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Seokjin POV

As both Y/N and I agreed, we are searching through he hallways for Taehyung. I have a bad feeling about this...

I was looking around like Y/N and I agreed but I didn't find anything. I took my phone out to call her but at that time a rushed woman bumped me with her shopping cart and I dropped my phone. Then my phone suffered an accident as my phone was beneath the wheels of it.

"My phone!!"- I screamed.

"You should watch where you're going young man"- The woman who was to blame said.

"You're came to me old woman"- I told her I'm my best english and she was surprised at me.

"Old woman!? How dare!?"

"Young man?! How dare you?!"- I mocked her attitude.

"I'm 28!"- she told me

"Me too karen!"

My phone died and she left angry. What should I do!? I need to find Y/N.

I go hall by hall and I can't find her. Anywhere. I checked the shops cameras and I can only assume what happen. Y/N was seen in a camera from hille 8 but then she wasn't seen by the cameras from the hilles nor after or before. She was following a man, who to me seems like Taehyung.
They caught her in a death angle so I wouldn't see where they took her....




After all that happened at the store, I opened my eyes just to find me thighed upto a chair. My head hurts, but I quickly realized I'm not at the store anymore. I am clearly in an old and abandoned place with a smell of dust mixed rust. Maybe an old pipe store...

I look around and no one is here. At this point I realized something. Taehyung knew we were coming for him...How?...My first thought goes to Jungkook. Maybe he never forgave what Jin did to him and told on us...or maybe...I was fool and I fell for a liar...Maybe it was Jin from the begining...Maybe he planned all this with Taehyung and Jungkook so I would stop investigating the gang...I mean...he is the son of the leader after all...

I put my quick thoughts aside and I focused on getting out of here. I tried to shake my body so the ropes fall, but it's no use. They're too tight... I look around and I have no idea what to do...


It's been three days... Some gangsters have been coming around to guard me and give me food although I refuse to eat... They beat me and force me to eat thought... They keep asking me things about the investigation but I resist...

"Someone save me...someone...please..."- I weakly call for help but it's no use.

Then someone entered accompanied by more gang members with a smile on his face...Taehyung...

"So, I hear you don't want to open your mouth and tell us how far you are in this detective play of yours"-Taehyung told me an inch away from my face, still with a sadistic smile on his face and a lollipop on his mouth.

I still didn't open my pretty and beaten lips.

"I see... Jin chose a tough a girl"- he mocked me - "So tell me then what your price?"

"Price?"- I was disgusted if he thinks I would sell my honor for money

"Oh, you are not def! So you haven't been answering me because you don't want to, so tell me whats your price to tell me where Jin is at this moment. See, we were using you as a bait thinking he would come for his lost princess since we couldn't find him at that stupid store, but...clearly not... guess he didn't like you that much"- taehyung told me to my face and I was holding up my tears so he wouldn't see weakness in me. 

I didn't want to show like I cared, but it hurt hearing it from someone else...

"I don't have a price migth as well kill me now. You can't buy me with your filty money."- I kept my strong character.

"Okay. So how about him?"- Taehyumg said and then his men brougth a beaten Jungkook and my eyes widened -"It seems like you two became friends in this whole process since he was whiling to betray us.. See, I heard a little converstion between this little bunny and who I believed to be Jin...you know switcing phones and all... I'm not dumb"- Taehyung said sounding like a psychopath and I realized he was as mad as Jungkook as he was at me. 

I doubted him, but it seems like he protected us, like he promised. So I doubted Jin too for no reason. I still stayed silent....

"Still nothing?... alright"- Taehyung said and made a movement with his hand. His man understood his signal and kicked Jungkook in the stomach.

"Ahh"- Jungkook was in pain

"No!"- I said as a reflex.

"No?...so will you talk?..."

"I don't know where Jin is!"- I told Taehyung.

"Pff, as if"- He didn't believe me.

"The last time I saw him was at the store"- I said and he gave me a heavy sigh like that wasn't the answer he wanted.

Jungkook got punched again.

"Where are two staying?"- Taehyung seriously asked me and I hesitated. He moved his hand again so his man would beat Jungkook.

"Fine, fine!...we are at a motel... it's in the main street of the city...."- I lied but made it believable.

"What's the name of that motel?"- He asked me.

"Juicy..."- I said. The truth is that I remembered that motel just by passing by it. When I explored the city, I created reference points in my head so I could localize myself if I was lost. It was lie that we were there, but it was true that motel existed.

"Search it on google maps"- Taehyung asked his man. The man showed him it was a real motel and Taehyung looked at me suspiciously.
He came so close to me that I could feel his hot breath on my ear.

"If I find out you are lying to me... I'll kill you....you and the little bunny..."- he told me in a secretive and shivering whisper.

Then he left with his three men and left Jungkook bleeding on the ground with me. He was a little far from me but it was like he was dying. His face was swollen and marked with blood as his clothes are stained with red too.

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