Chapter 30

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It's been a short time without you my friends and I'll tell you all about it when I see you again.
Here I am again! xD I hope you're not sick of me yet coz I certainly am sick of myself. ;p Enjoy reading!✴✴✴

Chapter 30

Yesterday, Jarvis was beaten up very badly and I had been the cause. I thought he'd remain in bed for a week at least but guess what I saw when I entered our meeting place? Jarvis, sitting on one of the chairs with a smug look in his face. He looked almost well, only if the bruises and small cuts weren't there. He certainly had fast healing powers.

Everyone was already there including the angry bull. We avoided eye contact and I was thankful he hasn't said a word.

The air was tense, each of us giving each other cautious looks as if we've suddenly become hunters or participants in Hunger Games. I really wanted to get out of there.

Jarvis as usual broke the disturbing silence.
"Yesterday was fun, I wouldn't mind doing it again. Hahaha. But we had to do the boring party now I guess. Why don't we just have a slumber party?" He asked, really not seeing the mad situation we are in now. But it somehow lightened up the mood.

"Why not?" Prince Keith chuckled.

"Nice suggestion Jarvis. But even if that would have been more fun, the judges are expecting for a formal party," Levi reminded us.

"Damn," prince Keith muttered

Jarvis just laughed. "Booorrriiinnng."

"Hey bitches, why don't we just let this fucker deal with all of it. Isn't he our fucking servant?" Princess Livana pointed at Vince who gave an uneasy smile.

"Yeah, he should," Princess Ellaria agreed.

"I'm not really a planner your majesties. I've been brought up as a bodyguard. This is actually my first time to do this," Vince said and we all groaned.

"This is stupid." The bull slammed the table with his hands and stood up."None of you bitches know how to plan a party. We're definitely going to lose this challenge."

"Don't be so pessimistic. We haven't even started," this time I spoke up, making the air tense again. I swear I think I'm cursed by the gods into always attracting enemies.

He glared at me. "Well do you have an idea then Missy?"

"Oh fucking please. Motherfuck--," princess Livana began saying.

"Not this again," princess Ellaria groaned.

"Clarissa don't," Levi warned.

"Your majesties--," Vince butted in.


"Oh we're going to have fun again." Jarvis laughed like a lunatic.

I glared back at the ugly bull. "I do have some ideas but I think now isn't the right time to deal with that." I stood up and cracked my fingers in preparation.

I think it's time that I deal with this once and for all.

"I agree. We need to get rid of these tensions otherwise how can we fucking think?" The bull smirked.

"You said it all asshole."

"Bitch, I'm always right. And you're going down."

"Let's see about that." 

I charged at him and hit him with my bag. He groaned, hauling me by the waist and dropping me on the floor with him on top of me. I screamed and clutched on his thick neck, strangling him and trapping his arms with my legs.

Around us was a blur of movement of our group mates trying to stop us. Their voices rang into my ear like a cacophony of soldiers.

He managed to break free his arms and stood up, carrying me. Damnation.  I hardened my head and slammed it onto his head a couple of times before he gave me a blow on my temple and cheek. I let my arms go and bent backwards until my hands touched the ground then lifted my legs to kick his chin up in the process of doing a back flip and landed on my feet.

He stumbled backwards, groaning like a bull. I put on my fighting stance and smirked at him as I wiped the blood that was at the edge of my lips.

He smirked back and spat blood to the side.

"You're good," he complemented.

"You're not so bad yourself."

Our teammates butted in, Jarvis carried me bridal style and I groaned.

"Gavier's gonna get mad and it's not going to look pretty," he said with a the most serious look I've ever seen him done.

I sighed and saw the bull's brother and Vince shielding me from him.

"I think the show's over, don't you think Clarissa," it was Prince Barthow's voice that I heard.

"Damn yeah it is."

"Thank the motherfucking lord!" Livana praised.

"Finally," princess Elllaria sighed.

"We really need to have a decent meeting," prince Levi stated the obvious.

"You guys do that, I'll be out from the meeting from now on, Jarvis or Levi will fill me in and tell me what to do coz I clearly spell trouble," I expelled myself.

Jarvis was already on his way out, still carrying me like my knight in shining armor.

"I think that's a good idea," Vince agreed.

There were no more protests so I left with Jarvis. He brought me to the infirmary to get treated. Before he left I made him promise me not to tell Gavier about what had happened. He  smirked back creepily and swore to his balls that he'd keep it a secret.

I rolled my eyes and told him to join the meeting.

"As you wish my queen," he said and bowed.

I smiled and sighed. I've been out of practice. My body felt sore everywhere and I didn't do that much. I clearly need to exercise.

With that in mind I slept soundly on the infirmary bed. I think resting now will do me some justice.


It was late in the afternoon when I woke up with a raging headache. I felt like I needed more sleep but the moment I stepped in my room all of that went away.

A tall figure stood before me. He was holding a picture and was smiling upon it. It was Nessa's picture, the one of her singing in our second challenge.

"Lucas," I gasped.

He put down the picture and looked up to me and smiled. "I came to pick you up Clarissa. It's now or never."

"What do you mean?"

He looked down, his eyes clouded with grief, guilt, and anger.

"My father wants to announce my engagement with Anastasia tomorrow and he wants me to marry her next month."

My mouth formed an "o". "I see," I said, "Let me just change."

"Are you okay? You don't look so good."

