Yull Ball (part 2)

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                        Animal Crackers
Bean: Does everyone
have a date!
Seaupee: Yep❤️
Bean: Well I know you
do Seamus I asked you.
Seaupee: I know I was letting
everyone eles know
                         Rainonme: Yep I'm going
                           with Harry!
Harold: Yep! And I'm
going with Ray
Ronnie: Yeah and I'm going
with Mione
Mione: You already know
who I'm going with
Enzone: I'm going with Jaslan, shes a velle
Blaisebakini:Wait.. you actually
asked her!
Enzone: Yep!
                  Rainonme: And she said yes?!!
Enzone: Why are you guys acting so
supirized for! I am obviously
good looking so she said yes.
                    Rainonme: Your funny Enzo
Enzone: Hmph.
Blaisebakini: I am going
with Pavati
Pav: Yep! We are just
going as friends though
Blaise: Yeah :)
Theo: Really!! Me and Lav
are also going as friends!
Lav: Yeah
Ginevra: And as you
guys probably already know
I am going with Luna🤍
Luna: Yep🤍
Nev: And I'm going with
Hannah Abott, shes a hufflepuff
                   Rainonme: Thats so nice Nev!!
Nev: Thanks Rains🤍
Freddybear: I am going
with Angelina
Georgewashington: And I'm going
with Katie.
Rainonme: Well I know
that I saw you ask her using
one of tour ridiculously awesome
pranks that said will you go to the
Yule ball with me after it exploded!
Harold: Well I would have
done that if I knew you would
have liked it!
Rainonme: Trust me Harold I LOVE
the way you asked me! Lululemon
is amazing!
Harold: Glad you loved it❤️
Mione: Is that a red heart
I see??!!
Rainonme: No. Your colorblind
Mione it's obviously white.
Mione: Even if I was colorblind it
wouldn't be white it would be
Rainonme: Thats the secound
time you've called me out here!!
Blaisebikini: Rains! We all know
you love Harry but yourself!
Even Harry knows it
Harold: yeah I know
rainonme left the chat
Enzone: Look what you've
done Blaise. You can't
call her out like that. You have
to say it in front of her
face that way she can't leave the chat
you know.
Blaisebikini: Wow why
didn't I think of that *sarcastic way*
Enzone: Guess I'm just smarter
then you.
Blaisebikini: 🤦🏽
Ginvra: Gotta go guys
the girls and i need to get
ready for tonight!!

Raina's Pov

"Hey why did you leave the chat?" Mione ask.
"Because I hated the guys all telling me how much I lOvE hARrY POtTeR" Raina says
"Don't let them get to you okay, you will relize at your own pace"
"Thanks Mione your really helpful" Raina says with sarcasum clearly in her voice.
"Just saying"
"Alright Girls lets get ready to parta!" Ginny says as she dances around the room. "Wait we neeeed music!!" Raina says happily as she goes over to her speaker connects her phone and starts play Burnin by Petit Biscuit.
"I love this song" Lav screams over the music. We all start dancing around the room listening to the song while getting ready. After I helped the girls do their hair I go over to my bed to grab my dress my mom picked out. As I pull it out of the box I hear shocked noises behind me. The girls hoverd over me and looking shoocked and wowed at the same time. "Oh my gosh!! RAINA THAT DRESSES IS BEAUTIFUL!!!" Pav says. "It looks like it was designed for you!" Mione says. "Well my mom is a fashion designer" I say as the girls look. "Well I knew that I just thought she would buy you a dress instead!" Lav says. "What a beautiful dress you have their Raina, are yku planning on wearing it tonight?" Luna says as she enters the room holding a makeup bag.
"Thank you Luna, yeah I am wearing it tonight" I say. About an hour or so later we are all ready I have my beautiful dress on. (If you are a visual reader like I am you can think of your dream dress or something:)) We all go don to the Gryffindor common room to see that everyone had already gone down to the dance excpet to trouble makers Fred and Geroge Weasley who were looking around for something. I pause wondering what their doing as the girls leave the common room the boys still haven't looked up. "What are you guys looking for?" I asked questioning why they are still in the commone room when they have dates down at the dance. "Angelina and Katie left their purses her and as the gentlemans we are we offerd to go and get them but forgot to ask where they were." Fred says still not looking up from the couch which he was searching through. "Why are you sti-" George says as he looks up and pauses mid sentence as he gazes at myself.  Fred looks at him puzzled til he looked over at me. "Wow Raino you look, just wow!" Fred says. "Thanks Fred. So I do look fine." I say as I wipe my dress looking down at it. "You look perfect Raino, Don't tell Katie this but you will probably be the most beautiful girl at that dance!" George exclaims. "Oh btw their purses are over their next to the window" I say slightly laughing  as I point next to the window. "Oh thank you!" George says.
"Hey since we are here would you like an escort down to the dance?" Fred asked. "Sure why not" I say slightly laughing again. "Reight this way mlady" George says as he bows. They both get on either side of me and hold out their arms as we walk down to where the yull ball is. As walk over to wear the stairs are I see all my friends and lots of other people at the bottom of the stairs trying to enter the dance. My friends are at the bottom of the stair talking about wear I was. Ang and Katie were also their. As we turn to walk down the stair all eyes are on me. My checks blusj red as J notice everyone staring at me. Everyone just stood there with shockness on their faces. (Main charcter vibes right there *Debbie Ryan Move*. I smiled the entire time writing this cause just imagine all eyes are on you with Fred AND Geroge leading you down the stairs. A life I wish I hadd!!) Harry starts to step forward to take my arm in his. As I was at the bottom of the stairs Fred and George both bowed to me.
"Have a wonderful time mlady" Fred starts. "Oh and Harry if you hurt our sister just so you know I will beat your ass" Geroge finishes.
"Got it" Harry says as he looks over at me. "Glad they didn't do that with me. I could never handle going down the stairs with those two, they would probably try to trip me anyway" Ginny says as she and Luna start to walk towards the door. "You look breath takingly beautiful Ray." Harry says still wowed. "Thank you Harold, you don't look so bad yourself." I say as I fix his suit and tie. "Shall we then." He says. " We shall." I say as we walk into the ball.
(Just to clairfy all the hate comments are about Raina not the beautiful godess in the photo. So please don't hate on me thinking I'm talking about her. Thank you👍)
h.j.potter posted

