Chapter 24: Weapons

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Back on the mysterious dark-silver planet, the Rangers continued traversing the inner bowels of the underground pathway they discovered. With limited visibility, they utilized their helmet's infrared mode to move about the halls. All the while, Ethan's tracking algorithm led them deeper into the central core of the base.

"This is one elaborate underground layer," Ethan commented. "It seems to go on forever."

"Thank goodness for these heads up displays," Jason replied. "With all these random twists and turns, plus the darkness, we'd get lost in minutes down here."

Suddenly, the ground began to shake, throwing the Rangers to the floor.

"Where did this earthquake come from!?" asked Taylor.

"Can we even technically call it an earthquake?" asked Ethan.

The gyrating gradually lessened in intensity. Immediately following, the hallways both in front and behind the team began to light up one by one all the way down the multitude of halls.

Carter got back on his feet. "Guys, we need to get to the surface and figure out what's going on. This doesn't feel like a normal quake."

The team quickly traced back their steps and returned to the ground level. As they exited the lab, the ground beneath them seemed to shift, giving way to what looked like large, silver-colored metal platforms slowly emerging from below.

"This doesn't look like a normal planet either," said Ethan.

The tremors suddenly stopped as what looked to be the front end of a massive spaceship could be seen protruding out of the planet like a metallic mountain. The metal platforms on the side of the odd construct fanned out like wings on a plane before ceasing all movement.

"What are we looking at?" asked Taylor.

"No way!" Ethan took in the grand sight. "This lab is a space station?! Sweet!"

"Take it down a peg. We've got a serious problem here."

"Taylor's right," Carter added. "I get the feeling that this is the weapon we're looking for. And it just booted up."

"Someone has to know we're here," Kendrix added. "Maybe that bat from before was a warning."

"Wait, guys! I think I have an idea!" exclaimed Jason.

The team huddled up to listen in.

"Remember when I used that EMP to knock on the engines on Axis' ship?"

The othered nodded.

"We might be able to do the same thing here if we can get inside that thing and target the main power source. We have to assume Dr. Madman built this thing with protections in place. But a strong enough EMP should fry those, too. Then, we just need to set enough explosives to wipe out the entire station and leave. We can destroy the base and the weapon all in one boom."

The others thought about Jason's plan. Kendrix looked to Carter and nodded. Ethan followed suit. Taylor took a few added moments before agreeing as well.

"It sounds risky, but I trust your judgment," Carter said. "I think this could work."

Ethan took to his Morpher and scanned the silver construct. With it now activated, certain internal details became visible that weren't before. He projected the image in front of the others with just one central area of the station still cloaked by darkness. "Ten bucks says that super convenient blacked out area is where we need to hit."

Jason walked up closer to the projection and examined it closely. "We can plant the explosives around the soft spots. Time it all together and the whole station should collapse on itself."

Carter looked to everyone else. "Everyone in agreement?"

"I like it," replied Kendrix.

"Not bad, kid," added Taylor.

Carter nodded. "Then we have our plan. Okay, Kendrix, Ethan, Taylor, with me."

Jason quickly whipped his head around. "Wait, huh?"

"Jason, I've got an important job for you, too. You know your way around a lab, right?"

"Well, you could say that. I was practically raised by Professor Knox' crazy science lessons."

"While we're arming the explosives, I want you to go back to the lab we were in and get the details on everything you can. Madman may be captured, but he's been an enemy of the Kingdom for years. We need to know what else he's been developing."

Jason nodding in understanding. "And then we'll be ready in case our enemies inherited another one of his gadgets. Makes sense. You can count on me."

Carter nodded. "I know I can. We'll need to get out really quickly when this thing goes critical. Jason, you'll be the closest to the Astro4 when it does. Have it ready and waiting for us when we give you the signal."

Jason nodded, slightly slower than before.

Carter patted him on the back. "You can still fly, right?"

"Heh, yeah. Don't worry about that."

Carter, Kendrix, Taylor, and Ethan rushed towards the newly arisen station to locate its central power source while Jason returned to Madman's lab.

The team traversed the multiple levels of the station towards the center, once more using Ethan's tracking program as a guide. They soon reached what looked like a gigantic oval-like structure radiating yellow energy from its core and crackling all around inside a large, spacey containment unit.

