there."

"But –" Charlie starts.

"Amena's right. I need to do this alone." The box seems to hum as I tentatively I drop it on the white counter. I look into her face. "You better not betray us," I say.

She inclines her head. "I won't."

Cupid touches my arm, gently pulling me round to face him. Our bodies are close as I look up into his eyes.

"Lila . . " he starts.

I place a palm on his chest, feeling his heart thumping beneath his white shirt. "I can to this," I say.

"I know. I'm just worried there'll be. . . a price," he says. "What Mars said – about playing games with the gods. . . he was right. We don't play with them, they play with us."

"Haven't we paid enough?!" I say.

"Just. . . be careful. And when you're in there. . .  I just. . . I want you to remember. . . " 

His gaze is intense. It seems to burn into my skin.

"Remember what?" I say.

He presses his lips to mine.

I breathe in sharply, before my body sinks into his. I clench my fingers around his shirt, pulling him closer to me. His hand moves up my arm, gentle but firm, leaving a hot trail of energy in its wake.

When I pull away we're both breathing quickly, and everyone else has become weirdly interested in a framed painting of a pastel pink love heart on the wall behind the reception desk.

Cupid gives me a sheepish smile, running his hand through his messy bronzed hair, as I step back. I raise an eyebrow, cheeks feeling flushed.

"That's what you want me to remember in there?" I say.


I smile. "I'll see you soon, okay?"

"We'll be right behind you. Any trouble and we're fighting our way in."

"I know." I smile, then turn to Amena. I suck in a deep breath. Then I nod. "Okay. Let's go. I'm ready -"

My words catch in my throat as someone burst through the door to the stairway ten feet away. A wheezing, breathless Valentine staggers towards us - and finds himself stumbling straight into Cal's swinging fist. There's a crunching sound as his nose breaks and he stumbles back – bending forwards, hands on his thighs, his breaths fast and ragged.

Cal advances, a murderous look on his face, but Valentine raises a hand as he catches his breath.

"Mars," he says. Cal stills as Valentine's eyes move to the elevator as a rivulet of blood runs from his nose. "Mars. . .coming. . ."

I tense. Cupid curses under his breath. He looks at Valentine.

"You can hold him back?" says Cupid.

"Yes. But not for long, brother."

"Plans off," says Cupid as I grab the box from the counter. "We need to get to Venus's office. Now."

We start to move.

"Cupid!" shouts Valentine. "There's something you should know, brother."

Cupids halts, face darkening. "What?"

Valentine's eyes meet Cupid's.

"When I put your life thread on the mortal loom to set up the match – there was a . . . consequence. It has started to . . .fray."

My stomach churns as I recall what Mars said.

You're not as immortal as you think, you know?

"What?" says Cupid.

"A black arrow can kill you, brother," says Valentine. "Be careful."

Cupid swallows hard – the muscles in his arms tensing by my side. My pulse quickens.

And the elevator pings announcing a new arrival to Venus's floor.

"GO," says Valentine.

We turn and start to run as the elevator doors slowly slide open.

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