liked by enzoned, rain.lupinss and 5,983 others
tagged: @rain.lupinss
h.j.potter: Yule Ball with my favorite person❤️

rain.lupinss: Thank you Harold.❤️
\>> mione.grang: I love!!
\>> rain.lupinss: Thanks. I know my dress looks great!!
\>> mione.grang: 🤦🏻‍♀️

Notgeroge: You look amazing as always Raino!
\>> rain.lupinss: Thank you Fred! Thanks again for the escort. You too Geroge!
\>> notfred: Anytime!

Pansy.packerison: Ehh she looked ugly in the dress. Maybe next time give the dress to someone who could actually do the dress justice.
\>> enzoned: I swear Pansy if you mock my best friend again you will be the one to end up looking uglyier then you already do!
\>> blaiseiszanbini: Oh please Pansy like you could ever do the dress any "justice" you barely did your dress "justice". Wasn't that your moms dress she spilt coffee on anyways?
\>> Draco.malfoy: Pansy will you stop being a brat for once and deal with your own problems.
\>> Pansy.packerison: UGHHH!!

romilda.vane: Harry I really think I would have looked better with you them her! She looks like a pig in that dress. And what happend to her hair?! What is it 1984?! Ha!
\>> Theo.dott: Romilda aren't you are year younger! You didn't even go to the dance! And btw my best friend looks AMAMZING!! So kiss my ass bitch
\>> h.j.potter: If you make fun of my best friend I will block you bitch
\>> romilda.vane: Harry I know your joking. I am all ready for the dance and should be down their in 5 so you can wait for me there.
\>> deanisgay: He will NOT  be waiting for you there bitch. And by the way you can go fuck yourself for thinking for ONE moment
that my best friend is "ugly"🖕

brielle.willowen: Eww why does she look like that. I mean the guy could do so much better. Like so much better than that piece of shit.
\>> ronisking_weasley: What she said!

unknown.276: Eww what is this. She is so ugly and for what😂😂 The guy could do plenty better.
\>> seamusisgay: Oh please what could you pull a fucking trash can?!
\>> queen.gin: Oh please girl my best friend is beautiful!! And a godess!!

notfred: Raino if your reading this just ignore all those immature comments you are the definetion of perfect and I will always love you as my sister the way you are🤍🤍

