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"Well baby I've been alone for almost all my life
What makes you think that you could ever do me right
You're the same old song,"
~ Same Old Song, The Weeknd

As it turns out, 'downstairs' is a dark, dirty basement. The second I was dragged in, the pungent smell of blood and death invaded my nostrils. I gagged and struggled against Lucas, who kept a firm grip on my wrist. He didn't seem the least bit bothered by the smell, probably because he was so use to it. What the hell do they do to people down here?

I had a feeling I didn't want to know the answer.

Reality smashed into me like a eighteen-wheeler. They took you. And now they're locking you away.

"Please," I gasped, trying to breathe through my mouth instead of my nose. "Please, just—just let me go. I won't tell anybody; I'll forget this ever happened! Please!"

So much for a brave face.

He didn't reply. He dragged me across the dirty floor, his strides quick and purposeful. Before I could even register what was happening, I was tossed to the floor. He climbed on top of me, holding my legs down with his and keeping my hands locked together with one of his own. I thrashed against him, using all the free strength I had to try to throw him off me—but to no avail. Stuck. You're going to be stuck here.

"This will be much easier," he said in an exasperated tone, "if you do not fight me."


"Neila, yes?" He asked.

I nod and swallow thickly as bile threatened to rise up.

"I can be a patient man, Neila. I'd very much prefer doing this the easy way. Wouldn't you?"

"Please," I tried again. "Just let me—"

Something cold, heavy, and metal locked around my wrist. He pulled himself up and dusted himself off.

"If he wants something from you, do it. You do not want to know what happens if you don't."

"Then help me. Please, okay? Just...let me go."

He shook his head. "Remember what I said."

He turned. Began walking away. I don't know how long I screamed for. Screamed for him to come back, to let me go, to help me. Cursed myself for getting involved in this shit again. Cursed everyone I'd ever met. I screamed and cursed until my voice was hoarse and my throat was dry and my head was pounding.

"You must be hungry." Chris' hand went to my lower back and he led me to the table set up on the balcony. It was breezy out, but I didn't mind. "I hope you don't mind, I took the liberty of calling room service while you showered."

"No, I don't mind at all."

The table was set for two, with a candle placed in the middle as well as a vase with the most beautiful flowers I'd ever seen.

"What kind of flower is that?" I asked, gently touching a petal.

"It's called plumeria." He leaned in close, his body pressing against mine. It wasn't sexual. Just comforting. He rested his chin on my shoulder. "Pretty, aren't they?"

"Pretty?" I laughed. "They're beautiful. It's the most beautiful flower I'd ever seen."

"You will be showered with them," he promised, kissing my neck and pulling away. "Sit. You must be hungry."

I took a seat, but the sights of the city was distracting. I'd never been to New York before and I certainly never expected to one day visit. It was much more than I expected and better than I could have dreamed of. The City That Never Sleeps. A name I finally understood. It was almost one in the morning, yet the city lights shone and there were still signs of life. Night life here must be amazing. Another thing I couldn't wait to experience.

"You find beauty in all things," Chris said, watching me. "I love how enchanted you are by everything you see."

"Well, it is beautiful."

I'd been confined to my calm life in Colorado. I had loved it there, though. It was beautiful. But it wasn't New York. No, I'm not sure any city could compare to this one.

"You'll get use to it, Cherry. You're going to see the world and all the beauty it has to offer."

I wanted to. I wanted to see the world. I wanted to see everything. "Promise?"

"I promise you, Cherry." He smiled, his lips stretching wide, revealing his straight, white teeth. "You'll have it all."

I wanted it all. Maybe that was the selfishness in me. I wanted everything he was willing to offer and more. I think I deserved at least that. I smiled to myself and leaned back in my chair. He reached over and lifted the silver dish cover, revealing a steaming plate of food. I licked my lips.

I promise you, Cherry. You'll have it all...

Empty promises, false hopes, and crushed spirits. I laughed, and then laughed harder when I realized I'd found it funny.

Had he really fucked me up that bad?

I grinned. What do I have? Tyler's gone. Milan's gone. Grandma's gone. Everyone who ever cared about me is either dead or gone. Mom is dead. Dad is gone. Even Chris. He's dead and gone too.

Tears rolled down my cheeks as every word and every promise he made came back to me. I'll take care of you, Cherry. It's me and you, Cherry. You're going to have everything you've every desired. You'll have it all. I will give you it all. I laughed harder, the tears uncontrollable. I laughed and sobbed. I wasn't sad nor amused.


Just angry.

Very, very angry.


I woke up with a sore throat, a raging headache, and a terrible pain in my back.

