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a/n: words with underlines are spoken in english!!


Prae is still eating when Arthit comes inside the room, his face is folded into 2 as if he does not care that Prae is keeping her eyes on him..

"Something went wrong, P'Arthit?"

"Oh, Prae.. No, I'm okay! How is the food?"

"Good" Prae stops eating and looks at Arthit in silent.. Both of them stay quite with something in their mind "So, have you eaten?" Arthit looks back at Prae and nods his head slow.. The room feels so awkward as both of them continue staying quiet.. Prae does not continue to finish her food either as the feeling of uncomfortableness is indeed true..

"What are you guys doing? What is with the atmosphere?" Kongpob walks side by side with Em towards Prae's bed slowly as he is needed to support Em from falling

"Oh, wadtee, P'Arthit" Em tries his best to wai before focusing more at Prae "Hey, Prae, how do you feel?"

"Fine, thanks, Em" Prae smiles awkwardly while still holding onto the styrofoam in one hand and the spoon on the other hand "What is wrong with you?"

"Oh, do you mean my leg? Nothing much, it is fine, no worries"

"Donot talk big while you cannot even stand properly, Em"

"Yah, Ai'Kong.. Can you just save my face for a bit?" Em whisper to Kongpob but his voice is loud enough to be heard by the other..

"It is not that you like her or anything"

"Still, she is a girl"

"Donot try to impress her, I will not give you permission to chase her"

"Aw, are you her bodyguard or something?"

"Well, you can say that"

"But you just acted like no one can take her from you"

"For people like you, I will certainly not let her be taken"

"Ouch, it sounds hurt" Kongpob rolls his eyes while Prae chuckles

"Donot only laugh, eat your food"

"Arraseo, Oppa" Prae teases Kongpob and continues scooping foods inside her mouth "But, Kongpob"

"Err, Prae?"

"How come you have your own name tag?" Prae points her finger out at Kongpob's new name tag with her free hand, doing multitasking of eating and making a conversation at the same time..

"Oh, yeah, it is because........ aw, where is P'Arthit?" Kongpob's question makes Prae and Em realize that their senior is no longer with them "I have something to talk to him.. Em, can you stay with Prae for a while?"

"Sure" Kongpob quickly runs outside to chase Arthit who should not be that far, it has been a while since both of them make some conversation and Kongpob slightly misses him "P'Arthit khrap" Kongpob reaches out to Arthit's shoulder as he tries to stop the older guy to step any further

"Anything you need, Nong?"

"Err, can we talk?"

"Are not we talking?"

"Well, emm, for the name tag.... thank you, Pee"


"Are not you the one who gave me this name tag?"

"Who said that?"

"Based on my own assumption"

"Donot be too confident"

"No one else will do, Pee"

"Does not mean that I'm the one who gave you"

"You can calm down when you talk, Pee.... Donot worry, I will not tell anyone"

"Well, you better keep in as a secret" Kongpob smiles as he knows that it is really Arthit who placed the name tag inside his locker.. Arthit might give him difficulties but he can somehow feel that the older cares so much about him and it is fun for Kongpob to get more attention from his senior.. He is aiming to make his dream comes true, even he suggests that the probability will not be that high..

"Pee" Kongpob stops Arthit from getting away and the older guy turns his back while rolling his eyes in disagreement "Why did you leave? Prae is still inside the room"

"She cares more about you than me"

"It is because she does not know you well"

"Yeah, probably true"

"Then? Did you even try to make a conversation with her?"


"Aw, why?"

"I..... donot know myself"

"Are you not feeling well?"

"I'm fine.. Talk to you later, Kong.. I'm rushing"

"Okay.... ah, Pee"


"Let's eat together tonight.. I'll bring Prae with me"


"I'll send you the address later, take care" with that Kongpob runs back and leaves his senior stonned in his place

♢ ♢ ♢ ♢ ♢

Arthit has received the address, but he does not seem sure to come or not.. He is in dilemma since he is afraid he does not know what to say later.. He keeps looking at his phone while suddenly his phone vibrates, showing Knott's name on the screen..

"Yah! Let's go!!"

"I cannot"

"Aw? Where are you?"

"Hmm, home"

"Shit, Ai'Arthit, just come okay, we are downstairs"

"I donot want"

"Why?! It is not that you are going on date, are not you?"


