Poems - 54.

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(A/N I didn't know whether to put Adria's outfit on this chapter or the next, but oh well I put it on this one anyway!)

Chapter 54

Adria's hand reached for the quilt covering her, lifting it over her head as another groan bubbled from her lips, she was frowning as she curled into a ball and the faint sound of Lily was heard in the background as she shrieked, "Adria!" once again.

"Adria Belle Hopkins, it is two in the afternoon, now get up!" Lily's voice boomed as she forcefully pulled the quilt from Adria who once again whined as she turned furiously to look at Lily, clasping her hand over her mouth when she saw the towel wrapped around her head, and half a face of make up done.

"I don't want to get up!" she whined, shaking her head furiously whilst the girls scoffed, she looked around her room, seeing clothes sprawled around the floor and the girls makeup messily sat atop their beds.

"Adria, you need to get dressed," Marlene giggled, a towel concealing her hair and one wrapped around her body as she stepped into the room from the bathroom.

"It's two in the afternoon!" Adria exclaimed, "we have five hours!"

"Yes, but you need to shower, get your hair and makeup done, get your dress on and woo Sirius in all of those five hours!" Mary exclaimed, her hands flailing around frantically that she almost whacked Dorcas in the face.

"You're all going to be sitting here, two hours before we have to leave all sulking because you got ready too quickly!" Adria huffed, grabbing her book that she was reading and making her way out the dormitory.

"Mrs Black!" James exclaimed from the common room sofa when he saw her descending the stairs, she rolled her eyes as she made her way over to the boys, sitting atop of Sirius' lap who smirked when he greeted her.

"Don't you look lovely," James teased, seeing the strands of her hair sticking up in all directions which Sirius patted down for her.

"I just woke up," She grumbled, "Curtesy of Lily."

"Poor you," Remus pouted teasingly, earning a glare thrown his way as she leaned her head on Sirius' shoulder.

"It is poor me, they're all getting ready for the ball, they have five hours!" she exclaimed, "four of which I could be sleeping!"

"Why did you sleep in so late anyway?" Sirius asked, tilting his head as she shrugged, a sheepish smile adorned on her lips as her cheeks heated red.

"I was reading," she mumbled, earning a scoff from Sirius who nodded his head.

"I should've known," he rolled his eyes, earning a push as she scowled.

"We were talking about operation A, and we think we should wait until summer seeing as we'll all have plenty of time to do it," James said, clasping his hands together as he kicked his legs onto the table in front of him.

"What about Remus?" Adria frowned, "couldn't we do it during janurary, there's no quidditch, there's only classes but we could cope?"

"I suppose we could," Sirius nodded, his hand running through Adria's hair as he spoke, "but if we are even remotely suspicious, especially in McGonagall's class then we'd get caught, and we really can't risk it."

"He's right, Ads," Remus smiled reassuringly, reaching over to take her hand, "you guys shouldn't be doing it in the first place, and the fact that you are is more than enough to help me, no matter when you do it, it'll be safer and far less risky if you do it during summer."

"I suppose," Adria sighed, nodding slightly, "I just wish you didn't need to do it alone anymore, y'know?"

"Yeah, I know Ads," Remus smiled, nodding his head, "but I can cope, I've coped most of my life!" he laughed, attempting to reassure her but her frown only deepened.

The five of them talked for what seemed like hours about random things that made them laugh, and about what they could do at summer, "I forgot to tell you guys something," Adria said, her hand tracing Sirius'.

"What?" Peter asked, sitting near the fire to heat himself up after he complained that he was cold.

"I'm moving to London," she sighed, a small smile on her lips as Sirius' eyes widenend.

"What? Ads, why didn't you tell me?!" he exclaimed, his lips parted as Adria turned to look at him, shrugging slightly.

"I didn't think it was a big deal," she chuckled, "my parents only told me on boxing day, and then it just slipped my mind, I'm not sure why. My mum said it'll be much easier for them because it means getting me and Alina from king's cross will be so much easier!"

"Ads, my parents, my family, they live in London," Sirius spoke, his arms wrapping tightly around Adria, "my house is lie twenty minutes from kings cross!"

"You could come stay at mine during summer!" Adria gasped, suddenly much more excited about moving than before, "it would be so fun!"

"I could?" Sirius asked, his head titling as Adria nodded her head furiously.

"Of course you could, and you could give me a tour of london and we could see each other all the time, and you all can come visit!" she grinned, tightening her grip around Sirius who laughed softly.

"Anyway," Sirius chuckled, his hand moving to caress her cheek, "why?"

"Why are we moving?" she confirmed, earning a small nod, "well my dad got a really great promotion, only it's in London, so I guess moving there is the only option. Alfie isn't too keen but he'll come around, and it's beneficial because our house is bigger."

"How is that beneficial?" asked James, raising his eyebrow.

"Oh, because my mum's pregnant," she laughed slightly, looking at the shocked faces of her friends.

"What?!" Sirius exclaimed, "I didn't even know, I was talking to your parents for ages at the platform!"

"I know," she giggled, "but she's around eight weeks pregnant, so it'll be a while."

"Aww just imagine you two, Mr and Mrs Black looking after little baby Hopkins like a glimpse into your future!" James teased, earning a pillow to his head from Adria.

"Adria, are you finally coming to get dressed or what?!" Mary shouted from the stairs, shielding herself from the people scattered around the common room as she called for Adria.

"I guess that's my que to go," Adria chuckled, planting a kiss on Sirius' lips and lingering a moment longer until James started to protest, "see you tonight!" she sang, pushing herself up and bidding the boys a goodbye.

"It looks like I hadn't even gone away!" Adria exclaimed, seeing the girls still half-dressed and still frantically rushing around the messy dormitory, "now which one of you is doing my makeup because I'm completely clueless!"