"I think we've found it," Carter said. "Good thing nobody took that bet."

"Not for me!" replied Ethan.

"Anyways, let's get to it."

Taylor's heads up display quickly analyzed the surrounds to search for the structural soft spots. "We'll place three bombs around the perimeter. That should be more than enough to take down the station."

Carter walked up closer to the wide gap and steep fall that protected the power core. "We'll need to deactivate the power or we'll never get anywhere near the source. Once we do that, we'll stick the last bomb right inside."

The Rangers all pressed their Morphers. From out of their belts manifested four hexagonal prism-shaped explosive devices. These bombs came coated with a special alloy that made them impervious to electromagnetism, allowing for post-EMP detonation.

Taylor, Ethan, and Kendrix all placed their respective bombs upon the trio of soft spots.

"All of the explosives are in place and set," stated Kendrix.

"All but yours." Taylor motioned to Carter.

Ethan looked out towards the central power source defended primarily by a very large drop that didn't seem to end. "Okay, please tell me you used to be a varsity quarterback."

"Not quite," Carter replied. "Ethan, activate the EPM."

"Alright..." Ethan set off the EMP, frying the station controls, shutting off the lights, disabling the crackling energy radiation, and jamming communications. "Hold on, how are we gonna signal Jason now?"

"That's what the explosions are for," replied Carter.

"Sure," Taylor added. "But we still have to hit that power source."

Carter turned a dial on his bomb, creating a small timer underneath a larger, red-colored timer. He then tossed the bomb as far as he could throw it over the bottomless gap and towards the power source. Once the small timer ran out, the bomb started drifting downwards before rising back up again and quickly attaching itself to the power source apparatus.

"Whoa," Ethan reacted. "Maybe you should have tried out."

"I can't take all the credit," Carter replied, pointing to the final explosive. "Magnetic bombs. Coincidentally perfect for our situation."

Kendrix used her Morpher to network all four bombs together. "Incredible. I can adjust all four timers from my Morpher. Syncing now."

"Nice," Ethan replied. "Sounds like a mission complete to me."

"Not until this place is up in flames," stated Taylor.

"She's right," Carter added. "We'll wait for the time to read—"

But Carter's words were cut off by the beeping of Kendrix' Morpher, signifying an error with the bomb timers. The four exchanged looks of confusion and concern while the error message continued to blare. And then, a slight rumbling could be felt alongside a metallic clanking sound. It continued to grow louder and louder as the lights began to cut out one by one.


All the while, Jason laid in wait inside the Astro4 after combing over Madman's lab. He used his Morpher to scan over the entire place before inputting all the data into the ship for a more thorough analysis. The Astro4 computers compiled a full list of all the potential chemical weapons Madman could have been developing given the contents of the beakers, flasks, and even some of the chemicals that had spilled on the floor. But then, the systems came across a bump in the road, signified by a light, repetitive beeping sound.

Jason removed his helmet and moved closer to the screen. "Strange. Everything else is an open book, but there's something he's extra protective of in there."

He took to the computers to try to unlock some answers, eventually finding three oddly named files and one corrupted file that deleted itself on sight. "Project-S1, Project-V2, and Project-O3... What were you up to, Doc?"

He tried to decrypt the files, but all three came up blank. The names seemed to be nothing more than hollow placeholders. "There's no way... Wait, maybe we missed something on the first pass." He looked down at his Morpher. "Nothing personal, buddy. We just need a second opinion."

Jason put his helmet back on and stepped out of the Astro4. As he re-entered Madman's lab, he paid extra attention to the areas his heads up display couldn't pull up much information on. Most of the spots he checked proved to be a dead end, however.

He reached what looked to be a work table with a couple of tools sprawled about, but nothing else of note. But then, he noticed an odd case underneath the table surrounded by all manner of broken down parts and wires. A small gleam of reflective light just escaped the case's surface as Jason crawled under the table. His heads up display continued to draw a blank until he removed the junk surrounding the case. And just as soon, his heads up display reacted, once more revealing to him the three phantom file names.

"What... the hell is this?" Jason tried to pry open the case, but then, a peculiar illumination caught the corner of his eye.