"Aish, you cannot lie to me, you jerk, who is it? Prae?"

"Shit, Ai'Knott"

"OMG!! REALLY?! What time? It is almost 8, why are you still at home? Come down, I'll send you.. Be quick" before Arthit can utter another word, Knott disconnected the call.. Arthit groans in pain as he has no choice now.. It is better for him to quickly proceed downstairs, otherwise his friends will brag inside his room and drag him out.. He quickly change his clothes and prepare himself well, but he does not seem right with everything.. He keep taking a deep breath and redo his hair as he does not satisfy with something..



"What makes you take so long?"

"YUHUUU, are you done, Ai'Arthit?" Arthit looks at his watch in horror.. He has never thought that he would take almost 30 minutes to get ready.. Leaving his hair untouched, he runs to the door before he got complain from his neighboors..

"Can you be more like human when you guys visit someone?"

"You do worse than us, scroundel"

"Shit, Ai'Arthit.. It has been a long time but you have not done yet?"

"Thought you said you will go soon... err, i mean you said that around 30 minutes ago"


"Euyy, I have not said anything, you cannot scold me!!" Tutah complains as he has not even said any insult words coming out from his mouth

"Are you going to stand there forever? Close the door and do your hair fast"

"Or you want me to do that?"

"NOOO!" Arthit reflectly screams when Bright offers him to do his hair.. He quickly goes away from the door and does his own hair in hurry..

"Are you nervous boy?" Knott suddenly comes beside Arthit and help him to do his hair

"Thanks" No more words utterred.. All of them busy with their own phone except Arthit and Knott

"YAHH YAHH YAHH!! LOOK AT THIS" Bright makes such a big noise which makes Tutah quickly shifts beside him "OMG, Arthit, are you sure you have a date with Prae?"

"You lie to us!! Prae is with Kongpob now and they look like having a good quality time together" Arthit keeps quiet while Prem starts to join the other two, looking at Bright's phone screen..

"You are having a date with Prae, right? Not Kongpob?" Knott's statement quickly makes Arthit opens his eyes bigger and shakes his head.. He could not open his mouth as somehow Knott's word is right.. Kongpob is the one who asked him to come and join them "So, you still wanna go?"

"What do you think after I have prepared myself like this?" Knott looks at Arthit's best clothes and nods

"Then let's go" Knott leads the way and the others follow them behind.. Bright keeps his eyes on the screen as he does not believe that Kongpob will get Prae easily.. He has never thought that he will lose against such a junior as he thought he is more handsome than Kongpob.. He keeps complain all the way to the appointment place even though the others have been ignoring him..

"Thanks Knott, have fun"

"Sure, you too"

"Good luck, you know you are ways better than 0062!! Even though I'm better than you guys"

"Shut your mouth, Ai'Bright and Ai'Arthit, go faster before they leave" Arthit nods his head slow and goes inside.. He looks around to find Prae and Kongpob, but he could not manage to do that..

"Sorry, khun, are you looking for someone?"

"Err, a girl and a guy"

"Can you please tell us their name?"

"Kongpob and....."

"Oh, khun Kongpob.. This way please" Arthit looked a bit lost but he is able to follow what the waitress ask him to do.. He looks around and almost find no place is empty, even the empty places are reserved.. The waitress leads him to the second floor and in a quick glance, Arthit is able to spot those two "khun Kongpob"

"Oh, P'Arthit! We have been waiting for you! Thank you, Kai!" Arthit sits on the empty seat left "We have ordered, but if you want something you can tell him" Arthit points his finger out to Kai and the guy smiles

"Nah, I'm fine"

"You have eaten, P'Arthit?"

