Chapter Three: The Arrival of the Poladeans

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Bradley's car approached a small tower that held a box shaped object twice the size of his vehicle. They had to wait in line as another flying car was already waiting in front of them. Bradley positioned the car to line up behind the waiting car. 

A door opened revealing the inside of the box was empty. The car before them flew inside and the door closed behind it. The tower shook and made all sorts of noise like that of metal hitting metal and what sounded like loose bolts. The door of the box opened again once more to reveal that the car in front of them was no longer inside.

"I don't like the looks of that thing," June said. 

"What if it turns us inside out? Or what if . . . . .we end up lost . . . someplace far away!" She said jokingly.

"Do not say things like that Juniper! It is not possible," Rufus yelled giving June a stern look. 

"It would take like five minutes to fly home!" June yelled back folding her arms in an impatient manner.

"We use gate travel as a means to prevent air traffic congestion," Rufus added.

"The gates just been maintained!" Bradley replied to both Rufus and June as he pointed at the sign on the tower.

"Come up here son and type in the home address," Bradley turned to Sam and asked.

"Sure Dad!" Sam jumped out of his seat in the back section of the vehicle and strapped in to the chair next to his dad. He typed in the address of his neighborhood gate.

The door opened and they entered. As they left the area none of them had noticed that while they were waiting in the car, above them there was a very strange spiral cloud in the sky.

High above Earth, a new star ship had just arrived. The wake left by its large interstellar engines had created this cosmic spiral cloud due to the length of its long voyage. This ship which was the size of a small city would be welcomed shortly by representatives of the Earth's Space Fleet and the fleets of the extraterrestrial ambassador's from a governing body known as the Star Nations.

The people in the fleets of the ambassadors and Earth's E.S.F. had known of each other for several years. Many of the Earth ships were of a military design similar to that of naval warships of the past, long bulky and gray in color. The ambassador fleets had many different styles of star ships, some looked elegant with royal markings and some had sharp edges and similar to the naval style look of the Earth ships. 

Many of the extraterrestrials in the ambassador fleets were very similar to the humans of Earth not only in appearance but in many other aspects. The ambassadors were carefully selected to serve on Earth due to this very reason when it came to first contact.

They were given the task of teaching the humans about the known Universe and to introduce them gradually to other intelligent beings that are vastly different.

It was out of pure luck that Reegan was just within the range of appearing similar enough to a Human that the Star Nations allowed him to remain during the years of first contact visitations.

Reegan was the first to encounter the Humans of Earth and report it to the Star Nations council. The ship that belonged to Reegan was Saucer shaped with various attachments added that seemed to counteract the beauty of a nice sleek core vessel. The two most prominent attachments were large bulky engines in the back and in the front a large drill shaped device.

The interior of Reegan's ship was circular much like the disk shape of the outside. It looked as though at some point it had been a very sterile environment but was now filled with all of the treasures Reegan had collected from his many visits to the surface of Planet Earth.

The floor was covered in different carpets and all the windows had different styles of curtains. Though the carpets and curtains did not match he managed to keep some organization method with his shelf system. Reegan had a book shelf and a shelf for antiques and artifacts. There were also many shelves for knick knacks, comic books and video games.

However what littered Reegan's home the most was his toy collection. Large chests and shelves were filled with toys on display from all over the world of planet Earth. He especially loved animal figures and had many of Earth's species on display over the control consoles. To remind him of his home planet, Reegan had custom made species of his home world hanging from string over his bed.

The new star ship that had just arrived in the solar system was Reegans heading, he asked the computer to dock with it shortly after its arrival. He waited patiently as his tiny vessel approached the much larger star ship.

The computer notified Reegan he had arrived, the engines slowed and he watched the docking progress on his view screen as the ship came closer in the window.

"Don't scratch the paint job," he told the computer with a laugh.

"Manual docking with the tube sir, prepare to climb the ladder," the computer said in a dull voice without feeling or emotion. The hatch opened and Reegan looked up to see he was in for a long climb up to the other ships airlock. He looked at all the papers and stacks of books in his hands then back at the long ladder. He turned around and asked the computer.

"Where is my book bag?"

To answer his question the lights in the ship dimmed as a spotlight shined on one particular shelf to reveal a pink bag with a cartoon kitten on the cover.

"Thanks!" Reegan said as he placed his books, papers and other items he thought that he would need within the bag. 

He wore the book bag over top of his long red robe not knowing how ridiculous this looked as this would only be a product of human perception.

Through the transparent glass like tube he could see the color of the massive new star ship was mostly silver with some golden sections. He could only see was bottom part of the fuselage as it was so massive. He looked back to his ship and saw that some worker ships were preparing to move his ship into a dock.