"Me? I'm perfect." I winked and went to freshen up in the bathroom.

I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed. This is it. You'll be facing his controlling freak of a father who probably has OCD and wouldn't like your spontaneity.

"I can do this," I muttered to myself and went out after changing in a faded green dress.

"You look nice." Lucas smiled up at me.

"Thanks," I said.

We went inside a white limousine and rode for about 15 minutes before stopping by another heart stopping mansion.

"Where are we?" My hands felt clammy and cold so I rubbed them together for warmth.

"It's my dad's office in this country."

"Wow, it's beautiful," I said, looking at the ridges and pointed tops of the mansion. It was like a mini castle, one that was made of bricks.

We went inside further making me breathless. It was indescribable.

We passed by a row of maids and butlers who bowed their heads down at us.

"He's beyond this door," Lucas said, as we stopped by a huge door with a golden handle.

"Let's do it," I said and held his hand. It was slightly shaking, so I squeezed it. "You can do this Lucas, I believe in you."

"Thank you," he whispered and kissed my cheek.

We went inside and was met by handsome man, much like Lucas, sitting on a throne by a desk full of stacks of paper.

"How formal of you Lucas to have asked for an appointment with me with my confidante. That was decent. Oh hi, you brought a guest with you." He rose up and went to shake my hand. "You must be the famous rookie everyone's been talking about. Clarissa Marie Valdez, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Likewise, your majesty," I said and shook his hand.

The guy had a strong grip, and for a moment there I thought he'd break my hand.

"Please sit down." He gestured.

"I don't think that's necessary. I'll make this quick," Lucas said in a solemn voice then kneeled on the floor shocking me but it didn't faze the king one bit, "Dad, I want to break my engagement with Anastasia."

The king's face turned dark and grim. "And may I know the reason?"

Lucas gripped on his pants and looked at his father in the eye. "I don't love her."

"You will come to love her when you're married. Love is not a problem," he said.

"I love another woman," Lucas admitted.

"That's another story. Why don't you just have her as a mistress and be done with her?"

Lucas stood up furiously. "Look dad, I don't care if you make me your personal dog for the rest of my life but just this once, if you ever considered me as your son, please don't force me in this loveless marriage. That's all I'm asking for. Please,"  his voice cracked, I could see tears at the edge of his eyes.

I went by his side and patted his back for reassurance.

Silence. It was deafening.

Both father and son kept staring at each other in the eye intensely. It felt like they were in an entirely different world, one I couldn't understand.

"First of all, Lucas, you've always been a good son of mine. I may be hard on you but that's for your own good. You're obedient and a fast learner and I'm always looking out for you. I knew about your love interest from the start. You love Vanessa don't you?"

"Then why--", Lucas gasped at him.

"To do this," his father said and punched him in the face.

I let out a small shriek.

Lucas touched the bruise that was forming on his cheek. "I don't understand--"

"That's for not saying things any sooner. I know that you're afraid of me but this is no joke. I had been hoping for you to come visit me and discuss about this. The person who made you do this is this pretty lady, am I right?"

"Dad?" Lucas mouth quivered as he nodded and his father pulled him in his arms for a hug.

"You're my bastard son, of course I'd let you do what you want. Tell me what you wish for and let me spoil you," he said softly and I could feel his overflowing love for him, his eyes told it all, "Now don't you dare cry or I'll punch you again."

"Thank you," Lucas whispered, his face elated and filled with love for his father.

I had tears in my eyes when they finally let go of each other. The king also hugged and thanked me to my surprise. He was intimidating, a man of discipline and rules, but he was also warm and sweet.

What a devious father.

We finally went back to our abode. Our journey was silent but it was comfortable, Lucas on the other hand couldn't take the smile off his face making me smile as well.

Like a gentleman, he walked me to my room. "I can't thank you enough Clarissa," he said and pulled me in a warm embrace, "If you literally need anything, just ask me."

"I'm your friend Lucas, any friend would do the same for you."

"No you're not just a friend to me, you're more than that. I can't explain it." He let go and looked at me, "I worry about you a lot like my own sister."

"Then I'll be your naughty sister," I cheekily replied.

"Please behave yourself my little one."

Ew. I smacked him on the shoulder instantly. "That's a horrible nickname. Don't even dare call me that again."

He chuckled and kissed my forehead before he left.

"You looked cozy."

I gasped and turned around seeing an angry Gavier. Not good.

"We were just hugging," I said but I didn't know why I felt a little guilty as if I'd just cheated on him.

"That certainly didn't look like it," he said stepping closer to me.

I stepped back and felt the wall against me. Damn walls.

"Sorry, but Lucas and I are not like that."

"That's right Clarissa," he snarled and trapped his body against mine on the wall, "Because you're mine." 


"I'm not yours," I defiantly said, "And I can hang out with whomever I wa--"

He cut me off by kissing me. I was drowned in the sensation and clutched on his neck. He was rough and was kissing me hard. My toes curled with his intensity and, oh god so deep.

We gasped for air.

"You're mine," he said in a final tone and left.

I watched him go, my heart beating so fast I thought I was going to faint. His words kept repeating in my head, echoing like a rhythmic symphony and my thoughts kept replying the same thing, over and over again.

Yes, yes I'm yours.

Boom! I updated again as you can see. Not much to say except that I really love you guys and I hope that you enjoyed reading this chapter.

THanks! xoxo

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