"I have not, Prae, but I think you guys almost done with your foods"

"It is okay, P'Arthit, please order something" looking at Prae's smile, he feels like being hypnotized and in an instance, he opens the menu book and orders phad thai

"and Kai... bring me sour and sweet fried chicken, fried tofu and salted egg pork" Kongpob takes a quick glance at Prae before continue his words "big size"

"Kong! No, no, no, Kai, you should have never brought any of his orders here or please just the small one"

"Kai, please be quick, big please"


"Prae, P'Arthit is here.. Watch out on what you are doing" Prae groans while Kai smiles and leaves them alone.. Prae glances fiercely at Kongpob as she hates what he just did to her "We have not eat much, donot say that you are full, I will not believe"

"But if you order my favorite foods in a big size, argh! I hate you, Kong"

"I know you love me"

"Stop it.. I'm not anymore" Kongpob laughes while Arthit feels dumbfounded "Oh, P'Arthit, sorry, it is just a habit.. So, I'm glad that Kongpob invited you here.. Today is my treat for my thankfulness that you helped me this afternoon"

"Ah, you actually donot need to do that"

"It is okay, P'Arthit.. Well, I know that you are not a bad person though, well, Kongpob told me that he guessed you are not that bad... but anw, have you guys hanged out before?"

"No! We have never!"

"Aw, P'Arthit, calm down! Why do you act nervous? Are you hiding something?"

"No, Prae, I'm not hiding anything"

"Relax, P'Arthit.. You should not be that formal, we are Pee Nong" Kongpob chuckles as he heard what Prae said "Who asked you to laugh?"

"Since when you become wiser? He surely changed you, I heard you guys chat, right? You must be quite close"

"Well... not really?"


"She replied me quiet late, Kong.. I think I only get reply once a day"

"No! Wait! I'm doing that to everybody, even to Kong, right Kong?"

"Yeah, well, she is a type who like to meet and talk than chat, so probably we can hang out more if you want" Arthit smiles awkwardly for the response of Kongpob's words "Do you feel awkward, P'Arthit?"

"Kind of"

"Sorry, P'Arthit.. Let's not make it awkward, uhnnn, let's play a game!"

"Phone game?"

"Kong.. Do you want to die? Of course not! Hmmm, let me think.. Any idea?"

"Game? Idea?"

"Let's play guess a word" Kongpob puts a smirk while giving the idea "Let me start, okay? You guys discuss whatever I'm trying to say based on my body language"

"Sounds fun"

"Let's try" Kongpob starts to act.. Instead of guessing, Prae and Arthit look at each other and laugh.. The game keeps on going as Kongpob continues to act.. Prae and Arthit become closer and closer as they keep discussing, laughing and mocking Kongpob together..

"Yah, Kong! Please stop!! You are bad at it.. Really, I cannot guess anything.. You completely look like an idiot"

"Really, Prae, I should agree with you about this"

"Yahhh! I'm your childhood friend, how come you insult me like me that?"

"Oh! You guys know since you were a child?"

"Yeah, P'Arthit, he is like my everything"

"Why does it sound like boyfriend?"

"Maybe he will, once I'm 27 and still single"

"Prae, I donot believe you tell him about it or are you planning to let the whole world know?"

"Aw, there is nothing to be shy about.. I think it is okay to let him know, right, P'Arthit?" Arthit smiles and nods his head slow.. All three of them throw his head to the side once they heard noises from downstairs.. Kongpob and Prae look at each other..

"Hey, no worries.. I'll check" Prae smiles on Kongpob's assurance.. Kongpob stands on his feet, but before he can proceed downstairs, Arthit's friends showed up.. Prae quickly shifts behind Kongpob and hides there..

"Kong, why are they here as well?" Prae whispers in a low tone while grabbing the corner of Kongpob's shirt tight

"Relax, Prae, they will not harm you" Kongpob holds onto Prae's wrist gently as to make her feel safe behind him which make Arthit rolls his eyes and looks at his friends in mad

"Yahh, Arthit!!"


"So, can we join?"

"I cannot stop them, I'm sorry" Knott said his apologize to Arthit and Arthit can only sigh..

"khun Prae, khun Kongpob, we have said no more empty place since today is fully booked, but we cannot stop them, sorry" Kongpob tried to calm Kai down through his expression.. He, then, wai to the seniors and followed by Prae but then she quickly hides again behind Kongpob

"Oh, Nong.. Donot be afraid, we will not harm you"

"Yeah, we are fine, we want to have fun together with Arthit"

"Can we join?" Prae squishes Kongpob's clothes tighter as she does not feel that is a good idea..

"Uhnnn, well, yeah, why not?"

"Kong!" Prae whispers and pulls Kongpob's shirt to show her disagreement, but Kongpob ignores her..