Reegan continued climbing but was taken by surprise as he became momentarily weightless.

 "HAHA!!!! Makes climbing easier!" He shouted as he reached the half way point. 

He started to feel a little off balance as he had left his ships gravity field and was about to switch to the other ships gravity. 

"I'm upside down!" Reegan exclaimed. He turned himself around  began a descending climb.

A door hatch opened with a mechanical sound as Reegan approached the airlock. He entered and waited inside what was an airlock room. There was a progress bar on a view screen of the decontamination process before he could board the vessel. He fidgeted with the pockets in his robe until the door opened.

On the other side of the door was a long white hall, he had to cover his eyes because it was very bright. A tall mechanical being was holding a sign that had in very large letters the words Ambassador Fenz Reegan written on it. Reegan walked up to greet this robotic entity.

"Reegan! Yep that's me!" Reegan shouted and laughed as he read the sign.

"Say you're a Protolian aren't you? I heard you guys don't speak," Reegan asked.

The being nodded and gestured for him to follow.

As Reegan walked through the hallway he passed an open door and caught a glimpse of a large room full of other Protolians similar to the one accompanying him. They all appeared to be in shutdown mode as if they were sleeping. 

Reegan also saw that there was a massive armory where there were many weapons attachments. The Protolian guiding Reegan closed the door and continued to usher Reegan toward the hallway. 

This hallway began to fill with soldiers of another race of Extraterrestrial people that were fair skinned with long hair and long pointy ears. They marched through the halls with a serious attitude.

"Poladeans! Greetings!" Reegan said to them as he passed by. 

A few were posted standing guard in front of the doors to the meeting room they were about to enter. It was a large rectangular hall with white walls, much of the seating arrangement was facing a large view screen designed for presentations. A three dimensional rotating model of the star ship which they were aboard could be seen on the view screen. Reegan took a moment to look it over and he thought to himself that it almost resembled a model sail ship he had on display in his room.

Above the model of the ship there was a view screen with the words "Poladean star ship designation: no name yet assigned."

Reegan then noticed a tall woman with fair skin, long ears and long golden hair. She wore a uniform with a white jacket and blue pants. He immediately recognized her as a child hood friend from long ago. She walked up in front of the view screen and introduced herself to the representatives of the Earth and Star Nation Ambassador fleets.

"My name is Nallany Choleska,  Captain of the Poladean Fleet. I welcome you all here today aboard this the most advanced star ship that the Poladeans have ever built. It was designed by our greatest engineers from Poladis who consulted with the wisest of the Oracles in the Star Nations Council. The Oracles in all of their great wisdom recommended the engineers create a tribute to the ship builders of Earth's people. The engineers poured over the data that was available and they uncovered this beautifully crafted design."

She gestured to a design of a Spanish galleon that appeared on the screen and then became overlaid with the current design of the new Poladean star ship which was quite similar although with some differences to maintain its space worthiness.

The humans in the meeting began to clap. This surprised many of the Poladeans in the room as they did not know the meaning of this action. However the ambassadors knew and saw this as a cue to clap themselves. They understood this from being around humans for many years. The Poladeans remained confused as they watched the others hitting together of their hand's but it was not long before they realized it was a joyful response from the people of Earth.

Nallany placed her hands together and tilted her head. Her eyes gazed around the room and she smiled at seeing how everyone was pleased.

"It was also the recommendation of these Oracles that we ask the people of Earth to christen this vessel with a name of their choosing," She gestured towards the view screen. 

Over the model of the star ship was the words "Voting in Progress" which had just appeared next to the words "Starship Designation."

"Voting has now officially started and the computer will share with us the results when they become available. Only the people of Earth may vote in this referendum. . . . Yet we can all suggest names for the voting process. . .Please if you may all share with us your name ideas input the data into your table console," Nallany instructed. 

Everyone then happily gave their input which was happening simultaneously with participants down on the planet.

After the presentation the Poladeans had asked for a dinner of Earth's dining experiences. A chef who was with an orbital catering company from Earth rolled a tray table in front of the Captain and the Poladean senior officer staff. Nallany became intrigued with the selection of Earth foods and began a conversation with the chef.

"I have often heard of a meal that is popular among the inhabitants of your world, It is round and covered in tomato sauce with cheese among many toppings scattered about," She asked. The chef answered her by pointing to a dish that was labelled Pizza.

"I will try this Pizza," She pointed to the Pizza and then she pointed to a large mug in front of her.

 "And a coffee please,"

Wit the large Pizza placed in the plate in front of her Nallany had no idea how to eat it.  