The floor was cold and hard and sitting up proved to be quite the challenge. It took several seconds of grunting and even more time of pushing myself up to a seated position before I realized I wasn't alone. I hadn't noticed him at first. It was considerably dark and he was quiet. My eyes sought his as he stepped forward, away from the shadows. 

"You can't just keep me here," I whispered hoarsely. My throat burned but I ignored the pain. It was the least of my worries.

"Why not?" His head tilted to the side, eyes narrowed in curiosity. Genuine curiosity. "No one is looking for you. I think I could keep you here for as long as I wish."

"If you're going to kill me—"

"No, no, no." He shook his head and tsked at me like I was a child he caught stealing from the cookie jar. "Relax, Neila. We have much to discuss before it comes to that."

He sighed heavily and started pacing, hands clasped firmly behind his back, head held high. He's the poster boy for perfect posture. Perfect everything. There was an elegance to him that I couldn't match. that I'd never seen in anyone else. It was in the way he walked, the way he talked, the way he looked. Despite that, there was something else. Something much darker, much harsher. 

"You know, I looked into you," he said casually, as if he were talking about what he had for breakfast instead of how he basically did a background check on me. "Lorenzo hadn't given me much to go on, but thankfully there were surveillance cameras set up everywhere at the party. I asked around, nobody seemed to know who you were."

"I don't know what you want from me, but—"

"I had to ask someone much higher than locals. Finally, I got a name." He tilted his head. "Cherry."

I grit my teeth.

"You have fucked a lot of men, Cherry."

"Don't call me that."

He smirked, clearly satisfied with having gotten  rise out of me. "I learned some things about you. Your mother was a drunk who died in a terrible accident. It wasn't instant. Her car caught on fire and she burned to death."

I sucked in a sharp breath. "That's not true. She died on impact."

He hummed. "No, she did not. You father was not in the picture, so you went to live with your grandmother. You were arrested for prostitution at nineteen--"

"You know what? I don't need a recount of my life story. I lived it."

He smiled. "Now I did get curious and look into Christopher Tide. He doesn't exist."

My eyes narrow. "What? That's not possible."

"Very possible. Christopher Tide is an alias. You should know about aliases, right Cherry?'

I glared at him.

"I'm not here to talk about your past.  It doesn't concern me. What does concern me is the two-hundred thousand dollars you managed to get out of my brother." He stopped pacing and turned to face me, face serious. His eyes hardened and he took a threatening step closer.

I hadn't meant to, but I moved back. The chains rattled at the movement. He was intimidating. He had this aura around him. He demanded to be seen, to be noticed, to be respected. To be feared.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"If I haven't made it clear already...I don't appreciate being lied to."

Chills rolled down my spine in waves. His tone was so cold, so self-assured. He was prepared to do whatever it takes. I swallowed. His eyes didn't miss the movement, honing in on my throat. A mischievous grin spread across his face. He resembled a cheshire cat. A gorgeous, deadly cheshire cat.

"You stole money from my brother," he said simply. "My family. Now, the money I don't care about. Money comes and it goes. It's the principle. The lack of respect."

"So you can understand why I will not stand for it." He walked until he was in front of me, hovering over me. I felt small in his presence. Weak. Unimportant. And I was all those things. He crouched down until his eyes were level with mine. "So the question is..."

His hand raised, and he gently tucked my hair behind my ear. His eyes held no empathy. I didn't matter to him. My life was in the hands of a man who cared little to none about whether I lived or died.


His finger slowly lowered, dragging my lip down until his finger was at my chin and then lowering...lowering...slowly dragging down my neck...my collarbone...down...

"do I..."

...Down the valley of my breasts and further down to my belly.


He toyed with the edge of my shirt. His eyes never left mine. They kept me rooted to the spot, they held my gaze. Unwavering. His lips curl up into a sinister smile and his hand disappeared under the shirt, his knuckles grazing my skin.

"...with you?"

I bit my lip to keep it from noticeably quivering. He pulled back and made his way towards the steps.

"Do you miss Cherry?"

The words didn't take long to register. And when they did, I immediately reacted, jumping up and lunging toward him. No! The chain restricted me from going far, yanking me back harshly. My wrist burned where it bit into my skin. He stopped and turned back to look at me.

"Ah." He nodded, eyes lighting up at my reaction. "I see."

"Just fucking kill me!" I shouted.

"Now where is the fun in that?" He raised a perfectly sculpted eyebrow. "How about it, Neila?"

My chest heaved, my panic rose, my body shook. 

"Shall I make you Cherry again?"

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