Chapter 31

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I'm going to be finished with this story before I know it and that's going to be awesome. XD Although we may be a tad bit far from that.

Well I want to announce that we are more than halfway of the book. I think there'll be around 20 chapters left so don't worry there'll still be lots and lots of drama and action. ;)

Anyway here ya go!

Chapter 31 (Still can't believe I've gone this far) :0

A week passed and I was getting restless. Like I promised I didn't go to the meeting place but it made me feel uneasy.

And boy, was I glad I checked them out. I expected there to be tables and chairs already laid out, the decoration being fixed, servants filling the tables with utensils and beverages. But what did I see? Jarvis teaching Prince Keith how to blow fire from his mouth, Princess Livana having a stupid brawl with Prince Bull, Princess Ellaria doing back flips as easy as breathing, Prince Levi and that damn Vince chatting over what was on Levi's computer.

What the fuck is happening?

I almost screamed right there. They didn't even notice that I had come in. So I went in further with a murderous look and slammed my hands on my table.

They all stopped what they were doing and stared at me. I watched their faces morph with guilt and surprise.

"Will someone tell me what the fuck is happening here?"

Nobody dared answer me. Silence did.

"Here I am thinking that walking out would do you guys a favor but what do I see? Slacking sleaze bags. You guys don't seem to want to win this challenge then, judging by how much concern you guys have now." I crossed my arms and glared at them. "Do you guys want to win this challenge?"

A bunch of weak yeses filled the air.






I sighed. "Then listen to me you bunch of procrastinating idiots." I pulled myself up to sit on the table and crossed my legs. "I have an idea. Parties should always be fun and entertaining so I was thinking of Jarvis and Princess Ellaria doing an awesome performance together before the dance."

"Sure Clarissa," Prince Jarvis said and smiled at me.

"I don't mind. That's actually a great idea. But where's my cookie?"

"You'll get your cookie if we win this challenge."


"Now Vince and Levi, I want you guys to deal with the servants and workers to bring in the tables and chairs. Levi you'll be our accountant and statistics person. I want you to also estimate how many people could fit here and how many tables and chairs will we need. Vince you'll be the one to contact our helpers."

"Aye, aye captain," Vince saluted.

"Sure, that's my thing," Prince Levi agreed as he eyed me up, probably observing me.

"The twins, I want you to help the workers move things around and also help with the decorations and lights. Is that alright?"

They both groaned yes and I felt relief course through me. I didn't think they'll agree.

"For you Princess Livana, could you be in charge of the food?"

"Hmmm, I'm actually a fucking scientist slash doctor. Cooking is also my fucking hobby since I like fucking mixing things up. Then damn sure, I'll be fucking perfect for that."

"Great, now that everyone's got something to do, let's move our asses out. Princess Livana, I'd want you to give me samples of the food. Keith and Barthow, you guys give me a sketch of the place and inputs of the decorations. Jarvis and princess Ellaria, go practice now, and Levi and Vince, you know what to do."

"How about you? What will you do bitch." The bull had the audacity to irk irritation to me again.

"I'll be the overall head. I'll make sure you guys do your work right. Is that a problem?"

"Nope, just fucking asking, no need to be defensive."

"I wasn't." The urge to punch him was very near the edge, almost at the end of the cliff.

"Okay guys let's do this!" Prince Levi interrupted and we all did what we could do for that day, finally becoming productive.

For the rest of the week we worked hard, fought and laughed. I had a brawl with princess Livana about the cake. She let me taste it and I said it's gross. She was offended and swore to the maximum level but she later came back with another chocolate cake.

"Now how's fucking it?"

I cautiously smelled it first and then finally put the darn thing in my mouth.

Yum! I think I am in heaven.

I stood up. "This is great, the taste is fantastic, it's unbelievable."

"Really?" She asked with wide eyes.


She jumped up and hugged me. We were about to taste it again when we saw the empty plate. Everyone else had gone to take a bite and was munching it away. Moans chorused in the air, obvious appreciation for the snack.