She started by picking off the toppings, and pulling off pieces. She then folded the circular shaped food in its entirety but soon realized it was too large to eat for one individual. It was quite the puzzle for her and the Poladeans who were watching her.

"Yo Yo Nally Cho!" Reegan yelled "Haven't seen you in a while how you been?"

"I am well Reegan," Nallany replied.

"Let me help you with that," He said looking at the large pizza. Reegan pulled out his energy to matter device, it was filled with years worth of objects and devices scanned from his time on Earth. 

He called up the schematics for a pizza cutter. 

The object materialized on the table before Nallany and she quickly used it to cut a square piece out of the round pizza.

"Thank you for coming to brief us on the situation here Reegan. As this is the first time we Poladeans have come to this system we look forward to learning more about it." Nallany said before she bit into the square piece of pizza crust first.

"Exquisite!" She exclaimed.

"You prepared a presentation?" Nallany asked after thoroughly enjoying a small bite. 

Reegan smiled then stood at attention "Yes Ma'am video coming up," He turned around fast and made a silly march up to the view screen. He inserted a video disc into the machine and stepped aside.

A documentary called Reegan's Story appeared on the view screen.

It began with an explanation of how Reegan was commissioned with investigating an anomaly around the star system of Sol Poladis seven hundred and five. It was not known that planets existed in this system due to interference with telescopes and long range scanning. 

It only became knowledge when Reegans vessel conducted a close range survey of the star.

This survey showed evidence of previously unknown planets and possible artificial colonies inside the system. 

But this was only based on slight gravitational and energy wave phenomenon that was observed in the initial findings. 

Curiously on a visual level, Reegan could not see much more than the star. Even with the most advanced scanning technology.

On several occasions he would launch probes toward the star but they always vanished at almost the exact same spot.

Fortunately one time a probe sent Reegan some data before he lost contact with it. It detected negative energy and life readings. Reegan believed that it must have been the negative energy that had interfered with the effectiveness of the probes approaching the star.

Reegan sent his findings to the Star Nations Scientific Research Foundation. It was concluded by experts across the Galaxy that the system was under a very ancient quarantine. And the life readings pointed to signs of intelligent life being present.

This caused many in the Galactic scientific community to agree that there were people trapped inside the system, isolated from their Galactic brothers and sisters.

The Star Nations government granted Reegan the use of a large plasma drill to breakdown the barriers made of negative energy.

After he began drilling, It did not take long for him to come upon an inhabited artificial space colony.

"I met my first human friends on the colony of E.X. twelve just outside of a planet they called Mars," "These people had lived their for thousands of years. They told me of the planet where they came from,"

"But They believed that it was no longer habitable for life due to a cataclysmic extinction level event that occurred thousands of years ago,"

This planet was visible from the colony but there was a very dense dark energy barrier preventing them from reaching or even making contact with the planet.

"I really wanted to get down there," Reegan said.

"I was presented with all sorts of artifacts, photographs, paintings and books they had preserved," images were shown but it was the murals depicting a feline humanoid.

The sight of these cat like creatures peaked the interests of even the most inattentive guests among the Extraterrestrials present at the meeting that were viewing the presentation. 

It was due primarily to this discovery that many other extraterrestrials joined Reegan's expedition. This help greatly expedited the process of removing the barriers.

"The moment we broke through the last barrier, my computer detected life everywhere down on this planet,"

"But when I had a closer look I was horrified to see the fires of a massive war!"

"I called for help."

It was uncovered that a war had broken out on the surface against another race of intelligent beings that had been living in underground caverns below the planets surface. The race of these beings was known across the Galaxy as the Virillians. 

These creatures had remained hidden and in the shadows unknown to most of the people on the surface of this planet. 

Manipulating history behind the scenes, hiding in the shadows out of sight until they were uncovered and it became no longer possible to avoid confrontation.

This war ended when Reegan called for the Star Nations military to arrive, The Virillians did not expect the advanced war ships to come to the aid of the surface inhabitants and were forced to surrender.

It became clear afterwards that the Virillians ability to hide themselves from the surface population weakened the closer Reegan's expedition ships came towards the planet.

The people of this planet could see their enemy, their deceiving ways and all of the trouble they had caused.

"When I first landed on this planet, after the Star Nations armada gave the all clear, I met an individual and my first question was what do you call yourselves and what is the name of this planet?" Reegan stated.

"I'm Human and this is Earth, was the reply I got" Reegan explained.

"Before the war with the Virillians, before I got there, most of the people on Earth pondered if they were alone in the Universe."

"And some believed in Extraterrestrials, but were under the impression we left them alone because they were not ready."

"Not advanced enough to meet us."

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