Chapter Eight: The Summoning of Adimniss

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Kenneth returned to the testing area where he proceeded to lift the hundred pound weight. The girls clapped and cheered him on thinking he was trying to impress them. But his gaze was on Sam and the Pendant. 

Toido began to notice this and became curious as to why Kenneth was watching Sam with ever increasing anxiety.

Sam was having great fun on the trampoline. He did a flip and then landed on the grass maintaining perfect balance. Little did Sam know that Toido was scanning Sam's physiology and documenting all data. 

Suddenly there was a warning sound coming from Toido's equipment, several anomalies had been detected.

Back at the Campfire Reegan was listening to June who was telling him that his Relic was missing.

"It was my turn to hold the relic . . . . And . . . . . . . And the boys dropped it!" June said. 

The other children were on the ground searching in the grass. Reegan saw this and began to search on the ground as well.

"Found it! It was under the leaves!" June shouted.

Reegan looked at the Relic on the ground, something was different. He became aware of a change in the Relics appearance. It was now gold in color, the gemstones within were a very beautiful blue with a diamond like luster.

"How can this be? Who touched it last?" Reegan asked June. She responded by pointing towards Sam. 

Reegan could only see that it was the direction of the testing grounds she was pointing at, there were several people over there.

June picked up the Relic while Reegan was looking the other way.

The moment she touched it, June began to feel light as air. 

June looked down to see that her feet were inches above the ground. 

She almost fell over but instead her feet ended up above her head as she was still floating above the ground. June began to laugh and giggle very loudly, the other children heard this and turned to see June holding the relic, floating and spinning in the air. They started to crowd around her wanting their turn to hold the Relic with much greater enthusiasm and anticipation than before.

"I wanna float too! oh gimme gimme!" The closest and smallest child said.

But before she could hand the Relic over to the next child, Reegan had grabbed it from June's hands.

"Okay that is enough for one night!" He stated.

Reegan was being serious but the children began to laugh at him as he too started to float above the ground. With a very funny walk like that of an astronaut walking on the moon, he struggled to place the Relic back in the display case. 

"That is very odd!" Reegan said to himself.

He began to ponder the significance of what had just happened when he was interrupted by Toido calling him to come quick.

Andrew was watching from the outskirts of the camp ground, he noticed that Reegan had rushed over to Toido in an urgent manner, Toido presented Reegan with his data pad.

The tablet's display showed what appeared to be a very strong light aura phenomenon occurring around and within Sam.

"This energy is etheric Toido! It's off the charts!" Reegan exclaimed excitedly. 

"Could it be?" Reegan whispered as he turned to look at his Relic in the display case. 

Reegan turned to Toido and began discussing the implications of the data and what had just happened to his Relic. 

Toido had briefly left the Genetic Harp unattended. This was the opportunity Andrew was waiting for. He looked around to make sure no one was watching him, before opening his jacket. He reached in and grabbed a small metallic spidery looking robot out of one of his pockets.

Andrew whispered instructions to this spider bot and placed it on the ground.

The spider bot quickly crawled towards the people.

While all eyes continued to watch Sam and Kenneth. The Spider bot crawled behind them towards the device.

Toido waved at Reegan and was making urgent sounding screams.

"You think we should abort the demonstration? Yeah we should bring this data to the attention of Captain Choleska immediately!" Reegan stated as Toido turned to walk towards the device.

"Yeah! Shut it down," Reegan shouted.

Just then an enormous electronic sound boom emanated from the device indicating that it was just set to run at maximum power.

Sam became aware that something was going wrong. He watched as Toido picked up the device and attempted to pry off a spidery looking metallic object. The spider bot had increased the frequency and was holding on so tight that Toido could not interact with the controls.

"What's happening?" Sam yelled. His attention quickly shifted to the Pendant which was now glowing a bright blue. Kenneth watched Sam with a jealous look on his face then he turned his head and noticed his father Andrew had very wide a smile.

"Excellent!" Andrew said. 

Kenneth ran towards his father.

"Dad what are these?" He questioned.

There were symbols burned into the ground that Andrew had drawn while the others had been distracted.

"These are runes that I have drawn in the ground here and all around the camp site! It is part of a very powerful invocation spell to lure Adimniss here to this very spot!" Andrew stated with confidence to his son.

"You didn't tell me we'd be doing this tonight? All these people here! My girlfriend's just over there Dad!" Kenneth told his father.

"Go get the car ready! We are out of time!" He yelled at his son Kenneth. 

"Quick, Hurry, Run!" Andrew yelled as he threw the car keys at his son.

Just then Rufus came rushing in a panic toward the group from where he was looking through the telescopes.

"Mr. Toido! Mr. Reegan!" Rufus screamed with fear.