notgeorge: Don't listen to them Raino. We love you the way you are ❤️

(Just to clairfy all the hate comments are about Raina not the beautiful godess in the photo. So please don't hate on me thinking I'm talking about her. Thank you👍)
                              Rainas Pov
"Why would people say such things about me" I say as I sat on the stairs outside the ball while people parted with Mione. "Idk Rains but you don't need to listen to them you are a beautiful godess and you have amazing friends who would give speeches of how beautiful you are." Mione says while playing with some of my hair. "I know, I know." I say while starting while laugh slightly to myself. " Trust me girl you don't need to listen to them their just jealous of you and how your so bea-" Miones sentence got cut off as someone from behind us came over. "Hi do you know where Harry Potter is. He should be meeting me right here." It was Romilda Vane. " What?!" I say as I turn around and stand up. Romilda takes a step back as she notice who she was talking to. "Well if it isn't the Raina Lupin. I want to know where Harry is. He is here isn't her?" She said. "No! He is in the dance bitch!" I start to raise my voice at her for thinking Harry is actually intrested in her. "Oh thanks for the drections" She says as she walks into the dance. Everyone is already at the front partying to the music playing. I get up and walk into the dance after her. Once I reach her I spin her around. "Harry isn't intrested! I though he already made that clear on my Instagram account!" I say. "No he is just to scared to leave you becasue your his "friend" and he doesn't want to hurt you. Like who in the world would want to date you?! And your friends are only still around because of Pity. Like if you didn't have them you would have no one. You are literally bringing your friend group down and I really think they would be better off without you. Oh and don't forget nobody here even likes you because you are just so talkitive!" She finsihes off. I stare at her with prue angery ready to burst out. "Well whats her name, looney, luney, something with that is a bigger loser than you so I guess you too would still be friends." Romilda finally stops to look around to see if anyones watching real quick then back at me smiling as if she'd done something. I look Romilda straight in the face. " You can talk shit about me all you want, but you will never talk bad about my friends to me! Not every!!!" I yell in her face. I walk over to her and smack her in the face. She takes a couple steps back still holding her face from where I slapped her "And if you think twice about bullying or taunting my friends I will bury you 6 feet deep bitch!!!" I yell, I walk over to the drink table, grab a drink, go back over to Romilda and dump the red drink all over Romilda's light purple dress. "And you can now fuck off " I say as I smile at her drop the cup on the ground and walk away.  "Omg I can't believe you did that!" Mione says as she walks over to me from where she was standing behind the door. "I watched the whole thing! You are awesome!" "Thanks Mione, I was just so tired of that bitch, I can take Pansy, like shes just plain mean and it's easy to ignore her, but with Romilda she thinks shes needs to have it all and hopefully today I taught her to never mess with me or my friends again." I say. "Hello ladies, where were you guys we have been looking for you for like 30 minutes!" Dean says behind Mione. We both turn around to see Dean and Seamus there holding each others hands. "Heyyyyy!! I knew you to lOvEd each other!" I say once I see them holding hands. "Yeah, yeah so you were right, I just didn't believe you because your never right!" Seamus says shaking his other hand at me. "What! I am not NEVER right, I am also right when it comes to Love!!" "Sureeeee, what about little Mindy and Tody over there, you see them, sitting on the bench looking away from on another." Dean says "What are you talking about they look totally in love." They were in fact NOT in love. "Uhh Rains I don't think were seeing the same thing." Mione says "Yes we are!" I say. "Nevermind the group is looking for you guys, so lets goooo!" Seamus says
"Alright alright, Time to partaaa!!" I say
Mine.grang posted

liked by rain.lupinss, ronisking_weasley, and 8,853 others
Tagged: @rain.lupinss
mione.grang: Had a blast at the yule ball with the baddest bitch I know!! Love you more than words could describe Rains!!❤️

rain.lupinss: Love you to Mione❤️❤️
\>> h.j.potter: So do I not get an I love you?
\>> rain.lupinss: Maybe in your dreams
\>> h.j.potter: I'll take it!

enzone: My picture taking skills are the best💪 Not to flex ofc!
\>> rain.lupinss: Oh no we wouldn't want that :(
\>> enzone: Yeah, my skills are to good, but never to good to take a picture of my favorite girls🙄
\>> mione.grang: Ofc we are to awesome🙄
\>> rain.lupinss: 😂
rain.lupinss posted

liked by h.j.potter, nev.longass, and  6,862 other
tagged: @ronisking_weasley, @mione.grang
rain.lupinss: Is my ship finally sailing?!👀🚢

mione.grang: No.
ronisking_weasley: Wait I didn't know we were taking pictures! You should have told me and I would've turned around :(
\>> rain.lupinss: Fine wanna take a picture now? With your good side this time
\>> ronisking_weasley: Sure :)
ronisking_weasley posted

liked by rain.lupinss, theo.dott, and 5,972 others
tagged: @mione.grang, @rain.lupinss
ronisking_weasley: Yule ball with these beautiful weridos 🙄

rain.lupinss: We are queens for a reason😌
\>> queen.gin: coming from the queen herself you definetly are queens!😊
\>> mione.grang: Thanks Ginny!!

h.j.potter: beautiful as ever!!
\>> rain.lupinss: Thanks Harold❤️
\>> mione.grang: RED HEART!! I SEE IT!!
\>> rain.lupinss: Oh jezz not this again🤦🏻‍♀️
luna.loves posted

liked by queen.gin, seamusisgay, and 3,972 others
tagged: @queen.gin
luna.loves: Had a blast with you Ginny! Thanks for asking me🤍

queen.gin: Anytime luv🤍
\>> rain.lupinss: SHIPPP!!!
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