"Hey those are motherfucking mine!" She shouted at Vince and tried to get it but Vince lifted the cake up high. She jumped to get it but failed.

Everyone watched them and laughed, smiling with chocolate smeared around their mouths, giving me a devious idea. I got some of the remnants of the cake off the plate and went to smear it on the bull's face.

He groaned and charged at me. I screamed and smeared some more to Jarvis who went to get me too. By the end of the day we were all laughing really hard with cake messily smeared on ourselves.

"Let's take a picture guys," Vince suggested and we formed a tight line and made goofy faces when the camera flashed.

I didn't think we'd have so much fun, I almost wished it didn't have to end. But no matter what, time moves and before we know it the party will be the next day.

I could feel that everyone's nervous but we were prepared. Oh well, we tried our best, that's what matters.

I was tired when I arrived in my room and took a shower. When I went out, someone was lying on my bed.

"Gavier," I gasped.

"You finally went out. I was about to barge in." He smirked, probably thinking of naughty ideas.

I rolled my eyes. "What is it now?" The last time when he was here, he snatched me to go to the garden and we had a picnic on the grass. It was fun but tiring because the jerk would occasionally attack me with tickles then kiss me afterwards. He's depriving me of oxygen.

"We're going swimming." He stood up. "Let's go."

"We are? Wait, let me get my swimsuit."

"No need." He grabbed my hand. "I have it in the car."

He pulled me out and dragged me to his car. Excitement filled my veins. I really liked this adventurous Gavier. He was unpredictable and as always sexy.

We parked shortly and I could hear the shore waves. The breeze was heavenly too, so cool, so fresh, and so clean.

"I didn't know, we're just nearby the ocean."

"You don't know a lot of things."

"Uhuh, like where am I supposed to change?" I asked him, raising an eyebrow.

"Here," he stated the obvious.

"So get out before I kick your ass." I pushed him by the shoulder.

"I thought you wouldn't mind." He smirked.

"And let you see me naked. No thanks." I pushed him again, blushing a little.

"Babe, I've already seen you almost naked."

"Shut up, that's different."

"Fine, hurry up. If you're not out in two minutes, I'll barge in."


He went out and began his count down. I quickly took my clothes off and put on the scandalous bikini.

"G-gavier, I don't want to wear this," I slowly said in a quiet voice. The red string bikinis was tight and small, barely hiding anything at all.

He instantly opened the door and his eyes dilated. I could feel those predator eyes of his scanning every edge of my body. He pulled me out immediately and kissed me on the mouth.

I instantly wrapped my hands around his neck and kissed him back.

"No, wear this, it's perfect," he said and kissed me again, travelling his hands around my body. I slapped his hands and make him let go. "I'm going ahead!" I ran to the beach and jumped right in the ocean.

Damn, it's cold.

I shivered at the freezing water but it was so refreshing, I could stay there all night. I heard a splash and swiveled my head around.

Gavier was shirtless and it was not doing well with my stomach. He went near me and held my hips, pushing me against his hot body and went to kiss me softly and slowly. The sun was setting, all the more making it more romantic.

I put my head against his chest and he wrapped his arms around me protectively. "Gavier, what are we?"

"Whatever you believe we are," he said softly, caressing my hair.

"What if I believe that we're more than friends?"

"Then we are definitely more than friends."

Then are we lovers? I wanted to ask but was too afraid. My desire for him was too much, too much that it would break me if he leaves. The fear of losing him and feeling that emptiness was so intensified that I almost wanted to cut off everything that has to do with him. But I couldn't. I can't.

I wanted him to be mine but that would never happen. He was too much for me. Way too out of my league. Too far for me to reach. So I decided to be just his.

"You're mine," he said again and tipped my head.

I kissed him hard as a lone tear fell from the corner of my eye. I hope he didn't notice it because I would have to tell him, for I couldn't lie to him. Tell him that this beautiful dream would soon be over.

Here's your next chappy? What does Clarissa mean? :(

Anyway, thanks for everything guys and you know what to do. ;)

Love ya always!

-Maya Crook. xD <3

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