Poems - 30.

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Chapter 30

Adria's summer was far too uneventful for her liking, she felt as though there was only two days that she enjoyed and the first was when Sirius and James visited, but other than that she rarely done anything. She was, however, grounded for a day when her parents found out that she hid from her cousins, but she was let off the hook as soon as they went home.

The second day was during summer just a week after her day out with Sirius and James, when the mail arrived and an envelope addressed to Alina arrived, from Hogwarts telling her that she would be joining the school for the new year, this year.

It was safe to say that both Alina and Adria where ecstatic to hear the news.

Currently, she was standing at Kings Cross Station with Alina about to board the train back to Hogwarts and she couldn't be happier, she loved her family but she loved Hogwarts and she knew that she would be much more entertained with her friends during the school year rather than bored in her room.

She had said her goodbyes to her parents and her family which was longer than expected when her parents wouldn't let go of both her and Alina, squeezing them tightly muttering about how Alina better not grow up as fast as Adria did, but well, Adria couldn't really help that she had grown up.

"Right Allie," Adria smiled softly, crouching down to her height, "the worst thing I done in first year was keep to myself and not talk to people, okay? I don't want you to be as lonely as I was, I don't want your only friend at Hogwarts to be me, so I think you should go off on your own, and try and find friends now, unless you want to stay with me, that's completely fine."

"No," Alina shook her head, a wide grin on her lips as she eyed the train, "I want to go on my own, I think I'll make friends."

"I think you will too," Adria whispered, a wide smile on her lips as she hugged Alina tightly, "I'll not be able to see you before the sorting, but I'll be proud of you whichever house you get into."

"And three out of four houses I have friends in, so I'm sure they'll keep an eye out for you just like I will." Adria reassured her, squeezing her shoulder comfortingly.

"I think I'll be okay, Addy," Alina giggled, "but I'll see you tonight anyway, after the sorting, right?"

"Yes, of course," Adria nodded, "I'll make sure to find you, you're gonna love it Allie."

"I'll see you later, Adria," Alina whispered, throwing her arms around her older sister in a tight hug before rushing onto the train.

Adria was left alone on the platform, standing up from her crouched position she looked around the platform for anyone of her friends, "Adria!" she turned at the familiar voice of Remus, a wide grin on her lips as she threw her arms around him in a hug once he approached, grinning just like she was.

"Remus!" she laughed, a wide smile on her lips as she looked at him, "are you taller, I think you're taller?"

"Is that even possible?" he asked, raising an eyebrow to which she shrugged, "I like your hair." He complimented, noticing her hair loosely braided down her back instead of messily around her.

"Thanks!" she grinned, "I didn't know what else to do with it, it's getting too long!"

"No way!" he joked, earning a gentle push as they attempted to slip through the crowded station, of course proving difficult with Remus lanky long legs, a nickname Adria had just thought of.

"You're not really going to call me that, are you?" asked Remus when Adria projected her thoughts of the nickname, "it's a rather long nickname, don't you think?"

"Not as long as your legs," she smirked, earning a scowl whilst she merely grinned innocently.

"Adria!" she looked up at the sight of Milo and Finn, pushing their way through the crowd to greet her with a hug each, "did you have a nice summer?"

"It was okay, I suppose, I was bored for most of it," she shrugged, "and you?"

"Well I spent most of it at Finn's house so it was fun," Milo grinned, "us muggleborn's are missing out, Ads, magic at home is so much more practical!"

"Oh, I'd love that!" Adria laughed, noticing that both Milo and Finn had grown in height just like Remus had, "I feel like I'm the only one not growing." She pouted, earning laughs from her three friends as they made it onto the train.

"I'll find you two later, I'm going to wait to see the boys," Adria smiled, waving as Finn and Milo nodded and proceeded to make their way down the train.

"So, I heard of your little day out with Sirius and James," Remus spoke as they entered the boys usual compartment.

"Oh yes," Adria nodded, "it was the only bloody good day of summer I had, well apart from Alina receiving her Hogwarts letter!"

"That's great!" Remus beamed, "is she happy?"


"Also, heard about your cousins," he smirked, earning a groan from Adria even though she was rather amused by their creepy ways, "it was a bit odd hearing that they wouldn't let go of James and Sirius, especially when there was no explanation to go with it."

"There isn't any!" Adria exclaimed, "they're bloody creeps, I think they fancied them or something."

"Who fancied who?" asked James as he and Sirius made their way into the compartment, smiles on their faces as they hugged Adria.

"My cousins fancying you two," Adria laughed, watching as they both cringed at the thought of Madison and Kayla.

"No offence, Ads, but I'm never going to your house again if they're there," James said, taking the seat across from her whilst Sirius sat beside her.

"None taken," Adria spoke, "completely understandable."

"Hey Peter," Remus said as the smaller of the boys entered the compartment, a small smile on his face as he greeted his friends.

"I was thinking about that book," Sirius muttered to her, "about Animagus."

"Oh, I could give you the book if you want, it actually belongs to the library," Adria said, turning to look at him as he looked at her.

"No, it's okay," he laughed, "but I think maybe we could become Animagus, me and James where talking about it."

"Sirius, what?" she asked, her eyes widening, "do you know how hard it is to become animagus?!"

"But you said yourself that it's doable!" Sirius replied.

"Yes, but," Adria was lost for words, she did in fact say that and she hated that she wasn't completely opposed to the idea, "I don't -"

"Adria, think about it," Sirius muttered quietly, "humans in their animagus form are safe around werewolves, we could keep Remus company so he isn't trapped in the shrieking shack all night."

