Chapter 29: Peter Pan Receives A Letter

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Gwen knew she was out of her mind when she decided not to tell James about the new information she got. The whole bioengineering foundation related to Peter Pan was most definitely useful, but something was just stopping her from letting him know. Why?

They had the same goals to arrest Peter Pan. Or did they?

Gwen shut her eyes and leaned back against the wrought iron park bench. Summer wind tickled her skin, and like most of Manchester, the clouds were gray, signalling a downpour. The rain reminded her of that night. The night she stopped Peter Pan and told him her new motive. Gwen sighed to herself.

Deep down, she knew. She knew the reason behind her reluctance to inform James about her findings. She visualised the sight of Peter Pan last night. It was unlike anything she had witnessed of him before. He was scared, in pain and traumatised. He showed her last night that he was human. Not the monster she thought he was. He was broken and hurt. Gwen knew so little of what made him such, but little was still far from nothing.

He was just like Anna. Maybe he had been through worse, turning him more into the monster he was now. However, much like Anna, he was traumatised, and she knew he had no one to confide to.

Anna never revealed her pain. She kept it bottled up till it was too much to contain. She snapped. Then ended her life. Peter must have too. The only difference, instead of killing himself, was hurting the people around him.

Gwen was too late. She could not help her sister. She was oblivious and stupid to have not showered her sister with the affection she needed. Gwen knew what she was trying to do now, she wanted to repent her sins. Could she help him before it was too late? Could she heal him?

Gwen laughed dryly to herself. She was most definitely having Stockholm Syndrome. She wanted to help the same man whose goal was to drive her insane. He already won if that were the case. Gwen was out of her mind.

Gwen stood up from the bench and walked over to her car, knowing the rain would pelt down soon. In her car, she stared at her hand. The same hand held onto his last night. The hand that gave him support. It made her believe, maybe helping him was not all that impossible. She wanted to see him, to make sure he was okay. Was he still frazzled from last night? Gwen shook her head and started her engine.

She was done for.

"I want to follow you to London," Gwen said.

James arched a brow. "And why is that?"

James had decided to meet her later that day to inform her. He was heading off to London once again to visit the J. Roger Private Investigator. Gwen decided she wanted to tag along; however, her agenda was much different from his.

She had done more research on the Neverland Bioengineering Foundation and hit the jackpot. One of the doctors involved was sentenced to prison for fifteen years in London. Therefore, to this day, Dr. Louis Young remains detained in H.M.P Wandsworth. As crazy as it may sound, she would pay a visit. Knowing full well James would insist on following, she had to make sure he was distracted so she could slip away.

"If you weren't aware, I am also part of this investigation team," Gwen said.

"Well, my train is tonight, if you're ready, I guess I could get you a ticket," James replied, still not fully convinced. Gwen gave him a thumbs up.

He explained that they would return midnight the following day at the earliest. Gwen phoned Pauline to inform her, as prom was only a day after she returned from London, as to avoid Pauline from going crazy. Gwen was quick to return home and pack. There was not much to bring, hence it was done and over with real quick.

Now the only problem was him.

The train was scheduled at half-past eleven. If Peter Pan came by, it would be midnight. As much as she could just leave, she did not want to. After last night, and earlier today, Gwen knew her motives were no longer the same. He stood at the border between enemy and... Something else. She had to see him before she left. But how? Was he even ready to face her after his episode last night?

She pulled out a piece of paper and decided to write him a letter. It was the least she could do.

I'm leaving for two days, be back by Friday. I know it's a stretch, but try not to cause problems while I'm gone...

Also, about last night, I hope you're feeling a little better.

I want you to know, you have not won, but I want to find out more about you. I want to know why you're angry, why you're scared. I know you won't like it, but I want to help you.

I'm sorry, but I won't give up on anyone. Not again.


Gwen folded the paper and was about to place it on the bed when she heard the creak of the windowsill.

"Where are you going?"

She whipped around and saw him leap off the sill into her bedroom. He was not amused, not mischievous, not lunatic, simply tired. His eyes were not as luminous and slight bags weighed them down. He looked at her packed bag, then back at her.

"I'm leaving somewhere for a couple of days," Gwen said.

He tilted his head, "Running away from me?" he asked, he sounded emotionless, yet the way he said it made her heart stutter.

Gwen shook her head. "No! I'm not a coward," she exclaimed. She walked over to him and pressed the letter against his chest.

"I need to do some things, I thought you would not come, so I wrote you this letter," she mumbled. She looked up and into his hollow eyes. He did not seem angry, but something else was flickering in his expression. Whatever it was, she felt her heart ache.

"Fine," he muttered. He stepped away, and grabbed the letter. They stood staring at eachother for a good half a minute, before Gwen said, "I promise I'll come back."

He looked slightly taken aback, as if she hit the spot. Was he worried she would not come back? Gwen could only wonder.

She grabbed her bag and slung it on her shoulder. "See you later," she said, spun on her heel and headed towards the door. "Lock the window will you?"


Peter Pan stood at the centre of Gwen's bedroom as he heard the main door click shut. He unfolded the crumpled paper in his hand and read the messy handwriting. She was more insane than he suspected, he concluded. He refolded the paper and slipped it into his pocket.

He did not need help.

However, as he left, he had to wonder why he he felt unsettled that she left, the strange emptiness he felt. He stepped out of the room and swung the window panels close. He was about to leap down, when for some reason, he did her a favour, and locked the window.

A/N: Happy New Year, Lost Boys! Leave a comment and a vote if you liked this chapter. 

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