Serena Slander Special!

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Flittle: Hello, everyone!

Flittle: Welcome to the Serena Slander Special!

Switchy: Isn't it pretty much every chapter a Serena Slander Special?

Flittle: ...

Flittle: Anyway, I've kind of had to leave another few dares for the next chapter since... a certain someone requested way too many dares...

Doritogod33: Was it me?

Flittle: Yes...

Flittle: Also, before we start! *Throws Dawnnie into cloning (now fusion) machine*

Dawn and Bonnie: FREEDOM!!!

Dawn: *Kisses Chloe*

Bonnie: *Rubs out random ships she made canon*

Flittle: That's better, now let's begin!

Switchy: Me first since you kept behind my dares last time!

Flittle: Yeah, sorry about that. You posted your dares after the cut-off time of them to enter the next chapter, and my next one's were already finished or near it

Switchy: It's fine!

Switchy: First dare, everyone has to do a vote to see if I can become a Petilil for five chapters

Switchy: 💭I hope no one agrees to this...💭

Flittle: Okay, let's do a vote! Put your hand off if you want Switchy to turn into a Petilil for five chapters

Flittle, Prince_of_Simps, gamerlillian13, and everyone else: *Puts hand up*


Switchy: And why are a few of them specified?

Flittle: It would have happened anyway. Also, you were arguing with me and my friends in our Anti-Serena comments!

Switchy: That's because I love her-

Switchy: 💭Oh shoot...*

Fennekin Serena: Fenne fen! (Makes sense!)

Flittle: *Turns Switchy into a Petilil*

Petilil Switchy: Petil til! (Dang it!)

Petilil Switchy: Pet pet petil! (At least I can be with Serena now!)

Flittle: It's the end of Fennekin Serena now!

Fennekin Serena: Fenne? (Really?)

Petilil Switchy: PETILIL?! (WHAT?!)

Flittle: She was only supposed to last four chapters. This is the fourth chapter since then!

Flittle: *Turns Serena into human form*

Serena: FREEDOM!!! *Kisses May*

May: 😊

Bonnie: Ship?

Flittle: Any ship on that list is subject to change based on dares anyway, so sure

Bonnie: *Scribbles down Crimsonvelvetshipping*

Petilil Switchy: Petilil pet lil? (But what about me?)

Serena: I'm not a poképhile

Petilil Switchy: 😭

Flittle: It does say in the dare, though, that you have to take care of Switchy, so you do need to stay with him

Serena: Fine 😒

Flittle: And the next dare from Switchy is... Dot has to speedrun Minecraft!

Dot: I'm great at that!

[Ad Break]

[Ad break over]

Dot: Done it!

Liko: You were amazing!

Dot: Thanks! 😊

gamerlillian13: OKAY, EVERYONE HOLD UP!!!

Flittle: What is it?

gamerlillian13: You still haven't done my dare yet!

Flittle: Oh yeah...

Lillie: What is it?

Flittle: I have to make Serena nice for 2-6 chapters...

Flittle: *Spins number wheel* Shoot!

gamerlillian13: What did you get?

Flittle: Five... *Makes Serena nice*

Serena: Thank you!

Flittle: 💭I'm going to hate every second of this...💭

Flittle: Who is next?

Prince_of_Simps: Me!

Prince_of_Simps: You have to turn me into a Feraligatr, and then I fight Serena

Flittle: This will be enjoyable! *Turns Prince_of_Simps into a Feraligatr and gets out popcorn*

Serena: B-but I'm n-nice now!

Feraligatr Prince_of_Simps: Fera ferali? (Did I ask?)

Feraligatr Prince_of_Simps: *Flings Serena out of the window with tail*

Flittle: *Puts on black and white t-shirt with whistle* And the winner is Amisexual!!!

Prince_of_Simps: *Turns back into human form* Next dare, Misty vs. Brock wrestling match!

Flittle: Let's do this! *Makes Prince_of_Simps a judge too and snaps fingers for Brick to fall from the sky*

Brock: *Lands in boxing ring* What's going on?

Misty: *Puts on boxing gloves* Oh, I am so going to enjoy this!

