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Clover sighed, the ride to the senators apartment was rough and slightly awkward, it was only four of them for this heist, wolf gave clover a reassuring pat on the shoulder and smiled at her, she smiled back

"Thanks wolf" muttered clover

"No problem" whispered wolf

Houston was counting something, while dallas was checking his pistol and reloading it. Wolf shuffled close to clover

"Those two are more alike then they realise" whispered wolf

Clover nodded "except one can stealth"

"Yeah, but he's a ghost"

Twitch pulled up outside

"Thats why houstons on the heist" said dallas, wolf had a mini panic attack and stared at dallas, houston glanced at them

"Whispering in a silent van isn't a good idea" said houston

He and dallas got out the van and took the back stairway to the roof, clover and wolf laughed and followed after, all put their masks on once they got to the roof. Houston and clover made their way into the apartment and looked around, bain couldn't stop marvelling at the place and completely going off track for a few minutes. After 5 minutes wolf had already muted bain on his ear piece

"Fuck that" said wolf, earning a small amount of snickering over coms from clover and houston. Clover managed to find most the things they needed, like the hard dives and the phone. While houston accidentally stumbled across the tablet and computer, he passed clover and handed them to her, she nodded and snuck back to the roof, houston searched around, he noticed a small light behind the bookcase in the senators bedroom and went to investigate. Houston looked at it

"Hey, i think i found the vault" whispered houston

"Thats good,  i can see you on the cameras, ill warn you if anyone comes in" said dallas, clover placed the hard drives, phone, tablet and computer down on the table nearby, bain got to work. Houston sighed and started trying to move the bookcase, he pressed his side against it and pushed it. Houston managed to move the bookcase partly to reveal the safe, he slipped in through the gap, not wanting to waste anymore time with a fucking bookcase, and looked around

"Im in, its locked though" whispered houston

"Not for long" chimed bain

"Clover, get down there and give hou some cover" said dallas

Clover nodded and went back into the apartment, houston heard the guards walking outside and got slight anxiety. What happens if they find him? What if they find the others? What would happen if-

"Houston, calm down, they don't know yet" said dallas over coms

"S-sorry, i-" stuttered houston

"No, its okay, just focus alright, clover is nearby"

Houston sighed "alright"

Clover snuck in through the gap and looked at houston  "You alright?" 

Houston nodded "how are we gonna open this damn vault?" 

"No clue"

Clover groaned slightly "wolf we're stuck"

"And?" Said wolf via coms

"We don't know how to open the vault"

"You open it. Like a normal person"

Houston pulled open the door, both of them went slightly red with embarrassment and grabbed the gold, they managed to squeeze through the gap and get to the roof, bile flew over and hovered nearby, clover and houston threw the gold in. They all climbed into the chopper, an fbi chopper flew over head. Bile growled and flew away, the fbi chopper chased after, wolf slightly leaned out and shot at it. Bile meanwhile was swearing like there was no end and avoiding and fire from below

"Shit! You're gonna have to bail!" Yelled bile

Wolf got back inside the chopper "its out of range"

"Fuck, okay, bile drop us down somewhere the chopper can't find us" said dallas

Houston and clover were getting their guns ready for a fight, wolf reloaded

"Ok" said bile

Bain was busy panicking and getting and escape driver, bile had to avoid a rocket from below

"They have rpgs! We're in serious danger" shouted bile

Clover looked at wolf "oi, wolf, you and i take the gold"

Wolf nodded, alarms went off

"Going down people! Hold on!" Shouted bile, dallas moved over to houston 

"Guys over here" called dallas

Clover and wolf moved over, bile managed to move the chopper so it didn't hit a building, dallas looked out

"We are gonna crash at a  park, one good thing, its a forest" shouted bile

Dallas nodded "okay. If anyone makes it try find the others. Stay 5 minutes max"

The others nodded, the chopper crashed. Wolf was flung out of the chopper and landed not to far away. Clover was pushed out and landed on the ground not to far from wolf. Bile and Houston scrambled out in time. Dallas managed to get out just after them. Wolf got to his feet and ran to clover, he helped her up and they moved over to dallas, Houston and bile.

"Too close" said bile

"Way too close, is everyone okay?" Asked dallas

Everyone nodded. "Lets get out of here" 

The group moved to the edge of the forest but stayed in the cover, the FBI were moving to the crash sight, so it was a good distraction. Clover noticed houston sat away from the others, he was frowning and staring the group, clover moved over to him

"You okay" asked clover

Houston nodded and kept staring at the floor, clover looked at wolf and dallas and shrugged, wolf shrugged back while dallas watched the road, but by the way his mask would move clover could tell he would glance at them. She moved away and started talking to wolf. Keeping quiet so they weren't found but also laughing at small jokes. Bile was on a phone with bain talking. Wolf turned to slightly face houston, he then looked at Dallas 

"Dallas, houston needs a lil help" muttered wolf

Dallas nodded and walked over to houston, clover was slightly clueless on what was going on. She watched dallas for a second before looking at wolf

"Whats going on?" Asked clover

"The crash or-" started wolf

"No. With houston"

"Oh, yeah... he has a small thing where if something bad happens, he may, and im guessing here, get flashbacks or something? Anyway he goes into a little panic mode and dallas is the only person that can properly calm him, chains and i can keep hims from dying and staying calm enough until dallas comes back"

Clover heard small sobs and looked over again, houston was nuzzled into dallas sobbing, clover looked at wolf, wolf got up and walked over

"Does he need a group hug?" Asked wolf

"No, its not that bad this time" said dallas

Wolf nodded and sat back down by clover, the van eventually turned up and they all got in, houston wasn't sobbing anymore, they sat down, houston just rested on dallas and fell asleep, wolf took the opportunity and also leaned on dallas, dallas sighed as wolf fell asleep, clover smiled and took off her mask

"Over now" sighed clover

"And no bullet holes so it's better" said dallas

She laughed "stealth, stressful but fun"

Dallas rolled his eyes and took his mask off.


Sorry, no pain today. Just some emotions and that. If i offended anyone then im sorry

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