Chapter 15

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"What do you mean he kissed you!" Gia squealed.

"He just fucking made out with me in the middle of the restaurant." I'm still in awe about what happened last night.

Things were hella awkward after dropping Finley and Cara off. We exchanged only a few words, he drove me home and that was it. I wasn't purposely acting like this because I was scared of him or anything, I just didn't know how to react.

I made out with a fucking vampire that I've known only for a week. That was my first real kiss, and it was the best kiss I ever had. Literally straight out of a movie!

But did I say I just made out with a vampire !


Jason whatever-his-last-name-is.

"Was it good?" Gia asked, snapping me back to current time.

I nodded my head as if she could see me through the phone.

"That means yes right?" I can hear the smile growing through her voice.

"Yeah." I smiled to myself thinking about it.

When silence came about, I heard a sound from what I presumed to be coming from inside of the house that resembled an animal. I know I'm home alone because my mom is at work today, and Jeff told me that he is going out with some friends about an hour ago. There's no way he can be back yet.

"Gia, give me one second." I put the phone down on the bed and slowly got up and went to grab the random stick that always sat behind my door.

"If someone's in here I'm just letting you know, I have cameras. And if you kill me there is a live feed camera in my body somewhere that is currently sending LIVE footage to the FBI." I lied.

Don't judge me. I always thought that me saying that would scare someone off from killing me.

I checked in my closet and no one was there. I looked under my bed and no one was there.

But when I looked out the window to make sure no one was there, I saw a shadowy figure run away.

"What?" I said confused.

I put the stick down and went back to my phone.

"What happened?" Gia questioned.

"I'm not sure. Gia, I'm gonna call my mom. There's a 95% chance I won't call you back."

I hung up the phone and dialed my mom's number. She didn't answer, but she did text me cussing me out for texting her while she's busy.

Birth Giver: Why the fuck are you calling me when I told you I have a damn meeting today?

Me: I think I'm gonna die today. There was someone in front of the house

Birth Giver- Goodbye Rue I'm tired of you texting me nonsense.

I groaned in annoyance.

One day something really bad is going to happen to me and she will regret not hearing me out. I swear.

I heard the animalistic noise again.

"If someone is playing a prank on me I swear!" I called out.

I placed my phone in my pocket, grabbed the stick and some pepper spray, and slowly made my way downstairs.

My heart was literally beating out of my chest because I was so scared, and my hands were so sweaty.

I never had to deal with an animal coming into my house, let alone anything breaking and entering. I really hope that it's just a large rat or a squirrel that got in. I don't know what I'm going to do if it's anything else.

With each creak of the stairs, came more anxiety and fear. The noise began getting louder, and I still couldn't recognize what the source of it was.

Should I just stop here and go camp in my room for a while? Or should I go investigate?

This has to be one of my friends playing a prank on me. There is just no way that it is something random.

My curiosity got the best of me. My heart wanted me to go upstairs, but my mind wanted to go see what it was.

I stepped down to the last step and the noise suddenly stopped. I couldn't really see the source of the noise from this angle, so I stayed close to the wall just in case the noise was directly around the corner.

Just as I stepped closer the noise stopped and I heard running.

Everything happened so fast because the next thing I know is I'm tackled by one of those things I encountered on the night I met Jason. My pepper spray and stick flew across the room towards the front door.


I shrieked in dismay as this ugly creature began squealing over me trying to kill me. It's mouth was foaming, and dripping over my face. It's saliva was burning my skin with each touch.

Instincts instincts please kick in, don't let your fear be the death of you.

Thinking quickly, I kicked the thing in its private part allowing my escape. However, it's clear that that didn't work well. It only felt pain for what seemed like a mere 2 seconds.

It wasn't enough time for me to grab the stick.

It picked me up and pinned me up against the wall and I noticed its yellow, rotting, fangs erupting from its teeth.

"Stop." I cried out.

I tried pushing it back, but it was too strong. Way too strong.

I can tell this person wasn't conscious of what they were doing. The drive for blood completely took over this person and now it's like they have no soul. This person is gone now, and now here is this thing trying to kill me.

I tried to kick it again, but it didn't work.

I felt my energy draining as time went by. I couldn't keep it up any more.

Colors were fading away and fear began taking over.

Where am I?

"Rue?" An unfamiliar voice echoed through the room.

When I opened my eyes I was back in my room.

What the hell happened? I thought.

I looked for the source of the voice, but couldn't find it.

I heard him call out for me again. "Rue?"

I tried sitting up from my bed, but I couldn't. It was like something was holding me down.

I decided to respond back to the voice. "Yes?"

I heard my door click open and closed.

Through my peripheral I saw a man wearing all black with a hat on him. I couldn't see his face clearly nor could I tell his age by the sight of him,

"Who are you?" I began freaking out a bit. "Why are you in my room?"

I tried pulling myself up from the bed, yet I still couldn't get up.

"I know this looks like your room, but Rue. It's not what it seems." The man walked closer to me.

"You're not on earth right now Rue. You're not alive. But this is only temporary Rue you're-."

"What do you mean I'm not alive! You're telling me that thing killed me! No fucking way what about Jeff and my mom! I can't leave them alone!"

I'm dead? I felt millions of emotions whirling through my mind. I didn't cry, but I didn't feel happy either.

My parents, my friends, what- what am I going to do?

"Rue listen!" The man shouted.

"This is The Inbetween. You're not dead, but you're not alive either. Did Christine not tell
you what you are yet?"

Christine? That's my mom's name.

"How do you know my mom's name?" I started to get angry. "And if this is the inbetween why are you here?"

If I'm going to be trapped in an area with a man that's in my room, I better get some answers.

"I can't get into that yet. I can let you know that I'm looking for a way out so I can see you again, and so I can see Jeff again."

"Who the fuck are you?" I spat.

"I'll tell you when you find out who you are first. But time is up now. You have to go back." His voice began fading away as the distant reality began to set back in.

Everything went white, then I was back to where I was before. The living room of my house.

The feral was gone, what was left of it was just a pile of dust. It's dead.

I touched my neck and felt a warm substance coming from it. Nervous, I put my hand in eye view and noticed blood.

"It bit me?" I said calmly.

I slowly sat up and took in my area. Once I looked towards the kitchen I noticed someone standing there?

"Rue?! Oh my god are you okay?!" Lola ran up to me with bandages and alcohol.

She looked calm, yet panicked at the same time.

"What happened?" I groaned.

"I'm not sure." She looked away and towards the remains of the feral that was once trying to kill me.

"I knew they were real." She said amongst herself.

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