"Me, I'm doing it!" Mary grinned, waving her hand from her bed where she sat in a dressing gown, "but first you have to shower!"

"I can do that!" Adria giggled, grabbing a towel on her way to the bathroom and slipping inside. It took her all of fifteen minutes to do what she needed to do, and once she was out she wrapped the towel around her and grabbed another one for her hair that was wet down her back.

"Okay showers done," Adria grinned, sitting in front of Mary who was rather excited with a face full of makeup herself, "so natural, or?"

"Natural," Adria nodded, smiling slightly as Mary ordered her to close her eyes and soon after, Adria could feel something brushing her face.

"Ads, can I do your hair?" Dorcas asked from across the room, putting the finishing touches on her hair which curled down her back, although, Adria couldn't see this and Mary had a firm grip on her face to keep her still.

"Sure, Dory," Adria giggled, earning a loud groan from Dorcas who threw her head back.

"Dory, really?" she sighed, shaking her head as she brought out her makeup, pushing her hair behind her ears to work on her face.

Adria stayed as still as she could, and after what felt like a lifetime, Mary finally announced that she was done. Keeping a grip of the towel wrapped around herself, she thanked Mary and proceeded to walk to the mirror the girls used in her room.

"You look great, Ads!" Lily grinned, fixing her hair so that it was half up in a small clip whilst most of it fell down her back, Adria's eyes swept over Lily with a wide grin.

"So do you, Lils," Adria nodded, sitting back down on her bed so that Dorcas could get started on her hair.

"Your hair is curly, and I love it," Dorcas commented whilst Adria let out a giggle, allowing Dorcas to pull at her hair and clip it in places until it was finally done.

"Wait, let me add something!" Lily gasped, grabbing her wand off of her bedside table, and pointing it at Adria's head.

"Lily I love you, but-" Lily cut her off as she muttered the incantation, and Adria didn't feel at all different as a soft light emitted from the end of Lily's wand.

"Oh my god Lils, it's perfect!" Dorcas squealed, ushering Adria in the direction of the mirror. She turned slightly at her reflection, attempting to look at the back of her hair that was clipped up at the back, falling down just a little past her shoulders whilst loose strands fell in front of her face perfectly, she laughed softly when she saw small flowers trailing down her hair curtesy of Lily.

"Thank you, Dory." Adria moved to squeezing Dorcas' shoulder who merely waved her off, "and thank you, Lils, for the flowers."

"No problem, now I think it's time to put our dresses on," Lily grinned, clapping her hands excitedly, and rushing to hand Adria her box with her dress and accessories in it. Adria nodded as she moved to her bedside table where the necklace that Sirius gave her sat safely, and with much struggle, managed to clip it around her neck.

"Your turn, Ads," Marlene grinned, gesturing to the bathroom that she had just walked out of, her red dress falling around her feet which where hidden under the fabric, she looked like a model, in Adria's eyes and she grinned as she complimented her.

"Marlene you look absolutely stunning!" Adria grinned, seeing as Marlene flipped her hair behind her back.

"Thanks, Addy," Marlene giggled, ushering Adria into the bathroom who went without protest.

Her dress was as beautiful as always, and she felt like a princess just looking at it. The dress fit her perfectly, and she zipped it up with a little struggle, and let it flow to the ground effortlessly, she clipped in her earrings that her parents got her and slipped her wrist into the bracelet.

She allowed her small smile to widen as she looked into the mirror the bathroom had to offer, seeing only the top of the dress, she looked down to see how much it flowed. It was much more like a ball gown, but it wasn't poofy, nor was it wide, it fell to the ground in layers, and flowed out beautifully as she walked. She placed her pyjamas inside the box so she would remember where they where and slipped back into the dormitory so that Dorcas could slip into her dress.

"Oh my god, Adria!" Mary gasped, her hand clasped over her mouth whilst Adria burst into giggles, twirling in her dress for her friends who cheered for her, just like they done for Marlene.

"You look so beautiful, Adria," Lily whispered, throwing her arms around her in a hug.

"Oh Merlin, we are all so soppy!" Adria exclaimed, walking over to her bed. As much as she wanted to wear heels like her friends where, her dress hid her feet which made it perfectly safe to slip into the converse her parents got her last Christmas. The last time she wore heels, she managed to fall on her face and she was only wearing them around the house with Alina. So to spare herself, and Sirius, the embarrassment, she thought maybe the trainers where an easier, and better idea.

She watched from her bed, seeing girls of years above her giggling with their friends as they rushed down the stairs, all dolled up and pretty as they giggled. She pushed herself over to the door, peaking out so that she could see into the common room where boys stood nervously waiting for their dates. Her eyes caught sight of Sirius, who cleaned up nicely in a muggle suit rather than traditional dress robes, and she let a small smile fall onto her face as she made sure to keep herself hidden from view.

"Dorcas, you look great!" Marlene squealed as Dorcas exited the bathroom, and Adria turned to admire her friend whose pale blue dress floated effortlessly to the ground.

"You really do, Dorcas," Adria smiled, her hands clasped together as she waited for all of her friends. Lily had already changed into her dress so that they didn't need to wait much longer for everyone, and compliments where thrown her way from all her friends.

All that was left was Mary, who exited the bathroom a moment later in her dress similar to Marlene's but rather a royal blue colour that complimented her well, "model material!" Adria teased, throwing her arm around the taller girl who rolled her eyes.

"Why thank you," Mary bowed, giggling slightly, "personally, seeing as our dates aren't in Gryffindor, I think we should leave first and let Adria and Dorcas follow behind."

"I think that's a wonderful idea, Mary," Lily nodded with a small smile playing her lips and linked arms with Mary and Marlene before gesturing for Adria and Dorcas to wait.

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