"I was observing the starship, I was. . . " Rufus struggled to catch his breath.

"I was. . . . in . . .  looking in the telescope. . and suddenly. . ." He explained but needed to catch his breath again.

 Toido was still trying to pry off the Spider bot from the Genetic Harp when he looked up towards the Poladean ship. Toido could see what was happening with telescopic lenses built directly into his eyes. 

He projected what he was seeing in front of Reegan.

"It's the Negatis! We're under attack!" Reegan yelled.

Andrew pulled the sceptre from under his jacket. It had a red and burning hot jewel on the end of it which he used to burn a final symbol into the grass and then pointed it towards the sky.

The rest of the crowd was unaware and still enjoying themselves. They laughed at each others jokes, some were dancing to music and many of the children were still roasting marshmallows.

 June was just about to roast her first marshmallow of the night when suddenly the fire blew out. She looked up to the stars to see that the entire sky had turned pitch black. The stars had vanished and an ice cold shiver went through June that seemed to move like a wind through everyone else that was present running up and down their spines.

The campsite had become very quiet.

"Be afraid." A whisper spoke breaking the silence. 

The people began to huddle close to one another forming a group and it was unclear to them whether they should run away.

Suddenly there were screams as black wind formed a vortex gathering in one spot before them. The wind circled around the crowd preventing them from running away. 

When the vortex dissipated a woman clothed in a black dress with black hair and a very pale face materialized before them. She looked as though she did not know why she was there.

"Who is that?" Sam asked his uncle, he felt a very strong fear taking hold of him.

"Adimniss! Queen of the Negatis!" Andrew explained fearfully but with determination.

Adimniss looked at everyone standing in front of her, watching her.

"Which one of you has summoned me here?" Adimniss asked.

"Step forward!" She demanded.

When nobody answered she became angry and her eyes glowed green.

"I see. . . . That you are afraid. . . Good! I will feast on your fear!" She screamed.

Adimniss shot out a blasts of dark energy that formed a vine made from shadows and wind. It grabbed at the people who were closest to her. These shadow vines squeezed them and caused them to fall over in pain.

"It feels so good!" Adimniss said to her victims with a horrible look of sadistic pleasure. The children cried loudly as their parents picked them up and tried to run away.

"June! Where are you, June?" Elizabeth was panicked, she yelled while passing other people as they fled the campsite.

"I'm here Mommy!" June screamed as she ran towards her mother.

This had caught the attention of Adimniss and with a great rage she summoned forth a blast of dark energy aimed at Junes mother.

The blast narrowly missed June and threw her mother Elizabeth Peyton away from the campsite into the trees of the forest just beyond the campsite.

"Mommy!" June screamed. 

She turned to run towards Sam. But Adimniss shot a second blast at June and ensnared her with with shadow vines just before she could reach him. 

The air filled with the maniacal laughter of Adimniss as all the others looked on with horror. People were fleeing the scene there was nothing they could do in the face of such great evil.

"Sam! Help me! Sam!"

"It really hurts! I can't get it off me!" June screamed as Adimniss pulled June towards her.

"There is nothing your friend can do for you!" Adimniss laughed as she pulled June towards her. "You have great fear! I will feast on all of your energy and then your friend, he too shall meet the same fate!" Adimniss screamed at June.

Sam looked at his claws and he noticed they were glowing with a bright energy. He took a swipe at the shadow vines and to his amazement he was able to cut June free.

The shadow vines snapped back at Adimniss, she looked away as she avoided them hitting her face. She did not see what Sam had just done and did not know why her shadow vines grip on June was broken.

"Now! Sam! Use the Pendant!" Andrew yelled.

Sam directed the Pendant's power towards Adimniss and there was a beam of light that shot out towards her. Adimniss appeared to be weakened by the blast. She gave out a tremendous shriek and conjured a ferocious wind that surrounded her like a shield.

"Who is doing this? What is happening!" Adimniss screamed as she was unaware of who was attacking her or how. The Dark magic of Adimniss swirled around and Andrew stepped behind Sam to attempt to guide him to do what he wanted.

"You need to concentrate Sam! Focus on what you want the Pendant to do!" Andrew yelled.

Sam all of a sudden felt very afraid. All he could think about was his safety. 

Adimniss was preparing to strike him but then he looked up saw a massive fleet of Negatis ships descending on the campsite from above.

Sam thought about the Planet Earth being under attack and what other places on Earth the Negatis could be wreaking havoc upon. With this thought the Jewel in the Pendant powered up. It was supercharged by the high powered frequency of the Genetic Harp and Sam's focused intent.

A bright blue flash camer from the pendant again but much larger this time.

The light covered the entire campsite. 

