3. That day....

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Stephen's POV finally! Here we go............



"You're late." I state, aggravated by Fernando's tardiness.

We'd agreed to meet up for dinner to hang out and talk about the new advertising direction he wants to go in. He's been my best friend for years, but with the company moving and growing at the rate it was, there was always plenty of work to be done. No time to hang around like we used to.

S&S Toys had originally been housed in the same building as Sims Enterprise, the main part of my fathers company, but with the increase in sales and production, we'd decided to move buildings. And states.

It was hard for my father to agree to it, but this is what he'd been grooming me for my whole life; to follow in his footsteps. If he wanted me to be a successful businessman and owner, I could not continue to live in his shadow.

Fernando takes a seat in the chair opposite me "Lighten up will you, man? I'm literally 5 minutes late, and judging by the lack of beverages on the table, the waitress hasn't even come by yet." He smirks.

"That's not the point." I huff out, both irritated with his easy going attitude, and not having anything else to say.

"You seem to be in a pissy mood. What's wrong? Your period come early this month?" He laughs, only making my foul mood worse.

"Look man, I'm exhausted. We agreed to meet up for dinner so you could tell me about how you're going to advertise the new toys. Can we please get down to business?" I ask seriously.

Before he can answer, the waitress finally approaches our table.

"What can I get for you gentlemen?" She asks while she checks us out. I see the flare of interest in her eyes when she notices the rolex on my wrist and the RR insignia on my car keys.

I roll my eyes internally. Same old shit, just a different day.

We both quickly order a Guinness and steak, and she sneaks one more glance at my hand, probably making sure there's not a wedding ring in sight, before she smiles flirtatiously and saunters off.

"I met with the advertising company today" Fernando starts off, "Their works is pretty good. Very innovative and unique. I think changing up the approach a bit will be good for the company. It'll make it easier for us to attract a new audience." He tells me.

"If you say so. You never put the notes on my desk though, so just give me the name of the company and the rep you're working with so I can do a quick check before this goes any further. I want to see the work they've done and make sure there are no scandals or schemes attached to this company that could potentially reflect poorly upon us." I say to him briskly, still not liking the idea.

"The company is Paramount Advertisement Inc." He told me with a hint of what sounds like hesitation in his voice.


"........and the rep you're working with, what's his name?"

Silence answers me.

I look up to see Fernando gazing down intently at his hands as he starts to fidget.

"Her." He says after a long pause.


"The rep is a woman, not a man." He says simply, still not elaborating.

"Okay. The rep is a woman. Good for her! What. Is. Her. Name?" I ask not really in the mood for his vagueness.

He takes a deep breath, and against my will, I find myself wondering why he's so hesitant to tell me who she is. I brace myself for whatever he's about to utter, but nothing prepares for the words that leave his mouth.

"Krystina." He says refusing to meet my gaze

The waitress interrupts my thoughts as she brings us our dinner. We both thank her, and I wait for her to retreat before starting up the conversation.

"Krystina? Krystina Green?" I ask already knowing the answer.

"The very same."

I take a moment to think back all those years ago. To think on the thoughts and feelings I locked away five years ago. The memories flicker through my mind like a movie. I see her on the bleachers the day I met her, our first date at that tacky french restaurant, graduation day, the day I picked out her engagement ring, and the day I learned the harsh truth about her. She was my college sweetheart, my best friend, my everything. She was the only girl who'd ever seen me for me, and not what my money could give her.

Or so I thought.

I allow myself to remember the pain I felt that day.

The heartache.

The bitter reminder of reality makes it all the more easy for me to make the next statement.

"I want you off this project, immediately. Cancel the contract with Paramount before Tomorrow afternoon." I say with finality.


This is so short, but I'm starting school tomorrow after a whole semester off, and my brains a little fried.

ANYWAY..........what did you think of the chapter?

What could Krys have done to make him so upset?

**Constructive criticism is welcome.

Don't forget to comment and vote, as it motivates me to continue.

I think I'll update when I get 5 votes on this chapter ;)


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