"Kai, please bring more chairs"

"Khrap, khun" just right after Kai left, the foods are served.. Prae keeps herself close to Kongpob as she does not really welcome the other seniors..

"It is okay, I'm here" feeling the tense behind him, Kongpob keeps trying to calm Prae.. The time goes so slow, all of them stay quiet after Kongpob asked their seniors to order whatever they want.. Arthit types on his phone while some of the seniors do the same, he simply complains and scoldes his friends to make their way here.. It was fun before they came and ruined everything..

Kai soon comes back with chairs with him, the place soon becomes too crowded as the seniors join them, but luckily it does not disturb the guests.. No one seems care as some of them know that they are the owner.. Kai shows his apologetic face before making his way downstairs..

"Who is the owner? You or you?" Bright points his hand out to Kongpob and Prae alternately


"Eh? This restaurant is yours?"

"Kha, P'Arthit"

"aw, no wonder they respect you so much"

"Eyy, please donot do lovey dovey here.. We are still you senior, it is not polite to do that?" Bright complains as he catches Prae keeps herself really close to Kongpob and it irritates him somehow..

"Well, this is not school time you cannot ask them to do whatever they want"

"Control your jealousy, Bright.. If you envy them that much, please look for someone more seriously"

"Aw, aw, aw, why do you guys corner me, I did nothing wrong" Prem, Knott and Tutah roll their eyes while the other three sigh "Did we interupt something?"


"Aw, Ai'Arthit, you donot seem happy to see us here"

"Glad that you could tell"

"Aw, we were worry about you" Prae looks at Arthit and the other seniors alternately, but she does not speak anything

"Are you all thinking that we actually a couple?" Kongpob shows a horror expression then soon enough Prae hit his head playfully

"Donot make a random assumption, Kong" Prae finally said something since Kongpob opened his mouth too

"Aw, but they made me think something like that"

"Well, is not that true?" Bright's question makes Kongpob and Prae looks at each other then laugh.. Prae purposely hugs Kongpob from behind to make them continue their assumption about the rumor

"Just stop being a lovey dovey in public, you guys have never changed" before Bright can utter the similar thing, a couple of people come up to their table and in an instance, all eyes on them..

"Wow, Jun!! Long time no see" Kongpob stands up on his feet and hugs the guy while Prae screams a bit while hugs the girl

"Why did not you contact us if you are here? We should hang out together!"

"Because we have a thought that you will be here today"

"Aw, Jean!! How come you can still be a sweet person after having a relationship with this jerk?"

"Ouch, Prae.. Your words make me hurt"

"Stop it, Jun! She was actually saying the fact"

"After all these time, you are still being her knight?"

"Something wrong with that?" Kongpob raises one of his eyesbrows, instead of seeking an answer, his expression makes his opponent to keep his mouth shut

"Jun?" Jean shakes her boyfriend to pull his sense back "Is there something wrong?" Jun quickly shakes his head and smiles at his lover to calm her down

"Sorry, I did not mean to scare you.. I think it has been a while since you see this expression of mine, but anyway, I think you become a better person now" feeling a bit guilty, Kongpob tries to melt the situation

"Of course, Kong! We surely are a good match maker"

"You?!" three of them shout out loud at Prae which make the rest of the customers focus their eyes on them.. Jun, Jean, Kong and Prae instantly bow their bodies around to apologize before all of them chuckle while looking back at each other faces

"I wonder how Kongpob can stand almost his entire life living with this kind of girl"

"Yah! I'm not that bad" Prae pouts and the rest laughs again.. Just then, one of their seniors pretends to clear his throat and it makes Kongpob realize that they are not actually alone.. He quickly explains the situation to them and promises to meet soon.. Lastly, Kongpob calls Kai and tells him to serve them anything they want for free..

"Sorry, Pee, we admit we just did something wrong"

"I thought you have no more place?"

"Oh, did I?" instead of looking to Bright who gave him a question, Kongpob throws his glance on Prae and she gladly shakes her head to help her best friend "If you feel offended by our service, I'll take a place to say sorry for my employees' service, Pee" Kongpob said politely and Prae smiles in response, Prae has never worried about anything as long as Kongpob is there for her and she always believes that Kongpob always does his best for them..

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