Flittle and Prince_of_Simps: Three, two, one, fight! *blows whistle*

[Ad break, brought to you by Doritogod33]

[Ad break over]

Flittle: And the winner is... Misty! (Sends Brock back to the distortion world)

Prince_of_Simps: Next, let us have a picnic!*Brings out picnic basket*

Flittle: *Teleports everyone to a beautiful, peaceful garden*

Everyone: *Eating pastries and chocolates while chatting amongst themselves*

Flittle: *Whispers to Prince_of_Simps* This is peaceful, a little too peaceful...

Prince_of_Simps: *Whispers to Flittle and hands over a photo of Ash and Goh* Give this to Serena, that will start chaos

Flittle: *Giggles and then hands it to Serena* A present for you!

Serena: *Flips it over and realises* You little b-

Flittle: *Teleports her to the dungeon and everyone else back*

Doritogod33: Hello!

Flittle: Hello...

Doritogod33: *Gives Bonnie coffee*


Bonnie Cipher: *Now possessed by Bill Cipher* This party never stops! Time is dead, and meaning has no meaning! Existence is upside-down, and I reign supreme!

Bonnie Cipher: *Fills the studio with weird creatures that wreck the fourth walls*

Caterpie: Cater?


Flittle: *Throws Bonnie Cipher into the fusion machine*


Bill Cipher: Remember! Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, bye!!! *Teleports to the distortion world*

Chocopede: I'll help our later with fixing those fourth walls!

Flittle: Okay

Doritogod33: I dare Liko and Dot to speak Spanish for the rest of the chapter!

Flittle: *Makes Liko and Dot fluent in Spanish*

Liko: ¿Qué está sucediendo?

Dot: ¡No recuerdo cómo hablar inglés!

Liko and Dot: ...

Liko: ¡Te amo Dot! 😘

Dot: ¡Te amo aún más, Liko! 😘

Guruminshipping: *besos*

Flittle: ¡Adorable!

Doritogod33: I dare Misty, May and Dawn to do the distraction dance!

Dawn: And what if we don't?!

Doritogod33: *Pulls out Carvanha gun*

Misty, May and Dawn: *Do the distraction dance*

Everyone else: *Starts doing the distraction dance*

Misty: *Snatches the Carvanha gun from Doritogod33 and throws it out of the window*

Doritogod33: You now have to make a disstrack for bug types!

Misty: *Starts rapping to Stay Buggin' by Flint 4K*

Caterpie: 😭

Doritogod33: Nice! 😎

Chocopede: I'm ready to help fix the walls now!

Flittle: With a dare?

Chocopede: Yes!

Flittle: Go for it!

Chocopede: One of the pokégirls has to rebuild the fourth wall, but Firstfriendshipping gets to choose!

Flittle: Nice! *Snaps fingers and Firstfriendshipping drops from the sky*

Firstfriendshipping: Hello everyone!

Everyone: Hello Ash and Goh!

Flittle: Who would you like to rebuild the fourth wall?

Goh: You know the pokégirls better than me Ash, you can choose!

Ash: Let's go with... SERENA!

Flittle: Okay, let me just bring her back! *Teleports down to the dungeon and throws Serena back to the others before teleporting back*

Serena: Why am I back up here?

Firstfriendshipping: You have to rebuild the fourth wall!

Serena: Fine 😒

Serena: *Starts rebuilding fourth wall*

Flittle: *Whispers to Lillie* Could you help break the fourth wall?

Lillie: *Whispers back* Sure!


Fourth wall: *Starts to break again*

Serena: *Barely balancing on her ladder* WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!


Ladder: *Collapses*

Serena: *Falls on her face*

Mostly everyone: lol

Petilil Switchy: PEEEEEEEEE!!! (NOOOOOOOOO!!!)

Everyone, even Serena: lol

gamerlillian13: I have some more dares!

Petili Switchy: Pe pet pe, petil petilil! (Go for it, Flittle's girlfriend!)

Flittle and gamerlillian13: What?

Petilil Switchy: Petilil... (Nothing...)

gamerlillian13: Anyway, Switchy has to punch T. Boy for revenge!

Petilil Switchy: Petil til lil! (I don't have hands)

Flittle: *Gives Petilil Switchy hands*

Petili Switchy: *Punches T. Boy*

gamerlillian13: Next, Prince_of_Simps has to kiss Misty!

Prince_of_Simps: Sure! *kisses Misty*

Misty: O-oh w-wow! 😳

Flittle: Next da-

Itx-loz-reads: *Starts playing New Bugatti in the background*


Car: *Breaks through fourth wall and hits Serena, sending her smashing through the opposite wall*

Everyone: 😶

Flittle: N-next dare?