He gently placed the case down and wandered towards it. He then bore witness to a strange bluish-white light seemingly manifesting itself from thin air. It looked similar to a time portal, save the slightly bigger vortex and the lack of whirlpool-like swirling. Rather, it stood still and silent, like a lake void of ripples.

Jason's heads up display automatically began scanning it once he walked close enough, but the sweep provided no data. "What is something like this doing here? And who turned it on?"

Before he could form another thought, a large, shady figure manifested from inside the portal and started walking towards Jason.

Jason instinctively pulled out his Chronic Blaster and aimed it squarely on the large, masked man in front of him. "What the...? Who are you!?"

The figure quickly zapped Jason with a blinding bolt of white electricity, sending him falling to the ground and knocking him out. The figure then picked him up and walked back into the portal. Just as soon, the light vanished as the portal closed.


Inside the silver station, the rest of the team worked fervently to try and re-arm the explosive devices through darkness and rumbling. So far, their attempts failed to bear fruit. It was as if someone had found a way to sever their control.

"Are you sure we used the right bombs?" asked Taylor.

"They're the only ones we have," replied Carter.

"Hold on, guys." Kendrix veered her head left and right. "That strange sound just stopped."

"Any chance this thing deactivated by itself?" asked Ethan.

Suddenly, the lights came back on. The Rangers then found themselves surrounded by various machines, all sporting a chimeric, animalistic design. More started pouring out of the hallways, ceilings, and floor panels, easily numbering in the fifties. The Rangers quickly huddled together and fanned outward while clenching their fists tightly.

"More evil robots," Ethan commented. "Why not?"

"Several times more," replied Kendrix.

"Nothing we can't handle," added Carter.

A few flying robots started to swarm the team, but the quartet quickly gathered their new, much more powerful Chronic Blasters and blew them out of the sky.

"More incoming," Taylor said while darting her head back and forth at the multiplying mechanical masses. "I say it's time to combine weapons."

"I actually agree with Taylor," replied Ethan.

Carter quickly shot down a pair of gorilla-bear hybrid robots. "So, here's the thing... That's still in development..."

Ethan rapidly swung his head towards Carter. "Wait, what!?"

"We'll have to win with what we've got. Luckily, Knox didn't just upgrade our guns."

Taylor started looking through her Morpher options. "Alright, here goes." She pushed a button and extended her right hand. From out of it, a surge of electricity launched itself upon a wave of robots, tearing their circuits apart.

"Whoa!" Ethan reacted. "I did not know you could copy Axis' lightning thing."

Taylor stared back at her hand in amazement. "That makes two of us."

Ethan rubbed his hands together before going through the new options on his own Morpher. "Let's see what the Professor packed for me..."

He pushed a button and suddenly vanished from view just as a group of robots started closing in. "I'm invisible! It's just like Dr. O's Dino Gem power. Sweet!" Ethan quickly used his cover to punch and kick unsuspecting robots. A bat-toucan hybrid tried to get the jump on him, but phased right through Ethan. "No way! I'm a ghost, too?" He phased his hand through the robot and removed its internal core, shutting it down instantly.

Kendrix checked through her own Morpher's options and found an interesting ability. "This could be useful."

She pushed a button, causing her right forearm to glow in a pink hue. A pair of falcon-duck hybrid robots flew towards her just as she extended her hand and blasted them with the pink pulse. The stricken robots started to convulse a bit before their eyes turned pink. Just as soon, they started digging their metal talons into their fellow chimeric machines.

With their upgraded powers, the team made quick work of the robotic horde.

"Great work, guys," Carter said as he looked to his own Morpher. "Wonder what my new ability could be? I wish Knox had bothered explaining the details."

Just then, a sudden, jerky movement sent the Rangers and what remained of the robots to the floor. From the outside, the station started rising up above the planet; its appearance mimicking a giant silver satellite. The Rangers were thrown stiffly into the walls of the room as all the doors surrounding them slid down and shut tight. The room then separated from the station and hurtled downwards towards the planet's surface, creating a massive ripple of dust upon impact. The station itself then accelerated into the depths of space, flying towards an unknown destination at hyperspeed.

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