Sam shielded his eyes from the bright light which lasted for a few moments before forming a blue energy that was drawing back into the Pendant like a very powerful vacuum. This lasted several seconds until it was finished. 

Adimniss was gone.

"I think it worked," Sam said with a smile to his uncle Andrew.

"Quick, cap it!" Andrew handed Sam a cover piece for the Pendant. 

"Is it over?" June said as she looked around.

"Mommy where are you?" June ran towards where she had last seen her Mother. She was about to run off far into what appeared to be very thick darkness ahead when she felt something grab her from behind. She looked down to see that there was nothing below her. 

Rufus had run after her and grabbed her before she fell over a cliff.

"It would appear that something has occurred to drastically alter the campsite's environment," Rufus stated.

"We need to get outa here!" Sam yelled at his friends while he pointed at the Negatis star ships in the sky.

Kenneth had already started the engines on the Wagon and kept it running, he was prepared for a quick escape.

Sam and his uncle Andrew reached the Wagon they looked around to see that the Jump Gate and a few parked cars next to a camp administration building were all they could see that remained of the campsite. 

"Looks like most of the people got away," Sam told his uncle as they waited for Rufus and June to catch up with them. 

Sam then noticed Toido and Reegan also still remained.

Toido began to direct Reegan to the large landing pod they used to reach the camp site, he wished to protect Reegan and evacuate him. But Reegan had Sam's test data still in his hands. 

He waved the small tablet in front of Toido and then held it close to his chest afraid he might drop it.

"That kid could be the key to everything, I wont let him out my sight!" Reegan shouted excitedly pointing at Sam. But just then a large thundering sound was heard approaching. It was a missile that had come from one of the Negatis ships.

 It struck and destroyed the landing pod.

Reegan and Toido now had no choice, they quickly ran to join up with Sam.

"Permission to board?" Reegan asked jokingly but at the same time was quite fearful.

Sam nodded to say yes.

Andrew moved into the driver seat and Reegan sat next to him up front. June, Rufus and Sam stepped into the car but Toido hesitated.

"Protolians don't like tight spaces," Reegan told them.

"Get in here or they will put you somewhere tighter!" Andrew yelled and pointed towards the approaching menacing craft. Andrew positioned the Wagon to hover in front of the Jump Gate.

Reegan quickly activated the navigation console and typed in an address location they could jump to.

"Hold up, something's very wrong. . ." Reegan said.

"This Gate is working but I can't lock on to any of the other addresses."

Andrew looked at the computer screen for the Jump Gate's information, he then accessed the Information of the Jump Gates around the world. The names of the addresses of the gates were all in red and next to their status indicators the words "Out of order."

Toido jumped in the car and held on tight to the ceiling handles as he screamed in panic. Rufus was sitting next to June and tried to cover June's ears. 

Andrew continued to scroll through the Gate addresses but none were available.

"This isn't possible, where are were going to go?" Reegan asked.

"They're coming!" June screamed.

"I have one gate address to try," Andrew said with hesitation in his voice. 

Reegan caught a glimpse of a crumpled piece of paper that said Stellar eyes only followed by an address that Andrew had pulled from his jacket. 

After Andrew inputted the address, the words available appeared and the Jump Gate tower's doors opened.

"Juniper, Mr. Toido, we are quite fortunate see The Gate is opening!" Rufus said as he tried to comfort them. Rufus turned to Sam in hopes that their imminent escape had lifted his spirits.

Sam was staring at a spot behind the car that was giving him an uneasy feeling. He watched vigilantly as a pair of green glowing eyes appeared.

Adimniss was not trapped inside the Pendant.

She was re materializing back into physical form, gathering strength for a second attack. 

Her glowing green eyes turned into a fiery red. 

She unleashed a series of shadow vines towards the Wagon holding it down to prevent them from escaping. 

As some of the shadow vines held down the car, more had penetrated through the vehicle and wrapped around Andrews body. It felt to Andrew as though the shadow vines were beginning to poison his mind.

Earlier Andrew was filled with great hope that he could stop Adimniss , but now he felt more doomed than ever.

"ANDREW GUSTERSON! I know it was you that summoned me! You wont escape me Andrew! I will get you!" Adimniss screamed. 

He believed for certain he was about to be killed. But the others only heard whispers in their ears telling them to "Be afraid," and "Have great fear," which prevented them from hearing what Adimniss said to Andrew.

Adimniss then turned into a giant flame that appeared to fade into a dark mass that moved through the vines. 

Sam's eyes remained fixated on the shadow vines holding the car in place, he would not even blink. Sam opened the window and with his claws he swiped at the shadow vines.

This left a glowing scratch mark on them that eventually teared apart freeing the Wagon from their grasp.

"We're free! Now let's get outa here!" Reegan yelled at Andrew as they entered the Jump Gate.

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