Itx-loz-reads: Truth actually!

Itx-loz-reads: Bonnie, what is your favourite ships Ash and his friends?

Bonnie: Flittle has given me a very biased mind so I'll basically be reading out her favourite ships for each character!

Itx-loz-reads: That's fine!

Bonnie: Luckily she made a list recently so here we go...

Bonnie: Ash x Goh

Firstfriendshipping: YES!!!

Bonnie: Misty x Melody

Misty: I HATE HER!!!

Flittle: Enemies to lovers~

Bonnie: But also Misty x Casey

Misty: Fair enough...

Bonnie: Brock x Lucy

Brock: *In the distortion world* I miss her...

Bonnie: May x Drew

May: 💭I miss him...💭

Bonnie: But also May x Serena

Crimsonvelvetshipping: 😳

Bonnie: Max with no one since he is too young, Dawn x Chloe

Moonlightblossomshipping: Yay!!!

Bonnie: Iris x Georgia

Iris: I HATE HER!!!

Flittle: Enemies to lovers~

Bonnie: Cilan x Burgandy

Cilan: *In distortion world* 💭Despite how much she hates me, I miss her...💭

Bonnie: Serena x Lisia

Serena: I miss her...

Bonnie: Clemont x Lillia

Clemont: *In distortion world* 💭Oh yeah, I forgot she existed!💭

Bonnie: Despite headcanoning me as a straight ally, Flittle occasionally ships me with Mimo...

Bonnie: Lillie x Mallow x Lana

Bluedandelionshipping: YAY!!!

Bonnie: Kiawe x either Acerola or Gladion

Kiawe: *In distortion world* 💭I mean, I do swing either way!💭

Bonnie: Flittle headcanons Sophocleus as aroace, Goh and Chloe's ships have already been listed...

Bonnie: Oh right, also Gary x Horace!

Bonnie: And Liko x Dot, Roy with either Ann or no one, Mollie x Orla, Friede currently with no one, Murdock x Mitchell, and Ludlow with no one!

Guruminshipping: ¡¡¡Sí!!! *besos*

Itx-loz-reads: Nice ships!

Flittle and Bonnie: Thank you!

Itx-loz-reads: In celebration, invite the Alola gang, the Rising Voltacklers, and let Mallow and Cilan make a buffet for everyone!

Flittle: *Summons everyone listed*

Mallow and Cilan: *Make food*

Everyone: *Eats food*

Flittle: *Send everyone listed before back to the distortion world* Next?

T. Boy: Serena meets Admire To Kill Serena

Flittle: O-okay *respawns Serena*

Flittle: *Snaps fingers and Admire To Kill Serena falls from the sky*

Serena and Ash: 💭Shoot-💭

Admire To Kill Serena: Hello Serena, it looks like you're in the way of me getting Ash! *Throws Serena out of the window*

Admire To Kill Serena: Hello Ash!


Flittle: On it! *Sprays Max Repel on Ash*

Flittle: *Respawns Serena* Ash, Corporate needs you to find the differences between this Serena and this Serena

Ash: They're the same person

Serena: NOT ANYMORE!!!

Goh: lol

T. Boy: Next, Serena has to yeet Iris into a pool of ice and fairy types!


Serena: Sorry lol, it's time to end the Serena Slander! *Yeets Iris*

Iris: *Surrounded by ice and fairy types* NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

T. Boy: Next, Dawn, you know what you need to do!

Dawn: On it!

May: What's going on?

Dawn: Hello April!

May: Who?

Dawn: March!

May: What?

Dawn: January!

May: Why?

Dawn: February!

May: T. Boy?

T. Boy: Yes June?

Dawn: No, her name is July!

T. Boy: It's actually August!

May: No it isn't!

Dawn: September!

T. Boy October!

Dawn: November...

Dawn: I'm just kidding, your real name is...

Flittle and T. Boy: *Drumrolls*

May: 🥺




Doritogod33: My next dare is-

Flittle: And we have to cut this chapter short!

Flittle: Anyway, thanks for reading, please send some truths and dares in the comment to keep this going, make sure you have eaten today, make sure you have drank today

Flittle: And most importantly, stay safe!

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