He had a point, as annoying as it was, he was right. They could help Remus, he wouldn't be so angry as a werewolf if he had company, which meant he wouldn't hurt himself so much, "I hate when you're right." She grumbled.

She saw him smile from the corner of her eye, "we were going to do it whether you wanted to or not, but I figured seeing as you wanted to know what your animal would be, that we would include you."

"I'm assuming that we are going to be unregistered," Adria muttered, "do you know how dangerous that is, if we got caught-"

"We won't get caught," he mumbled, eyeing Remus who was too busy reading a book to notice that they were talking.

"I'm also assuming by your mumbling that Remus doesn't know," Adria whispered, turning to look at Remus.

"Your assumption is right," Sirius nodded, "we also haven't told Pete but I'm sure he'll be cool with it."

"This is crazy, you know that?"

"Course I do, Ads," Sirius grinned, "but you love it."

"I wouldn't go that far," Adria scoffed, earning a look from Sirius whilst she smiled innocently.


"So you just ran?" asked Marlene as they made their way to the carriages that moved themselves.

"Yes!" Adria laughed, "they're so weird, honestly, they had death grips on James and Sirius, and they were really annoying me, so the three of us just decided to run!"

"Where you jealous that wittle Madison got to hold Sirius' hand," Mary teased as she climbed into the carriage, Adria scowled at her when she got in, sitting across from her.

"Oh, shut up, Mary," Adria huffed, "I was not jealous, and she was holding his arm!"

"You would know," Dorcas giggled, whilst Lily shook her head at her friend's antics.

"Yeah you were probably burning holes into Madison's hands when you saw what she was doing," Marlene laughed, Adria pouted at her friends teasing, hiding the blush that crept onto her face.

"You're all dead to me," she muttered, "expect you, Lils."

"Thank you!" Lily exclaimed, "and besides, she doesn't need to be jealous of Madison because Sirius would never even look at her when Adria's in the room." Adria groaned as the other three giggled.

"I take it back, you're dead to me too," she huffed, pulling out her notebook and hiding behind it.

"We're only teasing, Ads," Mary giggled, "why are you getting all defensive, is it true?"

"Shut up," she groaned, hiding behind her hands and pulling her knees up to rest her head on.

"She's not denying it!" Marlene squealed, "do you like Sirius?"

"No," Adria muttered, although she wasn't entirely sure if that was true or not, "I don't know."

"This is exciting!" Dorcas gasped, "what do you mean you don't know?"

"Well, I just-" Adria sighed when she couldn't think of the proper words to say, "I've never liked anyone before, like that, I mean, so I just don't know."

"That's okay, Ads," Lily smiled, patting her friends shoulder reassuringly, "it just means our teasing is gonna get a whole lot worse."

"Oh no," Adria groaned, shaking her head furiously, "I didn't say I like him!"

"You said you don't know, Ads, and besides, I'm certain that Sirius likes you too," Marlene laughed.

"Well I'm positive that he doesn't," Adria shrugged, "there's plenty of girls at Hogwarts who I know bloody fancy him, so he'd rather have one of them."

"Ads, he doesn't even notice anyone else when you're with him!" Lily exclaimed, "I wasn't kidding with what I said about Madison."

"That's not true," Adria whispered, "and anyway, I'm not even sure that I like him, I just think I do."

"What's the different?" Dorcas laughed, shaking her head slightly at her friend's doubt.

"I don't really know."

A grin spread across Adria's lips when they arrived at the great hall, the large crowd of students parting to their respective tables, whilst Adria and her friends made their way down the Gryffindor table, stopping in the middle to take a seat, "make sure to keep a secret for Sirius," Mary joked, winking at Adria who glared at her.

"I will end your life Mary MacDonald." She huffed, unaware that Sirius had actually sat down beside her, which resulted in her friends erupting into a fit of giggles.

"What's up with them?" he asked, his eyebrows furrowed that he wasn't in on any joke.

"Nothing, they're just idiots," Adria scoffed, "that are about to be killed!"

"No one's killing anyone, Ads," Remus scoffed as he took a seat at the opposite side of the table.

"Not yet," she growled, kicking Lily under the table who let out a yelp whilst glaring at Adria who grinned in satisfaction.

Adria turned her attention to the doors of the great hall that reopened, showing the fascinated looks of first years who trailed after McGonagall, including Alina who had a wide grin on her lips and her eyes wide with happiness. She spotted Adria, waving furiously whilst Adria gave her a thumbs up, her grin mimicking her younger sisters.

"It's so terrifying how alike you two look," Dorcas whispered, shaking her head in disbelief, she was a literal miniature version of Adria, with a lighter colour of brown for her hair which was much shorter, but everything else was an uncanny resemblance.

"We aren't that alike," Adria laughed, earning scoffs from her friends who disagreed.

"Trust me, Ads, you are," Lily chuckled.

Dumbledore's speech was short like it usually was every year, and the song the hat sang got the same reaction as it usually did, the initial shock that the hat sang was rather amusing, and then all that was left was the sorting. It seemed as though the time passed slower than it usually would as both Alina and Adria waited for the youngest sister's name to be called out.

"Hopkins, Alina!" Adria didn't even realise that she had taken Sirius hand, squeezing it tightly with anticipation, but the boy didn't mind at all.

She was on the stall for just over four minutes whilst the hat made it's decision, and just like Adria, Alina fought with the hat as best she could, trying her best to get into the house she had read up on, and felt she was best suited for.

But just like in her sisters case, the hat got its way, and when the house adorned in green and silver erupted with cheers for the sister, Adria couldn't help her mouth which parted in shock, "Slytherin!" rang through her ears as she watched Alina walk to the table with wide eyes.

But not once during her shock was she not proud of Alina.

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